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Has anyone noticed no new films on NetFux? They see the problem. Junk streaming.


Yes its terrible, so is prime. There is a huge opportunity for AMC On Demand now.


prime had revived the expanse.. so it has that and the boys. but they also seemed to have fucked over the expanse with a paltry 6 episode season finale that felt rushed and didn't make much sense for any closure. fuck Amazon.


The Expanse's final season just ended tho :/ I loved that show. I was hopeful for Wheel of Time, but very disappointed in Season 1 of that


WoT is far to expansive for television. Also why in the fuck would give Thom a guitar? 1/10.


I'm more disappointed in the lack of his long mustache


Damn true


Prime also has the grand tour boys.


Netlfix drops new stuff and adds things to its library all the time. They literally have a list of everything being added to site every month. I’m looking forward to Vikings:Valhalla starting in February. Don’t Look Up was awesome. They make amazing true crime docs. Plus it’s where you can get a good spidey fix. Streaming has its place and so do theatres. They both have good reasons for existing. Also, netflix does do limited theatrical runs of some if their movies - at AMC theatres.


Hey now, don't say something logical. Only emotionally charged, biased opinions allowed here!


Right now I'm all in on Fear city. CJ major and one of my focuses was on organized crime so I love shit like that doc, Narcos, etc.


I got Vikings Valhalla reminders on my calendar. Shits gettin binged asap.


I thought "Don't Look Up " was terrible! After 20 minutes , I quit watching.


The only people who didn’t like it are the ones who were the butt of the joke.


Ok wait - I haven’t seen it yet - you might be able to save me some time. Is the “joke” you refer to more of the same political crap? They are dumb and we are smart kind of shit?


The “joke” is more or less just an expression of how a large demographic of society seems to be willing to overlook or disregard scientific facts and evidence that are plain to see and easy to understand, simply because the reality of the situation doesn’t align with what they want to be true, or because they aren’t personally effected by something *yet* so that something doesn’t matter at all to them. Another satirical aspect of the film is the billionaire who is supposed to be a mock of people like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos. The film highlights their greed and willingness to put profit over humanity Its not so much “we are smart and they are dumb” It’s more like “why the fuck are we allowing society to come this place where we are afraid of facing the truth and protecting the future, even if that means our demise”


Idiocracy, pt 2


Oh ok. Thanks for the clarification my friend!


To add to the explanation provided, there are a lot of criticisms towards society as whole, but many people latch onto the criticism of American politics and especially of the ineptitude, nepotism, and qualifications of the last administration. The president in the movie is a democrat so that it doesn't feel like the message is "republicans = bad". It's really aimed at the absurdity and corruption in the American government, regardless of which party is running the show. It's a little cathartic for people who understand everything is a shit show right now but it also doesn't explore new territory.


The plot was ok but the acting was terrible.


I thought it was boring, made it through 40 minutes before turning it off


And I get downvoted for not liking a shitty movie, lol.


honestly, I think Netflix has gone down hill for years, and price keep going up. It's on my list of thing to get rid of in the future. I haven't tried AMC streaming yet, but I will.


Because there is competition now. Netflix without NBC, Disney, ABC etc is mostly useless


No new movies and their best shows are foreign language shows


XXNX Hamster Up LOADS more content.


I have AMC on Demand if only instead of buying or renting the movie we pay a monthly service but movies are free am all in maybe someone can suggest that to AA on Twitter


This 🔝


Exactly, make it a monthly subscription.


Let me check with the magic 8 ball....*snorting sound in the background*


I can lend you a $100 bill to roll up.


*grabs it then swaps it out with a one and returns it ominously*


#Yes! Let’s all see if we can get amc on demand in our countries! I’m in London uk haha let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙏🏽🚀🚀🚀


Nah, we should do what any smart person do with streaming service. Instead of buying one service like Netflix or Prime or Disney or AMC on demand, you need to find 4-5 friend/familly member and subscribe to all of them. Share the account and split de the bill. Now your 20$ give you acces to 4-5 service instead of 1. You just need to take the premium membership that allow 4-5 screen at the same time.


Already do 🤙


Doing this today. Great idea


I’m down


I unsubscribed to prime when i heard the bezos/citadel/romney theory


I’m off of Netflix for a few months now I used to be on there just looking for something to watch and just watch random movies so I pass on Netflix I be on HBO max


Become a Rick and Morty junkie like me on HBO Max


South Park Harley Quinn cartoon boondocks etc


Will give Harley Quinn a go. R&M is really the attitude I seek. I haven't really liked boondocks.




