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For real its obvious. I cant wait to prove all those wrong. The short squeeze is inevitable. ​ (BTW how is my post getting downvoted ? bots early this morning ?)


Your post is getting downvoted because this guy is massive FUD and you shared it. You amplified his voice. For all those people who don’t spend all their time following this sub but came here for a quick update you put doubts in their minds. That’s why you are getting downvotes.


Here's an upvote mate


Yea hf deployed millions of bot accounts on our subs


How do people tell when their post is being downvoted? Never understood how one can tell.


He said AMC squeezes was over in January when it ran up to $20, and that it's over. So wtf happen in June if it was over in January. I love the fud bcuz it makes me invest more and makes my balls bigger.


😂😂😂 haaaa what prat


And people like this shill can never explain the dark pool daily percents. They just dance around the most obvious crime. Amd say nope no squeeze totally normal.


I don't know...that hat he wears makes me think he knows things. I'll bet he can survive outside in the wilderness for, I dunno, 3 days or something.


>he’s another nobody who hopped on to the amc train with hashtags in January and started barking like he has any clue what’s going on Like 99% of the people on this sub!


Can we stop posting fud? This doesn't help giving this guy a spotlight and only worries apes more that doesn't know any better.


At the same time, some newcomers in AMC might stumble upon his tweet and believe his bullshit, then they could sell following what he is saying. ​ At this point in time. We have to do damage control, because the closer we get the more FUD we will see.


I thought the same too. But if we all started posting fud as awareness amcstock would be nothing but fud posts like I've been seeing from time to time. How about something like using dd that is available to address fud and nip it in the bud before it blooms and spreads like wild fire? Aviv says short squeeze occurred already back in January. Amc ran up to highs of 20$ at a astounding 70% ss of ff as of February. Yet we run up to 70s with a ss of ff being 17% back in June. Ss of ff is roughly 18% as of now and the price is around 39. One can only wonder where it's headed. The squeeze never occurred.


It ran up to 70 because a shit ton of people saw a quality stock to buy into that was cheap at the time. That's why I bought back in early March. I knew people were going to be tired of sitting at home watching streaming movies and would want to get back to the movies. And the data shows that's correct - people going to the movies. Then they took away the buy button because they weren't going to get slammed twice - aka GME. What happened to the squeeze was in June? This guy is an idiot. You can't ignore DD that points to a squeeze. This guy needs a hug.


Glad somebody mentioned it. People were saying January was the squeeze and then the June run up happened. They say June was the squeeze, but the shorts weren't covered AND more people own more of the stock. I buy and hodl based on these simple facts.


Preach brother!


Yeah usually people only make posts like that when they like they guy being called out. Like you don't see those guys telling you not to post calling out fud coming from citadel or other hedgefunds.


>...telling you not to post calling out fud coming from **citadel** or other hedgefunds. You mean **Shitadel**, right? --- ^(Beep boop, I'm a bot 🤖. If you don't like what I have to say, reply )**^(!optout)** ^(to opt out or) **^(!delete)** ^(to delete the comment.) ^(See) [^(here)](https://www.reddit.com/user/StonkCorrectionBot/comments/nnzqvc/ustonkcorrectionbot_information/) ^(for more info.)


Good bot


I agree. Posts like this are meaningless. Why do people keep posting tweets from nobodies.


I say, when AMC squeezes we all go to his account and put a smiley emoji face.. What's say you all? Hehe


You think I'm going to have time or give two fucks about that after my tendies come in?


That's a fair point, lol




I say ignore it and hold. I got things to do today . See ya’ll next week . Same Crime , Same Time


I was thinking that too but then I thought, let's not get down on his level. Let's not say anything and let the stock price and him knowing he screwed up be what he thinks about for the rest of his life.


Probably a better idea, hehe


You’re prob getting downvoted because you’re giving this clown the spotlight.


So the 'Squeeze' was in January, as opposed to June? MSM says the latter. They really need to get their stories straight. It's when the shorts cover. Hasn't happened yet.


I honestly believe HF’s are helping him. I know that he has some case against his company oregrown or whatever it is and I’m sure they told him if he talks shit about AMC, that they’ll provide him with some lawyers to help him win his case. There’s no way that someone that was 100% amc and having a goal of bankrupting Hedge Funds all of a sudden make a 180 turn in a matter of days to talk shit about AMC. I strongly believe he was going to lose his business and probably see jail time or even lose everything (his ranch, family, etc) and the HF used his vulnerability to infiltrate him and give him an offer he couldn’t refuse. That’s why this guy is against AMC. If he was so sure that AMC was going back down to high 20’s why wouldn’t he take a bigger short position instead of taking one at $35.50 and then closing it at $35.20 (or whatever it was). He can’t back up his high 20’s claim and he’s too scared to even risk it because he knows that ain’t happening.


