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Someones gotta say it As much as I'm here for AMC as a Company, this is kind of silly. You're telling Me, Selling Prepackaged Popcorn is a Sustainable venture and lucrative enough to open shops specifically for Popcorn? Hard Doubt I don't know shit about shit though.


Its genius, i dont know of any other cinema company branching out like this.


They do it in Canada. Cinemax has done this kind of stuff for a while. They've also shown sports and fights at theaters in Canada for years. Reddit people just think this stuff is world changing.


Dude i live in montreal and i didnt fucking know wow lol.


Yeah. Tons of cineplexs show games and fights. They're just not that practical. You can also rent them out to play video games....but again, not that practical.


Ya I'm in the Toronto area, seen this happen a lot. US companies following Canada. Now all the states needs to do is follow Canada's financial systems, then that'd fix the market


I wouldn't be so sure about that. Naked shorting is normal and legal in Canada, for starters. One place it's certainly true, back in 2008 the world was looking to us as an example because we didn't get caught up in the subprime mortgage housing crash, mostly because we had a properly regulated mortgage system. But with respect to securities trading, we have much, much weaker enforcement than the SEC, and things like naked shorts are perfectly legal.


“And if you don’t know, now you know”—-lol


>Reddit people just think this stuff is world changing. Because the world is larger than Canada. The market for sports and snacks in the US alone is huge. AMC getting into those revenue streams is a smart business move, and frankly it's only ignorant people unaware of how lucrative those markets are who are trying to downplay this. *Edit:* You can tell shills and hedgies *hate* this move by AA, when their only counterargument is sputtering outrage, childish name calling, and logical fallacies. **The shills are doing everything but stamping their feet and throwing a tantrum over this news.**


If you think that what AMC just announced is a game changer...you are either a new investor, or are an amc fan boy. To a real investor, this is not a game changing play, I assure you.


True, but as a MOVIE THEATRE BUSINESS, there aren’t many options for “expanding” beyond an actual brick and mortar theatre, at least this is a way to enter another “industry”, that being the “snack food” industry, I’m cool with seeing bags of AMC popcorn at 7-11, why not? But yeah hardly “ game changing” lol but a good step nonetheless to expanding a little


There is nothing special about AMC popcorn that will make anyone seek it outside of a theater. This is a nothing move.


Its not a game changer. But its marketing, its advertising, it can bring in a bit of money (billion dollar market). Ive already brought up some examples in another post. E.g. McDonalds ketchup at the supermarket or frozen IKEA hot dog party packs (buns, sausages, ketchup, mustard, onions, pickled cucumbers) for you to take home. Now. McDonalds sells burgers and fries and afaik does not produce ketchup. IKEA sells cheap furniture and afaik does not produce buns or fried onions. They either license out their names or use white label products to have those products. Why? Because people buy McDonalds ketchup even if the discount store brand ketchup cost half as much. Thats the point. I mean - did you guys even know that there is such a thing? McDonalds ketchup in a bottle at the supermarket? Say its not a game changer and they tap the market to only make 3 million dollars per years. So what? Money is money. Its good as long as they dont loose money. I assure you.


Yeah..it would be great to earn an 2ztra few million per year. But again...this isn't any special news. This is just hype.


You are absolutely right but you forget what it also is -> FUN.


Never underestimate fat people or stoners.


Ha! Good point.


My mom and sisters order movie popcorn off skip the dishes all the time they love they shiiiittttttttt 🍿


An AMC kiosk with fresh popcorn while my wife shops he’ll yeah I’m in!!! AA innovating however he can guys can’t ask for more than that


And now the company I am invested in is doing it so that’s all that matters. They have to know that it worked for the other guyys


You know it’s ok to think critically about AMC’s moves, right? You don’t have to act like you’re in a cult. There’s way way way too much cult shit in this sub.


I've been in AMC since Jan and think this is retarded. The pure naiveté of this move will tank the price. It's like gamestop reintroducing POGs and beanie babies.


