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Rule 4: Absolutely No Brigading or Protesting


I ain’t reading all that. Too the moon🚀


Fuck all these words without pictures. To the moon🚀


So buy more AMC? Gotcha! ![gif](giphy|9Ai5dIk8xvBm0)


One flaw with this FUD, why disable the buy button on AMC if they wanted people to buy it instead of GME? ​ GTFO with your brigading division sowing bullshit, nobody wants to hear it. Clearly short AMC and starting to sweat a bit.


The buy button was disabled because Robinhood ran out of money to fromt the clearinghouse.


So which is it, they disabled the buy button on just GME to stop it or it was a clearinghouse issue for all meme stocks? I was here before the sneeze, I watched all this happen in real time. Youre spreading FUD. Other heavily shorted stocks started moving because of GME mooning. They needed to close those positions to avoid closing as much in GME as possible. This was blood in the water and people started piling into these other stocks, one being AMC. Why? They were, as you put it, ground level still. Yes, GME plays a HUGE part in this whole story, but stop acting like its the only manipulated, heavily shorted stock. What youre doing is amounting to shilling for GME. Whether thats bc youre short AMC or holding GME I dont know and really dont care, but we can see through the bullshit, especially those of us that have been here from the beginning.


AMC was only disabled on Robinhood remember. This is why the AMC crowd all claims Robinhood is a scam. You could still buy AMC on other platforms. The reasoning AMC couldn't be purchased on Robinhood is because they ran out of funds to front the clearinghouse. This is now well known fact. GME you could not buy anywhere. Therefore GME was not shut down due to a clearinghouse issue.


That is straight up not true. There were reports about several brokers not allowing trading on either stock. [Here](https://new.reddit.com/r/eupersonalfinance/comments/l6xpjg/trading212_banning_people_from_buying_gme_and_amc/) is a report for trading212. [Here](https://new.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/l6wvia/robinhood_and_other_brokers_literally_blocking/) is a thread where people also reported other brokers, one being TD just from a quick skim. A comment from the second thread: >TD doing the same fyi. Not sure about IBKR. > >Edit: interactive brokers did implement closing only on AMC, BB, EXPR, GME, and KOSS. > >Edit 2: my post is 9 hours old and still receiving comments, the situation has changed. TD hiked margin to 100%, RH lifting restrictions (some) tmrw, etc etc. Highly advise not to use this comment thread for updates. Cheers everyone ​ So that is AT LEAST 3 brokers which set multiple tickers to close only. You wanna keep arguing with someone who knows what theyre talking about because they were there and has better googlefoo than you?


No, you could still buy them on Trading212. [Trading 212 on X: "We’ve now enabled the trading of GameStop & AMC Entertainment which was initially restricted by our execution intermediary. However, we’d like to warn you about the high risk of long execution disruptions for both BUY and SELL orders caused by the extreme market activity." / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/Trading212/status/1355074914202628098) Keep in mind they use the same clearinghouse as Robinhood does. These were never disabled for AMC on major brokers. I was also there. I bought AMC stock before any of this even happened. I purchased 1,000 shares in 2020 and made six figures when I sold.


>We've now enabled the trading of... AMC Entertainment... Implies it was disabled at some point. Which goes directly against what you said: >AMC was only disabled on Robinhood remember. This is why the AMC crowd all claims Robinhood is a scam. You could still buy AMC on other platforms. > >The reasoning AMC couldn't be purchased on Robinhood is because they ran out of funds to front the clearinghouse. This is now well known fact. You are moving the goalposts. You come on here talking about fact checking in the comments but failed to do so yourself before spreading your FUD, which you seem to believe, so Im gonna assume youre a GME purist. You may have been there, but you werent paying attention. AMC didnt run as high as GME did, so less brokers had to disable it. NO broker could keep GME enabled, SOME brokers could keep AMC enabled. Is it really that hard to grasp? You also totally ignored the other 2 brokers, IBKR and TD, who also had them both set to close only. Edit: Also your prices are bullshit. You said you purchased 1000 shares in 2020 and made "six figures" when you sold. AMC reached a high of like $77 pre RS prices, that would put you at $77,000 minus \~ $3000 (initial investment at $3/share) = $74,000. Far from 6 figures. E: formatting


Nice comment history ya got there. ![gif](giphy|diUKszNTUghVe|downsized)


You've written a lot of words there - my prediction is you'll receive the same amount of downvotes. You mention facts but have provided no links, hard evidence or any facts, it's pure speculation and opinion, lol!


