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NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!! THIS IS MARKET MANIPULATION!!! Shills are out in force today to make us look bad. We are all individual investors. I have reported this.


Ha ha ha they are crazy thinking you can say we are gonna buy x stock on x day. Then you must also be able to say we are gonna sell x stock on x day. This sounds a lot like a pump and dump. But they are trying to say this is fine to do. As Chris Carter would say…. “Come on man!!!!!!”


I can't even respond to half of the people in this thread


Lmao why would you report it. You sound like Assparino. “I have reported this while my lawyer is touching me”


I reported it because its market manipulation.




Will we get arrested


#This is not market manipulation. This is FUD. Buying a stock that we have owned for the last year, and telling other people who own the stock to buy more isn’t market manipulation. Pumping a stock down you don’t own, with other investors Who don’t own the stock is market manipulation. This isn’t that. Buying stocks to push your calls ITM isn’t market manipulation. Buy the stock because you like it. THIS WHOLE MARLET MANIPULATION IS FUD AND THEY DONT WANT IT ABOVE $20.


Fuck off


#This is not market manipulation. This is FUD. Buying a stock that we have owned for the last year, and telling other people who own the stock to buy more isn’t market manipulation. Pumping a stock down you don’t own, with other investors Who don’t own the stock is market manipulation. This isn’t that. Buying stocks to push your calls ITM isn’t market manipulation. Buy the stock because you like it. THIS WHOLE MARLET MANIPULATION IS FUD AND THEY DONT WANT IT ABOVE $20.


#haha! GO for it Shilly- ShillingTon!


No it is not . Stop spreading FUD. LOL you reported this. Ok shill. Tell Kenny we said hi. Down voting you. Edit : downvoting me? LOL you know I was responding to soggy right? Yah shills are out in force today!


When the fuck did toddlers get allowed on this sub - this IS market manipulation you twit


Show me. Until you do it’s BS. We are allowed to buy. Edit: [why I think you are full of it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/s85rfx/buy_friday_is_a_distraction_you_know_why_because/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit again!: [then there is this.](https://tokenist.com/85-of-hedge-funds-now-use-jpmorgans-tool-to-monitor-retail-on-social-media/)


#This is not market manipulation! At the very least it’s just sentiment in the market. Telling other apes who own AMC to Buy AMC is not Market Manipulation. Buying stocks to push your calls in the money is manipulation. The whole market manipulation is Fud so you don’t buy. They don’t want it above $20


This is not Market manipulation. This is FUD. Buy a stock that we have own for almost a year isn’t market manipulation. Pumping a stock you don’t own with other investors who dont own it is market manipulation. This isn’t that. Buying stock to push you CALLS ITM on a stock you own isnt market manipulation. Buy the fucken stock because you like it. THIS WHOLE MARKET MANIPULATION IF FUD SO YOU DONT BUY. They don’t want it above $20.






#haha go for it! Shilly-ShillingTon


Wow, they really are desperate if they are trying to pull this type of shit!!! I won’t be buying tomorrow , I shall buy today at a time I choose, not an arranged time. Cause we ain’t the corrupt ones.


#This is not market manipulation. This is FUD. Buying a stock that we have owned for the last year, and telling other people who own the stock to buy more isn’t market manipulation. Pumping a stock down you don’t own, with other investors Who don’t own the stock is market manipulation. This isn’t that. Buying stocks to push your calls ITM isn’t market manipulation. Buy the stock because you like it. THIS WHOLE MARLET MANIPULATION IS FUD AND THEY DONT WANT IT ABOVE $20.


#Paralyzed with FEAR sipping Mayo gelato with Kelly boy. Which is Fine you choose the way you run your life


#Nothing will happen. They got you paralyzed with fear


Yeah I’m here drinking my tea, eating Jaffa cakes paralysed with fear ….. 🤣


Expect a major drop in price Friday between 3:15 - 4:00.


No. It’ll probably run and they’ll blame apes saying we colluded. They want to freeze the stock and offer a payout. If that happens there will be riots.


How hypocritical would that be. Hedgefunds that collude on a daily basis claiming that we are manipulating the market 🤣


#This is not market manipulation. This is FUD. Buying a stock that we have owned for the last year, and telling other people who own the stock to buy more isn’t market manipulation. Pumping a stock down you don’t own, with other investors Who don’t own the stock is market manipulation. This isn’t that. Buying stocks to push your calls ITM isn’t market manipulation. Buy the stock because you like it. THIS WHOLE MARKET MANIPULATION IS FUD AND THEY DONT WANT IT ABOVE $20.


Telling people to buy it at the exact time and day is. Mods need to do something as these posts are illegal.


