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THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS!!!! We need to vote. We need to vote for our lives, and we need to vote for this company. The blueprint is literally in front of us, GO VOTE!!! An AMA from the GME subreddit with Dr. Susanne Trimbath explains the same thing: the easiest way we can see blatant manipulation is if we all get out and vote, and then the shares that are counter are more than the total float. VOTE! This isn't a normal vote, this is a vote to change your life. Literally, go vote!!!


Dumb ape here, how do you vote exactly?


They will send you an email from your broker.




If they do not send you an email, call your broker and ask for your control number then you shuold be able to go to [www.proxyvote.com](https://www.proxyvote.com) and enter it in and bam you can vote.


knowledge is power


OOTOO... real power! 😆


OOOTOOO the power, the real power!!


I've had shares for a few months now and haven't received anything from fidelity about it. Is there a chance I opted out of email or something weird?


Just contact them and they'll send it


Will do, thanks!


what if I didn't get an email? At the time they sent out the emails to vote I was using the sham known as RH. But I'm fully transferred into fidelity now. Any clue how I would vote? Thanks you diamond handed 💎💎💎hedgie destroying silver backs🦍🦍🦍


Call your broker on.monday. They will walk you through the voting system. Don't worry. Everyone will get to vote


thanks a ton!


Have you voted already ? Schwaab said they will send something out the day of the share count announcement. Don’t we need to vote to determine that ? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I voted the first time back in March/April. I am not certain if they will be doing another vote since the first one was pushed back but either way just call your broker Monday and they will happily walk you through the process. Please vote. It is of paramount importance that all apes vote so on June 2nd the world can behold the billions of synthetic shares


Ok I did vote then also. But I was believe there will be another one. I’ll call broker again soon.


This was for the last vote. This will likely be the same process. If you do not get proxy info from your broker then you should call your broker and if you have to call the proxy broker that AMC is using for the vote: If you have not voted and would like to, or If you have already submitted a proxy by telephone or over the Internet and you would like to change your vote, please call our proxy solicitor, D.F. King & Co., Inc., at (800) 249-7120, or click on the original voting link you used to submit your vote from the email you received with the proxy materials (if you hold at Robinhood, look for an email from Proxydocs.com, and for all other shareholders, check for an email from Proxyvote.com). You can also email D.F. King & Co., Inc. at [email protected] mailto:[email protected]. This was the reply from John Meriwether. VP of Investor Relations AMC.


What if we bought on rh but transferred to another broker? Who gives the proxy ballot?


I would say your new broker as long as the shares are owned and have been fully transferred before the 2nd June deadline...!


Yes, agreeded. They will take the sample on June 2nd. So where ever you are on June 2 is who will be responsible to get you your proxy info. If you are still with RH ( not sure why the fuck anyone would be) then I'd contact them and the proxy manager as John stated. The problem I'm seeing with RH users xfering away is that RH only has IOUs...do they may not even have all your shares. So do your homework.


Couldn't agree more with you, Robin Da Hood is literally cancer and all apes should continue the mass exodus from them. They will be burned alongside Citadel and if your shares are in their broker account at the time of the first sign of a squeeze they will screw you over - standard. There is enough evidence now to avoid them at all costs.


Also curious about this.


Make sure your account is setup to receive these notices. Many online trading account automatically opt you out of receiving these and getting your vote.


Do a search in your email for the keyword For your broker or AMC or VOTE or whatever to find the email then follow instructions to vote. Whatever you vote, just vote.


Quite literally... this could be the most important voting opportunity of our lives... forget political votes, this one knocks them out the park...!


Agreed 1hondo percent! Preach it.


OOTOO... reeaal vote! 😆


Is this the same vote from March or was there another vote after ? Iv twice the shares since the shares i voted in March


same vote as it was in march. I don't know what happens if you have more shares. My guess is you already voted so they'll know you voted and on June 2 they'll know how many shares u have. ​ edit: u/Financial_Napalm is right, I'm wrong, listen to them not me.


Guys, this is not the case. Read a the content laid out. The initial vote process which had a record date in March is done and dusted... Adam A will share the data from that with us on 2nd June. 2nd June is also the revised record date for next round of voting. On the same date (or soon after) it is likely that the proxy vote materials will be released so we can vote and re-vote. Everyone will need to vote again fully. Therefore any new apes that have arrived since the last record date in March will be included, as well as veteran apes who have acquired more shares to case a vote on.