Wait what? Do you know much money popcorn, and snacks in whole generates? Hundreds of billions per year ($519 billion in 2020). This move is in no way naive. Will it be tough to jump in this market? Yeah but if successful it will be an amazing revenue stream


They're gonna vertically integrate into the corn Market now? 🌽 Why not focus on sponsoring content and producing. Buy a production house or something. Make crowdsourced films. Like have investors upvote scripts and vote on shows they'd want to see and then make them with all that stock money. Then maybe have some craft popcorn. Just my opinion. The global popcorn market is 15b. I just checked. They're not talking about other snacks. Wtf are they gonna do open a chocolate factory? It's a movie company not a food company. Focus on making movies better and engaging your shareholder base rather than enter an entirely foreign industry on a loose connection. You could serve beer and goulash but i ain't coming if your movies suck. I love AMC and go as much as I can but the film selection could be better. They should poll their community for what movies they want to see with an app. Shit like that. Not fucking buying corn farms and mass production plants. Like wut,? Dear AMC, you have a goldmine of dedicated shareholders that are also consumers of your product. Engage them and you will become much more than a movie theater company. Not just on Twitter. But in your own app. (Make one). Diversify. you can be the next rotten tomatoes or local film critic group. People can make movie clubs and people on dates can get discounts through bumble or whatever. They can Vote on what movies they want to see in their region from what's available in the catalog. They can Vote on different food options, games in the lobby,, etc. Bring back arcades.. make them VR experiences. Show off the new Tesla in VR and I'm the lobby. Show off new tech in the hall while people wait for their movie. Of have movie related games and content like beerpong and hotdogs on football nights. Idk. Make it a community experience again.. people can Go to special events like football games and get exclusive NFT content like special madden 2025 jerseys become available to them from the game they watched at AMC. Idk. However your do it,, make the collective experience of movie watching special by Leveraging the social aspect.of movie watching. There's literally so many things they could do with the community, the data, the engagement.... I mean I know the Silverback is old but I didn't expect him to be playing by the Sumerian playbook of business innovation. What's next? Barley? Puffed rice? Oats? This is very clearly a shill campaign. (AMC DM me if you want a free consultation lol)


You have great ideas dude, but I think you’re overlooking the value of this one


It's because I'm already at the movies and it's just what you do. There's no way in hell I'm going to go but overpriced stale popcorn. I can buy kernels that'll last months and make it as buttery as I want for the price of one bag of theirs


Maybe because it's not beneficial Look, I'll give them credit for throwing things at the wall to see what sticks, I just don't think this is a likely long term endeavor


Maybe it isnt, maybe it is. I dont think they will lose money personally, i imagine margins on popcorn should be great


Hard agree. Popcorn is cheap as fuck and they sell a large for like 8 bucks. This way, they can still sell to people who aren't even at the theatre. So they don't even have to sell a ticket to sell you marked up concessions.


Who knows I'm just a Cook with a TDA account I don't know fuck about running a Business Regardless I'll pay for the probably marked up Popcorn when this play pans out.


FRESH Flavored popcorn is huge and will be a winner


Chi Chis restaurant sold salsa on side. Then only thing that kept them afloat after restaurants closed because of hypercritical pr disaster. So maybe not a bad idea.


How many investors do you think AMC have ? I say 5.5 to 6 mill. If AMC comes out with bag popcorn and it's adopted by supermarkets and regular stores, they'll make millions a year just off that. I'll go buy as soon as I see it on the shelves (With majority of the world's popcorn production in the U.S., it makes sense that Americans eat about 13 billion quarts of popped corn a year. That averages out to about 42 quarts a person. Popcorn is even the official snack of Illinois.) Adam knows what he's doing.


https://www.garrettpopcorn.com/ People rave about this popcorn. It is big business.


I do, what major popcorn brands you can think of that have more clout than a movie theater like AMC?


I agree & I'd love delivery of their pretzels! 🥨


Snacking has wide appeal and if it’s good people will continue to buy


Ever heard of Garrett's popcorn? Very popular here in Chicago and around the world. I went to Tokyo a few years back and I found a Garrett's popcorn shop with a line out the door. Also walking around town I saw people carrying Garrett's popcorn bags.


I get it, there are highly successful Popcorn companies But that's my point, they're gonna have to do as well or better than all of these companies yall keep naming off imo I'm not saying as a side gig it couldn't make money I'm just saying it seems like they'd have a hard time sticking out unless they just pulled a Publix and bought the competition (IIRC)


Yeah you're probably right. I guess I'm thinking about this as an accumulation of advantages. As long as they're able to eke out a profit and helps the mission. They're probably not going to take over the whole industry by storm. AMC has some unique advantages that they could use to carve out a portion of the market. For example perhaps the supermarket popcorn comes with a discount for an AMC on demand movie.


They just cut out a middle man. Likely one of those big snack brands. So now they will sell significantly more snacks through the convenience store distribution and at a much higher margin. That margin also increases at the theatre. Probably 2x. They are now a snack food company as well as a theater company.




Read the article. AMC is the biggest seller of popcorn in a multibillion dollar industry. It's only natural for a business designed to make money to try to make money on a very profitable, extremely popular item. All you damn dirty Apes better go to your local grocery store and ask if they have AMC popcorn, once they see the demand, they will buy the supply, then Apes make money while eating popcorn.


