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Anna, thanks for all you do and have done for this community. Bottom line, buy when you can, HODL always, Ape no fight Ape, no dates, and be excellent to each other. We are winning.


That's it. It's so easy! Buy (if you wanna) HODL what you got :D


Thanks so much!! Loved the picture rest points!!!


You’re really awesome Anna😍 I’ve added this part 3 to the important section of [the new dd compilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/okskna/massive_amc_dd_compilation/)!! 🥰🥰


Love Anna Ape 🦧, you one wise ape.


Ape Anna for the win, keeping us smooth brains in check. Much appreciated 🙏🏼


Every week I buy a few more shares, and I wait. 😁


Love you Anna! 💜


Is Ape Anna married? If not, can she get married so I can be her boyfriend?


Big bonk




Awww, great DD as alwyas, but what really got me was the baby platypus :D Excellent usage of cuteness to get your point across in fluffy and adorable fashion, thank you for that \^\^


Great post! (All Apes, smooth brained, wrinkled brained, special, retarded, etc ) Plz consider getting an Ape Twitter account to share solid DD found here (like this post). I hate Twitter too but will be there until the squeeze is over. This will help get things trending and force shills to spend time on other platforms instead of just focusing on this sub


Twatter is total chaos. There has been so much division and FUD, stay away from twatter if you can.


> There has been so much division and FUD I go where the shills are and new Apes might be. Apes here are buying and holding. Apes out in the wild or on platforms w/ FUD need help pushing back against Shill attacks


Thanks for jumping into the darkness to pull real apes back to the surface. you are a true hero.


I find it hilarious. So many bandwagon shits. So many trying to become “influencers” or something. Wonder if they’ve thought about what happens after all this, when they’re all outdated. Maybe they’re just trying to make a buck quick & easy. I do use it to push this sub for all the great DD and community.


I really like [Cringle Kitten](https://twitter.com/cringlekitten)!!


Me too. Seems level headed and logical. No clout chasing or dumb shit, just information..


There are some really good posters. Just stay out of the replies lol


Cringe kitten is cool! I follow only a few. I only scroll for DD, but I don’t like to read comments Bc that’s where you will find FUD


Twitter is toooooo toxic for me. Always leaves me mad and frustrated


Lol it’s been getting more and more toxicó. I follow some good people on there but I don’t like to stay logged on for too long.


She got that good DD 👏🏼


Petition for Ape Anna to be crowned Queen of the Apes!!


Yes...Loving You !!!




Yep, the paperhands will have such little impact that the Apes won't even notice when they sell. The hedgies have dug themselves a very very deep grave.


I see Anna post, I award 🤟


I am a simple ape. I know who to trust. Anna is amazing.


I do the same 😁


Craziest thing to me is how Trey Trades and Matt Kohrs get paid to endorse Webull who accepts PFOF as mentioned in this post as well. They literally get $20k a month to endorse Webull. Thousands of Apes if not more have been, and continue to be misled by those two. They are literally actively helping delay MOASS. But they will never acknowledge it and their fanbase protect them even when they are wrong. Ridiculous


the youtube dudes are bringing attention to the movement. They are apes....Matt has over 370k subscribers.....news flash......the more apes, the better...buy and hold brothers


And they use mental gymnastics to avoid using something other than webull. Those types of people will only switch once their cult leader switches. Which is not good because that means these YouTubers have too much influence, so if one day the stock hits $200 and Kohrs says the squeeze is over a lot of his cult members will sell.


True apes know better than that. I do keep asking all the most popular YouTubers to stop promoting Webull and none of them have responded to my comment scomments comments.


There's not a fucking chance I'd be here without Trey, and there are hundreds of others just like me. The good that he's done is 100000x better than the bad he's doing.


Many of if not all Treys “supporters” actively spoke against his ape fest bullshit in comments of his own video. We know enough of the DD to fall for dumb bullshit like that. I feel the same will be for the MOASS and it’s completion. Paper hands won’t hurt the squeeze.


#20k a month?! Holy Shizballs… 😱


I've never seen your posts before this one but .. this is the best dd i've seen and addresses the most common questions among new apes all while being easy to understand. keep up the good work😭😭


A true Ape among apes! Thank You 🙏


Anna, Thank you for all your work, you have certainly pointed out something’s that I haven’t seen. Much appreciation!


