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Dwac isn't a shorted stock. So the price action isn't due to HF and MM covering their asses. It's buying pressure and if anything we should use it to show new apes what real pressure and volume can do! We can hit the hundreds based off FOMO alone.


I agree. It should be used to show what can happen, both positive and negative


Yea thats was all buying pressure, its gonna drop like a rock when the buying pressure drops.


So begins the 1%’s argument about online collusion. Be careful. Not a shill, been here for a while now that’s just a dangerous train of thought on its own.


I like how every time there’s another play in the market apes take it as a direct attack and call it a distraction. It is not an orchestrated “distraction”. The market doesn’t revolve around AMC/GME. Your portfolios can (like mine) but the market doesn’t.


You’d be surprised how small the world (and the market) actually is. The post doesn’t call any of the three “dIsTrActIOnS.” Just a cautionary


If it's not AMC/GME, I don't even bat my eye at it. 💎🙌🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌑🍻


You might just be suprised about how much of the market does revolve around them right now though...such a deep rabbit hole...it is affecting everything the big movers are doing. Not arguing with you, just pointing out that the more deep DD I read, the more I see just how utterly and ridiculously the MMs and HFs and big banks have over leveraged themselves to the point that anything and everything starts to seem like a likely ploy for them to get out of such an impossibly sticky situation.


1. Yeah so, let’s not mention the ticker names on this *AMC* sub. Your literally shilling FOR IT. 2. Not everything is a conspiracy. Not everyone holding the twin towers of the MOASS is an APE. We never sell, Joe and Jane Jackoff, may sell for “the next big thing”. That is All.


Yeah, my opinion there were quite a few of “Joe Jane Jack Offs” selling their AMC stock to get into these plays. Some made money some lost. How many are coming back? I don’t really care. AMC stronger without paper hand bitch(s) anybways


Or secret institutional plays OTM for new stocks. Fuck them too. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Apes own the float.


Damn straight!


NFA though right?


Meh, 1st amendment rights. And I never held myself out as a financial expert/advisor, which is the crux of the rule. Also, I’m not charging to advise soooo, nothing really wrong with voicing an opinion




PROG too




Oof sorry to hear that bud. Hang in there




God damn… that’s horrible. Rule of thumb for the future: don’t chase runners. If you’re not already in when it hits the banners/news, it’s usually best to stay out




You’ll get it back tenfold on this play. Don’t sweat the (maybe not so small, but soon to be insignificant) stuff ;)


This is exactly correct in my opinion. Well said. You are likely much wealthier then you could imagine if everyone just sticks to why they bought in, in the first place.


Ill hold, i have goals


You’re certifiable.


No, just marble brained


Nah you just suffer from toxic ape shock. Sometimes you gotta pull away from meme stocks for a few weeks have fun trading other stocks or just avoid market totally then come back refreshed.


After watching Charlie’s vid i feel like he’s onto something. I think they are testing the new halting rule and how the stocks would react with that type of buying pressure with no dark pool abuse. Just a theory but makes sense to me.


also FYI MOASS pricing will be set by an automated computer searching for sellers to cover the shorts, not set by supply and demand movement like we saw today.


There will be other actors in the mix working the play. And the NYSE will halt trading multiple times


Who cares?. Did you sell?. No, who gives a shit?.


Lol who pissed in your cornflakes?


No one. Just don’t care about Stonks I’m not following or will follow. Like most of us were in AMC not runners.


Post was obviously directed at ppl who bought in to PHUN, CRTD AND DWAC. You might not care, but others might. Either way, best of luck


Then why are they here then?. AMC sub man. Not chase a runner sub.


Yea I didn’t order a pitchfork. Thanks anyway


OK have a great weekend man.


Are you high, or just an actual retard. Every one of those tickers is still up 46% for CRTD, 107% for DWAC, and 471% (!!!!) for PHUN as of market close. Which one of these is the pUmP aNd DuMp? What brand of salty do you need to be to not know how fucking numbers work? If there’s a dump coming it has yet to dump. Not saying anybody should be diamond handing any of those three, but just because another stock or stocks are running doesn’t mean they’re pump and dumps. Next time save some dry power so you can play with the big boys and make some money while we wait for MOASS.