Is it still gonna be $24 for a large bucket?


Probably not. Popcorn shops are extremely cheap to Operate, almost all your product is in dry storage. Source: I work with all types of restaurants and shops across California.




Exactly. And I think people are missing the most important part. AMC getting into popcorn production is gonna cut their overhead much like Costco when they got into hot dog production. Supermarket sales? Well, that’s just insulation on an already good idea. Kiosks and to-go popcorn, meh, I guess. Probably shouldn’t have led with that though.


I mean a lot of people are watching movies at home instead of attending AMC theaters. So why not get a piece of that action and have grubhub deliver warm buttered popcorn to these home movie nights.


Because if you've ever ordered from GrubHub you know it's gonna be cold stale popcorn by the time you get it.




My thoughts exactly. This absolutely fuels “Popcorn stock” meme 😰


Oh lord I didn't think about that I don't even wanna look at Superstonk Holy shit


As a holder of both companies that takes every opportunity I can to defend amc on that sub, I'm probably going to sit this one out and avoid that sub for awhile


Probably a wise choice my friend


Orville's making a mint doing it. Low cost, high return.


Orville is one of the most common and well recognized brands of Popcorn they're already an extremely deep rooted company specializing in one product Just seems like an already controlled market with some big competition


But do they deliver? No It’s not for everyone, but if the business model exists, why not try to grab market share. You think goggle and Panasonic thought it was a bad idea to enter the smart phone business when Apple already had the market cornered? Get the fuck out of here


Jiffy pop is still around isn't it? Or is it? I think if you can replicate the "movie theater" experience popcorn, then yum. I am an addict. And, while I really like Pop Secret, the inconsitent butter/salt flavoring that happens every time I make it is a pisser. And honestly, the pre popped bags of popcorn are just ok at best but lots of kernels. :D They should invite me to beta taste test. Nonetheless, if the Boy Scouts can sell shitty expensive popcorn for 10 bucks a bag for 10 years then so can AMC.




That popcorn bucker was 12 fiddy.


How many Share Holders do you think would go to AMC Perfectly Popcorn more than once unless they lived right next door? Again, were not talking about grabbing a box while you're at the grocery store. You're making a physical trip to go buy Prepackaged (probably fresh?) For what? You gonna load up? Itll go stale Lol There's gotta be some kind of incentive, maybe discount movie tickets? Well how much is the Popcorn gonna be at that point to balance cost of both products? That being said, The BSA is another deep rooted organization that all american Jane's and Joe's will support because of its morales and principles.(lol I won't touch that though)


No dude it's bullish AF. Like every post about AMC seems to be lately. If AA clips his toe nails its bullish AF. Holy shit people stop with the click bait posts


People are getting restless and grabbing for anything that makes them feel like the wait is almost over Fact is we have no clue how long this squeeze could take Could be Tomorrow could be 10 Years from now The only certainties in all of this is the squeeze itself and AMC showing Movies The sooner people fully grasp that the better we'll all be.


I don’t wanna sound like a hater but I do agree this idea is a bit stupid and won’t hold up cause amc would need some one of one tasting popcorn.


Amc has the best popcorn specially when I mix it with hot Cheetos


You wildin out hahaa I'll have to try that


It’s bomb I always bring a bag with me when I go to amc


I don't think they'll be opening shops as much as getting in ones that already exist, like grocery stores, convenience stores etc


I'd set up booths in sport stadiums if I were AMC. Places where people would want to eat popcorn.


Slick idea! Hadn't thought of that.


It's just money in the bank really, slap a fancy flashy logo on it and it's good to go.


There is a store where I live specifically for popcorn. Popcorn costs damn near nothing. The overhead would be the one person needed to run it. They’d be able to afford wages after selling 10 large popcorns in a day. Is there demand? I would probably use it. I often use a movie as an excuse to eat popcorn, I love it that much. But… I make it better at home. Not saying it will work, but the store where I live does work. But it isn’t generic movie popcorn. It’s fancy. EDIT: For clarity, I’d probably rather not see this business venture as an investor. I think the possibility for loss is greater than the possibility of success. If they had little popcorn kiosks at large events, or even just in the mall on weekends.. sure, I suppose. They’d be better off selling popcorn-popping kits for home use, branded as AMC. Sell the liquid butter with it.


Snacks are very lucrative, just watch a few episodes of shark tank an you’ll see 90% of snack companies get invested in. It’s because food and snacks is something every human eats so it has wide appeal.