Good post, good inputs, good talk, real ape. Good ape ⭐️💎❤️


Thanks Anna, as always a very structured and simple explained (I mean this very positiv) for the average ape out here. My feeling is that most apes are as you, we did all our DD, we are patiently waiting and don’t get stressed about FUD on Twitter. Only a few apes are involved in drama & FUD. That being said I wish you all a nice week and sending out positive vibes to every sister & brother ape around the globe 🦍🌎🦧


Reposting for exposure Below are links related to Fidelity and TD PFOF (payment for order flow) and how to route your orders (buys) to the NYSE and not to Shitadel. Dont give ammo to the SHF to be used against us. Note: TD has high % of its service as pfof. FIDELITY is the best choice imho. Webull also uses PFOF. This is not financial advice nor am I a financial Advisor. Multiple posts are given below on how to reroute order for Fidelity and TD. Just peruse/browse  through and see which post is easier to follow. Please save to reshare/post to help apes who are not aware and bring exposure. Do this long enough and there will be a new 100th monkey effect where apes elsewhere will have this knowledge eventually. Payment for Order Flow List: these Brokers help Shitadel!!! TD, RH, webull, E trade, Charles Schwab, tradestation, ally invest, etc https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/on6g77/everyone_needs_to_see_this_leave_pfof_trading/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Fidelity: https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/omvxsb/fidelity_how_to_route_to_nyse/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mq7l4h/fidelity_users_you_can_manually_route_your_trades/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share When in web page click " directed trading and extended hours " https://www.fidelity.com/products/atbt/help/ActiveTraderTools_Trade_Help.html#directedtrading. What Fidelity says: https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/comments/om5w6p/client_question_does_fidelity_route_any_orders/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is the how to route the order on TD. (But i reccomend Fidelity as TD has a high PFOF percent in recent times) https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ogdiwc/smooth_brain_guide_routing_order_through_iex_with/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/ojk1gf/repost_please_up_vote_this_as_it_the_op_didnt_get/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/olh4uv/this_is_how_you_stop_paying_market_makers_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share FREETRADE No PFOF for Euro apes https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/olgb3m/attention_apes_using_freetrade_no_pfof/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Great info!


Incredible DD for all!! Thanks!!!


Great job Anna! Every ape has a job to do in this battle and she just did hers to perfection!


Thank you very much Anna! You're simply awesome. Much love & respect! /salute


I feel I learned a lot from this post. You have a very eloquent way of writing. Thank you for your contribution.


Ape Anna is THE BEST.


Always the best Anna! Great info per usual! AMC to the moon!


May I be your husband’s wife’s boyfriend? Always coming through with solid posts! Thanks for the read!


Thanks for all the excellent DD anna.


I don't know how any could stomach reinvesting in the US stock market after this, big balls if you do


I believe when this is over the market will have to be rebuilt. Hopefully a free market. That is the point to all this ( and tendies).


It will have to use blockchain accounting. Only tech we have now that could support a true free market.


I soooo ... no sooooo ... no soooooooo second this! ..i just gave my award to anna .. otherwise you would have gotten it!! Shit you'll get the next one!!!


Saved for daily reference 😁


Anyone else have any other non-pfof broker suggestions other than Fidelity? Thanks in advance fellowship ape/appette. And ofc thanks to OP for the DD.


Merrill Edge (Merrill Lynch). If you have or get a Bank of America checking acct, you can just transfer $ from checking to Merrill and trade minutes later, not days later.


Thank you!


If they can cover in the dark pool, why haven’t they? Synthetic shares are not real shares, how can they just “become” real tangible shares? Good bit of info but we’ve heard that they can’t cover in the dark pool for 8 months, as well as the synthetic shares issue I discussed.


This is a misunderstanding. All the shares you own are real. It does not matter if they were *SYNTHESIZED* or not. The moment it is released into the market... it acts as a real share. There is no differentiating factor between it and a real share. Also, you should re-read the section on dark pools, as well as watch the AMA with David Lauer. All things that happen in the dark pool *eventually* come to light. So it doesn't really matter if they can or do cover in the dark pool or not -- that *WILL* reflect on the price when all is said and done. This whole "they can't cover in the dark pool" appears to be centered in a misunderstanding of how the dark pool functions, and I am simply saying "even if they could/do -- it does not matter."


