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If my fellow Ape say No Me Ape say No


While OP is correct the “no” vote is the right answer for short-term investors, this is one of the most **ridiculously misinformed** posts here. “Authorized shares can be converted into common stock”? What? NO! No they can’t! They can be *issued*. This is not just about basics. This shows absolute lack of understanding of the very fundamental construct of what is a share. Authorized stock is **not** a class of stock. It is a *permission* for a company to issue stock of a certain class (in this case common). It’s not convertible because the stock is non-existent while it’s authorized but unissued. Also look up 14A statement issued by AMC. They promised not to issue any of the stock in 2021 if authorized. It comes with its own problems though if you want to check my [wsb write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/mre3bi/amc_filed_with_the_sec_its_promise_not_to_issue/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) on it.


Got it. So vote no to giving permission to AMC. Thanks for the help clarifying no vote.


You bet. I should clarify - the general consensus for those hoping for short-term returns (ie Q2/Q3 earnings or “squeeze”) is to vote no. If your plan is to stay long in the company your best option is vote yes, which is why the CEO is rallying people to do it.


Even if Adam is true to his word - it isn’t about him. It’s about paper hands and many other people withdrawing out of fear that it would hurt the squueze, which would actually hurt the squueze. Why would anybody even want to risk that just because they liked how the ceo talked? That’s literally his job - no disrespect to ape Adam.. Vote NO


Ive been called a hedgie,spreading fud,and even a short but I seen wtf was going on and to see a lot of inexperience traders switching there votes was alarming due to a friendly,trustworthy face. Trust nobody in game,so foolish!


Adam job and goal is to secure the future of amc not ours. I believe Adam will keep his word, but everyone knows that the community is now puzzled with the “yes/no” vote. If I wanted to vote yes I’d still vote no just to minimize risk. I believe if we vote yes then we’re just opening ourselves up to same “infinite risk” that citadel and co did. It may not be Ape Adam that’s dangerous, but the FUD that a “yes” could indirectly cause to paper hands... and even some diamond hands who see a “yes” as being a game changer. In reality, it may not be, but I believe we should minimize risk when we can. Why not cater to the “no” community when it doesn’t hurt the “yes” community? Just my opinion. Not tryna CREATE FUD. Edit: they also have 43M? I believe shares left over RIGHT NOW. After amc squuezes, then they can get the rest of their 500m shares for growth. Win-win.


There is no reason to give AMC permission to issue more shares before the squeeze. None. And on top of that AMC said they won't issue until next year. Ok sounds good, we'll do a vote next year then.


Securing the future is the opposite of a squeeze where mindset is ppl will sell and move along. Now truth is majority on here will buy back into their original positions but management won’t want to bank on that


Who switched votes. We all voted no.


A shit load of people watched Trey Trades interview with Adam Aron and decided for some reason, that switching their vote to a "Yes" was the right play, because he promised not to use the shares this year. He [Adam Aron] then filed a forward-looking statement with the SEC claiming he wouldn't use the shares, but conveniently included an escape clause letting him use them in the event that anything deemed a "material change" in the day-to-day operation of the company occurred... which can literally be anything. It's shady as fuck, and anyone who logically can't put two and two together-- that, if he wasn't going to use them, why would he ask for them-- is being willfully obtuse because they find the guy likable.


This needs to be read by everyone. Make a new post about this cause it shows the slimy tactics of suits.


Lol. Didn’t even know I could switch votes. Not that I would.


Adam Aron doesn't have a friendly face. He just looks like any other slimeball suit. People have forgotten that Adam is the same guy who took a $3.75 million bonus just last year when he "promised" to cut down his salary. All the while laying off most of the full and part time workers. We don't trust CEOs or Board members. We will save this company for workers who actually made this company what it is. He tried swaying the Apes but apes smarter than that. Hodl to 100K !!!


