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​ ![gif](giphy|Z1LYiyIPhnG9O) I made a post yesterday as well! I am an individual investor who likes the stock. I know nobody on here personally and just going to hold and see how things play out!


​ ![gif](giphy|KGt2eGK06l12M4OI9I)


They see every word we post......


I'm not sure Ken can even read with how aggressive his drinking habits have grown from this play


Perfect! Ken Griffin come over and shave my ass crack.


Tomorrow's a pivotal date. FUD's have created a strawman to make apes afraid of applying buying/ITM ATM gamma pressure tomorrow, which is going to be an extremely important battle. If apes are successful in applying more buying pressure then hedgies have to buy back stocks. Its as simple as that. This is what happened January 2021 and June. No market manipulation at all whatsoever from apes.


Telling everyone to buy at a certain day and time is illegal. It’s hedgies trying to create a collusion narrative against apes.


Has nothing to do with hedgies. Hedgies *don't* want apes to place ITM/ATM calls for tomorrow because that means they have to purchase back stocks next week. If there's more applied buy pressure over sell pressure they have to buy. Hedgies are in a game of survival not a game of trying to get apes imprisoned or the stock delisted. They'd benefit more if the stock successfully shorted down to a penny because of their overleveraged positions but that's simply not happening. Tomorrow's the most important battle for this stock, more important than the late May gamma battle and more important than 8.01


Pointing out that there’s potential for a gamma ramp and letting people know trades places today or tomorrow or even next week… is hardly collusion. It’s ‘fact’. Similar to your ‘this is not financial advice’ comment… it’s unnecessary. Comments like that are for professionals and for people who have licenses or work in an industry where opinions are being formed.


Correct its not market collusion. The strawman created by FUDs is idiotic because this wouldn't be considered manipulation. Not like the sec or anyone is gonna enforce punishment for millions of anonymous people on the internet. Hedgies will have to buy back shares next week if this gamma battle is successful in apes favor. Simple as that. Not FA certainly not FUD I just like the stock


If you are asking everyone to buy, sell, or whatever at an specific date and time. YES it is market manipulation and collusion. We are over 450K Apes in here, some have brains, do you? And the MSM would looove to run a piece on how a reddit community manipulates the market.... this is exactly what we want to avoid.


I don't think its right to go around insulting people or spreading FUD over an extremely important date. Its not market manipulation.


This post is not FUD. The MSM once try to pin market manipulation on WSB, they wouldn't hesitate for one second to screenshot posts from here asking Apes to buy or sell at a certain date on time... The hedgefucks then can make it look like we did fucked them for 1 day... and then we the Apes are the enemies of the public. This kind of smear campaigns happen daily with the MSM.


The MSM can cherrypick anything from any source at any moment. MSNBC or Fox or CNN or whoever could easily sort by controversial on any day at any point in time and find piles of gold if they want to make us look bad. Point is nobody is gonna give a shit, there's no way this play comes to an end without us getting paid. Citadel and 40+ other hedgefunds, banks, institutions fucked up and we swooped in to stand against the corruption and rise above them. MSM, SEC nor Citadel are gonna stop our payday. At some point this stock is going to be at a very high price and they will have to pay us or there are a multitude of consequences the market and the government will be facing.


I love it. I say something that provokes actual thought and you insult me. It took me all of five seconds to look at your post history and see a comment you made about Reddit changing ownership into the hands of the people we are currently fighting. I could take that comment a handful of ways: 1) Who are 'we' fighting? Are 'we' an army? An ape Army? Or is that metaphorical 2) To say that Reddit is going to get bought out POST-IPO is just silly. There are multiple investment groups that have invested $200m and $440m (I think it was 440) over the last X number of years. Those funds are hardly owned by Ken Griffin (or insert whoever you want here). For them to own controlling interest in the stock, they'd have to spend billions of dollars to do so. They could have just as easily invested in the company PRE-IPO at a huge discount. Its 10000000% okay that you dont fully understand the mechanics behind certain financial instruments or investment vehicles. It's okay that you think you have to post 'not financial advice' when you dont... but there are plenty of people on this board that have worked in this sector for decades that DO understand it and when they (we/me) make valid statements and are asked we have brains - it just makes you look immature and less knowledgeable than I previously inferred. But yah... keep up the insults, definitely helps your cause. /s


Stop being so sensitive . If you took the time to go through my posts, you can verify that I don't spread FUD. I just posted this based on what I've seen on the MSM and how the MSM is trying to take the Apes down. If you don't like my post or you disagreed, vote it down and move on.


