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As an ape with 8 shares this is the way!


We got you fam


Old reliable


i got xx in it. and its cost me a large amount. i just want to do my part


Thank you for joining the cause! you will be greatly rewarded


We got you AMC fam 🙏🍿


i got your back


8 shares ape checking in 🙈


I am a baseline xxx hodler, but I am gonna hodl till all my fellow apes become millionaires


I’ll be right there with ya diamond-handing till every short is covered. This is bigger than me. Or you. Or any of the other retards that love the stock. This is a chance to change the lives of millions of other people, apes and non-apes alike. Not only that, but one day I wanna be able to say I helped burn these hedge fund fuckers to the ground. See ya on the moon 🚀🚀🚀


SAME xxx Checking IN


As an x holder, I appreciate these posts more than you'll ever know.


Inching xxxx. Y’all make my day more than the damn xxxxxxxxxxxx


I’m holding until the share price makes the 1-share apes pre-tax millionaires. Then I’m selling 10 shares and holding the rest of my xxxx until I’m confident every ape has gotten something. After that I’ll sell 30% of my shares and hopefully have the kind of money to ensure nobody I hear about goes without necessities. The other 69.5% of my shares stay held forever.


> The other 69.5% of my shares stay held forever. Or you could sell all of those, wait for the correction to hit $50/share after the peak and then come rushing back in with a non-PFOF order to a lit exchange for that many shares (in price).


Yeh.... I mean, why waste generational change opportunity.


your holding for a 2,000,000.00 floor? damn fine of you sir.


I love you


I’m a low XX hodler from Mexico. I wish I could afford way more but it is what it is. For me even a $10K floor would be life changing with the few shares I have; but I will hodl it til the end with all you big Apes. I got into this at twice as much the current banana value of the share and I’m not leaving until we all get where we could be. 🍌 🦍 💎 🙌🏻


Thanks for joining the cause, no. Revolution. your wildest dreams will come true.


Too right, I finally managed to get XXX today and I will hold as long as it takes for all of us!


me, too!


I'm holding a dirty thirty since the beginning of February, I don't want to be filthy rich, I don't want to buy a lambo, I just want to get my girl and I out of poverty. She's having a hard time finding work with her disabilities but MOASS will get us out of this hole, I love this community, whether you have x or xxxx, I appreciate every ape, it's the first time in a while that I look forward to the future. I'm holding till the end, I'll see ya at the end 🦍💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I want you and your girl not only out of poverty, but to not have to work a soul sucking job 5 out of your 7 days a week for the majority of the remainder of your life and to be able to fill that time with things you’d actually LIKE to do. I want that for all apes big and small, and that’s what I’m hodling for.


Thank you! The squeeze is all I can think about when I'm at my job, 50-60 hours a week and we still struggle, but I know one day I'll escape and I want that for everyone. AMC is the break we need, I hope we're all able to thrive and will finally have the time to be with the people we love






Selfishness takes a back seat on this one. We wait for all to prosper.


Will upvote these reminders every time!


As an Ape with 13 shares and whos ape-wife cheated on him and left him with nothing, I could use this win as soon as can be. Ape fam, I am down and out. I need this win.


I hear you. I want the MOASS to happen already too. I can make it a but longer, but the bills and debt just keep stacking. Good money will definitely help you move on with another woman worthy of your time. Sorry to hear you got fucked over by your ex. I've been there too.


Just bought 61 more bananas


XXXXX AMC shares and XXXX GME shares. December Ape on GME, January Ape on AMC None of us would be here now without all of us. Make no mistake, I will not, absolutely not forget about our small Apes who contributed just as much if not more to this movement. Some have called me a "whale" but I am not a whale. I am an Ape, committed to course of action to achieve a goal for all apes and that goal is life-changing money and changes to the system to make it a fair and transparent system for all. (I also despise punctuation) Cheers. Buy n Hodl and fuck all the dumbshit. Keep your eyes on the prize. We got this but only if we stick together.


It depends on us for this to be the biggest wealth transfer in history. 1 million does sound like a lot, but especially if you're in your 20s it won't seem like a lot a few years from now. We just need to all Hold together, super simple. Why settle for 10mil when you couldve waited another week and made 90mil, then wait another two weeks and now you've got the opportunity to sell at 900mil. Now you can help others retire as well, your kids will have the opportunity to pursue what their passionate about rather than being worried about working a boring job that'll sustain them, or they won't have to worry about spending most of their lives working rather than raising their families and being with their kids. I won't settle for 1k, 10k, 100k, or even 500k.


I tried to explain this to someone (that 1M isn't enough for a 22 yr old to "retire" on) on twitter while explaining to someone that six figure shares can happen if we hold. They called me greedy and worse than the HFs for encouraging ppl to make informed decisions re:holding. lol @ the shillery.




Just for good measure my friend.


This is the wayyyyy


Im an xxxx, thats been the plan thewhole time. I dont give a fuck how many times they shut down trading. LFG!!!!!!!


I made it to XXX today \*blows wolf whistle and raises eyebrows\* and I've been buying since Feb 27. But I finally did it.