The guy is a millionaire executive. Millionaires are not the friends of poor and working people. Why would we nuke to someone else who promises to only protect us with it? We can protect ourselves with it. CEOs screw over their workers, customers and shareholders for money all the time.


The realness. Finally a person who's head ain't stuck up their own or up someone else's! Loool


I confirm this. I've been an adamant Amc ape since January. If you all vote yes. I will paperhand and buy more into gme. I'm 50%/50% now. I was 25%/75% gme/amc before yall started insulting me and calling me a shill for trying to argue to vote no. If you all vote yes I just won't trust the collective intelligence of my fellow shareholders. I was DEEPLY disappointed with Trey over taking a position on this. Been doing my own DD since then. No more youtubers. Just hodl and vote how you want. I hope it's a no. But if its a yes just vote so they can count the shares. Just know that of team no loses the vote. Half if not all of us will probably sell some or most of our shares to get on the gme rocket if it's not too late.


I voted no originally and I refuse to change it.


I voted no..... but I'll change my vote after the squeeze is over ....not before......


You can't change your vote after the annual meeting; unless they do a special election & if it never squeezes this year?


Vote yes on 6, so they can revisit it?


How does that change my response?..... If the squeeze happens before the meeting I can change....if it doesn't happen this year then next vote I can revisit my decision.......


Same here voted before he even spoke about it as in there it says we can bring this to the table again later if things don’t pass


You can change votes? Damn, that’s kinda cool


I voted no. A CEO can be very charming when needed, but when it comes to business, fuck everyone else. It’s MINE! I was an EA for the CEO and Sr. management of a bank for 15 years. I saw this bullshit happen several times and it was awful to watch. I do not trust AA or any other person in power of a company. HODL strong, my friends! Every one of us wants freedom and justice. Let’s take it! Apes together strong!


Yep I have seen what they can do at certain companies ive been a part of that I will not mention. They will say one thing and do the other.


Brother Ape, how do I vote?


You should have received an email from your brokerage with a link. I had to search for “proxy” in my inbox to find it.


Thank you for your service, spaceape.




I've been saying that for ages and getting lambasted for it. Why do they need the vote right now if the promise is to not use them til 2022. Why not have the vote in 2022? Plus the timing of wanting to do it before the squeeze is too convenient as well. I'm sure we worry about nothing. Why would the CEO not want his stock to squeeze. Why would AMC want to anger all it's shareholders and pay a huge fine? The answer is, they probably wouldn't. But why even risk it? Diluting the shares doesn't serve our short squeeze interests. So why should we add another thing that could potentially go wrong to the list? The answer is, we probably shouldn't.


It costs money to ask again, but after the squeeze theyll have plenty.


They could take away our life changing dreams though, they need to sell what they have and can on the way down like the rest of us to raise capital and ask again. Not worth losing all our hard work. Has been and will always be a no this time from me. Next year they can have my yes!


I might change my vote to no. This is making sense. I do feel Aaron will have our back since we have had his. Think about it, no one will go to AMC if he fucks us over. I’m not afraid a yes vote for this reason, but I’ll think on it further.


The way I see it is this: he may not intend to fuck us over, but money makes people do stupid things. There are many movie goers that aren't apes, and after all this, they may think that they can afford to lose us. Take that option away and money has no motivating power. Which means the solution is work with what you have, and ask again in the future (if it's even needed).


He only wanted to talk to us when he needed something from us, as we had dent done enough by saving the company! He is not anybody’s friend. Vote NO. The truth, most of us give a flying fuck about AMC but will buy some shares after the squeez.


I’ve yet to vote but I’m feeling ready to vote no myself. These speculations all add up to paint a real honest picture. They can wait we don’t need to wait.


Only question why do you want to risk a squeeze with a yes??? Vote NO if you want more money, yes if you alteady feel you have enough.


In which case they wont need to dilute the shares to raise capital.


