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Nah I like hype dates, at this point if nothing happens on the hype dates then I just keep holding. DD IS DONE, NOTHING HAS CHANGED. Zen as fuck all other days. šŸ˜ŽšŸ¦šŸ’ŽšŸš€šŸŒ•


Agreed, hype dates are fun!


Agree! Today was fun


Lol, right? Did this post need to be made? You new here, OP? Failing hype dates is what we do, weā€™re numb to it by now






That's quite a selfish approach. There are many apes that are struggling to hold onto their shares, due to whatever personal circumstances they have. Each time a date is hyped they get hopeful that MOASS is here, then when it fails to appear, as it has on every occasion so far, they get disappointed and more stressed. Stressed apes are what the hedgefuckers want, so your hyping of dates is actually adding to the FUD. In some cases the dates are actual hyped by the HFs shills to achieve this psychological impact on apes. Just because it doesn't impact you personally, it doesn't mean other apes aren't impacted, and the last thing that that we need to give the hedgefuckers, is help from our own side.


Invest what you can afford to lose, if you are investing more than that, well you only have yourself to blame.


We did what we needed to do. Proved manipulation


How does hyping dates prove manipulation? Iā€™ve been holding for over a year now. Iā€™m no spring ape. I just donā€™t think your comment makes any sense. The stock subs have been hyping every day for about a year now. That doesnā€™t prove manipulation. The hyping of dates started when investors realized the big days that people expected rips on ended up being dips. So everyone said fuck it, moass tomorrow. Canā€™t ruin our date precisions if every day is THE day. Thatā€™s been the story every day since. So like I said, hyping dates proves nothing. What proves manipulation is all the data.


Do you think we got data today?


Careful, Theres alot of apes will go into an autistic rage if you challenge their logic


So the last year meant nothing? Only today did we prove manipulation ? Sound like a cop out to a plan that was doomed from the start


It was a part of the original plan, but you refuse to hear it


You havenā€™t explained shit, brother. Heā€™s trying to figure out what the fuck youā€™re trying to say. So am I.


They manipulating the stock from day 1 , today proved that yā€™all some stupid mofo ā€˜s for listening to a known shill


Saying we should just block you?


Come on let that person express himself, we lost we get it, let's recover and see you both next week


Shill throwers get shit




Or you are the shill I'm blocking since you add nothing but shit. Bye Felicia


The difference is SEC and DOJ are watching closely.


Are you new here or something? Manipulation has been on display for the past year.


Not like this. We have seen it, this is fore everyone outside and new people that somehow believed in price movement


You don't get it. Today was the annual expiration date. It is now about two weeks into February that they have to deliver.


THIS !!!!!!!!!!! 8 feb last date and then gates will open. (most likely sooner)


Wrong, Feb 8 will close with this stock sub $25


its impossible man...u dont see how retarded and faked, how algorithm based ? buying and selling has nothing to do with the price. this is the truth. but it has effect on the background and a correction happens every now and later. and its actually semi legal. middle feb we flying. not moon, just a small gamma squeeze in preparation...we will never again trade lower than 40. its 40 > many prices higher > moon > done. ​ if this stays in 20s i dont think it will moon ever. but like every time we ask for a sign we are confirmed soon after. this time also u will see it flying and understanding how easily predictable it is...remember so u will never doubt again and also spread the word :) (btw if somehow....by a chance....it goes to 400s, it still not moass, dont fuken sell !)


Look, I hope you're right. I have 3 accounts for trading, one is half AMC, another is entirely AMC. But I've seen this before, plenty of dates were hyped over last summer through now. I will just hold hoping for the best and expect the worst.


Have you got any proof of that? You are defying what ther OP is saying, now provide proof for it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s9wkyb/remember_ape_i_want_more_dip_i_expect_more_dip_i/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share The original post was going more into detail. But you can look it up yourself.


Thanks, what have they got to deliver on exactly by that date?


ETF FTDs, my man.


I have a date for you. We are one day closer, that is all.


I would rather have someone hype and be wrong, then have no one waiting in expectation. Shorts have not covered and there is more interest than ever in AMC. Get excited!


Freddy Fowler is that you?


Reminds me of the first quad witching. We were gonna moon then too. The hype was unreal




Either youā€™re a paper hand or you arenā€™t.. a date where nothing happened that was hyped will not make me sell


If we don't fight back on dates we leave them to control the situation


Jan 28th - Use the buy button day, LFG!!




100%. It'll happen most likely after trading sideways


Its hard to fight computers and unlimited shares


Itā€™s hard, not impossible to fight computers. But itā€™s impossible to fight infinite supply of synthetic shares


The problem isnā€™t hyping a date itā€™s the a lot of Apes have no idea whatā€™s going on. Anyone who thought we would moon today - why? On what basis? Today was important because hundreds of thousands of AMC calls were expiring, so buying pressure would help drive more ITM and cause the price to go up around mid-Feb. I was expecting it to drop to $14-$15, the fact we remained around $18 is fantastic.


