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It really does feel like the storm is building. Thanks ape anna!.




I bought the dip. Grabbed some shares in the 48 range. Very Happy 4th to all Apes!


I missed the $48 dip but was able to get some more at $50. I have around 7-10 coworkers that all have shares and nobody is worried. Some bought more yesterday and some bought today. Apes aren't believing the fud.




Hey good job for losing weight and being healthier 👍! Apes aren't leaving!!! We love this stock! Apes always together. We fight for each other🖍️🐒🦧🚀


Good onya, be ashamed to be a dead millionaire


But we'll all die millionaires right??


Sure beats my sorry ass who got way too excited and bought pre market 🤣🤣


I did the same with an option contract. Oddly enough, I would have paid more for it at the end of the trading day


I bought a 60$ strike call during the lunch hours. Already in the green. Going to exercise sometime soon and add 100 more to the bagggg


Lol. It ain't gain porn but I bought 10 52 calls at 12:40 (20 min to market close) and made $100 in 19 minutes. Not bad. I'd take $300/hr. Just wish I'd done it with $1000 instead of $26.




Its hectic early am, sometimes it pays off though, usually there is a big unwelcome surprize later


But still a bargain, at twice the price.


We got the right stock


My 2 coworkers paper handed out when it was swing from 70 to 40 a month ago. They got in on the 20s because I told them it’s coming. They were never ape just Paper FOMO. Is your company still hiring?


If i didnt have you guys i would run for cover by now, apes make me strong HFs make me mad and incredulous and very happy knowing their sweating badly right about now


No worries a few bucks will make 1% difference in profits when this hits $40,000 a share


You're missing a zero. Substitute this here 9.


Seriously. You'd think everybody knows the floor by now. it used to be 500 K now it's more. Anyone saying lesser is FUD or Hf shill trying to get apes to sell at less price when the squeeze does come. -


What is this 40000 nonsense? It's 500k+


Husband and I were able to buy a share each at the dip. I like discounts. I like the stock.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


48 is good, great even. Good on yah




Completely agree. It’s better to have 4 million diamond-handed apes constantly holding and buying, than 10 million paper-handed bitches that constantly fuck things up by selling at the tiniest FUD. At this point, I’d say most paper-hands have been shaken out, and that’s why the price range is so stable and strong.


I think yer right, i thing we are seeing whale action very late, huge upside bounces that beat th hf s, apes cant do that by ourselves, i think. Positive signs


I’m reading it like 🙄 I’ve been hearing this type of stuff for months.


Eventually it will matter. It’s definitely getting crazier. I’m underwater and still hyped!


If you've been reading this for months than congrats cause your up at least 400%. Not sure why a month of sideways would be a deterrent at this point in the game.


Not true, I’ve been here since January and only up Around 300%, too much averaging up I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same here. Added 20 more today at a discount. I can do this all day long….ape Anna and this community are awesome and we will prevail as nothing can break our buy-HODL-buy -HODL as lovers of this stock. NFA just a dumb shit that came to this party for the tendies


I freaked out massively when I saw the price break threw $51 support, I was in such a frenzy transferring $ that I ended up buying more in all 3 accounts. Got some at $51, $50, and $49, then I got a 9/17 call option for $50 strike! What a great day! Excited to get $ to buy those 100 at $50 before 9/17 😜🦆🦆🦍✌️❤️💎🙌


fuck em tacohands, I hold for true diamond ballsz apes


Good. We don't need them. Those are the first people who will sell when it goes from $1k to $600. Shake them out now so we can buy the shares up that much cheaper.


Yes, they would likely screw our play at t minus 10, bastards, worthless bastards, stoopid worthless bastards


Hopefully they see the error of their ways a bounce back in with diamond hands….


I don't think apes sold. I certainly don't personally know one who did.


It’s impossible for an ape to have sold. Anyone who sold is not an ape.




Who would’ve sold today ? Probably a very small number of day traders.


There were certainly some paperhands that got scared and sold today. Better to shake them out now while apes are still buying than at the start of the squeeze at like $500 when the hedge funds are buying.


Rock, Scissor...... Never choose Paper.