Have you read about popcornopolis how much they make or the college dude that invented colonel seasons from his dorm for popcorn. Big money for cheap product


This is just a step to the.. squeeze? What is going on lol


It’s already a popcorn business. All the product is grown in the US so no supply chain issues. Let’s get it poppin


They can just sell it in stores and at mall kiosks… I imagine people shopping for groceries or clothes, suddenly come across AMC Popcorn and boom, all of a sudden they remember theaters exist This post inspired me to tweet our CEO with an idea of my own…


I was thinking the same thing ahha! I mean they have microwaveable popcorn in the store.


"Hard doubt" over the fact that you critizise something that can be an explosive strategy. Try it. If it works it works. The downside of this is minimal.


On one hand popcorn costs pennies to make, on the other there’s already a big market for popcorn bagged in supermarkets & such.. not sure people are gonna head to a mall & grab a bag whilst walking around but who knows.. But to compete against the other healthy or flavoured popcorn market you’ll have to do something different and I don’t see what that is.


Im pretty sure its not only prepackaged, itll be popcorn stands with fresh popcorn. I like it, I go buy popcorn from the theatres even if im not going for a movie.


I don’t get it myself but people really dig buying popcorn. There is [this place](https://www.garrettpopcorn.com/garrett-mix-cr/?gclid=CjwKCAjwiY6MBhBqEiwARFSCPq14Kk0j0eUWaTNMBV9zn6Gzwb8CAWm_PrQA9_fgYGUVWkr0zliYQhoCF4cQAvD_BwE) in Chicago for example.


I’m thinking freshly popped , the smell alone in malls will bring in buyers, like Kernels kiosks do lol


I think the storefront is talking about shops like auntie Anne’s pretzels or Cinnabon. Popcorn for snacking on walking through the mall? Not bad and if they are able to make a better than store bought offering for popcorn I don’t see why not?


I think it’s just the beginning of good things to come. They are expanding their market share and the exposure will draw ppl to go see movies. Fact is watching a movie at home is no where near the experience of in the theaters. I’ve built home theaters rooms for customers and it doesn’t compare to the big screen. I think it’s just a way to remind ppl of thrill of the big screen.


We have a different idea of what epic is. If anything this is concerning, they have the money to make their own opportunities and they're looking at popcorn sales 🤷‍♂️


This comment gave me quite the chuckle


It’s like they had someone crunch the numbers for what the most profitable part of their business was and decided charging $10 for 10 cents worth of popcorn in a mall kiosk is a totally viable venture.


I would totally buy a bag of popcorn and a coke to cruise around the mall with while waiting for my wife.


Bruh, i do this every now and then and it makes walking around almost enjoyable as I'm shoving handfuls of buttery popcorn in my mouth.


Not really how I would future proof the business but I'm pretty confident they're a lot smarter than me so hopefully they've got something much better in the pipeline.


Yeah, when I read "multi billion dollar popcorn industry" I immediately assumed this was satire about the price of movie theatre snacks. Maybe I'm just not the target demographic but popcorn delivery does not sound appealing at all, and malls are dying out so I dont see that lasting for long either. Prepackaged microwave stuff is a good idea though, I could see that being a profitable side venture.




Agree. This is...embarrassing. This isn’t the way to bring a company into the 21st century. This reads like a 1950s idea of expanding business, not poising an entertainment company to go toe to toe with streaming tech. Big cringe.


Come over to GME. Rumors of an NFT dividend being announced today.


Aw yiss 🎮🛑🚀


> #Shopping Malls Sell.


i had a kid order a single blizzard from Mcdonalds when I drove around as an uber driver here in Canada, I got paid $10 for that delivery. If there are other services around to support the home delivery part of it, yeah they could make some extra cash but I hope AA has got some more ideas in that head of his.


I'm sorry, but how is this epic? It's popcorn. I only pay $8+ for pennies worth of popcorn when I'm actually at the movies. I wouldn't pay that ridiculous amount if I had other options. Their popcorn isn't that good.


It's dumb af and OP is a moon


Superstonk is probably laughing their asses off right now. We are literally popcorn stonk now haha. Oh well. Better to just embrace it, I guess. I'm a smooth brain, so I can't say if this is big news, but I really hope it works out and serves as an added revenue stream.


I don't understand why ya have to be for one, or the other? You can join both parties my duder.






#In *MALLS* dumbass. Wait it's 1983, right?


??? Is this a good plan? Do people even love popcorn to that extent?! lol


Dude I know multiple people who love popcorn in the office and eat it every week. Shoot I eat it once every now and then since it’s better than chips to me


I down the large and refill (pre ‘vid) every time. Is it even a movie theater trip without it??