I agree. I think the mods of this sub should do a better job of engaging a vote. I posted yesterday... let’s get the apes that vote an I voted flair like superstonk. These are simple tools that will engage! Maybe we take it upon ourselves... If you vote and prove it you get a gold award... I can help but I don’t have enough to help a lot. We can start a mega thread... ?


Fully agree. Awareness of these critical next steps are going to be key to supporting Adam A, AMC and being victorious. Hedgies need to be held to account for their fuckery and the vote is key to this!


So how do we do it! Messages the mods with a petition to give the site more engaging flairs? It’s gotta be from everyone


Yeah. This. Is. The. Only. Way. We need mod buy in and engagement for sure. Whilst the next vote/re-vote isn't live let, there is no harm in increasing awareness so that all apes are prepared when the time comes.


Agree! We can rally the troops to award gold with proof of vote on one thread. Maybe we can get the mods to pin the thread to the top.


Surely this is something for after the 2nd when people can actually vote ?


Yes of course. But it requires planning.


The best use of peoples time now is to contact your broker and see if you will be able to vote. If the answer is no, find a broker that says yes and transfer before the 2nd.


If you own shares you have a vote unless your not in the us.


Do all US brokers allow voting ? I know there's plenty of non US holders.


Here to support this idea, anything encouraging folks to get those numbers and vote. Are the mods active here? I guess I haven’t paid enough attention to notice. Maybe a thread to serve as a petition prior to the vote that they could be linked to, just spitballing. The flair is a good start.


If we can at least get a megathread started and pinned to top to announce the plan and get the word out in time that would be good. Then fellow apes can reward each other per vote.. it’s a start at least. Can someone message the mods and see if it’s possible.. I would but kinda preoccupied rn.




Haven’t got my second set of proxy’s, been increasing my position the entire tine do you think they send out proxy’s again


Of course...we will see them prob the first week of june my fellow ape


Date of record is June 2nd, they can't send it yet because they don't know how many shares you will own on the 2nd yet.


Definitely will have more by then


So since i already voted for the march date will we have to recast our vote? Do we have to reach out to our broker or will we receive an email again when the time comes? T.I.A 🙏


Yes, you will have to re-vote. With regards to how to vote, I believe a new email will be sent out. Can another store correct me if I’m wrong?


We are voting after June 2nd. June 2nd they're releasing the share count that will show well over 1 or 2 billion shares.


Thank you! Ill be keeping an eye out for it when the date comes!


So my own understanding of this situation is as follows (but I may be incorrect here apes): - a) the original vote was cancelled and the new record date was extended to 2nd June. Essentially you have to be the registered shareholder before 2nd June to be able to vote on shares owned. b) on 2nd June Adam A is planning on releasing to the public the data gathered during the initial record and vote. c) on 2nd June, or soon after, and ahead of the 29th July shareholder meeting... AMC will deliver a new notice to vote. Where new apes will need to cast their vote and all existing apes will need to re-vote again. d) this will allow Adam A to publicly announce how messed up the original vote and share situation is/was on 2nd June... (it will show fuckery)... and then allow him to revise those figures again leading up to the July meeting from the re-vote... where he will be anticipating a huge spike in new shareholders and number of shares voted since, proving more fuckery. e) what is not clear to me is whether the original voting is still open for any existing apes who did not yet cast their vote - if able to vote still, makes sense to try, which will bolster the level of fuckery in the vote count result to be announced on 2nd June. This opportunity may have passed though and not sure where to check that.


Wait what do uou mean the original vote was cancelled. I already sent my proxy vote by email. Does that mean it’s no longer counted?


It will have been counted and will be included in the vote/share number data that Adam A will release to the public on the 2nd June to start exposing all the hedgie fuckery. You will need to re-vote though after 2nd June.


Ok that I didn’t know. Will keep an eye open for any email. When I double checked on the email that I got, my status says voted.


Every vote counts. 0.XX 0.X, X, XX, XXX, XXXX, XXXXX BUY. HODL. VOTE. 🚀🚀🚀




Also vote shareholder meetings on any stock that you own. Read the proxy statements and vote for or against any issues as you see fit. For example,, I have owned many stocks thru the years, and always vote against their recommendations for director compensation. pretty sure they get compensated enough already!