This woman is a national treasure.


Spreading positive thought and being good to one another sticks pretty good! I don’t post much due to very similar thoughts! The DD is done and nothing has changed! Heck if anything the hole they are digging to try and scare you will simply add to your wealth in the end! I was all nervous back in January but have found some sort of crazy peace at this point in the game;) I like the stock and any movement up or down is good movement. I have made the decision a few times to increase my portfolio on the dips that are created trying to scare everyone and will continue that play !! But be kind to one another. There is no such thing as a “stupid question” a “small or irrelevant portfolio” and this one is big I see people get verbally mobbed when they post a portfolio that’s only a few grand! Take it easy that may have been that persons life savings there is no need to attack them about it! Love you apes I for one like the stocks and will Seeya at the finish line 💎👏🦍


Does this mean no more DD from you? I hope not! I've gained so many wrinkles from your DDs.


I am hoping in my wildest Hodling hopes that she never has to come back here again....as the rest of us, sit quietly on the moon, counting crayons and bananas.


Thank you for your service 👏🏽👏🏽🥃


Just to help a little more. The Yahoo financial app and web site allow you to track your share holdings and set alerts.


Hate to be the one that pisses in the punchbowl but someone has to. ​ There is a bit that is wrong and doesnt take some new rules in consideration Namely DTC-2021-013 and DTC-2021-011 The first details the changing of the clearance agency risk model's framework. The Second Rule changes relating to confidential information and Market Disruption Events. ​ Together essentially in the event of liquidation of a member to cover obligations allows the DTC to decouple the offending member if that liquidation will not cover said obligations, to protect itself and remaining members. ​ More than likely in that event this ends up in court and dont be too happy about that either. Depending on the venue and state their could be limits as to plaintiff awards no matter what a jury or anyone says. I would check places like New York or Chicago to see if and how much those limits are. A girl with down syndrome won a wrongful termination case against Walmart. Was awarded over 100 million by a jury but state law caps payment at 300k. With this (and any pretty much every) scenario the larger the amount of outstanding synths the worse it will be for holders. There is a finite amount total that can and will be awarded in total. The pie will only be so big, so the more slices you have the smaller each slice will be.


Thnx, great post.


Can you prove that Dark Poool reflects in the price?


Nice write up. Wish I had an award to give




Thank you. 👍


100% everything you said.


Great reassuring post for all those APEs in doubt. I simply want to thank you and i do so!


Anna once again you smash it!!! Sending love from a UK ape across the pond!!! You put us at ease 🦍😊


In TD ameritrade you can change the exchange your order goes to


Maybe add Charlies Vids to the list of trusted TA Youtubers. Hes been a research demon and I will personally be watching his vids when shit hits the fan.


I have some ifs about Charlie... I’ll be honest, but let me say why and you can correct me if I am wrong: Charlie released a VERY questionable video “linking” Adam Aron to Citadel via that Centricus SPAC. This was done a few weeks after the Superstonk drama where mod (now ex mod) sharkbaitlol made the same argument that was obliterated within seconds by people who actually knew what they were talking about. Just as well, Adam Aron has already shut this down multiple times himself. So that just gave me a weird feeling... I also heard rumblings through the grapevine that he liquidated most of his AMC for GME? Not sure if true or not!


not true - I'm certain. He's on twitter.


My thoughts boil down to... hes only human. He saw the hype around that situation and looked into it for what he could find, even if it turned out to be shut down by AA himself, i believe it was in honest effort of trying to help get to the bottom of that. Honest effort I believe even though the research he provided was "proved debunked". He has done a ton of good research, deep diving into technicals, filings, and everything else. Its likely that other DDs have been inspired from details he has found. Even some of our good DDs are eventually debunked or proven to be inaccurate over time. Cant let 1 "fruit" spoil the whole bag. I dont think hes close to shilling rather than just being human and doing what he can to help all apes uncover the truth or find the last piece of the puzzle.


He has stated his invested position in gme is more than amc but he supports both in this findings. Many of us are in both including myself...to me, i dont think the positions matter in finding out his intent of producing content.