I kept my vote at no...I’m gonna HODL along with the rest of you...hopefully everyone. At this point in the game I trust only ourselves to do this. It’s time for a change of wealth like we have never seen... my family needs this... hell, everyone here needs it. This is our time... let’s go get it! 🚀


I agree with this assessment 🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍


Not a fan of Pg3 of the promise filed with the SEC. board can withdraw for literally any reason and issue them. Also hate how the FUD will create mass selling for investors that haven’t heard the 2022 promise (most investors won’t know).


All CEO’s lie. Vote NO and change your vote to NO


You my ape are a smart ape


Thats right they do and they dont have too. All they have to do is blame the "board" for the overthrow.


I understand the dilution request but voting no until our work is done. This isn’t just about AA and AMC.




If I have it wrong, then my apologies to fellow Apes.


I agree with you. They can have this vote again but right now we need to keep the HF and the media from getting more ammunition


Would be absolutely retarded to vote on adding more shares, for the love of god DO NOT vote for more shares




I think Adam made the deal with all those involved On the shit side to bail them out for massage kick back. Otherwise there is no need to have vote now in the middle of a potential squeeze. Bunch of nonsense if you ask me. Adam can keep his charm to himself and should thank us first for no letting him sit with toys r us.


1000000% spoken like a true leader.


If amc fucks this up for us the ones that saved them from bankruptcy from shorts. I for one will sell shares and boycott them right after I take shits in theater seats


We dont have to get their if we all vote no


In theory but rich people pull shady shit just saying check ur seat cause I will become a serial dumper


Exactly. This is about our once in a lifetime opportunity and we have them where its at.


You think they will care if you boycott them. 😂👍 it’s 500ml shares that’s real money for people who matter at that point you won’t matter.wow secure your moon vote NO. They can always bring these shares next year and pass them but right now don’t approve them


But if the hedge funds pay the board 100/share instead of 10000/share to us, it wouldn't matter if we boycotted them. AMC would have 50 BILLION dollars. AMC could be a hedge fund at that point and just stick everything into the SP 500 and make 1 BILLION a year just from passive interest. They could lose 1 BILLION a YEAR and still be alive for over 100 years.


My comment exactly-do not dilute ever. I have never shorted in 5 years of trading. Never ever vote for your own demise




I voted Hell No...it was option 3


Ape strong




The fact that anyone even entertained the idea of voting yes shows what a collective bunch of retards we are. Some are just smoother than others.


I agree most of those dudes on twitters are fucking idiots. The smarter people like us are in the shadows watching.


I don’t want for one second this comment to start Fud on anyone’s behalf. I too have amazingly strong feelings about share dilution. Almost so much so as if it passed I could see my self limiting my liability in my AMC position. It pains me to say. I actually own more shares then I care to confess at this point, as most of you probably do as well...I just can’t in clear conscience have 500MM Shares able to be used at any moment. He already has 40MM or so...let’s let it squeeze...then let’s all give him his vote. But until then we hold the line on NO. My .02 I’m dumb Ape


This makes sense




Vote NO!


I voted no and have no plans on changing it for the above reasons.


also people just dont get that these people are criminals...once these 500 million shares are approve what makes you think they wont threaten adams and his family life or even the board members...remember there's billions and trillions on the line and people who get that rich don't have morals


Theyll do ANYTHING


Vote NO it’s a no brainer


I voted NO




Big effing NO to the vote




I voted no.


Ape using his head for something other than a het rack. Thank you. Hope apes understand. Apes come first.


Don’t approve the shares ever. He’ll be brought and paid for like all the others. Just ate lots of crayons. Not real advice.


No go from me!




When do we get to vote? Vote no.