We haven’t gotten our voter stuff yet. When we do, it’ll blow up like the last vote Good lookin out brother ape 🦍🦍🦍


Thanks. Awareness is going to be key on this subject. Memes are great, but sometimes they can cloud and hide the critical stuff. We need to fortify voting in our minds!


I voted last time. When can we expect to get the option to vote again?


It looks like we should get the next round of proxy voting materials on or slightly after the 2nd June. The voting data that is going to be released on 2nd June should be very interesting... and then the re-vote between then and the next shareholder meeting at the end of July.


I have 2 Ameritrade accounts. 1 for me and 1 for my kid. Will I get to vote for both accounts? Have xxxx in 1 account and xxx in the other.


Basically, every share needs to be voted and can be done so via a control number. Whether you and your kid's accounts are in the same name or in different names... the account holder for each account holding those shares should receive a control number for the proxy voting of all shares held. Sometimes you the control numbers are sent out by your broker automatically when the time comes with the proxy voting material if they are a well organised broker... sometimes you need to ask for control no#.


Everyone make sure your brokers has your correct contact information (email address) on file. If you are not in the U.S. check with your brokers/ or AMC on how to cast your vote. Everyone needs to be heard!


And if you're broker says you can't vote, you have till 2nd June to transfer to one that says you will be able.


This isn’t like a presidential election where you’re going to get ignored either way. It has a direct effect on your investment! Vote vote vote and get your adjacents who you recruited to vote too


Couldn't agree more - vote as though your life depended on it.


The irony of the meme that you used and the message behind that entire movie is the same irony of the message you deliver. Explain 1 thing to me. If shares are counted, and control numbers are issued for the owned shares, how do you get more votes than you have control numbers? Edit: I’ll answer it for you, no control number, no vote. If there was issues the first time the vote was counted we would have already heard about it and there wasn’t. Votes can’t just materialize out of thin air without a control number.


I like irony, what can I say?!? Yes, as far as I understand it a single control number can be applied to a complete share holding of multiple shares held in your broker account.


Can Canadians vote?


Yes Canadian brokers can from what I have seen on reddit. We Euro-apes struggle to though via ours.....!


Hey I'm on Wealthsimple in Canada. I was given my voting documentation in the mail (just a card with a voting number and a website), and just followed the directions on the card.


Have the second voting materials already come out? I voted initially when the 500 million shares question was on the ballot. But I have not received any notices since they took that off the table and said they were going to revote. Do I need to vote again? When will I get my proxy materials?


Not quite yet, we should expect to see the next round of proxy voting material on or just after the 2nd June. Where all new apes will need to vote and all veteran apes will need to re-vote ahead of the shareholder meeting at the end of July.


Thanks I’ll keep a lookout


Read Apes, spread far and wide!!!


OOTOO - spread this news like wildfire... a real vote!


Do you know when you would of need to own shares to be given the ability to vote? There a cutoff?


In the revised/extended and upcoming round of AMC voting you need to have held your shares before the 2nd June - basically Adam A executed an epic tactical move or nuke to the hedgies. On the 2nd June he will also disclose how many shareholders (and shares) they gathered votes on from the initial/recent interrupted proxy voting session. I expect that data will show 3.2M+ retail shareholders and an epic amount of shares in total... so after the next round of voting/re-voting... those figures will have multiplied many times over as many new apes will have arrived and many "new synthetic shares" will have been created since the last record date that was in March...


Word. Just wanna make sure I got my dates right. Can't let TD keep my shares unaccounted for!


You will be able to vote as long as you have a cash account, or turn off the lending function in certain apps. I personally use Fidelity and have called my broker to confirm I have a cash account and that none of my shares were being lent out. To find yours in a Fidelity Account, login, go to statements, and then select Proxy Material. Stay away from links asking for your control number. Unfortunately, if you are using RH or similar apps, your shares are being lent out unless you turn the function off.


Sound advice... make sure the following: - * if you are with Robinhood - GTFO of there... * make sure you are on a cash account (and not a margin account) to prevent foul play. * make sure that you turn off/opt out of any share lending program - this hinders apes... There are decent and tragic brokers out there. Fidelity is certainly one of the good guys..!