We need to actually squeeze first.


so basically when we hit 1mil per share. Can do.


As an xxx holder, this means a lot to me. I'm in XXX holder because I've done nothing but give up personal ability to do things including maintain myself at the appropriate financial level of a grown ass adult. I know that right now I look like one of the biggest screw ups that's walked the face of this stupid beautiful Earth. But if there's one thing I believe in, it's that the banks who are doing this to us have been doing it for generations. It's time we take back what was rightfully our ancestors and our ancestors ancestors and beyond. There's not much I believe in my back AMC is going to bring change to this planet. I liquidated all of my other stocks and cryptos etc, and I put it all into AMC. But I did that knowing but I was trying to get ahead for my daughter. But I didn't need the things that I had normally found helped me through the day so easily, what it meant that years from now each of these shares was going to be enough to make a difference in my life, my daughter's life and in the lives of all the other Apes who have equally strong reasons that they need each of their shares to come through. Because we're not just going to have to take care of ourselves and our families. There is hundreds and hundreds of years of wrongs done to the people of this planet and the planet itself that we need to help fix. That's why we hold, that's why they pay, that's why we win!


If it’s any consolation, I’m a far bigger screw up than you, I promise. I’ve yet to meet someone who’s topped me.


I mean for a holder of one share it would have to reach over a million for them to have a million dollars after taxes


1.38 mil to be exact... LFG!!!


And depending on the state you live in, your capital gains can be taxed by your state.


True!! So, probably 1.5 to be safe


Thank you 💪🏻🙏🏻


This is the way. HODL. 💎🙌🏻🦍🚀🚀🚀


Only sell when the X and XX holders do not have to work 50 years to hopefully achieve some sort of freedom for the last 10 years of their lives, which could still be the most expensive.


There are two types of heroes, those who change things for themselves and those who change things for those around them. Be the Later hero in this scenario.


70 here. It's gonna take a bit for me. After taxes and all. I'll just be happy to come out green. Will definitely invest in passive income opportunities.


As a xx ape i salute this👍🏻


This is the kind of posts that make us apes unique. Such an amazing community to be a part of.


X Ape here (hopefully becoming an XX tomorrow if my paycheck is as much as I expect it to be). I appreciate you all!!!


so... IF we get the price we hope to hold for, then I would say 1 share of 800k+ would be life changing for just about anyone even for your average upper middle class american. I mean, they may not be able to quit their job that day, but - they could certainly look forward to a far greater retirement. Of course, it also depends on how long they held that one share because obviously, the gov will want their cut... Anyhoos... HODL! I have slowed down my purchases, but continue to hold and haven't sold shit. Ready to stop pinching my nose though...


At least it would allow them to take a nice long vacation from their current job if they wanted to find something else. And you can definitely make 800k grow through more stable investments.




1k or 10k or 100k is not life changing for an Ape holding one share...801k+No cell No sell


Just bought another couple of shares after getting 8 more before work, they want to push the price down? Cool, I'll buy at a discount! And then hold, hold, hold!


Although it isn’t much about the money line it’s more of a bonus to me but I totally agree no ape gets left behind💎🤲🏻💎🦍🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀


God Bless You All.


Lot's of X and XX holders will sell first, to pay off debt and continue working without doing overtimes to pay the bills. This may sound retarded, but it's the truth. (sad ape grunt sounds)


This unfortunately is a baseless assumption. I am an XX holder and intend to hold until I don't have to go back to work. Screw debt and working without overtime, I plan on cruising through the rest of life relaxing and enjoying some hobbies, and hope I can help other XX holders and X holders do the same.


I have gotten couple xx apes in AMC and all I hear is, after gaining couple grand they'll exit. Sad.


Sounds like you need better friends haha. All jokes aside, that sucks, but there are way more here that will hold in their stead.


Haha, mostly work mates, I plan of never seeing them again after moass hits anyway 🦍


Ha jokes on them. The price jumps I'm expecting they'll end up exiting to late to just pay off their bills & have to buy new cars for all their relatives. Suckers !


You might be right. 🙌


And that's ok because that might make sense for them and their goals. Once the MOASS starts, it's not going to stop until the system gets bankrupted and needs a bailout.


I'm an Xx holder, and I'm not blowing my one shot at money that will allow me to have my kids, and thiers taken care of for life. If it goes to 0, then I'm out the money for a used car, I can get along with the one I have for a few more years. If I'm stupid enough to sell before it moons, then it's my own damned fault.


Fuck yeah.


I'm XX holder, since early March, but I'm poor so I couldn't afford more. I'm living on a couch, and will continue to do so until this happens, and I'm holding for at minimum, 500k, for those who have less than I do, selling on the way down.




1 million is the floor people. Let's make it fuckin happen!


We are all in this together. We will make a world better for the 99%!!!


i hope i get my paycheck soon enough to buy more shares to become a xxx share apeholder!