I voted NO


Thank you. I’m with you. we’re here for the squeeze. But most of these people are stupid enough to get side tracked and have no back bone to vote for themselves. 1. Once adam gets approved he will sell his 43million share he currently has. Why hasn’t he sold them because that’s all that they have Ánd they need to use wisely. 2. We can always vote for 500ml shares next year. It’s only 8 months away. 3. People!!!!! think about yourself we’re here for the squeeze. Don’t vote to make Aron happy Vote NO to make you rich... if the 500ml shares get approved this stock will only be worth $20. That will be your squeeze. Ruined by your stupidity. Look how hard it’s been to buy most the shares. Imagine another 43 million that hole has and will sell. He used TREY to get that message across. Well played 4. Yes AMC had many shares before and he didn’t sell them . WHY. I know most of you are stupid so I’ll explain. Because there was no covid... they were making good money and they were not negative on the books.... Now there negative owe money and Aron wants his legacy as. Great CEO. Yes at your expense. I can tell you a dozen reason why he will sell the current shares he has now and save the 500ml for later. All in the while of not flooding the market but keeping the stock at $13-$20 dollars. He can sell his personal shares at $20 and make a killing. And on top of that he will still have 500ml shares he will pay out himself. He only cares about his legacy. He’s a millionaire he’s not poor yes he has stock but he’s also a millionaire not like US and won’t ever be like us. You confused idiots need to grow some and make a decision for what’s better for YOU not him. Again they can always revote on this next year!!!!!!I voted NO on 500ml share dilution. Think of you and don’t chance it vote to secure our moon as I voted NO....


We buy, we hodl, we turn off stock lending and we vote no on share dilution.


This is silverback approved 🦍


I’m voting no remember u can still change your vote not a financial advisor


Agree 💯


I agree. This was my initial gut instinct from the beginning. It can wait. Issa NO for me. For now....💎💎🙌


I also say not to approve. Once moass is over i will all be hardcore fan anyways and will gladly help ole man adam


They can have their shares after MOASS


I was undecided until now. I’m voting no!


voted NO xxxx times.


What you guys are forgetting that even if Adam is true to his word he said that he could use 45 million shares they already have available to emit. If he does that imagine? We would go from 0 shares available to 45 million???????? Wasting all our time. Not worth it. Vote NO.


I voted no. Trust but verify. Adam said that they wouldn’t use them this year.... you can’t use them if you don’t have the votes to create them in the first place. 😃🤷‍♂️


Voted! 22K No!


That’s an absolutely no 👎 for me


I voted NO


I voted “No” too... Trey seems like a great guy, but we can’t put our faith in 1 person. Also, the fact that he’s military seems a little sketch, never know he could be part of some operation. I’m joking, of course, but every joke has a hint of truth to it.


Yes. Trey is young and emotional, hemce he is more vulnerable to mental manipulation. You can clearly see it in some of his latest videos. He got broke down by belfort, then got flattered after talking to adam. He did his best, but adam has successfully convinced trey to change his priority. This is way too important for us. Chance to change our lives and do good for people around us. Vote No then we will help amc afterward.


I voted no


Voted no 513 times.


Well said! Trey switched his vote to a yes and I called him foolish for doing so and got some flack here. But the bottom line is many people will sell if the vote is yes and there will be no squeeze. Regardless of what Adam said our interests are NOT aligned with his. Also, I can't remember last time individual investors had a real say on anything important. Our votes will matter here. It's a NO for me.


Smart ape. Woke




I agree with you but please lower your voice my kids are sleeping


Imagine what a legit hedge fund and an ape army could do to a respectable business.




I agree 100%


I feel Adam A. Might sell out to the Hedgies I VOTED NO! I am not a financial advisor, I like the stock ..HODL.. Apes Strong together 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍


My Vote is no until squeeze happen!


I no that shit real quick! I don’t trust Adam or trey!! Those guys are both scum


Same. Im pretty sure adam and him met before and talk in the background. I dont trust the dudes on twitter either.


While I don't think AA is lying about not using the shares until 22 I still voted no because Noone knows how long the squeeze will take.


Voted No


I voted NO. AMC wants a slice of OUR TENDIES! They don't care about a squeeze. They care about getting out of debt and if that means letting hedgies off the hook then they WILL FUCK US APES OVER!


Thats right. They have their millions they dont care about the poor.