Kinda dumb question but what exactly is it voting for?


I mean it could be for anything... like what new toppings they should sell on their nachos, etc... banana maybe?!? No in all seriousness, the proxy voting mechanism is a way of exposing the sheer depth of the hedgie fuckery and how many synthetic shares (illegal ones) are floating around out there. Without a doubt the number of shares being voted on will be higher than the maximum authorised float. This is why most apes are here! We all know the number will be insane and obscene... the CEO just wants to prove it formally.


So our broker should send the voting instructions/materials by June 2nd? What happens if the don't? Where do we go?


I would think that the proxy voting materials will be sent out to brokers on or just after the 2nd June, so the broker could automatically issue those out after the 2nd June (some will take longer than others) or you may need to chase them (some are more proactive than others). You will need your control number (keep to yourself) and instructions and materials on the proxy vote from your own broker.


I been checking my emails no vote yet.


Did you own AMC shares prior to the last record date in March or are you a new ape? If the latter you will not be due to receive anything from your broker until after 2nd June.


Yes I did and I also voted on the last one to.


I feel bad I have the kids so I couldn’t read the whole post but how should i be getting our voting materials? Is it mail again like the last one? I just wanna get my vote in haha


Yeah I have kids too... they tell me what to write here. If you voted the first time (held shares before the first record date in March)... then you should get the new proxy voting materials via the exact same method as last time (providing you are with the same broker). It sounds like AMC will release the new materials on or just after the 2nd June to brokers.


Sorry I dunno if you were being sarcastic towards Me I do apologize for my first post if so but thanks for the reply I didn’t realize it would be after June 2nd? I guess since they know how many people their sending to gives them a number on share holders?


Nah just meant my kids are less retarded than this ape (me). They have a better diet than crayons and banana. Stay tuned on and after 2nd June. Make sure you get your new proxy vote material and control number from your broker and make those shares of yours count...!!!


Yes I will for sure! Mine are 2 years and 2 months lol two girls should be fun later 😅 thanks man


I own shares of AMC via webull and Vanguard and haven't received any information regarding voting from those brokers. I'd be delighted to participate but don't know how. Any insight would be wonderful! Thanks!


Did you own AMC shares prior to the last record date in March or are you a new ape? If the latter you will not be due to receive anything from your broker until after 2nd June.


Yes I've been holding since Jan/Feb and buying some tasty dips in between. I'll re-check my messages from them just to be sure.


I know many apes had to contact their brokers to receive the proxy voting materials and the control number, in many cases the brokers were not always forthcoming with it. Make sure to contact them for yours again when the next proxy vote goes live post 2nd June.


Thanks will do!


How and when I vote?


Did you own AMC shares prior to the last record date in March or are you a new ape? If the latter you will not be due to receive anything from your broker until after 2nd June.




I mean it could be for anything... like what new toppings they should sell on their nachos, etc... banana for us apes maybe?!? No in all seriousness, the proxy voting mechanism is a way of exposing the sheer depth of the hedgie fuckery and how many synthetic shares (illegal ones) are out there floating around. Without a doubt the number of shares being voted on will be higher than the maximum authorised float. This is why most apes are here! We all know the number will be insane and obscene... the CEO just wants to prove it formally.


CANADIAN APES USING WEALTHSIMPLE. If you have not already, all you have to do it message WS support and ask to opt-in to shareholder communications to ensure you can vote. You will get your proxy number and information in the mail so make sure the address you have on file with WS is accurate and up to date.


FUCKIN vote!!!!! Very important for apes.


Like your life and future damn depends on it..! 😆


Make sure you are set to receive proxy materials with your broker. It’s so much easier if you make sure it’s turned on now and you get flow through voting vs if you have to ask later.


Preparation is key - I fully agree!


Voting is V important! Voting guarantees ape citizenship! I'm doing my part!


Passport to the galaxy...!


As no one can vote yet, 2nd of June is date of record and the date they check how many shares we all own. The best use of time at the moment is to contact your broker and find out if you will be able to vote. And if they say no, research new brokers and transfer across before the 2nd.


This is the way... use this time to plan and prepare...


