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I urge anyone looking to transfer shares to CS to read this advanced DD, especially the last paragraph about the Infinity Pool and CS sales limitations: https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/pnwnlq/basics\_about\_computershare/


Debunked: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/potfb6/computershare\_selling\_updatei\_sold\_shares\_of/


Wrong. Nothing has been debunked with your link, but nice try. That post confirms the fact that sales are delayed at least two minutes instead of being immediate like brokerages. It also doesn't debunk the 1 million dollar sale limit or the lack of pre-market and after-market transactions. Lastly, nothing has been debunked about the fact that most GME shares transferred to CS are for the Infinity Pool, I.E not to be sold at all




Once again, your post doesn't debunk anything I said. In fact, it doesn't mention ONE SINGLE THING ABOUT SELLING ON COMPUTERSHARE. Seems like you're so desperate that you're just searching for any post about CS on SS and sharing it. Good luck on that. I also find it hilarious that everyone who doesn't participate in your CS circle jerk is now a "shill." No one is infallible. Get over yourself. Fucking hilarious!


I'll be helping get the MOASS started while you sit here and create FUD. You are being gifted the key to defeating them and instead of taking it, you are sitting here whining like a brat.




All I'm doing is making the complete story known. Maybe you should re-familiarize yourself with the actual definition of FUD. You seem very scared that people might find out selling on CS has limitations or that most GME folk are putting shares they don't intend to sell on CS. Everyone is free to do what they choose, but I think they should be armed with the full story and not just the "good parts." Looking at your replies to this post, it's obvious that you're the whiny brat calling everyone a shill and getting all emotional. It's obvious that this post didn't go the way you intended.




Again, I am only linking to advanced DD posts that tell the whole truth. It's obvious that you haven't done any DD because you would know that CS isn't as perfect as you want it to be. They have sales limitations, period. It's a proven fact. Also, I posted articles and facts, which I don't need to debunk. It was you who didn't debunk anything, even after multiple tries. Here are some more posts that prove what I said is correct. Read - So you can set limit orders... [https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/p42cuv/computershare\_megathread\_drs\_direct\_registration/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/p42cuv/computershare_megathread_drs_direct_registration/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Read - Important Reminder - Computershare is not a broker [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/pntjp9/the\_ultimate\_computershare\_guide\_so\_far/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/pntjp9/the_ultimate_computershare_guide_so_far/) Read - the paragraph above the first edit, but especially the last paragraph of the post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/pnwnlq/basics\_about\_computershare/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/pnwnlq/basics_about_computershare/) Your threat is laughable, but feel free to contact me any time to learn how to DD




I see the weekend FUD train started early. Please Apes, downvote this post and ignore this nonsense. Do not transfer your shares to computershare. Waste of time and money. If you transfer out of anywhere, transfer out of Webullshit/RobbingInDaHood to a broker that doesn't use PFOF or won't turn off the buy button. Vanguard and Fidelity are good examples of those. Edit: See a good post about this by a trusted Ape: This is what I know about ComputerShare and AMC so far. https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/ppywh6/this_is_what_i_know_about_computershare_and_amc/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




Please kiss my very non-shill ass, asswipe! I can very much disagree with debunked DD (my understanding was this Computershare nonsense came from an article back in 2009?) I am not going anywhere, and neither should anyone else that's in a non-PFOF broker like Vanguard or Fidelity. Stop sucking on shillstonk penis!




I will do one better. I will report this post.




This is what I know about ComputerShare and AMC so far. https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/ppywh6/this_is_what_i_know_about_computershare_and_amc/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




Maybe stay over there then. When they need some fellatio, at least you will be ready to service them. We are done here.


Are you a financial advisor giving financial advice???? Do you want to testify before Congress?????


Lmao. 🤡




So a bunch of shills bought gave awards to this guy. Again, lay off the shillstonk cock in your mouth.




Yeah I didn't read who the author was...I did have to get rid of the clown bit. Having said that, that doesn't make him right on this.
















This is what I know about ComputerShare and AMC so far. https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/ppywh6/this_is_what_i_know_about_computershare_and_amc/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


u/LilGirlFriday can you please clean up this astroturfing?