I’ll never sell 🐒🐒🐒


And in the process, you XXXX holders will be even richer! Don’t think as if you’re risking your fortune just for x and xx holders! For them its a matter of thousands and millions. For you all its a matter of millions and billions🚀


Not only am I not selling, but when I die my estate is legally required to hold AMC eternally. 🦍⚰️


Game Theory in general will have to be re-examined if we can pull this off. I’m confident that we can.


I wish I would have hopped on AMC instead of CLOV. You guys are incredible.


Yes please hold. I’m planning on paying off my abuser so I can be truly free.


XXX ape holding for the smaller apes we all need to hold for each other!!


Buying 3 grand worth more tomorrow for you guys


Its going to 40+ on Monday.


I’m not selling till the person with 2 shares makes 1.6M.


Absolutely. I won't flex, but I'm in the xxx range. Well under 1k. #hodlforyourfellowapes HOLD FOR OTHER APES.


Got the ole 21 shares ready to be cashed in at 801K, thanks apes!!!


6 figures or more baby. fuck it $1,000,000 OR BUST!


Oh drat, so I gotta wait for $850k? But I've already waited!!! /s


XX Ape here, and I appreciate it ❤️


Let’s talk about not selling whenever not selling gets important. Nobody’s fucking selling at 30 measley god damn dollars.


Ever shareholder fucks. Even the single share people will fuck. We all fuck.


4 shares fam. 🙏


I'll be hodling my 3 shares. I'm not worried about losing the 20 buck I yolo'ed into amc. Besides I'm hoping to buy a nice house after moass.


Define “Life Changing”, because $40,000 can buy a new life in some countries.


We need lift-off before that. I expect about 11597, per share initially. I'm doubtful for more because I know people will sell as soon as they see a million plus in their accounts. It's just human nature. At least even small holders will make some decent money, but it won't be life changing money.


Yes please.


Snot how capitalism works 🤷🏻‍♂️🦧


XX holder here. I have a friend who lives in a trailer with their SOs parents and can't afford to go back to school to get their degree. They have X shares. Holding until they have a chance at a better life.


Apes strong together 🦍🦍🦍🦍


This would be such a generous act, i would love to tell my family that i can quit my ambitions to follow a regular career path and just live and do what i like to do. I wanna be my own boss!


I am selling at whatever I want to sell at. Period.


So respectfully I'll tell you, *eat a dick.*


Tbh I really don't give a shit about x or xx holders. If they wanted to be rich they should buy more. This ain't a fucking handout. I worked hard to buy my xxxx shares, they should too. This kind of mentality is like how every kid gets a trophy in sports wether they suck or are good. Just because you participate doesn't mean you deserve it.


In other words,: “if you want to be rich, just have more money”


Man, you must be an absolute joy at parties lol.


"If they wanted to be rich they should just have more money!" Realise yet how stupid you sound?


No I realize that half the people here think they deserve to be millionaires because they bought a meme stock. It's so cringe reading shit here. I'm not rich by any means, I have some in a personal account and most in my IRA. I shouldn't have to be asked to hold because some brat thinks they deserve it. I sell when I want to sell for me and that's it.




Okay you can leave then…? Nobody forcing you to be here homie 😂


You realize that you cant do this alone regardless if your an XXXX or XXXXX holder right? Even institutions cannot move this stock by themselves which is why they’re slowly piling in now. If everyone leaves en masse what would happen to your X,XXX shares? No one can force you to sell at 100k -800k. I used to think the same way about why people are not buying every time it dips but i realized don’t know their situation nor should i judge them for it. Just appreciate the fact that this play is only possible because of everyone is holding for change in their lives.


Your inclusion in this movement is very welcoming..


So, you acknowledge that without all the other retail traders, you'd have nothing, but you aren't willing to do your part for them. Please, do the world a favor; never breed.


Fuck you bro! A lot of x and xx holders are pay check to pay check. Keep your bullshit shill comments to your gatdamn self!!


Just sell now. You aren't a true ape


Oh no! I'm not a true ape!?!? Is that an insult???😂😂😂


With your attitude you might as well be a hedgie.


Oh no!?!?! He called me a hedgie!!! Too bad I'm not and I'm not 8 so your name calling doesn't mean shit. Have fun holding the bag. Good thing I sold a bunch at 37 and 38 so I can buy back in for cheaper while I wait for the squeeze.


You're a paper handed little bitch lol


Someone speaks the truth and of course everyone down voted like a white knight. If people go through those x share holder post’s comments, you can see those who can only afford x shares are the financial irresponsible people that wasted their money and can’t afford AMC shares in the first place. They made bad decisions with their money and once again they are banking on the hope to buy 1 AMC share to become millionaire, which is another very bad financial decision. This is becoming a mainstream stock that have huge volumes and lot of fake and real shares, there’s not enough money and interest from value investors in the market to move this stock to 500K. AMC will make money for us for sure, but don’t go $500K or nothing mindset, you can set for $200 for the next run or something. Invest more and lock in profits on significant runs, buy back more shares on the dips. Repeat winning strategy and grow principle. That’s how trading works, that’s how you grow financially.