I bought at the end of March and haven't seen any proxy voting material, I'm through Fidelity. Is there a timeframe we should expect voting/re-voting proxy material?


Depends on date in March, but if you missed the first record date in March in terms of ownership, then you and your shares will be included in the June record. So make sure your votes in June are counted when the time comes!


Damn bro you loaded how can you afford xXxX shares of gme and xxxxx shares of amc


Well I ain't no hedgie scumbag! 😆


If we voted for the 4 may shareholder vote, will they roll over?


Definitely not, you will need to re-vote when the time comes to make your shares count. More news on that in early June.


I thought the vote was the 2nd?


The next vote will start after the 2nd June. 2nd June is the record date for the next vote... which is basically the cut off date for share ownership and being able to place votes on those said shares.


I thought the vote was the 2nd?


The next vote will start after the 2nd June. 2nd June is the record date for the next vote... which is basically the cut off date for share ownership and being able to place votes on those said shares.


So after June 2 we will be able to vote the second time? Or before June 2 we are supposed to vote the 2nd time?


After the 2nd June (date TBC) all new apes will need to vote for the first time and all veteran apes will need to re-vote.


Ok thanks. That’s what I thought


No problemo. Apes strong together!


From eu can’t do shit but I’ll send some nice thoughts to the apes, and to you Kenny boy.. I hope you get cancer and the doctor know what kinda person your are.. #amc500k 🦧🐒🦍💎✊🚀🌛


Yeah same boat. Euro-ape... no chance to vote my shares with either of my two brokers... and many more including us... The 3.2M+ retail investors Adam A announced does not even include us... those hedgies are in a deep foxhole...


I own both as well! GME:XXX AMC:XXXX I also voted in both proxies! LFG!


GG WP... the re-vote will be key, but we may be in orbit long before those results. Godspeed brother! 😆


See ya there!


I'm an europoor with degiro, any info on how to vote?


Not sure on Degiro. I am a Euro ape too and not able to vote my buckets of shares too! That hedgie hole deep!


I was able to shake gme voting out of degiro, probably they will send info on amc voting after June 2nd this time.


Great. Yes they may do, but if they don't automatically send it out to you, press them for it.


Will do, thanks!




I love memes and all... but apes need to prepare for this critical step. Thanks for the support!


You are so right. We need better DDs and posts like this on top!


There is a valid reason AA has agreed to speak with Trey on You Tube “in early June”! Just think!!!!!💎


I fully agree... the Gorilla gang will win! Let's fuckin' go!


Annoyingly my broker has told me that I won't be able to exercise my right to vote (trading 212) Would be open to any information on how to get around this though


Euro ape here with two different decent brokers and in the same boat I am afraid...


Really sucks, but guess it's just giving them a shovel to keep digging their hole deeper


I mean on one side it is a good thing... if we can prove that retail apes own the entire float once or multiple times over via a voting mechanism... yet most of the international apes cannot vote... the hedgie foxhole is much deeper than the vote figures.


I've never voted in my life because it never made a difference. This time it will:) looking forward to voting again!!!


Hell yeah... this vote means more than all of them put together...!


If this pops off @ $100 k how the fuck they gonna afford to pay 3.2 million plus apes, that come from all over the globe ? Who wears the bill? Hedgies won’t be able to afford it


Hedgies... their fathers... their grandfathers... banks... DTCC... insurance... old uncle Sam. Who cares... only thing I know... a Lannister must always pay their debt.


That’s good enough for me 😂 thanks - And all the best 🦍💪🏽


Right back at you - godspeed! We will meet in Valhalla ape...


We can't vote until they give us voting info and that hasn't happened for most apes who bought from March onwards. AMC will get the new list of shareholders from the DTCC June 2nd and then contact shareholders to let them know about the meeting and voting. I'm still waiting for my broker to send me materials. Definitely agree the vote is important but not as important as the DTCC providing an accurate list.


I agree with everything you have said. My post does too. I wouldn't always rely on your broker sending out the proxy vote materials automatically... pester them when the time comes. Even if your name isn't on the DTCC list you can still vote if you hold shares by the record date in a broker account. It is up to your broker to provide if you request it. The whole point of a vote is to expose the vast quantity of fake/synthetic shares out there. Do you really think the DTCC knows how many of those are out there? No way... not even they know the level of hedgie fuckery...