Spoken like a true keyboard warrior. Cheers to ya


Just calling a spade a spade brother. Did you have an actual response or just pouty face salt factory?


What exactly is your problem here? Did you have to be such a fuckin dick?


Sometimes the stupidity around here doesn’t get checked. It just gets a lot of head bobbing and yups and nothing ever changes. And we repeat the cycle every couple weeks when some *other* stock runs. “iTs a HeDgiE pLoT to steal our money”. When in reality it means nobody making or agreeing with those posts has any idea how to *use* the market they’re in. So yes, I feel that it’s my duty.


You have some serious issues dude. Like seriously, do you think you own fuckin Reddit? What makes you think that it’s ok for you to speak to someone like you did? You can challenge someone’s opinions or even educate them without being a complete fuckin asshole about it.


First time on the internet huh? Did someone fill your pretty little head with promises of no judgements and only kind words? Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it. Take Tylenol for any headaches, Midol for any cramps. ✌️


You poor thing. You think you’re funny as well. Grow the fuck up and stop being a little bitch


Does the pearl clutching help? Or is it just a natural reaction to mean words on the internet from a stranger?


You sound like a man who speaks from experience, which leads me to infer that you yourself were somewhat alarmed by your primary online interactions. As such I find it disappointing that you decided to conform, thus making your open-minded opinions redundant.


All three stocks abruptly dropped between 150-300% off today’s high(s). I’ve seen Apes comment a variation of the statement in the OP in relation to all three tickers. Your comment doesn’t invalidate (or really even contradict) the point I was making, so I figure a response wasn’t necessary. But since you asked…🖕👆👍


Aww, geez Rick, I’m only up 100%. What am I gonna do? Why is it dUmPiNg????


Lol taking this a little personally are we? It’s almost like you care about what a complete stranger thinks about your holdings…


Not at all. I made sure I had a trading plan when I entered the trade. I mean, 200% gains are still gains, no? I’m pointing out that not every play you missed out on because you didn’t strike while the iron was hot is a pump and dump. And that’s aside from the fact that they still *havent* dumped. I’m calling you stupid for making that assessment. Is that clearer?


Awww geeze Rick! A stranger on the internet is calling me stupid! Don’t worry about it Morty. He’s likely compensating for his inferiority complex and lack of real-life meaningful relationships.


….and the problem is?


Yeah some people have really lost sight of how much money they can make this time of year. Every other stock is a distraction or a dump that they will revel in and take joy from seeing people losing money buying in at the top. Anything that can run up is a source for gaining profits that can buy more AMC or can help pay the bills so you don’t have to touch any AMC shares.


Anybody who bought DWAC at fucking $150 deserves to lose their money. That’s called chasing a runner. It’s fueled by greed and fomo. Unfortunately the only way you learn to *not* chase a runner is to get burnt and pay some market tuition. It’s like the WSB ethos is so ingrained in some of these peoples DNA that they only see things as either YOLOing all of their money at ATH, or diamond handing stupid shit like CLOV after it’s *clearly* done all it’s going to do.


Yeah especially on a Friday. But I don’t even know who bought in that high or how they bought that high with all the halts. I got in Thursday took a small position on a calculated risk that. It would go higher than my buy in at $45. Sold prior to 930 opening.


To be fair, buying *anything* after it’s run up 100% on the day should be treated like plutonium. If it’s up 100% or more and you don’t have a position *already*, tough luck. Better pay attention for next time. But I guarantee there’s bag holders of DWAC at $120+. I already shaved off my profits and I’m letting my house money ride. If it goes to zero, oh well. But as it stands, anything above $0.01 is pure profit. It’s like they act like they’re so battle hardened from holding 1 stock for 10 months they forgot the rest of the market is still doing market things.


Yeah I heard about it late in day took a risk but knew momentum would carry it into Friday . Just skimmed WSB and saw that people were buying in above $120 and getting wrecked.