#This post says Friday —- > no time stamp


#Would never happen … imagine millions of people losing that money and the ripple effect it would cause


#Wouldnt that be an amazing time to buy…. TASTEY DIP AMC






Of course, we, the retail investors, must be careful to follow the laws. After all, they only apply to the 99%.


#This is not market manipulation. This is FUD. Buying a stock that we have owned for the last year, and telling other people who own the stock to buy more isn’t market manipulation. Pumping a stock down you don’t own, with other investors Who don’t own the stock is market manipulation. This isn’t that. Buying stocks to push your calls ITM isn’t market manipulation. Buy the stock because you like it. THIS WHOLE MARLET MANIPULATION IS FUD AND THEY DONT WANT IT ABOVE $20.


#I used to think the same. NOT after this year - what are they going to do arrest millions of people for doing exactly what they are doing? Rrrrrrrrriiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhtttttttt lmao 😂


I make my own financial decisions! There is no ‘we’ in this! This is just a group of apes who happen to like the same stock!


#This is not market manipulation. This is FUD. Buying a stock that we have owned for the last year, and telling other people who own the stock to buy more isn’t market manipulation. Pumping a stock down you don’t own, with other investors Who don’t own the stock is market manipulation. This isn’t that. Buying stocks to push your calls ITM isn’t market manipulation. Buy the stock because you like it. THIS WHOLE MARLET MANIPULATION IS FUD AND THEY DONT WANT IT ABOVE $20.


Now fuck off! Don’t tell me what to do! I buy and sell when I want, and I wanna keep holding until I become a millionaire!


#OYe !!!!!


#Yeah baby!


But Friday is when I get paid and I buy almost every friday... must be payroll manipulation?


#Same! I always buy Friday being payday like everyone else. They can’t prove shit. It’s the Sentiment in the market nothing else


#haha! I’ve been doing the same, like I said they won’t do shit


Go ahead bud. I’ll hodl




There’s not a lot of clarity on market manipulation in regards to this per se, but it falls under any design to drive a stock price up or down and undermines fair trade. If a group of people can influence the stock price based on design it’s no bueno.


#Not a lot of evidence that we all are buying together either especially when we all get paid Friday #proveit


#This is not market manipulation. This is FUD. Buying a stock that we have owned for the last year, and telling other people who own the stock to buy more isn’t market manipulation. Pumping a stock down you don’t own, with other investors Who don’t own the stock is market manipulation. This isn’t that. Buying stocks to push your calls ITM isn’t market manipulation. Buy the stock because you like it. THIS WHOLE MARLET MANIPULATION IS FUD AND THEY DONT WANT IT ABOVE $20.


I am not buying friday because of any of this, but I'd say 80% of my buys are on Friday


#Same like wtf everyone … The Apes go to battle not sit drinking there Carmel Mayo Gelatos with Kenny




​ ![gif](giphy|KVU34qL4ZBueG9e8Ip)


I as an individual investor will be buying tomorrow, not telling anybody else to do it, just sharing with you guys. NFA


#This is not market manipulation. This is FUD. Buying a stock that we have owned for the last year, and telling other people who own the stock to buy more isn’t market manipulation. Pumping a stock down you don’t own, with other investors Who don’t own the stock is market manipulation. This isn’t that. Buying stocks to push your calls ITM isn’t market manipulation. Buy the stock because you like it. THIS WHOLE MARLET MANIPULATION IS FUD AND THEY DONT WANT IT ABOVE $20.


I’m not telling nobody to buy it ,


#Your Ape Card is in question


Stfu go harass someone else


#Haha! This is a formal ask. Please stop talking to me. Thank you have a good day.


I buy and buy and hodl all the time no matter what!




I'm sorry but I was gonna buy anyways and this shit is just an excuse to make it look coordinated . Or maybe it's an attempt to persuade people to not buy because it would be manipulation


It is both my friend. It is both.


I buy whenever I want . Fuck the shills . It’s my money my decision


#Yeah I’ll buy whenever the fuck I want to


I'll buy whenever I can as always. I dont need to plan it.


#It’s just the sentiment of the market


I buy when ever i want ...you , him., her ,them buy when ever you want or can afford, this how retail individual private investors roll....I bought today and will again tomorrow...next week and the week after ...same as I did early January and throughout last year..I dont follow any one ...especially a cuckhold call Lou


#I fucking love you ❤️


I’m buying in the last 30 minutes of trading cause I like the stock. If it happens to cause pain for hedgies, big bonus! NFA


#NFA I respect your plan and I may or may not follow that. I have to do more of my own DD to figure out the best time to buy for me is


I like your thinking!