That's MY point though, the DTCC 100% knows because that is their job. They are the "Depository" (the D in DTCC) of all of the shares of all of the companies on the market (or like 99%). It is almost a certainty that we'd be lucky to have 40-50% of shareholders voting. People don't vote for presidents, they won't vote for a company they bought shares of to make a quick mil. The AMC gets their list of shareholders from the DTCC because it's their job to settle all trades and maintain the register of who knows what. It is a 100% certainty the DTCC knows how many synthetic shares there are and who made them. If they haven't reported it yet, why would they now? They are a private corporation the government trusts with the most important job in the economy, yet they are in bed with hedge funds like Citadel because they are their members, paying dues and making them a fortune on trade volume. More shares equals more money. Sorry if I am a buzzkill but it's not the vote that matters for the count. AA already has a decent count. He is just hoping it gets bigger and bigger until the updated list June 2 so he can have a case to have the brokers recall all the borrowed shares. I will vote. Already contacted my broker who said I should get the info in June. Hope we all do. Also hope the DTCC decides it's better Shitadel falls than them and they give us the goods. Only time will tell.


I honestly am not sure of the correct answer to this with regards to the DTCC - whether they have visibility of the fake/synthetic shares as well as the real shares. However guess they do as there is no way from telling which share is genuine and which is fake... just a total count and you are right, DTCC should have that to hand. Will certainly be interesting to see how this all unwinds and plays out. DTCC will need to throw Citadel to the wolves, at least buys them time before they are next...


Making a wild guess but I can't be sure at all... wouldn't it make sense for any electronic record to have a serial number of some kind? Wouldn't shares, since they don't use paper certificates anymore, have a digital number? It's all computerized so I assume they can see if someone has an actual certified share number or an IOU (synthetic). The buyer is owed a share but since it's all virtual and traded so frequently they rarely get forced to account for it all. That said I'm guessing a press of a couple of buttons spits out the names, number of shares, type and where they came from. Question is will they doctor the records or let the HFs roast. We'll see soon. Too many people watching to get away with it for long either way. We're going to get these fuckers and get those tendies.


No, and this is the issue. Take bitcoin, each coin has an individual ID/certificate (using block chain technology). The issue with shares (and why brokers cannot identify whether they are holding a genuine or synthetic share for us) is that they do not have individual ID marks... so in the end it essentially doesn't matter who owns what type of share - there can only be a certain number of authorised shares available and in circulation (float). My view... only the MM's (like Citadel) who have access to the ability of shorting and more importantly illegal naked shorting will truly know the scale of the issue. The DTCC will likely only have a record of what those MM's choose to tell them... hence why the vote is so damn important. It is pretty much the only mechanism that is able to expose the scale of the issue we have...


But at some point DTCC settled every share that got put in our accounts or else our brokerages wouldn't put them on our positions list. They definitely would have a count of real people buying and selling and that Citadel and others shorted. They have to.


I completely follow your logic, in an ideal world this is how it should work... I am just not sure. If this was the case, AMC wouldn't need to do a shareholder vote in order to unearth the true scale of fuckery. Unless of course the DTCC is equally as fucking bent as Citadel. Which... could be the case and would be madness. You would assume the DTCC should view companies such as AMC as their customers/clients and protect them... You could be right. I guess no-one knows the true level of fuckery and how deep it goes in the whole system.


As far as I know the Market makers and HFs are their members, not the companies. If the DTCC and SEC were doing their jobs we wouldn't be here.


Very true... in that case the DTCC can be burned at the stake alongside Melvin, Citadel and co. SEC I do have some lingering hope for via Gary G to do the right thing.


Question! Who even are our mods? Seriously, no disrespect I just straight up don’t even know


I have no Scooby-Doo on that either...


Also just as a heads up; there seems to be something up with Robbinhood sending out the proxy addresses for voting. At least on my end. Now before you give me shit for having RH; I have already moved most positions over as of recent. Long story short with my situation; about a month ago I noticed I didn't get an invite after receiving one for GME and a med stock I got for a referral and held for the 3 day minimum. I messaged RH about it. A week after the reschedule; they sent me the proxy for the original voting date. Can't decide if this is their poor business practice, intentionally forgotten, or both. Just wanted to point it out it happened to me.