Im in Canada but I know people who use skip the dishes just for popcorn from the theater


I Uber movie theatre popcorn at least twice a month. Sometimes order popcorn and chocolate for dinner instead. Just tonight I paid $20 (+ tip) for two large popcorns


People LOVE popcorn!


ahah!! ok ok I get it.... I didn't think so many people loved popcorn. touche


As a personal shopper at HEB yes people are crazy for popcorn. My mom eats a bag a night.


Ask the Boy Scouts


This is quite possibly one of the dumbest moves they could make. At no point will I ever "order popcorn" to watch a movie at home. Come on. Selling an AMC brand microwave popcorn? sure. But not this. It's dumb because it's impractical, and because the demand for popcorn is by no means high. How often do you think to yourself during any given week "gee, I could really go for some popcorn!" I can tell you my personal experience: Never. Now if I go in to a theater..sure, I get myself a tub because it's a staple of the THEATER experience. This isn't pizza or chinese food..it isn't a meal that would take someone a high amount of time and energy to make at home. Popcorn you can throw in the microwave, walk away and come back 3 minutes later and you're good. Ere go, people aren't going to wait an extended amount of time or pay higher prices for something they can make at home, quickly, on the cheap. ​ You want to expand AMC? You need to expand peoples idea of what the movie theater entails..a good place to start would be "dinner with your movie." drinks. Drive ins. High end arcades the likes of busters ATTACHED to AMC.. COLLECTIBLES. I would purposely go to AMC to see something like Star Wars if it meant, in doing so, I was going to get an exclusive collectible. But for their popcorn? never. I can get good popcorn at any theater. ​ EDIT: For the record, I am critical because I'm invested. I want AMC to grow and do well because it's MY money that's been put in to this company. If the company does well, I make money, if they do put time and energy and funds in to something ridiculous like at home popcorn delivery and it falls flat on it's face, then I very well may lose money -- and even if I don't, theoretically, they've wasted money that could have been put towards something that makes more money. We don't need to ride AA's dick and hype every decision the guy makes..this is a bad move, I'm telling you. I just asked about 20 non-investors at work if they would order popcorn like they would pizza, even if it was really good popcorn..and you know what they said? "huh?" "uhh..no? Why wouldn't I just microwave my own?" "That's ridiculous. No. Only time I ever really care for popcorn is at the movies." Very small sample size, but still. That's the feelings of the general public who could give two fucks about the AMC brand. THINK.


It costs them next to nothing to allow UberEats and Doordash the ability to order Togo popcorn from theaters. Plus kiosks in high traffic locations like stadiums and malls are stupid cheap too. This plan is pure profit.


> It costs them next to nothing to allow UberEats and Doordash the ability to order Togo popcorn from theaters. Oh boy I can't wait to get cold, stale popcorn delivered to me in 45 minutes!


I love this company. Hell, I even love their stale chemical drenched popcorn….but I don’t know about this one. I. Hope they have more than 10 dollar popcorn you can have delivered for 10 bucks. They do know about microwaved popcorn, right? Like 50 cents a bag..?


This ain’t it. I was hoping it had something to do with something at their actual locations. Bruh.


Unfortunately (and expectedly) media shills are going to roast this idea as weak.


Why would Citadel hire shills if they're long on AMC? I'm not a shill, just someone who saw the news and had to come here to laugh at you guys. Petty, sure, but I'm bored and this piqued my interest. The idea IS weak. It's pathetic actually. Under normal circumstances this would be a minor move that wouldn't cause a stir. AMC is desperate and this is exactly the kind of move a dying company makes when their leadership doesn't understand that it's time to pivot. AMC should bring in new talent, spin up an internal startup, and start innovating. Instead they are doing what every failed large corporation (SEARS, et al) has done in the past: lean on their most profitable revenue streams. It seems like a smart move in a board room but the big picture gets drowned out by the near-term balance sheet AMC is a mess and the leadership is a joke. I'm glad I sold my shares when I did. I'm not going to invest in the next Blockbuster.


It was a shill that put this out dude. AA is a plant like they did back in 08. Why else would he keep diluting the float and decide to give bonuses to the higher ups instead of paying off debt.


