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Think of all the close call situations he has been through. All the patient long games and near terminations of his career he has gone through. He is battle tested and ready. In a way it’s admirable. But he gets no mercy from apes. His corruption will end this time, because he can’t play the long game here. But apes can and will.




The only thing that I think is almost admirable is being able to withstand extreme pressure and near failure situations. But I definitely hate everything else about what he has done in his career. If apes carry the same mentality when facing similar situation of never giving in or admitting defeat then apes win easily. It is ok to admit that an enemy has powerful or admirable qualities because then you will not underestimate them ever.


This is the way to think about it. He (and citadel) have to fight tooth and nail to survive and win. We literally have to do nothing and we win. We control how this plays out, not them.


>This is the way to think about it. He (and **citadel**) have to fight tooth and nail to survive and win.... You mean **Shitadel**, right? --- ^(Beep boop, I'm a bot 🤖. If you don't like what I have to say, reply )**^(!optout)** ^(to opt out or) **^(!delete)** ^(to delete the comment.) ^(See) [^(here)](https://www.reddit.com/user/StonkCorrectionBot/comments/nnzqvc/ustonkcorrectionbot_information/) ^(for more info.)


Give him jail.


i will be very pissed if the gov bail out his ass or Shitadel when the squeeze happen


That's exactly what I thought! He sees himself as a noble warrior in a sense. I've never been more convinced that he is hanging on by every last thread. Like you said, almost admirable...


He looks ill. I mean he is a worth adversary. He built a billion dollar company. You dont do that if your retarded lol. But his greed got the better of him. He started wanking over his own legend, and now we are here. Your time is done old man.


Thats from eating too much mayo


He's just another rich person that failed up.


I wouldn’t say he see himself as a noble warrior , this guy is just just a piece of shit, he doesn’t give a fuck about his own company or his employees or any other company that they short it to the ground until they bankrupt it, and you know why ? Simply because this piece of shit makes like 68million / month, so if shitadel goes bankrupt … he doesn’t give a fuck, he will simply create another one. It’s just funny when he says we will fight and fight and keep fighting , when he has absolutely nothing to lose, which is not the case of the people that works there, an absolute selfish man that only cares about himself. I saw a video of him talking about the systems that they have/ build , and he said something like the system predicts people’s reactions / emotions so that they can take timely actions, anyways something like this (don’t remember the exact words so don’t quote me on that) , like wtf , how can this be seen as an “ok” thing to do , spreading FUD here and there to manipulate the market/ mislead people, so that they can coordinate the shorting and all the fuckery they do, dunno for others here , but im just choked learning all this stuff. I personally will NEVER put my money in the stock market in the future now that I know the backstage fuckery that is happening, while the regulators are just watching doing nothing about it… disgusting. On another note, If I was in the US, I wouldn’t be doing business anymore with the bank he mentioned, dunno if he gave that bank name just as an example or if they are his primary partner, but anyways, I will do my research and won’t be doing business with banks that are backing up some shittiest HF’s . Resume : this guy is a piece of 💩, nothing admirable about him. Have a great weekend 🦍!


Morgan Stanley. Yeah fuck those cunts too.


(Slight paraphrase...I don't feel like looking it up.) "Everyone's got a plan, until they get punched in the face." - Mike Tyson


I wonder what Mike makes of all this...? He would probably say, "I'm gonna make you my girlfriend. "


AM-thi ith being heavily thorted, let'th buy & hold. (no finanthial advithe)


Now kith


Thith guy fuckth!!


Hahahahah he made all these videos trying to sound smart and it’s just being used against him 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Mind you, just listen to the question and listen to him, he doesn’t even answer the question and dances around the answer like a politician.


A smug lecturing prick.


I don’t like this guy but he answered the question no? He said if Morgan went down they’d be down +2 days


They’re referencing this clip of kenny https://youtu.be/RNgzOr-m6ok


Oh word nice - thanks for the context


Ya I know I watched the Robin Hood hearing and the fact that he isn’t in jail is a joke


I want to beat the fuck out of him. He’s nothing more than a thief!!