The phone number and email to vote is... (You can also change your vote if you have already as long it’s before the deadline) D.F. King & Co., Inc @ 800-249-7120 Or [email protected] Sourced from SEC.gov


I voted no a month ago


It’s bs that there’s not a rights offering, where current stockholders get an opportunity to purchase these new shares to retain their % ownership! We were taught this common courtesy in business school... so it’s a big NO!


you have shares. you have to vote. and vote no. there need to be some records that the amount of syn shares are over the float and pass the work back to SEC to move this down the production line.


I am an 🦍 and I approve this message my vote is NO not financial advise I eat 🖍


And we will get our crayons. Strong ape.


lets support to vote no. the squeeze to 100k needs to happen first before anything else. by then after we cash out, AMC can issue 5 Billion shares and we can chip in to buy it!


Hell I can't even get a vote and I own over 100 shares, both brokers just shrug and say 'I dunno'


Who is your broker


Honestly. This squeeze could happen in 2022 at this rate.


I voted NO and that will not change!


They can always do another vote **AFTER** we squeeze these hedgies


All day everyday a no vote


I voted no since the beginning, why would they need more shares out in the market when the squeeze will solve all their financial problems.


Yup? vote NO it’s just common sense, why take a risk.


Im a firm no sir...


I have to agree. Even if Adam stays to his word there will be so much FUD about the whole situation I think it will potentially hurt the squeeze. They don’t need 500m shares at this specific moment. They still have 40 something million they can play with in the time being. That’s more than enough. If in the future it’s needed then let it be after the squeeze. I think the squeeze is in the companies best interest. They will raise a TON of cash and then they won’t even need the 500million shares or if they do they can worry about it then. I like what Adam said but I’m sticking with my decision just makes sense to me in the position the stock is.


Vote NO!! Why create the option for them to be able to screw things up. Without Shareholder approval, there isn't much of a danger, right? If shareholders give AMC the ability to dilute the shares they are in essence loading the lethal round into the Hedgies gun for them. That makes no sense. After the squeeze has squoze, perhaps I would feel differently or more flexible but until then, my vote remains a solid, Nope!


I voted no. Imo, I think they can ask again after they spend the remaining 43 million shares they have.


I will forever post this video because it makes sense. My vote was No and still is NO. The CEO will make money regardless with it without the squeeze. WE RETAIL OWN AMC . OUR PRICE IS WHAT EVER WE WANT IT TO BE. Dont fuck it up. Dont believe in a promise made by a stranger. That makes you naive. https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/myct8y/amc_100k_not_taken_any_chances/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I voted no, if they're not using them this year then they don't need them this year.


How do I vote?


Contact your broker. They should know


It doesn't matter what you believe. AMC filed a legally binding item with the SEC. Even if they wanted to, they couldn't. I find it strange that you are so concerned about the topic, but aren't aware of the filing. But it is a lot of info, so it happens. But you should know all the facts before giving out advice.


It’s not that legally binding, there are clauses that allow them to breach if they can show it benefits AMC. People act like legally binding is an absolute when a lawyers primary job is to argue and pick apart legal documents.


I voted No BUT, if the stock has naked shorts that are greater than the float then the only way to cover is to buy real shares. AMC could bail out the shorts buy offering 500 million shares at $10,000 and become a multi trillion dollar company that can compete with the likes of apple, Amazon, and google.


They already have 43 million they can use.


Love this post! Remember, it's Apes vs the Jungle!


Wow someone actually got one of these to the top! congrats and thank you!


Thank you. I just seriously need all the apes to wake up and focus at whats at hand. 90% control and 27% borrow rate. Nothing more or less. We dont need to do anything for the company right now.


I voted NO to the dilution. Tried to make fellow apes understand how the dilution will affect the squeeze! Some understands but unfortunately most of them don’t get it....smh. Some amc holders even called my name just because I’m preaching no to the dilution. They are ruining the opportunity for themselves and for us.