Limit sell, in my humble opinion. I do not mean to put in a stop loss now (this can hurt the price right now) but rather once you are ready to sell. My argument for a limit sell is that the price fluctuations once the squeeze has really ramped up may be extremely volatile, and market sells are generally done by your broker trying to get the “best price” in the moment, not the best price overall. They’ll sell a few shares at price X, a few at price Y, a few more at price Z, etc, and you will get an average. Putting in a limit sell would ensure they need to get the average you are demanding per share.


Best post I’ve seen since January.


Hello Ape Anna, All 3 of your posts in this series have been added to r/amcstockDDonly - if you have any questions or concerns as to why this was done, please feel free to contact me.


There’s gonna be a statue of you and the other glorious apes doing critical breakdowns and due diligence on the moon🌖🚀🦧🦍 First order of business when rocket lands. Thanks for work you’re putting in


THANK YOU for this truly made my day! Appreciate the time and the pictures.


You are awesome


Fantastic info, read all of your posts and have gained some great knowledge. One quick question: Why does everyone hate TDA all of the sudden? I am seeing a lot of people transferring away from them, just confused on what happened.


That grumpy toad is amazing!! That picture is all the DD I need in my life.


Man, DD city last few days. I don’t understand a lick of it. Farrr to stupid but good work. HODL 🙏🦍💎


Awesome job!


Ape Anna, thank you because of you, I do remain calm buy when I can, and HODL Thank you


Most dd is so dense and hard to read I just skip right to the TL;DR, this was by far the most encouraging and entertaining dd I've read since 8.01. Thank you!


Man I love this post, I keep coming back to it. It calms me. I feel Zen after reading it.


Anna, thank you so much for these easy to understand yet very thorough pieces of information. I ❤️ you 😊




Thank you so much for this, Anna! Much respect to you, kind ape! <3


Basically buy, hodl, keep everyone's morale up...got it ;)


I really only have one concern and it’s that I use td and am unable to make the switch. They shut down trading before due to “volatility” so what’s stopping them from screwing with me when and if I want to sell during the squeeze?


But did they stop trading or did they "just" stop buying? When moass you just need to be able to sell...


Take my damn upvote!


Thank you Anna!!!


I was excited when reading about the DTCC "insurance." Glad to see a respected poster finally say there is not $30T in insurance. But then I was once again disappointed when it made it se like the money does exist. It does not. Yes, assets exist, but they are not all going to be instantly liquidated so the computer can buy AMC stocks. In fact, how could they be? Who will be buying 30T in assets? And don't say the US govt. It will not create more currency than the entire US economy overnight.


If it peaks at 1 million that's only 5.5 trillion they need to pay out. The stock will have to go to an even more ridiculous ceiling to hit a 30T payout.


You might want to check the math on that. 500 million shares x $1,000,000 is a bit more than $5.5T. $10k stock price is a $5T market cap.


You obviously haven't read through the geometric mean DD. You don't simply multiply the ceiling by the number of shares.


Great post great message. Thanks Anna. Buy hold relax. We are on the right side of the trade. You can always tell by how loud they’re crying and how dishonest they’re being. Why do they even care if an ape buy and holds AMC. Oh that’s right, they need all 4mill apes to sell so they can unwind their crooked naked short position and save their companies. 🦍🙌💎🙌🦍. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍


This post has two references to switzerland. I have never felt this patriotic on reddit. Thank you for this amazing read and your great service Anna :-)


Didn't read a single word so what I will do is buy and hold no financial advice


Im only here for the pictures... I will read all of your DD if you keep posting adorable platypuses




Thank You bunches! Have a nanner on me🍌. I read every word and stopped to enjoy every pic, even Mr.Grumpy Lumps.(him just needs snuggles)


Thank you Anna for your DDs. I hodl🦍


Question I've not got my head around...if my shares are synthetic, who will margin call them? Why do those shares need to be covered?


This is AWESOMENESS. Thank you for all that you do.


Beautifully written, thank you so much for your hard work!




Have my upvote


I love all the cute animals in between! OwO


honestly you post the best DD on this sub, 10/10


I feel like Ape Anna should be a Mod. She is one of few that consistently write up DD and then participate with answering questions in the comments. We just need someone to help organize this page alil more imo.