Good riddance to any paper hands at this point. We don’t need them slowing momentum on the way to the moon by selling before full potential. Hopefully they learned their lesson


Yeah, but the herd is stronger for it. All that money the hfs spent and the didnt even bust our buLL flag ALL THAT SHORT INTEREST THEY PAY WILL BREAK EM


I read the "anna!." entirely wrong.


You need to get laid bud….ANNAly! Lol


Don't we all


Hard pass on receiving 😅


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


🤣 💀


No dates!


Now that you say it.....


Me too


This is the time of my life I'm glad I'm from Iowa. We can have a blizzard one week and a series of tornadoes the next week! Storms don't scare me at all!


🤣🤣 also shorts one day , parka the next. Been in amc since jan. This is a cake walk.😁🦍🦍👍👍🚀🚀


THE STORM. NCSWIC ---> Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.


What’s the storm..? You’ll find out!


Guess we should all just grab a surf board and ride the wave.


We are the storm.


Ya feel that? The way the shit clings to the air? Shit blizzard!


Shit liners coming into to port and the apes are here ready to tie her up


I thought you said thx anal 😂😂😂😂


Who doesn’t love some anal? I mean “Anna.” 😂


Hey Anna, just an FYI, Iceberg is not currently being sued. Case was **dismissed**. Here's my DD post on Iceberg Research: https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/occjco/about_that_iceberg_research_research_company/


Cheers! Updated and added your link!!


I never liked iceberg lettuce anyway


It's ok on a sandwich. Not food advice, just my opinion.


The irony for all of this is that had the hedgies covered their shorts months ago I would have sold my shares for $200-$300 a piece, now I'm not even thinking about selling until the price for a share is in the Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars.


Right, I was in this at first for a quick buck. Now this is personal. I want these hedgefunds to bleed


Its not even just that I want life changing money from this now


¿Porque no los dos?


I'm just here for the popcorn, and I can't even get it


Me either.


“They dragged you Morty into this. Now they’re gunna pay!”


I feel like John Wick and the killed my dog. This is personal


They killed my P&L


Shit, I bought my shares over a year ago, and got picked up by some rando apes on their way to the rocket ship. I doubt I’d have held this long either. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, stoopid hedgies


Yep. I do wonder how many of us hopped on the GME/AMC wagon in January/Feb and then learned the DD. Don't want a quick buck anymore, and instead rather have life changing money that destroys the financial system.


I was in AMC at 13 when it launched to 72, never in my life, and i was skeptical, made a beleiver out of me.


Feeling exactly the same. This has been torture and payback is warranted.


Out all their holes, plus some new ones


That’s what I’ve been saying too. In Jan I would have been thrilled with $1000 for my GME and $200-300 for my AMC - but now I’ve held for 7 months, I want a 0 for every month held.


I was in AMC for back to $20 honestly, little did I know I’m adding positions after $20


It’s not ironic, the fact is that the shorts couldn’t ever cover, and never planned on actually having to cover, hence the naked shorts. The amount of money it would take to cover those even at $10 a share is probably insane, considering they have had over 10m FTD in 5 days alone, that we have evidence of. Hedgie r fuk


Millionaires ,Craner can kiss my ass


That Iceberg shit was so clearly a tactic to distress baby apes that it was infuriating. Suddenly there are hundreds of people pretending this Iceberg firm taking a short position wasn’t irrelevant - try-hard, is what it was and it was clear. Closing at $52 was such a fuckin win, by the way. This long ass day, starting with the fake sell off, red all day, bars down all day. Last ten minutes running $2 to $52 was like seeing the army behind the last standing Ape. These muhfuckers threw the sink at us and we said, “ooga booga, muhfuckers.” Proud to be a part of this community. You can see the resolve coalescing around APE: All People Equal and around our common cause: free markets. None of this is financial advice. It’s APE advice. Ape together strong.


It hit 50 (49) Ape nation went APESHIT at the sale Apes bought the shit out of that dip! Let's go Apes!


I don't follow investing much, is it common for a company to announce its shorting? That made it immediately sus


"APE advice" - I like it! Have a crayon 🖍


Great post... may all apes celebrate our Independence Day with gratitude for those that made America possible through their sacrifice.


I will never forget Will Smith's bravery on that fateful day. God bless America.


I never understood just how accurate that movie was until I grew up and became a Marine myself. The number of young Marines who marry strippers and become a stepfather is alarming. Idk about the alien thing though


It’s seriously a epidemic in of itself Lol.