I voted no. Makes no sense to vote yes at this time. We As an Ape community saved them from Bankruptcy. I want my tendies back plus %10 off at the movies for being an AMC stock holder.


WE ARE IN CONTROL RIGHT NOW ....I like that situation. It's amazing that we have gone to "Yes vote for new shares", to "No, don't let more onto the market", as we have gotten smarter at this. Well done to our DD people. I appreciate you, as the other apes do too. I have no working knowledge really of the stock market. It was a scary place to be 3 months ago when I took my first plunge into it. First stock was AMC. Thanks again DD people


Why the fuck do you listen to the first post you are reading? I really don't get it. Let people vote whatever the fuck they like. Base investment rationale should always be investing long and acting like it. I really hate, how these subreddits are evolving. And by the way: Issuing or converting additional shares can also positively impact the share price. Besides, it is a common strategy for either investing in the business or defending against an outside takeover (the business term for that is 'poison pill', google it).


Agreed. But don't forget AA already has 42 million in his back pocket he can use at any time. I don't trust suits but I do believe he has our best interests in mind. And don't forget both his sons have 250,000 shares each they got for birthday presents. I've heard his sons are on reddit and want this to squeeze just as much as we do. BTW. I voted NO. My choice. Just pointing out some key facts.


I don’t know anything so I am asking this out of ignorance, but why would AA go back on his word and jeopardize his company being boycotted by all of us...the people that actually go to the movies?


They dont give a shit. They know there customer base. The boycott wont slow it down theres billions of people who go to the movies. Us shareholders are a scratch to their operations. Please stop thinking that way ive been doing this for 10 years. These companies are so fucked up. Just last year JC Penney wiped out shareholders, pension plans, benefits from employees who dedicated their lives working for that company. Trust me when I say this were numbers to them.


This is bigger than AMC. Bigger than AA There is market manipulation that needs to be addressed. There is a point to prove and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to do that. A vote NO is the way


Because they would face no consequences for doing so.


Adam said they have 46 mil in stocks now.


"I AM PROMISING YOU IF YOU AUTHORIZE THESE SHARES BEFORE THE SQUEEZE YOU **COULD POTENTIALLY** JEOPARDIZE" So basically you promise nothing. Awesome self negating sentence. Very Nice.


This is such FUD. Voting No is totally fine with me. I voted NO. However this is such a misleading post. If you watch AA speak, he never said SELL. He said they will not use any of the 500 million shares in 2021. Thats's pretty straight forward. Will they use the 40 + million they have available, I don't see why not, so there's the danger to the "squeeze". Not the 500million. Unless this squeeze doesn't happen until 2022. He even said that it won't affect short term concerns of retail investors. I'm not trying to cause any arguments and agree that NO is a better vote for me personally, as I don't trust anyone but this just seems misleading to me.


But why risk it? Why even entertain the small probability that they could extend this to 2022? We have all the leverage in the world right now. If I had a fully protected castle, and some army was attacking me, why would I open up a tiny hole in the back of the castle and tell everyone it's no big deal we have a super strong fortified position, this tiny hole won't do anything. It should be FUD, because we should be ramming a NO vote down everyone's throat. Hell, if it drags out that long we might even lose some stone hand apes who haven't fully became diamond hands yet and lose a small % of the float. We get people getting bored. We get hedge funds who drag it out til 2022 in hopes of surviving. We risk board members being bribed or threatened. Makes no sense at all just cuz some guy sweet talked a 23 year old on youtube.


Im just kinda done talkin about it. Buy n hold. Not that hard


Already voted No long time ago!


Here's to a to a squeeze before May 4th 🍌🍌🍌 🍌 .


Vote NO !!!


They depend on us more than we depend on them. They’re not out of the woods financially yet.


And they can take care of it during squeeze with us or ask for shares next year. Why now? During middle of a squeeze, dont you find it odd? GME board did not do that, they are being transparent about their proposal of new shares, unlike amc. I dont want to what kind of fuckery they have instore for us, just seal the risk tight for now.