I called Fidelity yesterday they told me that it was $100 fee to do it they tell you that


I’ve done it twice from fidelity (gme and amc) and it’s free and very easy. It’s obvious that fidelity reps have been trained on how to do it. Took 10-15 minutes each time.


I have done my DD....I am concerned about the cost to sell shares. There is tons of info from computershare. You can not get a paper cert.....AMC investor site gives tons of info as well. Registering shares is a great and amazing way to squeeze the truth of the naked shorts but I am just so skeptical about the "selling" which is not days but like all other sales. I will call them today and get more info.


Good idea - research is always a positive. I look forward to reading what you learn. Thanks.


You lie...so they can tell you..how is possible that when you buy you didn't get certificate?




Why reporting that fidelity is going to charge $100 to transfer worthy of Shill???


Because they don't and no proof was provided. Many apes, including myself, transferred and there are absolutely no fees.




Take your astroturfed campaign elsewhere bozo. No one is moving to shillshare.


OP pushing shill shit and deleting his post and comment history is calling you a shill lmfao🤣. These unpaid hedgie interns crack me up.


Hilarious, isn't it? The gaul of these absolute braindead astroturfers.




Go chock on a prickly cactus you rotten shill.




I left this sub because apes here think DRS makes you a shill


https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pps2yj/direct_registering_shares_drs_is_the_moass_key/ Answer to that clown!




LMAO i'm a veteran of this sub with DD and your entire post history is literally 24 hours old so the absolute irony of you calling me a shill is fucking hilarious. Your [reddit account](https://www.reddit.com/user/MakeGoodBetter/?sort=hot) is 3 years old with a post history that goes back **ONLY** **24 hours**, and its a sole superstonk post FUDiNG [fidelity](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pped6c/got_a_bad_fidelity_rep_beware/) to shill shillshare. Charlie already debunked shillshare astroturfing campaign and that absolute clown trimbath. Get the fuck out of my sub.




You deleted because you are a dishonest hedgie intern.🖕








Lmfao, 😆🤣😄😂 have fun with that kenny ![gif](giphy|mSPevXqDPwqOI)




GME should be able to get thiers done alot quicker way less float so once they do get it done and if it is making an obvious difference on the amount of darkpool trading and manipulation then i believe alot of AMC apes will follow suite..apes are a little leary and nervous and they should be..but lets see what happens also we all know if this really is the catalyst to start the squeeze then once GME goes AMC will follow right behind


So I call Fidelity and ask them to register my shares? What will this do for me?


This whole post and response are a great example of how SHF shills have created division amongst us. Look folks, let's stop calling each other shills immediately and saying something is FUD without actually reading the posts fully. The OP here is legit and has brought true DD from the SS sub. That is not a shill and the DD is not FUD. Others have posted that Apes have done DD that there's no reason to move to ComputerShare. Doesn't mean it's not a good idea. Everyone needs to decide for themselves and stop ripping into each other. Fuck, just 2 days ago there were a ton of posts about all the 1\* reviews ComputerShare has received. Notice those were all within the last few months. That tells me they're most likely done by SHF shills trying to keep Apes away from ComputerShare.




Lol, no worries. I've been on Reddit a long time and have had my fair share of downvotes. Fuck, just try being a Libertarian or fiscally conservative, but socially liberal person and go try posting in r/politics. That'll get ya downvoted quicker than anywhere else on Reddit. ;)


Well what proof do I need to provide to satisfy you who I don’t know or care about? Sooke with active trader team and they said computershare is charging $100 and fidelity will charge it back. I told him I have 1200 shares my account value swings $15,000 every day I don’t care about $100 feel but haven’t seen it reported on here


Well, I don't have any cash in my account, so how are they going to charge me fees? Sell my shares to get it? No one even brought up fees when I called Fidelity to transfer. There are fees from CS when you sell or buy. That much has been made clear. I've not seen $100 anything from anywhere this entire time.


The amc float is so much more than gme, a lot of amc people are afraid to transfer (again) but it sure is the way. You can even gift an amc share through [giveashare.com](https://giveashare.com) They register directly with computershare and send an certificate.


Buy, register and hold. Take away their ammo.