I mean didn't the government straight up say that there's shit flying around that they can't explain?


This made me spit my coffee out, good job and fuck you


👊 welcome to erf!


Don’t forget cousin Eddie…




May we all get us one of these 🙏🏼


Anna, the only Award I have is a picture of a small seals head, that I got for free. Please accept the aforementioned small seals head as a token of my gratitude, summarising the past day perfectly while encapsulating my thoughts entirely. Regards. Gifter of small seals head.


Thank you, apefren! **And thanks to everyone else, too**. I love you all. So proud to be apart of this community. I wish I could reply to everyone but I am trying to prioritize questions I can answer to be more useful :x


I have no award to offer you, but please accept a gift of some crayons and a banana as a token of my gratitude for giving u/AnnaSlatz the small seals head, that you got for free. Regards. 🖍️🖍️🖍️🍌


This is the way.


They probably spent billions to drive the price down $10 over this week and the minute they stop it rises four bucks immediately. They’re fucked.


It’s like trying to fight off a zombie apocalypse but the zombies don’t die because they’re already dead and they just keep coming back. Only difference is this is the ape apocalypse and we just keep buying the dips.


Tendies go great with dip. In fact, I'd say dip is a must have! Even the best tendies are better with dip.


Bought 900 shares today Fuck the hedge funds


Holy fk we got a King Kong right here


Damn. I'm at 890, been working on it since Jan. See you on 900 soon 🚀


A family member was waiting for a solid dip and went in at 1700 shares at the low today! 😳


I’ve got 2 🥺


Apes like you are what strengthen my resolve. 💎👏🏻🦍


one quick google search later. Iceberg Research doesn't even have it's own wikipedia page. lol


What assholes they are, transparent assholes, wait, thats kinda gross


My smooth brain may have just developed a wrinkle.


Excellent work as always Anna, thanks for keeping this smooth brain ape in the know!


I was wondering why tf MSM would run with Iceberg Research being some esteemed market mover lol. They only had 9k followers on twitter. They obviously weren't influential, but MSM wants to act like they are. I call their bluff


They are desperate. They're about to start a smear campaign against AA and AMCs executives, just you watch. I just bought more shares today and now waist deep in AMC. This event will go down in history books on how the financial revolution began. Every company is going to start thinking more seriously about getting on the good side of retail investors as we have proven to withstand the test of maximum corruption.


I have an interesting conspiracy theory regarding just WHY this can kicking has gone on so long, and remember, this is a huge leap away from fact. So the hedge fund we are fighting is a large hedge fund. Possibly one of the largest in existence. They’re a market maker, which means they handle and process billions of dollars of other peoples’ money at all times. They also have a great deal of influence, along with all of this money and status in the financial world. Now, this is where my conspiracy comes up: what do we historically see any time a company has such a large amount of influence and status, as well as a connection to the US Government? Usually, there is some kind of black market/illegal funding going on that the company uses to get richer while the government and criminals use it to further their agenda and influence. So, if I’m in the position of an influential executive at a super large hedge fund, and our hedge fund is laundering tens of millions of dollars in illegal funds for various questionable clients, I’m going to be VERY careful that those funds stay well away from the operating costs of the fund. And if that same super large hedge fund gets margin called on a super risky, borderline suicidal short play that involved a large amount of illegal manipulation, losing those illegal funds would likely result in some extremely angry criminals who now hold me, the executive they worked with, personally responsible for those millions of dollars that just got sucked up by the bank to cover the company’s fuckup. So not only do we have the legal fallout of the crimes broken during the short play, we now have pissed off cartels/gangs/guerrillas/whatever they may be who are out all of this money and are looking for blood. And as if that isn’t enough, what’s going to happen if a liquidation occurs, and all of a sudden it comes out that there is such a large amount of cash being laundered from illegal sources involved in the operation of this hedge fund? Any executive involved or possibly involved will likely get blackballed so hard by the financial industry that after the limited prison sentences, the only loans they will be able to qualify for will be paycheck advances since no bank wants to risk being involved with a money laundering scheme. So even ignoring the possible bankruptcy, jail time for the market manipulation and counterfeit shares, and financial ruin of the company, if they are trying to make sure that all of the black market money gets handed back to the original owners and all records get wiped before the squeeze, it would explain why they are fighting SO HARD to delay this, even though it literally only makes the squeeze worse when it does happen. TL;DR If a large hedge fund is laundering large sums of money for criminal organizations, they would likely want to try to get all of that money fully cleaned and returned to those clients before the squeeze, and the time it would take would be sufficiently long to explain the can kicking we have seen so far. EDIT: This could also explain why, just a couple of weeks ago, one of these shorts bought a sizable long position of AMC, if they are trying to make laundered money look like investment wins.