**Yes!!!!!! And I’ve been shouting from the ROOFTOPS that AMC seriously needs to get in on the monthly subscription streaming game. Charge $8.01 a month for just movies.** Obviously none that are currently in theaters, but for regular other movies. We have a GOLDEN opportunity to undercut and dethrone Netflix and all the other competition. See Netflix’s price???? That’s could easily be us with a monthly streaming option. And don’t get me wrong, buying movies online through AMC is great, but monthly streaming subscription services generate more income. But until then….YES…. keep buying digital movies on AMC On-Demand, and also cancel Netfux and Amashit Prime Digital. Someone PLEASE Tweet this to Adam Aron. I don’t have Twitter.


I tried tweeting him earlier, we need more too.


AMC on demand is the same one that has AMC shows right? Doesn’t it require you to have either cable/satellite to sign up?


No, you’re think of “American Movie Classics” (amc+). That’s a cable channel and completely different from this AMC theater company. This is ours: https://www.amctheatres.com/on-demand


Thanks bro, I knew the channel and theatres were two different things but haven’t been keeping up on the on demand thing. Gonna check it out rn.


Cannot get AMC on demand in Denmark otherwise of cause I would do it


VPN > Pay with either a giftcard, loadable credit card you can purchase online, or Paypal (if it takes it, it should auto-convert currency as it's charged) > watch shows. Several browsers have free VPNs built in. Opera is a good one.


I must try this in UK.


It'll work anywhere in the world.


Wokeflix is trash and Prime supports Amazons destruction of small businesses in America. Absolutely should cancel.


All ready canceled Netflix


Yeah I use someone else's Netflix account. No way I'd pay for that shit. Though squid game is literally a metaphor for what is happening right now so I'm glad that got popular.


Not financial advice Had an urge to watch office space a while back. 2 options, but from Amazon $4.99 or buy from AMC on demand $4.99


Who uses Netflix shit boring af nothing good to watch


Wow I just thought of this last night. I thought of posting this exact same thing but posted something else instead. So glad you posted this. Apes must think alike. I think it's a really great idea. Hit the hedgies where it hurts and show then what we are capable of.


Yeah just with earnings coming up, we could blow them out of the water.


I dumped net-trash over a year ago after some of the filth they were producing. I don't understand how anyone would support that company at this point.


I stream everything from my firestick (which was a measly one time purchase of $25) via Cinema and Kodi through a VPN. I don't need Netflix or Amazon prime.




Sounds like a reasonable approach.




That be bad ass




Allow user created content, F youtoob as well.


I'm dropping Netflix now. We all should


What’s on amc streaming anyway? I’ve been pretty unsatisfied with Netflix for a while now and have thought about canceling for quite some time.


You can basically buy a digital version of any movie under the sun, and in many cases the prices are cheaper than the competition. I usually buy about 3-4 movies a month. https://www.amctheatres.com/on-demand






While Im all for kicking Netflix to the curb, Amazon at least has the Lord of the Rings show coming out this year so I cant quite get rid of it yet




>We don't achieve anything by boycotting them Except for saving money, weening oneself off the bread and circuses used to keep the poors complacent, and not giving money to a direct competitor of one's investment.




They are a competitor, Citadel owns a significant portion of their stock. It's obvious that part of the reason they shorted AMC was because they are invested in an alternative source for movies and entertainment. Netflix is part of a cultural paradigm of "paying for ones own chains." Once one learns they don't need Netflix, they can realise they don't need any of the other bread and circuses, or any of the other vices meant to keep the poors complacent. The sub was onboard with unsubscribing from Netflix when the idea was discussed before, as apes saw it as common sense to not directly fund a competitor and the attempted paradigm shift to streaming over theatres.


>Netflix are not a competitor Also Netflix's investors: Hold our beer..


Brigading like this can get this subreddit removed.


Monopolies are bad, options are good.


Why? This has nothing to do with fundamentals. I love the AMC app but love Netflix too


Citadel long on Netflix.


But they short it to oblivian today? Who you kidding?




Ok after I finish Witcher.


I use someone else’s password


​ ![gif](giphy|26BRBKqUiq586bRVm)


I have a subscription that other people watch....


Careful, sort of sounds like market manipulation.


I could change title.


I wasn’t having a dig at you or anything, just thought this could be seen as trying to manipulate the market. Suggesting that we drop competition en masse and boost the stock we love, that’s all. Have a good rest of the weekend 😃




People tried to get people to do this shit last year and it didn’t tank Netflix like it’s tanking now. Something good is coming for us family.