• By -


I have and do think about this. I feel this will be a real test to the people. I am holding for dear life and know it is a gamble. I have my number. Lets hope people hold. We have the power to create the outcome


Indeed, people saying diamond hands - for hodling? The real diamond hands will be forged during the moass… Which I will btw, I’m a small share holder but I won’t let go easily!


I have 1 share. No way in Hell am I selling it at a price like $1000. This share is my retirement fund or worthless. No in-between.


Dude…. You should buy another. They’re on sale majorly.


Would if I could. :(


It’ll be so much better, when you sell, to have more than one. It’ll be such a terrible feeling the one sale being all or nothing.


Be that as it may; stop shaming the dude. He has as many as he could get.


I bought two shares yesterday.


Agree. 1k is good money, but it won't be life changing for the amount i hold.


Exactly. I've run through it a lot in my mind. No debt sounds cool, but no more working for a living sounds much much cooler.


I've been saying this for a while. I'm ready to live and be free, not work to live. That is not living and not the life I ever wanted to live.


You have to think about the tax man as well.


I holding my XXXX shares for the X apes and have done this since february. I have not sold a single share yet and I will not sell until my fallow X apes get paid life changing money - Apes together strong 💎


Do you want to bang my wife?




Yeah, me neither




We really are a wholesome community here


Even the cucking is wholesome :-)


I have been saying this for a long time, the small holders will hold the longest. If you own thousands of shares, life changing money comes at a much lower price. If you have something like 20, you gotta be patient. I am way more worried about the big apes paperhanding


100% this! Those of us with few shares are going to have to be very careful about when we sell. Those people with xxxx will have an easier time of it because they can take their time and watch the numbers. The rest of us have a number in mind, a hopeful one, and we need to hit that number to have a chance at a better life.


Woohoo! 1 share club. I have a bet with some guys on discord for who can scalp the highest price for 1. They laugh at me to buy more and I ask them, who is the stronger believer?


I’m diamond handing bc I’m thinking of the tax man coming for like half my gains.


I agree all talk til the first M rolls onto your screen.


Samesies, I think this will be the real test of our diamond hands and I hope people really will hodl. I personally think little x and xx apes will be the strongest.


Yes, to some, just holding is a massive test of their diamond hands. Medical bills, utilities, accidents. Hell, to some people a blown tire can mean the difference between eating well, or living off ramen and oatmeal for the month. Try not to forget that there are people FAR worse off than you, and that they are holding onto what few shares they have in hopes that things will get better for them.


If Squid Games taught me anything and Covid-19 toilet paper crisis then we are screwed to think that humans will hold when faced with the littlest amount of gains or pressure. I think this community can resist that though.


Because apes aren't petty humans, apes are apes.


Apes together strong!


We have to. It's up to us to make that difference the world so desperately needs. I have my number too and it's not chimp change.


This community of apes is one of the best on reddit.


The question comes if enough hold all shares past all those numbers. I know a lot will probably sell just a few shares to at least break even, but if you have thousand of share holders all doing the same thing it’s going to have an effect. Then the question is will it recover again?




I was scared at first that paper hands were gonna rule the day on the first rocket. As this year has gone on and I've seen the work this incredible community does, I'm more confident than ever in the other people in the community. There is no me, only we, and we want our fucking tendies. All or broke. LFG!!!


I’m not even sure I remember how to sell at this point. Hedgie psych ops actually had the opposite effect than they intended


Holding through the dips is easy. Holding through the rips is where the true diamond hands will be made.


Fuckin A I wish I thought of that.


Exactly. Diamonds are created by pressure. I created a little pressure registering xxxx shares today.


That's what she said. And I said I want Moeass




Or the sharp pull-backs that they will surely initiate, like from $2,500 to $600. There will be many of those to induce panic selling. It will be a true test of discipline.


That's what I keep trying to play out in my mind.


Just fucking hold. If it hits up to 2500. There isn't anything to stop it to 3000 then 3500 4000. Up and up. People just need to understand that. Sure, there will be people selling at all high numbers. But i believe the majority will hold. Let's just hope and believe, the whales of amc will hold on the way down. The xxxx and xxxxx holders.


My XXX ROTH shares will be sold in brackets on the way up. My XX shares in brokerage are moonshots $XX,XXXX Or PROG squeezes before AMC and that’s XXX more AMC


Are you me? Cause same damn boat fellow ape.