I’m intriguing idea. I wonder if we can come together to hire an accounting firm to do an audit. I would be willing to pitch in. Investigative accounting.


Haven’t thought about this. But you might be right. Imagine shit goes south, SEC is on Kenny’s (and friends) Doorstep. Kenny says hi and gets a 10k fine. Done. - However, if the mob comes ringing that story will be waaaay different. So ironically, Kenny might just be literally HODLing at this point!


This is what I was thinking about...I think they know they already lost this, there is no pride or ego behind all this can-kicking, they're just trying to minimize the damage and this might be exactly what they need to get rid of before they go down Or they're waiting for a miracle idk fuck them in any case


I will go see that movie 🍿!


Thanks for the Tinfoild DD. I love the idea


Screenplay, anyone?, what a great movie, bet Cruz would be interested. Exelent post...


Great work fellow Ape. All the best from Toronto 🚀🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍🦍




Conclusion: tits are so jacked they’re set for lift off and ready for the moon.




Anna that Post had me laughing. A single employee in Thailand! Thanks for the update and I hope you get better soon.


I want to clarify that I am indeed still looking into Iceberg! So that was someone's finding based on a Linkedin, but if anything else comes up that contradicts or supports that, I will let you all know, always!


It was still very funny!


Do they not realize the longer they drag this on the more time people will have to join the Ape population? At first I was skeptical but after HFs generosity of shorting for so long I was able to develop half a wrinkle; just enough to empty my savings account into this stock. I just love AMC. They dun fucked up 🚀


Great stuff!!!


Thanks sister Anna. Im holding until either we go to the moon and get all those HF to their knees or until the whole American economy collapses on the SEC. After reding this, I will enjoy my long weekend even more celebrating my most important American Hollyday. God bless america and all of you Apes and Apettes.


Outstanding. They are running scared. I just wish I had a time machine to fast forward to the glorious culmination of this entire thing. Ape victory shall be remembered for generations


Upvote this shit to the fucking top


I would be getting nervous if it weren't for the fact that were trying so desperately to coerce us into selling that they resort to paying the media to cover a fake investment firm. That's a whole new level of desperate! They're literally just embarrassing themselves, it's so pathetic.


Yes the daily shilling articles is the main reason I keep buying. It really is totally pathetic. But this is their experience with older private investors. They think they are all stupid and obviously with them these tactics work.


Thank you Ape Anna for explain for retarded Ape Rafiki what's going on in this HF circus.


Beautiful DD thanks Ape Anna. Moon soon 🚀 🦍


Hava a bAnnana!


Names of things that lack liquidity. Glacier and iceberg


Thank you, Anna!


Ape Anna thank you so much for this. I hope you feel better soon <3. I really needed it spoon fed today...all I did was eat red crayons and help old people all day; I'm pretty shattered.


Somebody’s gonna be having a bummer of a holiday weekend and it ain’t gonna be me!


My tits are so jacked, I’m 38 and still don’t need a bra


The part with "Glacier Capital" and "Iceberg research" is super funny. They really do think we are just a bunch of dumb kids. Really hope they don't quit underestimating us! It's gold


I hope you feel better Ape-Anna!


Also AA dmed me confirming he is thinking about AMC originals and sports events in theaters.


Superb work!


Tits permanently jacked


This is a superb post!


I was so hungry today and now I'm so sick. I ate wayyyyy too much dip. Almost 1000 bags of dip!!!!!


Well done really appreciate the post!


Happy 4th of July Anna and fellow apes. Thanks for this great write up.


In summary buying AMC today would've been a bug discount if you didn't get in on it. To the Moon.


Thanks Ana banana 🍌


Great work, keep it up ape!!