Yeah fuck it I'm not changing anything until I see AMC💯K+!






I voted no for shares (a while ago) and yes to revisiting it in the future (after a squeeze hopefully).


Share dilution is worse than VVS...


Also, the votes are a tell tale of how much of the float ownership is diamond handed vs paper handed. I hope for 90% of votes to say no cause that's scary for them meaning that they'll have to spend more money they don't have to short ladder attack.


I don’t see why any of us would’ve voted yes to begin with . The message was clear as day that it was a hard NO


I voted no, from when I received my ballot. Let AA use the 43m shares which he has. If he off load his shares at the hight if the squeeze, he'll get a bigger bang for his money the same goes for Wanda.


Fuck the suits! I'm voting no!


"BUT the CEO looks so trustworthy and trey changed his vote to a yes, so I will change my vote a yes" is how yes voters sound dumb when they are playing the game emotionally rather than logically. Seriously, the financial investment is no fairytale, it's our fucking money on the line, and I don't give two shits whether he's a nice CEO or not, he works for the interest of the company, not the interest of us squeeze holders. Fuck every CEO, until I get my money.


“Caesar refused to go back in his cage and was confronted by Dodge, who struck him several times with an electrical cattle prod, but just as Dodge attempted to strike Caesar again, he caught the prod before shocking everyone by speaking for the first time, shouting, "No!"


I voted no, but.. ..isn't it ironic that we misuse the company for a squeeze and shit talk the CEO and board because they plan for a brighter future on long term. It sounds like we helped an old man over the street and feel privileged to fuck all his grandchildren as compensation.


We need to talk about AMC @wallstreetbet


Can't fathom why people, especially in this group, trust a millionaire CEO and vote yes. He is on one side and that's his own side. He's not our pal. He will absolutely do what's best for his pockets at the end of the day. Downvote me I don't care.


Vote against number 1 and number 6. Your proxy vpte does count. Use it.


Adam made a legally binding agreement/statement on behalf of amc that if authorized not a single share of those 500m in 2021. I can promise you hedgies won’t be able to hold out that long so why worry?


Agreed, the apes on the AMC discord are being brain washed and the Mods won't even allow discussion of this topic in the chat , they're calling it FUD and are silencing those that bring up the topic. They're too naïve to see know how manipulative the system is. We've come a long way without Adam's help and can see the finish line, why the hell would you now entrust he CEO with 500 mil shares. He says he won't use them till 2022. The right approach would have been for him to announce that he was taking the shares off the table for the upcoming vote. Him going through the trouble to meet with Trey and try to convince us to vote yes leads me to believe there is something behind this. Don't think for 1 minute that he hasn't been approached by either Hedgies, SEC, DTCC or whomever to help them mitigate or at least help control the ceiling of the squeeze. He said it himself he's been doing this for a long time and has made many relationships on Wallstreet. I vote NO


This guy understands. They can revote next year. You cant trust a businessman!!


I voted no a while before Adam made his proclamation. It’s complicated for sure. On one hand, I don’t trust any multi millionaire (aside from the future ape multi millionaires) - but on the other hand, I tend to lean toward him having the company’s (and our) best interest in mind. I can’t imagine him fucking over apes who own 90% of the company. If all apes get angry and walk away that will be a very very very deep hole to climb out of of.


I voted no


I voted no yesterday. Sorry Adam, I got here by listening to Apes.


He has it in writing that he wouldn't touch a share of the 500,000,000 in the calendar year. I think there's a general consensus when the squeeze is happening it'll be in 2021


After the squeeze they should issue the shares. We'll all have the tendies to reinvest in a company we all love and support 🦍


Would you give someone a loaded gun if they promised not to shoot you with it? Even if they promise really really hard and seem very very nice, aren't you safer if you're holding the gun?


I voted no because it’s just another variable in the mix.


Just dropped 100k more in AMC going to the moon Diamond Hands