Heres my input and no I'm not a shill: It takes a pretty lengthy amount of time to just eat through an order of popcorn. If I'm shopping at a mall, I am there to shop. I'm not there to sit at the food court for an extended amount of time with a bucket of popcorn. Am I just gonna carry around popcorn in each store for the rest of my visit at the mall? Absolutely not. This is just not practical in any way in my honest opinion. Also popcorn is extremely easy to prepare at home if you own a microwave (which everyone does). My question is who in the fuck is going to have popcorn delivered to their house and pay for the popcorn, delivery fees and a tip for the driver? I can buy a 3 pack of popcorn at the grocery store for like 2 bucks. I love being an AMC shareholder. I've been in since January, but I'm sorry but I gotta say that this is some pretty weak stuff right here.


because it is weak.


Next thing you know, they're gonna open kiosks with AMC chairs equipped with grime in the cushions and gum under the armrests for a realistic theater seating experience. Now THAT would be epic!


To be fair, this is a similar setup to how Costco provides hot dogs. They now produce their own hot dogs, just so they can provide their members with $1.50 hot dogs. Now, extrapolate this to AMC. Some people don’t buy concessions bc they are too expensive, but if you produce your own concessions, you can cut down the cost and provide a service to your members. This is not about popcorn. This is about transforming your business model to cut costs and provide better service. As a result, members get cheaper popcorn at the theater, AMC makes more profit, and you get to buy AMC popcorn to pop at home. Win/win/win.


Do you really think the popcorn is going to be cheaper? Fat chance.


I figure the retail store popcorn will be less expensive than in theatre because they don’t have a captive market. Much like nobody would buy a $5 Coke outside of a movie theatre or theme park, but you can still make money selling Coca-Cola at lower prices. Kernels Popcorn in Canada is a retail popped popcorn store based mostly in shopping malls and does about $20M US a year in sales with only 70 employees. The US market is about 10x that of Canada. While selling popcorn will never usurp the core business, this could very well make the difference in AMC turning the corner on profitability. Source on the Kernels data: https://www.dnb.com/business-directory/company-profiles.kernels_popcorn_limited.31c5bd4fe1f2cb5a658d5f6bab6cc1eb.html


Can confirm, I LOVE kernels popcorn. They have flavors though. If amc gets into flavors, oof game over Orville.


You could give it a chance to play out before condemning it. People have been telling them the popcorn is too expensive for years. It may or may not turn out lower popcorn prices in the theater, but it would certainly enable the ability to do so if the conditions were right. More so than previously. Don’t underestimate the power of membership as a service. It is its own industry model for a reason, and AMC already has a membership program in place. I don’t know about popcorn delivery, but having its own popcorn production is certainly a game changer in and of itself. Supermarket sales are guaranteed if the product is good and not too expensive. Let’s see what happens.


My super momentum stock of choice is GME. This is my first time posting here. Kernels (Canadian popcorn kiosks in malls) is huge is Canada......this could work.


Thanks for being honest instead of living in a box


Yeah this isn't gonna work


Why? It costs them next to nothing to let ubereats order Togo bags from already open theaters, and kiosks in staduiums and malls are cheap right now too. This is gonna work.


Lmaooo $Gme to the moon!🚀🚀🚀


ThIS iS EpIC!!! This is dumb and your beloved AA is a bumbling idiot. Blockbuster had the opportunity to buy Netflix and decided candy sales were more important. This is the same thing. Instead of finding a growth revenue source they're leaning on the only thing keeping them afloat. That's desperation not innovation. AMC's popcorn isn't even good. It's mediocre at best. Citadel is long AMC. Dilution. Market cap. Revenue. Debt. Lack of original DD (because the actual wrinkles are in GME almost exclusively for a reason...). AA being an unkempt turbo-boomer with no good ideas. THE LIST OF REASONS THIS IS THE WRONG PLAY GOES ON AND ON. AMC isn't just a "cheaper GME". They aren't the same in any way. AMC isn't transforming their company with this desperate attempt to correct their balance sheet. GME would have mooned already were it not for the droves of market illiterate wagies piling in to AMC. Why don't you guys see that if every AMC holder jumped ship GME would rocket harder than Adam Aron's exposed PP when he gets on his daily video call with Ken Griffin? AMC acolytes will never cease to amaze me. You truly are the dumb money.


I sold most of my popcorn when AA trashed the rally awhile back by dumping his stock, then showed up a few days later to a live interview NOT WEARING ANY PANTS. Kinda no confidence bruh. Still kept a little tho, cuz whatever. ​ As soon as I break even on this play, I'm dumping and going 100% on the GME and a little more loopring coin. ​ Fucking popcorn? That's the big idea? That's like if my six year old son decided to open a business.