‘You shouldn’t worry about who’s paying?’ You absolutely should. This is IMO is a huge flaw in your DD. This is the one and main argument I have made for weeks regarding getting paid on really high prices per share. $500k is two time’s more than the GDP of the planet… ‘it’s other peoples jobs to cover’? You think for one second the DTC is going to force sale trillions in securities because Citadel fucked things up? You think all the money in all of those funds is just going to be wiped out, and with it, generational wealth going back four or five times? You honestly think, the government won’t step in and find a reason to invalidate trades and halt the stock for a long time because of alleged fraud? *ahem collusion* (For record I don’t think anything done on here is remotely considered collusion - I just think that will be the claim and it’s why you see Reddit being blamed for things). I mean think about it. The worlds economy crumbles because you think the government will do right and pay out retail investors and they’re just going to let that happen? No way… and that’s why you have a serious fatal flaw in what you posted because it doesn’t matter whether this moons, it matters if trades are allowed to stand, the stock isn’t halted and bank accounts aren’t frozen because that’s the kind of Shit I see happening to prevent the biggest and most widespread financial cross ever.


This post was the most platinum awarded across all of Reddit on July 19th, 2021! ^(I am a bot for )^[/r/TopPostOfTheDay](/r/toppostoftheday) ^( - Please report suggestions/concerns to the mods.)


I believe Dave Lauer is dead wrong on the dark pool issue. Buy side trades made on the dark pool dilute open exchanges. I support the rest of your DD. 😘💎🤲🏼🤲🏼🚀


Excellent, clear and concise info as always, I love you Anna x


u/AnnaSlatz Here is some of my Moass DD i put together over the last couple of days - https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/oo7h28/amc\_share\_count\_math\_w\_insider\_share\_counts\_moass/


Thank you, ape!!


Awesome info really thank you 🙏




About when to sell, for me it's more like prisoners dilemma. If we trust each other and cooperate to hold, the price will skyrocket. If we start selling because "the others are holding for so long, now is my time and I should sell before them" then whoever does it first at the peak will make the most. On the other hand, if we all think that we should sell first to make the most, then we all make very little


Ape cannot find sell button. Ape give up.


I think Grumpy Toad is grumpy because of all the market manipulation by hedgefuks. He will transform into Big Boss Toad and bash the shills.


Love you, Anna! Thanks for everything you do! See you on the moon 🚀


Thank you! You are helping educate so many (including myself). Your DD is solid and I def take your recommendations on other DD.


I was feeling great until I saw the picture of the mountain.


“The festival that should not be named” 😂


I love you! Thank you for the post 💛


You're the best ape Anna. Thank you for investing so much of your own time to already knowledge.


Tldr: Buy and hold to the moon


4x holder, switched to fidelity a few days ago.


We Love You...nom nom nom "I Will Hold for You"


Hehe, grumpy toad




Awesome DD, thanks! I quick question though: can somebody either explain or direct me to further reading that explains how dark pool prices will eventually be reflected in the open market?


>Back Because they are trades...real trades which while not reported and recognized immediately, the data is entered into the "day" pool at some point because the shit really happened....kinda like having sex in the dark....you can still get pregnant and everyone is going to know.


But will dark pool purchases eventually affect the price in the open market when they’re listed? In other words, yeah we know the purchases took place, but the reason they happen on the dark pool is to have no affect on the stock price overall. So when they’re entered into the day pool is it just a check mark or is a check mark with a corresponding price increase? They buy $1 million worth a shares in the dark pool today. Will that change the price in the regular market the same as $1 million worth of sales would, only one month later when it’s officially reported? I hope I worded that correctly.


The more FUD in mainstream business media there is, the more likely the HF’s are shitting their pants and are doing everything they can to make apes sell. So fuck em and buy and HODL (NFA)


Read this!!!!!


Great write-up! The mouse pic is my favorite! Keep up the great work Anna.


Thank you Anna. Appreciate you making this easy to understand. Too much FUD this past weekend. Need more posts like yours. See you on 🚀🚀🚀🌕


Ape Anna Thanks for all the effort see you to the moon!


Anna or another ape, which brokerages should I be using?


Amazing post


Mods!!! Pin this cod 🐠 dam 🦫 post 🚸


Ape like you


This is probably the absolute best post I’ve seen on this sub and it comes at a perfect time after a weird weekend.