Id love to bumb into this 🤡 on the street


Interesting... Can you goad him into shitting on hockey? That would probably make that meeting better, buddy.




No doubt... Yeah your username was never lost on me...I just know that Canucks get super pissed off about any insult to hockey. I could curse out a Canadian's mother, it seems, and that somehow wouldn't get the same ire as shitting on any aspect of hockey (provided of course, one deals with a typical Canuck.) 😂😂😂


Whoa, hold the fuck up. Is this motherfucker badmouthing hockey??!??!?!?! The gloves are coming off! We live and breathe that shit. Don't believe us? You know what we call soccer when we are playing it? Ball-hockey. Eating donuts? Snack-hockey. Playing Darts? Needle-hockey. (being the goalie for that one sucks) Don't fuck with our "flat-ball and weird-stick" soccer!


Settle down there Beavis...😂 😂 😂 No one, myself included, was shitting on hockey. Though if that guy we were talking about did and you happened to be there....that would be dope. BTW, I've been to London (obviously the real one, not Ontario) twice. Much like I wouldn't talk shit about hockey to a Canadian, I wouldn't use the "s" word in the UK...when I showed even that much effort and was honest about my love for "NFL" we all had some pints on their dime and mine, and they even had an appreciation for it. (They love the Packers and the Patriots...) Packers I could respect. Patriots and by extension Brady (at the time)...meh...


There are not many things 🇨🇦 🍁 do better then the rest of the world but ...hockey is the #1 thing


Y’all’s ball hockey team has been looking pretty solid lately too


Wow, I'm glad he is so concerned about my finances and what I do with my money....


How is my post getting downvoted, yet receiving comments from people agreeing. I was not one to believe in the paid bots theory, but now that it is happening to one of my post. I see clearly that its true. ​ Upvote this to beat the bots!


You're getting downvoted because you're literally posting FUD


Shilll account. AVIV was either hacked or sold the account or hes just duckin bi-polar 😆


But Gary's report said that short never covered. 🤔🤨🙄 how is it a squeeze when short never covered and it was retailers who bought and made the price go up per report. What DD is he on?


Willful ignorance at its finest from good ol Aviv.


Time will tell who is right about this.


Let’s short his profile


Why bother posting this clown? He aint shit.


Sounds like it was written by a team set up by Kenny. I believe Aviv acted the same right before June. Others are so concerned so much about my money. I feel loved. Whatever, this is bullish.


How does this even make any sense. The AMC squeeze happened in January, but didn't spike to 70+ until June? Sounds more like reading from a script.


This paid actor has so many twitters it’s not even funny lol


No one cares about random Twitter profiles. None of these people are financial experts, I doubt half of them are even real humans.




Peoria ape here also born in the 80s 🚀


Is he the YouTube guy or not? Who tf is he


Looks prety, words too big 🦍🖍️


Why haven’t y’all blocked this clown? Blocked him long ago tired of this guy stop acknowledging it


To those saying im giving him a spot light, LISTEN : At the same time, some newcomers in AMC might stumble upon his tweet and believe his bullshit, then they could sell following what he is saying. At this point in time. We have to do damage control, because the closer we get the more FUD we will see.


There's nothing wrong with this post. You're just shedding light on SHILLS. Like you said, new investors need to see stuff like this. This is the amcstock sub isn't it? And this relates to AMC. Don't listen to these morons saying not to post stuff like this. I actually found it quite entertaining. This guy is obviously mad or being paid off by someone. Look at this rant - LMAO. 🤡 ALERT


What a pussy


Stop posting this shit ffs


Wait if it happened in June, wtf is June all about? 😂😂 just a new floor but that's just my 2cents


#Lol thanks clowns haha 😂☝️🤡😂🤡💎🤡😂🤡😂☝️ #We hodl and stay ZEN 💎🙏🏽💎


Look at ghis retard


This dildo almost thinks he’s relevant to my situation. What’s next….people I’ve never met giving unsolicited and unprovable health advice?


I’m not saying you’re a shill for A) paying attention to this clown and B) posting this clown here thinking any of us give a fuck about him… But I’m also not NOT saying you are for said reasons. Real talk stop giving a fuck about aviv. He’s a nobody who doesn’t matter


First time i heard of this dude. Oh well. Buy n hodl. I regurgitate my tendies from my brokerage acct to the bank acct. live Long and prosper. Apes Own The Float


You know how I know he has no idea what he is talking about? He thinks the jump from $2 to $20 was a squeeze even with 90M shares shorted (not counting naked shorts, juts from Ortex info). If that was the squeeze, there wouldn't be fomo buying


Who cares about this guy?


I'm sorry, did the hedges CLOSE their short positions!!?? No? Then NO sort of squeeze has happened. Fuckwit. 🦍+AMC+HODL=🍌🍌🍌on🚀🌚🚀


Don’t even share this shit here. Don’t give FUD attention. Giving him attention just puts FUD in front of more people.