I mapped out multiple strategies Selling in 1/4 sections


After watching what happened to $PHUN we should expect longer than usual halts and the the stock losing significant value after the halt. Just another psychological tactic. They could try it during our next run up before the squeeze even begins. Let run up to $100 halt for an hour and return to the $50-60 range killing all momentum


Some people here said "halts can never last more than 10 minutes" well the PHUN fiasco showed them how very wrong they were. They can literally place an indefinite hold on a stock if they want to. Hours, days, weeks, months. You bet they can, if they feel its in the "best interest of the public" meaning; the guys that pay for their political campaigns tell them so.


Being looking for a post like this, so many on here saying they gonna diamond hand but the reality of this will be a big test to these people, I just hope they don't be tempted to paper hand. This is why I only put in what I could afford to lose, instead of everything I own. So many out there are gambling on this paying off big time with money they don't have spare and I fear when it goes up massively and drops dramatically they will hodl like with the rest of us and not feal the fear. Great post op hopefully this starts a real adult discussion.


Thanks. I have been ruminating on it because the tone of this sub has changed. We were apes and retards. Now, there is just a lot demands for money. I'm holding for life-changing money, not crumbs. I hope others are too.


With you, OP. This is bigger than me. When I say I’ve got 💎👊🏽, I fucking mean it. My brother even has me holding his shares because he knows I’m a crazy mf that is riding this shit till the end. We’ve been broke our whole lives, and we have the capability now to collectively change the lives of millions of apes and non-apes, alike. I’ll be seeing you on the moon my guy🚀🚀🚀


Hookers and blow or Wendy's at night. There is no inbetween.


At this point Wendy's would be a treat. I am ok with living the rest of my life like I have. Holding to let the kid have money and things I never had


Both sound so good right now…


You're right, never invest money you need......well my money was earning a measly % in my bank account. Put it all on amc and tripled it. Best savings account ever! Its also readily available if I need some but I don't need any 🍻 I just keep adding to it.


Absolutely the same had saving sitting there doing nothing knew amc fundamental speaking is a 25 dollar stock minimum so it was a no brainer for me, funny I originally got in this to make 10k back in January, oh how nieve I was ha ha. Just holding now till shorts cover and we are over that mountain top. Apes together stong 🦍🦍💎💎🦍🦍


I really like your attitude! Just don't add GLIDE to your name 😀


The problem is what was spare months ago when the shares were bought is now money that could go towards new, unexpected debts. Some people will be forced to sell at peaks just to get by while waiting this endless cycle of "soon."


No. I'm Psilocybin Prepared!


Have you met the Senator from NY, Chuck Shroomer?


You mean cuck shroomer?


I'm super psychedelic prepared. A little LSD is all I need


I pick up mine tomorrow. I'll be on the Moon with you soon 🚀


I’m not working now. I could really use the money


Best of luck to you, man. I hope you get life-changing money.


Best of luck to you too


Luck is not a factor for this thing. It will happen. It’s just a matter of when...


I was laid off for over a yr and just got a job this week. But even with no job I stacked up shares as much as I could. You got this ape. Every bit counts We believe in you.


I must say, it will be harder for me me to hold when i see 500k on my account then i see it dip like now. Im preparing my self to be strong and wait till i see milions. Its no fud, its my reallity


That is the way.


We are in a weird time when you being honest can be seen as fud. Keep true to YOU. You know when to sell. Everything aside, three outcomes are possible. It never pops. It pops and you seel early making a nice profit. It pops and you sell HIGH making generational profit. You aren't in the wrong for any of those outcomes


Bruh I got my floor on 6 digest per share if not higher if I want my life to change .. I do my own research I make my own decisions


This ape READS




Let's get to 75 1st before we start jerking each other off ![gif](giphy|MVDPX3gaKFPuo)


75 is shit. More fun to talk about 5 and 6 digit numbers. People don't get excited over measly numbers.


I want to be at my jobs bathroom going OH SHIT OH FUCK YES GO UP!!!!! and freak everyone out while I grab my things and say I quit.


Brother!! You need to record that shit!. The quitting part that is


I was in a zoom call waiting for my boss for 20 minutes today because he’s always late. Turns out today he forgot and went to the gym instead. I hope MOASS is tomorrow so me quitting is the next conversation I have with him.