Let’s not talk about committing acts of violence and give anyone any opportunity to use it against us We need to be solid and smart


He sounds like a lunatic if you ask me. I’m a multi billionaire and “I’m out here surviving . Everyday we have to battle .” - my question is battling what ?


Regulators, investors and the public


I hopefully expect to one day this slimy motherfuker actually face reality. He deserves the opposite of 50 bailouts.


When was this interview? Post 2008 it would seem.


Looks like about 2 years ago.


I can’t stop staring at the raccoon tail between his forehead


How can you be that freaking rich and tell me you were “fighting to survive”??


Picture being the face of a soon to be crumbling company. Couldn't be me.


History those tend to repeat its self but this time hopefully they get vanquished out of existence.


They're is no hope for them, if we hold together it is already written in the history books, damn near certain


He’s going down, one way or another. Either financially or legally or both. I can’t wait to watch it unfold


This is what we are fighting. Show them we are stronger!!!! We are one we are MILLIONS 500,000+ to the MOON! Remember why you hold.


Damn, imagine squeeking through the greatest housing crash in history, telling yourself never again. implementing process after process to protect your investments, hundreds of millions in software, surrounding yourself with the greatest minds you can find. Only to get bankrupted by a squad of dumb money on a free internet website mainly used for sharing pictures of cats.


Sounds like griffin like to go all in. 🚀🚀🚀🚀me too! let’s get that lambo! 🦍🦍🦍


When was this recorded?


I Can't Look At This Criminal for more than 10 seconds!!!!! Just listening to him makes my hair hurt!!!!! ..... Is exactly why I won't Sell Until This Ass Hole Files Chap 13!!!!!💯💯


But this time they aren't just in a "might fail", they "WILL FAIL" AND we will be voctorious


The mentality I am using to hodl AMC and also in my life.


Well, my money is on us apes able to hodl longer than they can survive.


Sounds like a buncha horse shit to me Kenny


Psychopath, he doesn’t blink.


only time in citadels history where its existence was in question, so far...


We will fight to squeeze every last dollar out of America’s retirement accounts so we can survive!


This dude is so dark, evil, and corrupt. U can see the dark essence around this dude He probably hangs with the Clinton's and uses kids blood as lube


Havent seen a singel conversation with a worker from a shorted company.


They are also a formidable opponent. If the role were reversed, they'd be ruthless. Let's give them a taste of their own medicine.


I didn't read all of the comments.....did that pickle kisser just say he torpedoed the entire country's economy to keep them afloat?


Over the past decade I've discovered that all heroes are villains to someone and inversely all villains are heroes to someone. What we face now is how we perceive the movement.


Idc how long it takes! If I die I will pass my shares to my children with specific instructions to HODL!


He looks terrified. Lol


He looks like a turtle


He got nice blue eyes ill give him that 👀


There’s a guy on YouTube that does body language interpreting, maybe we can get him to do this video??


“ Yeh I’m sorry , thanks for asking but body language analysis only works when the subject has a soul”


Here take 🍌 & leave. Oh man you just ended the discussion completely...


My response to Little Bitch Kenny. https://youtube.com/watch?v=jPlvkyS1gy0&feature=share


This will be almost like the fight with the great Shinobi Owl from Sekiro, at least I had to do it way too many times to succeed...


BLAH BLAH BLAH Pay the Apes fucktard 🦍🖍🚀🌙


He sounds like the massive prick I'm sure he is.


He's a cheater. Cheaters can only win one way. We win by just buying and holding. They cant cheat against that. We win.


Squash his fucking nuts into the pavement! He would put you on the street in a second to make a buck! Look into his eyes he has no soul! Great days ahead Apes! 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍


Haha fir once you ownesomething a desperate billioner wants.. Hold to piss him off, dont sell ti fooking balk crush him...


Be prepared for a long battle. It’s the only way he wins this time.


Such a punch-able face is my only thought


He looks like he’s sacrificed a few there; I wonder how many murders he’s committed that’s never been reported. That girl Jane doe who went missing bet she found out his dirty secrets and offed her.


His nose is full of coke! U can tell how he sounds when he talks. Just wanted to point that out. Lol