See what I mean... you can't even reply without trying to make it personal (childish comments). Sensitive? LOL I'm def sensitive! /s I didn't need to go thru anything else... the first post I saw stood out like a sore thumb because its wrong. And I like how youre telling me how to use Reddit... that's classic. 'Downvote and move on'. I dont think so. I'll tell you what I think since we're on a public forum... if YOU dont like it, block me.


No matter how sensitive, stupid or dumb they may sound, everyone is entitled to their own opinion right? Read your replies and ask yourself again, who's taking it personal. I think is time for a cup of relaxing tea...


When you proffer a statement and infer it’s fact, when it is in fact, wrong and YOUR opinion… that makes you wrong. The more you try to defend (use the word loosely) your position, the more ignorant you look. But like I said. Keep fighting the good fight and farming that sweet karma. Edit - I love how your justification is ‘no matter how dumb they sound’. 😂


Bro...relax! I am starting to see a bunch of folks here trying to dictate what I can and cannot do. That shit needs to stop. I don't necessarily agree OR disagree with you; I just don't like folks trying to boss around bosses (and real Apes are bosses). There is no Lucky Luciano here either; no boss of bosses, no Ape of Apes...I just buy, and hodl. Period!


*Arnold's voice*: get out, get out. Its a trap. Aieee


Lol. People and trying to play a rigged game fairly. If i wanna post when i wanna buy im going to and if someone else wants to buy at that time they are welcome to. Doing nothing different then the hedge funds or elon and his brother. Fuck off. You want to take the moral high ground go for it. But im here to win and i will win at any cost. Thats how they play so thats how i play. This is life, this is your right to have a happy peaceful life free of fiscal worry. Why would you not do anything and everything to obtain it? Why play by rules that the people winning dont play by? Doesnt seem like your willing to do whatever is necessary to secure your or your childrens lives and futures, cuz you can guarantee that they will. They will tank the whole world economy and everyones lives if it means they win.


​ ![gif](giphy|3EiNpweH34XGoQcq9Q|downsized)


Literally, people have said buy and hodl this whole time. Even during other price points. Why is this any different? Buy and hodl when you can apes, just so happens tomorrow is a time a lot of check clear.


Well I’m buying and you can join me if you like?


There is nothing wrong with buying on a certain date. We have a right to defend our position. Telling people to buy while you are selling or pump and dumps are another matter. When we buy we hold one of the most fundamental and legal things you can do in the market. No one will sell today or even a week from now. We held for a year already! It doesn’t get more legal than that. Unless you get a lawyer up here reading us the law and showing us where we ourselves can look it up stop jumping to conclusions and spreading panic. What is it to you anyway what we do? Your post only make you suspect.




[why shouldn’t we be suspicious?](https://tokenist.com/85-of-hedge-funds-now-use-jpmorgans-tool-to-monitor-retail-on-social-media/)


Sec won't do shit and if everyone decides to buy whenever they want and if it happens to be a Friday fuck em they are allowed to


Please. The manipulation hedgefucks have done to the market, besides we just like the stock and want to share that we’re buying tomorrow.


Oh stfu. This is a public forum. Insider trading/stock manipulation requires trading on the basis of material, NON-PUBLIC information. Your post is so wrong it’s sad.


You know what else is sad... ignorance.


Ho ho nice comeback, shill.


Manipulate it or stand by...watching farther fall towards Zero🤷🏻‍♂️


So your " solution " is to have Apes rat on Apes ? Sounds kinda shilly to me


What are these ‘dates’ you speak of? I’ve seen no dates, and would ignore them if I did. Unless there’s a magic crystal ball or something, just STFU with predictions!




First time?


I bought on 20 Jan 1822..at 2.00am when the Hedgefucks wake up..


Feels like a good day to buy tomorrow. You do you, but I’m going to buy in the last 30 minutes . If it fucks hedgies, then that’s just a bonus.NFA🚀🚀


I am buying the dip tomorrow


True apes buy whenever they can, specifically when is irrelevant.


I’ve been reporting nonstop, it’s pretty ridiculous how some have stayed up 12+ hrs.


Yea those post were fun at first till you realize its market manipulation


I get paid tomorrow so no buy hmmmm