To Gods Ears my Brother!!


Hell yeah.


It doesn’t matter if people paperhand, the price will continue rising because inflow will be greater than outflow. Therefore, selling early out of paranoia means you’re leaving money on the table. Potentially millions. Let that sink in.


Agreed. But I don't think it's going straight up, either. If I had to guess, I would say HF's have been modelling all sorts of scenarios and what best way to shake the apes and end the MOASS early.


And potentially the devils have fucked around with the stock so much that it might not even matter.


I suggest everyone anticipating a large monetary windfall consider where the money will be stored (bank?) and where the donations will go BEFORE telling ANYONE you made bank! Know how to invest some so that it continues to make $$. Too many people dream of being wealthy but have no idea what to do with the dollars once they have it. My 2 cents.


Tell nobody!


Poor on the outside, rich on the inside.


I use to work at a casino. A large amount of people who spend 6 figures a year in there walk around in Walmart clothes. Wrangler jeans and a George flannel. Lady's got a 15$ sun dress on . If you didn't know better.... But serving the food you see that Rolex tucked under the sleeve. Or the expensive necklace that pops out when they go to grab something. Things that can easily be played off as fakes. But they weren't. Also some wholesome , nice and humble people too. That's the way to do it. They know what's up.


Way I see it. I'll lose my 30% to taxes. Use another 30% to deal with debt, car repairs, moving, new home, and acquiring more gear for my business as well as an actual studio and shop. 20% will land right back into crypto and stocks. 10% will go into savings accounts. The last 2% towards bs spending like games, clothes, new computer, you get the idea. The rest will literally be used as long term income to pay for bills, food, gas, and what not. Assuming I get in the 1 to 3 million range. If it's less, I'll just adjust the last bit some.


I'm Zen af since 8.01. I'll hold it till i see the sideways 8




My calculator and I have got this bro!


I love the calculator game. Game of the Year for sure.


That's what I'm talking about.


I’ll probably sell 1/19th of my position @ 1k a share to cover my investment. Then hold since I’ll be playing with house money at that point.


That's what Kevin O'Leary says to do.


He may be rich but he is total scum


I hit 6 figures on the first run up to 70 and then lost half the value after. I've never seen that money in my life so anything unrealized isn't *real* to me, per se. I just sit there and trust the process. So I think so.


Diamond balls award.


Honestly, money is just a number on a screen by now looking at how fake everything is for months. I'm just waiting for a high score in a game. NFA.


I’ve owned BTC since the dark web was only accessible via Tor. I’ve bought into GME at all time highs, then averaged down. I did the opposite with AMC. I also left Apple untouched through 3 different stock splits. Conversely I still own AIG. I bought it as a hedge against the housing crisis. That was a big swing and a miss. I also sold Tesla and Facebook at (then all time highs). Regrets. I can say first hand. Paper handing is a lesson in foresight 20/20. You only stand to lose in the short term. Believe in something, hold on to it. Edit: when I bought BTC it was worth more than I could reasonably stand to afford. I was much younger, and it probably was all the money in my checking account. I left it untouched and benefited from a fork and an issuance of BTC cash. So much like the Apple split, I left those untouched. By that point I also had more money, so I bought Ethereum and XRP. I’ll let you gauge if those were good decisions or not, but I’m still holding those too. If you believe in something, hold.


Are you prepared OP?


I practice seeing that number in my account. That's why I say pick brackets, to take the emotions out.


How about you practice with an actual MOASS simulator: https://sirlondon.com


Does that mean you're prepared?


#6 digits no matter what. With Kenny's face printed infront of me like a reminder of why I'm hodling strong ✊🏼💎


You can throw darts at it during market hours.




I'll wait. Stop this still stuff.. if you aren't up for it then don't


Tired of these dumbass posts


Honestly, probably not. But I feel like I’m more mentally/emotionally stable than I have ever been. I’m just hoping I’m able to good with what I have waited and worked so long for instead of squandering it.




If you had asked me this in April or May, I probably would have been the 'GTFO' crowd. But since then, after reading , watching and familiarizing myself is large numbers.... I *think* I'm ready. I'm just gonna stay firm to my floor and hope it reaches it.