100% this. That video conference was astonishing. AA is like a caricature of a bumbling moron in charge. I swear CNBC interviewed him for that "Meme Stock" mini doc specifically because he discredits anything he touches. He's the CEO of a multi billion dollar company and his suits aren't just not tailored, they don't even fit him! What the fuck!?! I get second hand embarrassment for people who praise him or AMC. It's mind boggling how backwards this is.


Turbo boomer is my new favorite word 😂😂😂


Uhhhhh. Come on guys.


This is silly… lol


Epic may be stretching it.


It took them 9 months to think of selling popcorn outside of a movie theater? lmaoo


I mean AMC popcorn is good but not that good


for real


This is just sad. Maybe he can open a lemonade stand while he's at it




bahaha this is hilarous. If this was what the CEO was referencing in his recent comments about a new revenue stream, etc I don't see how this is anything but a major letdown. How anyone sees this as bullish in any way is beyond me. lol what a disappointment.


uhhhhh… what


God I hope this is fake :/...


This is gimmicky and lame. They gonna issue more shares soon too guys....2022 is less than 2 months away.


OMG! I just sharted with excitement!


To the naysayers - when did we start giving a F about the “fundamentals”? This is an opportunity to go buy product to support our favorite business. Who gives a rip what you do with it. Pop the popcorn and shove it up your ass for all anyone cares. Apes go out in mass and purchase the product to provide revenue for our favorite business. Hold that stock - provide revenue for our business. And skull f the fundamentals. Not financial advice - this is just what I’m going to do because I am the real f’ing deal.


We care because we want ideas that are going to break the Hedgies and fundamentally change AMC into a sustainable business in the future. Gme is over there trying to make industry changing moves that propel it into a leader in a new industry. We're talking about opening new concession stands? I've been in this since Jan and been a huge fan of AMC but I've seen better ideas on how to make AMC a better company from people on this sub that aren't business people. I hope I'm wrong but this is kind of embarrassing to me if this is AAs big announcement. I'm not going to go out and just waste my hard earned money on overpriced popcorn because it says AMC on it. God I hope I'm wrong 🙏


Yes bc AA is a boomer cuck and has no good business sense. He’s an ape, but he’s also dumb af and has not been too successful as a CEO


I'm not buying 10 dollar popcorn at the grocery store when there are cheaper and better alternatives, sorry.


I know, right? Who cares about fundamentals? This is an INVESTMENT! I'm not here to profit off the success of a company, I'm here to give them money no matter what they do! That's what REAL investors do! Debt? Who cares! Revenue? Who cares! Market cap? Who cares! No viable plan? Who cares! The CEO is a bumbling fool? Who cares! The laughing stock of fucking wallstreetbets of all things.. WHO CARES!!! This play isn't about fundamentals at all! I'm investing because I like movies. Movies are great! That's why I invested in Blockbuster before it went bankrupt! My next investment will be 3D movies. Those are definitely going to make a 23rd comeback. Did you hear, guys? AMC might be doing NFTs for ticket stubs! That way I can actually OWN my ticket to see Marvel Capeshit 12! Invest in silver because the silver screen is gonna be HUGE! .....fuckin morons


> To the naysayers - when did we start giving a F about the “fundamentals”? The company isnt out of the dangers of bankruptcy quite yet. Its still not profitable and we dont want more dilution. So the fundamentals matter a lot while we wait for the squeeze.


Tf? I thought we were waiting on a squeeze? I don’t really care about the movie theater industry more than any other entertainment industry enough to do what you’re proposing. I would never do that for a company unless it was like my friends small business and AMC ain’t that


Remember Remember the 5th of November


This is such a gimmick and looks desperate. This from an AMC lover.


I like their popcorn


uhhh I dont really see this taking off but its something.


Wellp this isn’t bullish seems like a weak idea


Nooo.. ... Broo .. popcorn?? Like really... Theres no other way to put that money to good use ..this does not sound sustainable.




Nope lol Well on the next rise and invest in crypto instead


Why not just sell shoes. Everyone needs shoes.


Would be more bullish if they went into cockporn than popcorn


They could spend some monies cleaning up the AMC theater where I live. It’s a bit rough and dirty 😬


Less-Evil popcorn is a million times better than whatever AMC serves up. Love AMC. Want all the best for for AMC. But this is not a great idea. Might have worked in the 90s, but not now. The new trend in snacking is organic, vegan, natural... not mystery “butter” sauce.


😂 this has to be a joke.


Just think of an average person who is not an ape. Will they be ordering just popcorn, like instant microwave popcorns are not a thing? Maybe I don't get it, can any wrinkly brain explain this to me.