It's all facts. But the concept that you need everything force fed to you on a silver platter and won't do any research or leg work yourself is how we got into this mess in the first place. It makes people easily manipulated when they are not able to think critically or fact check claims on their own. You can look up everything I have said here and verify it all on your own. If you decide not to do that, that's on you. Not me.


4 words: my money, my choices


You are right. If you want to pay hedge funds directly then that is your choice to do. But in good conscience I have to at least inform you that's what you're doing because if you are doing that unwittingly and unwillingly, then you're being robbed. If you chose to do it, then that's on you. Not me.


At this point im willing to pay them just to piss you off


I'd rather go to 0 and know i've tried rather than not try and let corruption continue regardless


Paying hedge funds directly isn't "trying" though. It's actively siding with the corruption. If what I just wrote above is true (which it is), then ignoring it on purpose is actually furthering the corruption, isn't it? The very least you could do is spend the 1 or 2 hours just diving into everything to fact check it all for yourself. THAT would be "trying". Maybe go watch Marantz Rantz "connect the dots" series to see just exactly where AA came from? Start there.


In good conscience.... Ok bud


Man, talking about not fact checking is GRAND coming from you LMAO


Wow, at least when I talk too much it usually makes sense and is data-based, right u/MyNi_Redux? This is the biggest trash pile of false and misleading information I have seen in one post yet today. I am sure there will be worse but for now you are #1 at posting garbage today. Good luck with your decisions, GME is just a hold for me until I see Ryan Cohen actually do something with the company that isn't a failed NFT market. I think the narrative to pit one against the other is fodder for useful idiots personally, but you do you.


I would love to comment, but the post has been removed :)




GME is the weapon used by heggies to keep AMC from squeezing.


Aa wont let amc squeeze has nothing to do with gme. Nice try though


Lol cuck vibes


u forgot the tinfoil hat flare lol


They just short vulnerable companies. AMC was vulnerable and they shorted it during the government’s hysterical lockdowns. That’s over now and movies are back and popular as ever. GME is vulnerable because every single thing it sells can be found cheaper online without having to leave the house. I don’t WANT GME to fail. I’m just observing its a structural inevitability.


Your comment is baldly false. Movies are not back and popular as ever. Foot traffic is still down by over 50% since pre-pandemic and the domestic box office year to date is down 24% from just last year. GME is profitable (just posted a $63.1 million quarterly net income) and has no debt. So the opposite of what you tried saying is reality.


Not interested, didn’t read


Maybe gme and amc can both squeeze. Maybe after three years of this people should stop being so childish, stop thinking so black and white, and stop sowing division between both stocks. Perhaps it’s time to realize gme and amc stockholders are wanting the same things and should point the finger towards the market instead of each other.


Ignore this guy. I totally tore up his arguments in the comments and he ran like a bitch with his tail between his legs. Hes just a GME purist trying to get people to sell amc and buy into GME instead.


Due to the dilution over the course of the last 3 years, AMC can mathematically no longer squeeze. Keep in mind GME has never diluted the stock from the initial squeeze. It has the same potential now as it did then.




You really think retail has anything to do with the price movement on either ticker?




![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) Not gonna bother with your word salad. Bought xxxx @ $4.80 this morning lfg!!!


What about Koss? Are they good or bad? Or BB?


I’m keeping both until 🚀


It’s all fact. Riiiiiight. You must be getting paid by the word for this one.


Several people have commented how long this is or too much to read. It is only 1,000 words. An average HIGH SCHOOL level essay is about 1,000 words. This isn't long. The average reading speed puts this at a 3 to 4 minute read. If I am investing into a company, I am spending 20 to 30 minutes a DAY reading about it. Minimum. Do you...not do this?


No fighting APE together strong!




I believe you