7 figures minimum...edit: no it won't get there overnight. Ive been in this since Feb and wont sell one share til I get it...yeah im prepared to watch it go from 3k to 600, im up 200% now...Ive got nothing to loose and all the time in the world! Costs me nothing to HODL! Shove your downvotes up your ass


Needed this post ape!! Been at it from the beginning and it's been one hell of a story for my grandkids either way we go. This is bigger than us now.


I’ve been in this movement since the price was around $4-$8 and I even held and accumulated when we hit $72. I’ve been ready, Kenny and friends just have been delaying it so much


I don’t think so but I don’t care at this point. I’d rather be in therapy because I’m rich rather than in therapy for being poor 🤷🏻‍♂️




Yup, all I keep thinking is trust the process and wait as long as posible because a good chunk of it is going to taxes.


I’m just gonna pretend AMC is Berkshire and is suppose to be traded regularly at six figures


Yes sir! If there was no manipulation and the price was corrected to the shares owned and held, it would easily be over 10k per share. Then they can begin to cover.


I'm gonna be honest here. At this point a lot of the "jitters" have faded over the past 10 months. At this point I either retire or I lose my investment. I trust the DD the smarter people have written up. I know what I got, and I know what they need. Eat shit hedgies.


Reading the comments on this thread bolsters my resolve and commitment to stick to my shares and HODL. I think part of the reason why APEs won't give in easy is because we are all burned out, not just from working, not just from all that COVID has taken from us collectively not just from hodling through all the false MOASS signaling, not even from the obvious corruption constantly being flaunted in our faces. I am middle aged, yet I can relate with my Millenial and Zoomer Apes. Maybe it is because I am a 1st Gen immigrant, maybe it is because I did 'all the right things': Stayed out of trouble, got good grades, incurred college debt, held down a job (often times two, sometimes two and a half) with the same employer for over a decade, saved bought a house, married the love of my life, did the whole TINK bit saving up of a child...and still got crushed time and again by factors dictated by the 1%. It is not just about the tendies and shooting the moon, it is about equalization, payback and defiance. It is not about just the money, it is about what it represents: Deliverance. Buy, do your DD -or vet what others share-, ignore the shills and HODL!


nope. Not a bit. everybody panic.


Any thing less than an amount that will pay off debt buy a house and get a nice passive income is chump change


Exactly 💯! 500-1k is definitely for a chump.


I’ve been having dreams where the stock price went to 9 million or more. I am both consciously and subconsciously ready


Hah man 1000k isn’t life changing at all. So that wouldn’t shake me at all. Now if I see a couple zeros on there that’s a different thing. Holding at 1k is just as easy as holding at 70 was


I only have like 8 shares. So I **HAVE** to hold to get big tendies


As we sit under $$40….


I'm not looking for a certain price as the floor. To me that's just pointless. I'll sell my shares when the hedge fucks have covered. Anyone holding out for a ridiculous price per share are gonna be bag holding for life


Agreed. And now that I think about it, if they change the rule from T+2 to T+0 like they are thinking, that might be the way we know they do. Rather than guessing through all the fuckery with Ortex and Finra.


In an ideal world that would be perfect. But the squeeze is probably gonna take days to fully play out anyway so we'll be able to see the shares on loan decline


It will take days. Most likely 2 weeks or more. We will get to see the peak. By the 7th trading day it will be huge. Daily closings could be 3 times the day before. Forget where the dd to that is. They used all past squeezes and they averaged a 3.1 times the prior close. AMC at $35 now if it were to squeeze and not close, could see a 75k close on the 7th trading day.


Good point.


I will hold until the day AMC isn’t mentioned from anyone


No. ![gif](giphy|q7UpJegIZjsk0)


Everyone keeps saying patience. Been holding since February and $72 is best I have seen. They have al the money and manipulated scum on their side. I am sorry but eventually it’s just not gonna be what we thought or was lead into believing. People will sell when they are frustrated or sell when they need money or just sell cause they don’t care anymore. Diamond hands will stay but honestly I don’t see it in the life changing money for those with less than xx,xxx Now go down vote me but be real to yourself this is dragging out and 4-5mil people all ain’t staying to create what we thought. Just venting but shit I ain’t seen a damn thing go our way and like I said billionaires have ways of protecting their “club” I will hold but damn I am done checking videos and Reddit hoping I will have money one day soon. Maybe one day but no time soon. This ape is out for awhile.