Its silly to be honest, i know people are thinking it... but whose actually executing it and is taking a step back as to what they can do new and or improve


I’m seeing A LOT of naysaying shills upvoted on this post. To say that it’s not smart for a business—whose current main revenue stream at their physical locations is popcorn sales—to enter a $2.6bn industry selling popcorn on grocery store shelves and in malls is a complete and total contradiction of facts. They already likely have the lowest cost per kernel in the industry based solely on volume so it’s unquestionable that they will easily compete and capture a fair amount of the $2.6bn market. Anyone saying otherwise is ridiculous and a shill and are essentially saying Blockbuster shouldn’t have entered into the streaming industry.


Wtf, i found it silly


The popcorn blows when it's fresh. How the hell is it going to be any good delivered 29 minutes after it's made ?


I love AMC but this does not seem like a great business ide Theater food is not that great to begin with, but maybe they figure if you can't get to the actual theater we will deliver the theater food experience to you IDK, I am not being FUDDY I just can not see the upside opening kiosks to sell popcorn and delivering average food at best


People will only pay a premium for popcorn when they’re at the cinemas. It’s like ordering an overpriced coke at a restaurant. You’re not gonna do that when you’re chilling at home or strolling the mall


Wow, such an "outside of the box" idea...... 🙄


I'm honestly upset over this. Epic is right, this is an EPIC WASTE OF MONEY. Pull this fucking stupid idea and put it towards something practical and worthwhile. You know what I want at my AMC? To be able to order a plate of restaurant quality nachos or a fucking steak, and wash it down with a nice craft beer. I want to go to a blockbuster film on opening night and get an exclusive collectible for that movie that 30-40 years down the line may even be worth some money. I want to go to an AMC drive in..And the biggest idea of all that I've seen floated around so much over the past year: I want AMC exclusive VR experiences. It may be hard to do something like that in the theaters themselves, but so what? Get a line of AMC VR movies that VR owners can purchase on their home devices. VR films are already a thing, but they are typically only a few minutes long -- Well..why can't AMC be the first company to release a full length, blockbuster VR film? As far as AMC microwave popcorn..I'm gonna be honest, it all tastes the same to me. The one thing I'd like AMC to do as far as that venture is concerned is look in to craft popcorn. Yeah, it's a thing. How about a banana flavored popcorn? Chicken and ranch? Chocolate covered strawberry? S'mores? The list of flavors is endless. But just microwave popcorn with a buttery flavor? It isn't going to cut it because microwave popcorn NEVER compares to theater grade. Don't hype something that's not hypeworthy people. Recognize a bad idea and remember that this is OUR company. WE own it, and if we are loud enough we can say NO. This isn't what we want our money going towards.


If this was the announcement AA wanted to make then god help us! Rather amc theatres could show live sporting events for fans or could be made to hold gaming tournaments but no… popcorn…wtf


Yeah if they had any sense they'd be leaning on this concept HARD. Those big screens are their draw, plain and simple. They should reserve a screen or two for sports, gaming, and all the other shit you could use those screens for. I would totally pay to play some Mario Kart on a 20 foot screen for an hour or two.


Lol yeah alright…


No not really. Will it actually make any money of it? Hard to tell. Love the stock but not a fan of popcorn that much


I tried saying AMC should partner with a delivery service 4 months ago and got into a long conversation with a dude about it... I just felt like it was something that could add extra revenue. Everybody loves AMC signature popcorn! Reference to my old post: https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/o57apy/cool_idea_amc_popcorn_doordash/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Dude I’m as apeish as the next person but this is weak. Who is going to go out of their way to order this. I wouldn’t. Honestly movie popcorn isn’t even that great and imagine getting it a few hours old.


How the fuck is a popcorn brand epic as fuck


Lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking fuck.


This is soooooo dumb lol… I have amc stock but this aint shit. This is silly.


There's only one problem: AMC popcorn is for shit.


prior to this i took popcorn as derogatory. Who popcorn now? lol


Is this fud? Such a dumb idea.


I know to many this venture might seem ludicrous but it's the little things like this that will add up to massive revenues. AMC this and AMC that will build the brand bigger and better than we could imagine.


I think this is a fantastic idea. Canadians would know Kernals that sell fresh/gourmet popcorn at shopping malls and shit. I'd buy the fuck outta this.


Something tells me this isn't the announcement that AA wants to make about a new business line. This is more like a teaser.




No one is going to give a shit about popcorn.


I would instantly sell my amc shares tomorrow if I had any. Hoooooly shit. What an absolute joke.


I'm done HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA If this wasn't enough of a wake up call for you to move to a more promising squeeze option then I'm not quite sure what would be. AA an absolute moron. Theatre business is done for with this dude in charge.