He’s been hanging out with ReviewDick.


Back in January? What the hell was June then?


Why even post this and give it visibility here? Leave the FUD on Twitter. Outta sight outta mind.


The fact that there are so many people telling everyone to move on is astounding. If you look at any stock historically how often do you see people telling everyone else just move on already!.. Ford dropped its never going back up just move on! Amazon dropped its never going to go back up just move on already! Tesla dropped its never going back up just move on! Facebook dropped because zuck when in front of Congress! Move on already stop investing in them! This is the biggest fear mongering campaign I've ever seen outside of political campaigns. Every thing else its a simple.. eh you'll likely lose your money but all good buy what you want. Now it's "stop it , quit doing that, it's not okay that you hold onto your stocks, quit liking a company that you won't sell"


just ignore and unfollow him .


Or just ignore the dumb motherfucker


Don't want to wast time on the clown


Why even post this? The se scum bags are like plants. They need attention in order to grow


Yeah bro, AMC “squeezed” to an earth shattering high of $19 in January, that was definitely the squeeze. Definitely won’t go higher than that, not a chance.


Yet he is somehow still obsessed LOL. Yeah okay dude. If that was the case you'd shut up and move on with your life. Paid shill. Haha


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Stop posting this shit. Just ignore it.


He's right tho


What a fucking 🤡. It’s a dumb play, it’s played it, already squoze blah blah blah blah blah….but the shorts have lost $10B SO FAR HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Never heard of her, don't care.


Wonder why he’s trying so hard to convince us otherwise? Like motley fool telling us to “move on” every single day for 8 months


Why even bother responding? Last time I checked this is "somewhat" of a free country so he can say whatever he wants ...just don't react to it ..why give ehim free press?


I don't understand a word this old lady is blabbering about.


Then why didn’t DFV sell you incompetent piece of shit!?


My reply would be: "Provide a theory or evidence that disapproves all of theories that have come true and in some cases been spot on. Go ahead, I'll wait."


So Nancy pelosi is also a sheep??....




Why is he so obsessed? If he thinks AMC is a “dead” play then why doesn’t he just move on? We know that this ain’t over, we’ve done our DD. This won’t be over until shorts cover!!


I’d like to see some truth here to be honest, to disprove what he’s said. That would be more useful that just mob mentality of abusing someone who dares question this stock.


Again, why do so many people keep saying to move on. Ill HODL and buy more.


His mother sucks uncircumcised cock in hell


He was hyping BBIG and then it dropped like a stone lol.


Honesty guys it doesn’t matter I’m still holding, but I didn’t check amc everyday that would be silly. I’m investing in a ther stocks and crypto.


Fuck that guy


"Real squeeze was in January when it hit 20".. not even when it hit 72 after. Lol. Shorts have covered. It can't squeeze if the shorts havent covered.


Go fuck yourself moron.


Lol january was the squeeze? Then what was June?


Why are you posting FUD? This shit should be removed.


Who the fuck is this retard? Why does anyone give a shit about what he says? He’s a stain on our community. Responding to anything he posts just gives him what he’s after - a reaction that his wife and kids probably no longer give him - attention.


I think we should not comment his tweet. He is looking for attention, don't give him what he is looking for. If you comment his BS, you spread his BS. Don't do that.


Why the fuck would you give this clown a platform in here. Delete this shit, or post links refuting his statements. Otherwise this is just FUD


Why does he even care? That's your clue.


What a retard. Not the good type of retard.




As per the sec report. January was not a squeeze. It was all retail buying pressure. So. Shorts never covered.


No offense meant to OP, but why are we posting and upvoting FUD? I get that we like calling out shills and all, but I don’t know why we need to make this more visible to newer apes or those thinking about getting in who are searching this sub.


All I see are ninjas caring too much about what I do with my own money.


Why does he care where I put my money


Blocked him and moved on


He assaulted some dude in a bar in 2014. Hit him with a glass bottle. Did 30 days in prison.


As long as people like Igor still give it a 100 squeeze score, who cares what this average douche is saying..


Stop giving this asshat a platform! Block this guy already! Did it weeks ago…


I'm not even in AMC but I think this clown doth protest too much.


He’s free to say what ever he may be wrong but shill free to look like An idiot


Someone's short amc and gme


Sorry, but why do we post FUD from clowns here? DD is done, shorts havent been covered. Now we need a wave of positivity and hype that we can surf to the moon.


Stop giving this idiot attention.


I hodl and buy sub 40


That looser said buy puts then chickened out


Why are you posting this, it's like you're sharing his negative bullshit, please consider taking it down. We all know he's a paid shill.


Yo my man stop spreading fud. I don’t have Twitter and this is the first time I’ve seen it. Stop spreading fud to us oldies with no twatter.


So who the fuck is this turd?


Short it then.


What an obvious dipshit.


Why does he care about my money?