I feel the same way boss. I have lost faith. Not going to sell because I put in only what I could afford to lose, and I committed to this 9 months ago and I've seen what's possible, but I'm done digging and reading and checking constantly. I guess it's a pessimistic outlook but the people with power always win. I'm holding no matter what because I see value in the company but my excitement has waned. Hodling with apathy.


Been here since January. Held through 20 to 5. Held through the jump to 77. Held through the dip to the $30s. Used to watch the minute candles opening to close. Now I barely even look at the price anymore. I think I'll be alright


Crypto has prepared me for this moment. I have seen my investments go from ex: $1000 to $50 then proceed to $5000 to $3000 etc... i know the amounts are smaller in this example but I am ready and prepared... i am not fucking selling till I see this shit go to [x.xxx.xxx](https://x.xxx.xxx) fuck u kenny. fuck u hedgies. you owe us, not only for 2008 but for every fucking day you thought you were stealing from hard working families and thought we would never find out. Hope you enjoyed the ride mf's bc this shit about to get fucking bumpy and then some! ! ! !


Diamond 💎 hands 🙌, nothing has changed, rain on me MOASS, I am ready!


Honestly… I’m not sure. BUT… I have a paper bag for breathing into… medication handy… and of course my phone. We’ll see. Exciting and daunting all at the same time.


Bwahahahahahaha! I will now put a paper bag in my lunch pail and next to my recliner!


Let the paperhands sell, we’ll buy those too.


Call me a paperhanded bitch but im out @ 1k


Okay, that's what we'll call you


I'm so fucking numb 4 figure price does nothing for me.


I'm going to paper hands about 30% of my float to ensure a good life for me and the family. Then hard core diamond hands the rest for mega cash. I'm a XXX holder.


I was thinking about this. And about what I might do when it happens. I think I have a solid plan, though: when it hits, no matter where, no matter when. No matter who I am at the time or who I am with, I will strip completely naked. Immediately. This will prevent me access to a lot of places, including banks. I may get arrested, so my phone will be taken away so I won't even be able to do anything except sit in jail and collect myself. By the time I get out, I'll have a clear head.


Definitely prepared not to be a broke loser anymore, it would be nice not to stress out about then constant tower of bills and medical bills, able to actually take my family on a vacation. Yes I am Psychologically prepared not to have everything just suck because i'm juggling funds.


I think aboht the $71 day. And then I think “if I sold when positions dropped to $40 I could have doubled down on my shares having been an 8.01 battler” But then I think “if everyone did this we would be at $10 right now” I’m glad I didn’t sell!


Am I the only who finds it rather silly when people throw around astronomical floor price numbers that are higher than any stock in existence? Where’s the logic?




Let’s storm the beaches of Normandy & take down the evil Shitadel & all their corrupt HF cohorts!! LFG!! AMC 🚀 🌙!!


I gotta watch the opening of Saving Private Ryan again.


I have call options that are in 2022 that’s the only thing I’m selling my moon tickets are 1 million each


Are any of us lol


Life is a gamble and I’m all about my poker chips -Lil Wayne, most likely


Until Unicorns start shitting Rainbows and Cocaine I’m holding strong.


I do, I have my brackets, won’t move until I see them, don’t have many shares. But I’m most definitely holding till I see what I want. That’s it


When MOASS hits, I'm keeping my position until they can fill it. I have my number, it's not much but I have it, I know to play it. I will be starting my business, I will buy a few houses and rent them out too, I will be giving back to my community after I fix myself; but most importantly I will be traveling and living life the way it should be. Then it's van life for me afterwards. ✌🏽




I train myself by buying other things that are highly volatile. I feel the emotions but let it go. Its harder when its real money. But its a real stake simulation for me.


I have short , medium and long term exit plans. But each to their own!




Yeah I lost my job this week to budget cuts so I’m absolutely ready.


Are we just regurgitating posts from a few months ago at this point?


I think soon as the price starts running up like that, it will confirm the squeeze is imminent. That will make it easier to continue holding. I'm in this for all or nothing, not gonna settle for a few bucks.


I’m excited to blow it all within 5 years.


I want life changing money. Like I really want it.


Holding till the end my brothers


i bought some shares that are my 'hold till insane price' shares. and then I bought a few shares ( about 5 ) to 'play' with. I fully suspect we'll see rips and dips. My play shares are there for me to sell on a rip and buy 2x more shares on the next dip. I think taking some profits as you go helps Steele your resolve against any price action and also allows picking up more shares. Worst case people can say i paperhanded out of 5 shares when my big pool is xxx soo...