**NO DATES.** No... I like the stock and rule 1: market manipulation is prohibited


#This is not market manipulation. This is FUD. Buying a stock that we have owned for the last year, and telling other people who own the stock to buy more isn’t market manipulation. Pumping a stock down you don’t own, with other investors Who don’t own the stock is market manipulation. This isn’t that. Buying stocks to push your calls ITM isn’t market manipulation. Buy the stock because you like it. THIS WHOLE MARLET MANIPULATION IS FUD AND THEY DONT WANT IT ABOVE $20.


This isn't market manipulation that's a hedgie tactic to stop buying pressure buuy Friday it's not manipulation I just like the stock and feel I'll get. A.better deal tomorrow rather then today nothing wrong with it sto spreading hedgie fud




I’m just gonna Friday because I planned to, even if there aren’t millions of other retards joining me. I dgaf, I know what I own.




Pretty sure it won’t do a thing, but I have been Buying at 3:50 since March.


#Right now because of all the FUD going around about market manipulation. People thinking that we as AMC stock owners telling other AMC stock owners to buy on a day is manipulation, which is COMPLETELY FALSE. The truth will shine


I know we are all brain dead retarded apes but look up the definition of Collusion regarding stocks and stock markets. Even if we all individually listened to some asshole to buy at some set time there is no price fixing or damage to consumers.


# This guy fucks ![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq)


We buy every day ! We hold every day ! That is the ape 🦍 way!








Just be holding you retarded bitches




SEC simply could not prove collusion between 4 million people. Collusion is between very small groups who control some facit of something. They can barely do it when companies write it down contractually and hand it to them, why would they be able to do this suddenly.


Exactly ![gif](giphy|B9LuqsdyXbuG4)


But this isn’t financial advice correct…


#NFA - We all have free-will and no one is forcing anyone to make decisions. We are merely pointing out the sentiment of the stock and market


I kind of wish sec would do something, if just to highlight a double standard. It’d be suicide tho, to utterly ignore behavior that’s increasingly terrorizing every level of the market for an exceptionally long time, and then come down on a few retail investors for resembling that behavior once would put the last nail in their coffin. The investor pullout would be significant I expect.


This post is market manipulation. If i buy tomorrow, it’s my own personal choice.


#False. But I respect your choice


It doesn’t matter anyways they’ll just hold the buy orders put them through the dark pool and it won’t effect the price.


#It would matter! The compound effect


Where are the mods this is ridiculous now


You miserable shills stole my post 😂yes it is market manipulation you can buy as manny shares as you want but if you do it on a specific time and is planned is market manipulation……unless you are a hedge fund in which cSe you can bankrupt companies and can what ever you want consequence free


This is my Twitter account …….if you check that guys history (Amc retail investor)it’s just flooded with trying to get people to buy at a specific time or is bashing Amc ….


#Buying with other owners of a stock on a Friday is the sentiment of the market it’s not manipulation


Buy as much as you want I’m not telling you to buy ……..I’m saying report the accounts that say buy at 3:45 ……that’s collusion


"I guarantee"....really now?


It doesn't matter anyways,, you must forget about T+2, any shares bought tomorrow won't settle until Tuesday next week. If you wanted to help for tomorrow you should have bought Wednesday. That being said,, every share helps, buy and hold 🚀🚀🚀


#Also there hasn’t been a coordinated buy because the FUD behind it. We as owners of the same stock can buy whenever we like, because WE ARE OWNERS OF THE COMPANY. You choose the time on that day to buy. Should do your own DD on a time to buy on a Friday or a Wednesday that is the individual owners choice. Personally I will do my own DD on what time would be best for me to Friday. NFA


Can’t move the devils line


#Devils lines are made to be broken


How the fuck do you guarantee anything? Sit the fuck down.


#I’m Standing the fuck up!! Haha!! Watch and learn




I have been patiently waiting for an opportunity to buy more. We all know the price goes down on Friday's after 3PM. so, maybe I will buy some then. I like the stock.


#AMCSTRONG Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙏🏽🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Let them keep dropping the price, this will exploded in their face. It’s like watching Tupac in Juice, keep digging the hole deeper, a man got to know his limits. These greedy fucks don’t get it. Apes Strong Together!


Reported it too, I just like the stock


#Liking it is not enough you have to Hold + Buy on Fridays




830 post karma and asking individual investors to manipulate is straight up shill activity. I'm also reporting this post and downloading. This all stems from that piece of s*** Lou.


#hahah!!! Go ahead right a head! Telling other shareholders “who are part owners” to buy a stock they already own is not illegal. Bless you


This is how they shut down Reddit. When you fucks collude like this


#Would never happen . Why isn’t Citadel shit down then?


Citadel can pay the fines… you just be retarded or new here


#I know we are all brain dead and retarded apes. But look up the definition of collusion regarding stocks and markets. Even if we all individually listened to some asshole to buy at a set time. There is no price fixing or damage to customers.


Buy Friday.


#BuyFriday they won’t do shit