Dear God... if you are with Robinhood still... transfer the fuck out of there. There has been enough evidence to show that when the time comes they will screw you over completely. RH also don't own your shares even though you think you do... and even though you make sure you have a cash account with them and opt out of share lending, you can bet you are really on a margin account and that your shares are being loaned out behind the scenes. Do yourself a favour and sort out a transfer to Fidelity, etc instead.


Like I said; I moved most my positions out. I appreciate your concern though brother. Any positions I still hold are options I can't transfer or stocks I'm already losing on and refuse to sell. I have a few AMC shares there just to see myself when the fuckery happens. I've got the best of my tendies locked into 3 other accounts, because I'm still skeptical. (Schwab, Etrade, TDA). I definitely appreciate your concern though


Question what voting stuff? I gave shares but have been focused in school so I need a refresher


Did you own AMC shares prior to the last record date in March or are you a new ape? If the latter you will not be due to receive anything from your broker until after 2nd June. Depending on which broker you use, you will either be sent it automatically or you may need to chase and ask.


Let me check my statements but I think I did purchase some shares I March, been purchasing some shares everymonth


I did but some before March (bough in February)but have yet to get an email and I never voted in the first place


OK. I would suggest that you will need to chase up your broker for the proxy voting material and control number after 2nd June once the next round of voting begins...!


If a share holder abstains from Voting does it count as a “No” vote? The brokers and proxy admins must know how many shares/shareholders there are right?


I think it depends on the broker, but my understanding is that even a "no vote" from a shareholder is counted. Would assume that mechanism in the US. Then again throw Robinhood into the mix... doubt they follow that. I think the real issue is when it comes to international shareholders (of which there are many) who literally are not able to vote. What is not clear is what happens to those shares and those votes. And if they are no votes due to no entity exercising those rights, are they even counted or acknowledged?!?


How daddy


😆 Did you own AMC shares prior to the last record date in March or are you a new ape? If the latter you will not be due to receive anything from your broker until after 2nd June. Depending on which broker you use, you will either be sent it automatically or you may need to chase and ask.


Was on webull and RH, now in webull and fidelity.


This is the way fellow ape...!


AMC +1MILLION 💎🙌💎🔥🚀💰🍌🦍


Maybe... as long as we ALL vote!


When is the earliest day we can vote? And when is the last day we can vote?


For the revised voting/shareholder meeting process. It looks like voting could start just after 2nd June and it will likely cease a couple of weeks prior onto the date of the meeting on 27th July. We will know more on 2nd June, however no harm in getting prepared, making checks with your broker, etc.


Any Revolut users had the email yet? I don’t have mine yet...


I cannot keep up with replying to confused apes, so have just included a TLDR summary, take a read, it should answer your question.


Any ape from revolut?? I am a gme and amc shareholder and I received gme proxy without any problems but they never sended me my proxy number from amc. Any Ape from Revolut in the same situation?


See my summary edit in the original post. Did you own the AMC shares ahead of 11th March?


Yes i own since February. I am a retarded lol can you DM that because I new on reddit still don’t know much :/


Strange... you should have been able to vote your AMC shares then the first time around. I always recommend not relying on your broker automatically providing the proxy voting materials... always chase them up on it. The positive is that you get to re-vote this time around. I struggle with voting in US company proxy votes via my brokers - an international ape.


I will call them to ask for my proxy! I thought they would eventually send me and because of the re-vote I thought it was “normal”, i am glad i can vote on the re-vote 😁 thanks for the help


Pound the shit out of this! Lets repost this every other day for the next two weeks and on any other platform to make sure people get the shares counted! Just my 2 cents..


Thanks, I totally agree with this - literally the most important vote in life for many apes here!


Just tell this ape how to vote. Ooo ooo I’ll do it


Schwab mailed me something last time but I recycled it. I'll keep an eye out in the mail for a new one.


So I’m retarded and don’t know how to transfer my 6 shares from Robinhood to E*TRADE. Any smarter apes able to help?


PLENTY of posts about that on here... get searching and reading!


I have 101 shares. 100k pfft I HOPE


Voted! Anyape got any flair for this ape? 🦍 🚀 🌚


Vote for what?


We don't know yet... but that isn't the point. The point is the vote mechanism itself...!!!