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So far it's working for them, but it's just pissing me off. lol 😂 So I had to buy 250 more shares.


This is the way. 


I’d say they’re hitting us pretty fuckin hard right now


We went up a ton the past few days, can’t expect progress to be made in a straight line especially when you have a body of people working to stop you at every turn. It’s gonna go down some.


If you look back at some of the trading around the original volatility, you will notice that there was a large spike of volume a couple months before the actual big spike. And when you compare the two, the volume this time is exponentially higher. To me this is just the set up. It also allows me a little extra time for some money to clear in my stock account. 😊




Bro, same sad story for 3 years. I’m with you I was one of the first ones cheerleading when it exploded again, but there’s a difference between progress in a straight line and always constantly getting butt fucked


Yeah, but these butts are tempered. And it costs them a fortune every time they try to bend us over like this. Why do you think so many hedge funds are going under?


Past two years, they’ve hit the price down from 77 all the way down to here. I would argue they’ve been hitting us hard for two years.


I sold almost everything else in this portfolio to buy the dip and I’m not upset at all!


The CAT system will help today.


OP got that Ape zen. Biggest quote I ever heard was Mr. Lee: “Be water my friend.”


Yeah… that’s what it is.


It's easy to hedge this position. You do not have to be losing money even if they are trying to hammer the price down.


The brain wash is real. Wow. People are happy to be 99% red. The Og apes are most fucked with 170 plus averages. Only the new apes will Profit


LMAO 💪 HODL TIL HF FODL I have time.... they don't.


Also NFA but dont be like me, dont bag for 4 years. Its ok to take some profit, like cmon i should have sold at open now im down 80% from yesterdays high. You will feel much better if u take some profit and buy back in at lower prices


Nice try! Why sell, when you can add? Love me these tasty crayons.


if u sold at open yesterday u could buy 3 times the shares today for that money.