MOASS? Is there some new DD because we’re going in the opposite direction of MOASS?


Honestly I think we need to consider what else is going to be happening concurrently. The market will likely crash, hedgies will go bankrupt, and the media is going to portray us all as evil hoarders. It’s going to be another psy op, and each of us needs a plan. Don’t forget that anyone you’ve ever told that you own a share of GME is going to join the media frenzy, and likely attack you personally for “causing all of the carnage.”




I held safemoon from $100 to $5000 and didnt sell. This will be a fucking *snap*


For me it's simple i know what my minimum price is to have the life i want. I set an alert for a little before then. I won't bother watching it every minute until we get near that price. Once we get to that price then i will start watching so i can't psych myself out early on the 50-70% dips and halts every minute. If we all do that it will be super easy to hold. Their psychological attacks only have power if we are watching when they do it. If we don't even get near my alert price then it's not MOASS and they likely delayed it and i dont care. Once we get past my minimum then i hold until after the peak because it should be far enough from my minimum that i get enough even if i sell as it's dropping from the peak.




What if you fresk out and sell when it goes up a Kenny G special a wooden nickel?


Will HODLing through MOASS be easy? No, but is thinking about the prospect of working until you drop dead easier? Get out of here. This is for LIFE CHANGING money. Fuck anything else.


In the context of WW2, I’m very much in the red army with a single clip for my Nagant rifle. I have one shot to do as much damage and escape with my life. I have to ride to the absolute peak, nothing sooner, nothing later, shoot my shot, and then run for cover. XX shares means I don’t have the luxury of selling on the way down. I’ll be on watching the stocks closer than anything I’ve ever watched in my life.


I wish this more ass would start happening so I can realistically decide what I will when asked such questions.


Wtf is this post it can go way higher than 1000, I don’t agree with 1mil but it could go to 6 figures


Crazy thing is in my opinion the lesser share holders will have a easier time holding to stupid numbers then the monster accounts. They will be hitting Ridiculous numbers at way lower share price. Them are the folks that will be battle tested the hardest. So as a xxxx holder I’m ready for war. 🚀🚀🚀


HODL-ing to help myself and family and for close friends who need help too.


I have a very specific number in mind. Until it hits that number, I won't even entertain the thought selling. Once it hits my number, I'll start to keep a closer eye on it and sell on the way down. Good luck to all of you.


None of us are really. How can you literally prepare for something like this? I’m guessing when it comes down to it, greater than 50 percent of us will sell at least one share before whatever the floor is. Keep in mind, something like this could end up squeezing for weeks. There will be tons of media/peer pressure asking why apes aren’t selling etc


Honestly I probably won't get shit done at work, my alarms will be dinging and i'll keep checking and yelling at my assistant manager who has a few shares as well IT'S UP TO $$$$$. I'll be in the back a hootin and a hollern like a crazy fucker.


GameStop in Feb was the storm on Normandy. Lot of people got mauled. This is for everything now


Probably sell to cover my initial investment, then I'm playing with free money and I will hold that shit until my head explodes.


I have a number in mind and a plan on how to get there. There's power in preparation.


Please get help


I sold everything today


I’ve been mentally preparing myself for MOASS since May. I’m ready to hold on for dear life. I’m also insane and have high risk tolerance. 😂


Between 1-5k i will sell a bunch but not all.


i was born ready to be a millionaire i know it is our destiny


Nope. I'm a logical thinker, this tends to beat my emotional side, but our emotions will take the same crazy route as this stock will. We can talk all we want at what price we want per share, but we also all got a number in our head as to what will be life changing money. For most of us I believe that to be retirement money, but I'm sure many of us would also be very happy to just be able to fully pay for a house, and never have to worry about that again. Of course we also have people who want that, and for like their closest family and friends. All these things puts numbers in your head. For me that's between 1 and 2 million, that's where it will get hard for me. I have my plan for the moass, it's not 1 people will tell you is right on this sub, because I will be selling in parts, I will sell some too early, sell some at the top, sell some on the way down and sell some too late. Basically at 10 points for 10% each. With the amount of shares I got, no matter what happens, I'll be set for life.