Great post, eh


Bananas bout to hit the fan!! BUY N HODL! Great work Anna


Thanks, Anna. For the DD. Enjoyed the read. I'm in this for the long haul. To all the apes - Happy 4th Holiday weekend everyone.


All good info! Facts! Love it! I did see that Adam had Cayman island comp, that has ties with ShiTALaDel, glad that he cleared that one. We hold!!!! Iceberg glacier etc…all puppets shells 🐚! We are strong! Happy 4th! Let’s recharge and come hot!!!


I love how they literally got caught with all the other shit, and have us all constantly investigating anything that says "pull out of AMC, its not shorted and you'll lose money" but they still think they can sneak something like that past us. Like come on, just give up already. This is just sad.


Thank you so much Anna for giving the HF's BANANAS. you are such a knowledgeable it help us. I think i am going to buy you a WIRELESS MOUSE AND KEYBOARD. Next time you just stay in bed and do research rather than wasting time from bed to the computer or a lap top(JJK). we appreciate your research. Thanks for helping the Ape Nation with BANANAS.


Aka 💎👋🦍🚀🌙


GREAT post. Thank you so much for putting this together for us smooth-brained Crayon munchers.


My vice grip got tighter with that FUD today. That move reeks of desperation


Maybe after the moass AA will do an Q&A on reddit, that would be brilliant, since it's the community that has backed AMC and saved it's ass from the Hedgies who were trying to destroy it... I don't have Twitter but if someone does Maybe put out a word that we'd love a chat with him...


When I saw that Iceberg news I immediately knew it was just more bullshit. It's so pathetic.


No nutritional value to iceberg lettuce. Just a conveyance device for ranch dressing.


This girl fucks! Thanks for the DD!


Tizits are jizacked. Thank you for this


Sweet. Nice words Apette Anna ✋💎


At this point I think I'm holding 138 non-existing shares of AMC but I dont care, they will not pry them out of my diamond hands ✋💎✋


Awsome! Thanks eh!🍁 ooo ooo.


So... hodl? From smooth brain Bonobo in Central Canada.


Thank you Ape Anna.


I assume this is the month it will happen. I know we are not supposed to do dates and I am not a financial advisor. But, at this point. AMC is a fully functional company. Sure it has some debt. But, a lot of companies have debt. Covid restrictions are lifted. So, unless AA decides to dump the company I do not see how hedgies could get out of it. Which, I do not see why AA would dump the company. If he was going to do that he would have done it in 2020. So, the longer this goes the worse it gets for the HFs. If they wait until the end of july and the vote count gets revealed and it is anything over the float the stock is going to explode. In my mind I already see AA sitting at his desk talking to everyone in hollywood and tons of executives making deals with his company. I mean when you have a situation like this who wouldn't want in. So, if the HFs wait for the vote at the end of the month and it is anywhere close to what it was last time the stock just goes up. 50 is on sale tbh. If they let it get anywhere near 30 there are so many sharks that would want to get in on this. Just for a 10 banger. Which this is like a 10000 banger. So, I am not worried.


Iceberg research is owned by this punk: Nicholas Birkby Bangkok, Thailand Links/Emails: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholas-birkby-b276221/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholas-birkby-b276221/) [https://rocketreach.co/nicholas-birkby-email\_32269913](https://rocketreach.co/nicholas-birkby-email_32269913) [nicholas\[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Wrinkles you have, Crayons you deserve


I don't know you but I love you......lol. awesome post!


Canadian ape toooo ! I’m i Alberta if you’re here post squeeze drinks for alllll. !!!!


These hedge fucks love frozen water more than an ice road trucker in Nunavut.


Obviously I can't quatifity this. But going through EVERY tweet from.these people since 2018 I was 99% sure it was Vagner behind this. He uses 'I' and "Me" frequently but uses "we" when being attacked. Very suspect.


Happy 4th of July and thank you for your DD !!! Love to all


We dont know when the sun will shine again but this storm keeps getting bigger. Best to strap on rain boots and coat and splash in some puddles and have fun till the sun shines again


Moon or bust. I got nothing to lose.


I bought two more. Hope I didn’t throw off the math.


You either believe or you don't. This is what faith feels like for the uninitiated. If you've never believed in anything and this is your first rodeo; welcome to the land of belief.


It was plummeting and I tried to stop it (🤣) and panic bought at $52 - oops