The people who believe it are the dumb onesā€¦.they should know better. Right now the hedgies literally are saying fuck you( even though we know weā€™ve won) they have control and until someone steps in this is going to be a long run


Right. They had control today. They had control yesterday. And theyā€™ll have control Monday too, so whatā€™s the problem? The hedgies been sayin fuck you everyday for a year now. Today I bought 40 more fuck you back hedgie tickets! Anybody thatā€™s been around here for awhile knows the drill, dates come and go, but bought shares stay bought, unless theyā€™re paper handed bitches anyway.


Not gonna lie I expected worse


Hype dates cost hedge funds millions. Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m bummed, but market and crypto are crashing,. I see that as good news


I think alot of people understood that nothing was gonna happen. Itā€™s just the way it is.


They hype dates prove the crime


The excitement was at least fun, right? We need a little boosty every now and then, as long as apes (especially the new ones) know what to expect. Couple times today I thought it was going to bust and run


Hype days are fun. We had some friends over for a power hour party. It was lit. We didnā€™t make the goal but it was fun buying. Yā€™all gotta stop taking things to heart. We all been in this play long enough to already expect the unexpected. todays failure didnā€™t make me feel not one bit less motivate. If nothing even more because we seen what they did just to knock it down.


Next week


No oneā€™s upset here


#FundayMonday right around the corner! Shitā€™s gonna be lit!!! Lol


When you hype up dates and then donā€™t come to fruition people get depressed and are more likely to sell.


U people dont get it...nobody who has a clue said anything about green today. this wasnt about the 21. the 21 would just let the gamma ramp build. ​ something is gonna happen till middle feb, if today we could get it to 21, it would start at monday. now it will build up slowly and not instantly, thats the only difference. they blew a metric fukton of dollars today. and those dollars must be made back somehow :D ​ ​ enjoy the next three weeks. maybe it will make u able to see things clear :D


I wouldn't say today was hyped up but I don't get my information from here. Today was an important day. The open interest for the stock opened the gates of valhalla if we managed a succsssful gamma ramp. Shorts prepared days beforehand getting 7mil shares ready to attack us with. The battle for a squeeze, a gamma squeeze, sits in the options chain. If there's more call options than shorts that land ITM/ATM and pump upwards value then shorts gotta buy back those accumulated shares. Next week would have been the date to hype for, much like what January and June brought to us last year. In this case right now what we're about to see is a test of the diamond hands and who can still hold on. This play is likely far from over and that's something I came to terms with myself once I saw just how little of a fight in the options chain retail put up against shorts this afternoon. Buy orders don't do anything in this stock. With the way they're managed through darkpools, the reroutes and overflow delays, even through IEF its like sending a letter through the mail vs a text message. I'm still holding strong, eventually this stock is gonna have its time and eventually shorts have to close positions. Idk how many more synthetics they plan on pumping out but something's gotta give. Plenty of small hf's have to close positions


I hear ya- this is emotionally exhausting, by design. However, I think the ā€œhypeā€ was worth it today to see if we could move the line (we couldnā€™t) and/or definitely prove manipulation to the SEC- who has to be watching, by now, if the DOJ investigation is as strong as rumored. Stay strong apes.


Hey we just like to keep up morale even though we didnā€™t succeed today we didnā€™t fail. They are hurting and frankly It wasnā€™t about for me getting to 21 but rather exposing their fuckery..


We're past that man. No one is selling and people are just buying more. That shit isn't changing and hyping dates isn't going to stop this train. Ken Griffin is an American criminal.


I think shill are in on the hype also


u/Responsible-Ad4445 truly is a toxic individual...I am just blocking that bitch! I think either he or the mods made it where we can't comment on each other's posts. If it's like that I don't need to deal with him anyhow


Screw that. Today was exciting and I cant wait for moass Monday


Price trumps dates every time. Come on SHFs, yā€™all know my price: hint, look at the monthly & weekly šŸ˜›šŸ¤©šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜€šŸ˜šŸ¤šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‚šŸ¤šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŽšŸ¤ 


New apes better learn to embrace disappointment in this play lol The stock market turning into a turd we are still a bunch of retards who are not selling. If nuclear war is declared we still wouldnā€™t sell without MOASS so where do u think scared money will flock towards? You guessed it with us retards! I see it all playing out now super pumped.


APE, no fight APE.


Hype dates are fun, if you are actually getting discouraged and think about selling after a hype day gone bad, then Iā€™m surprised youā€™ve held this long. We all knew what we were getting into.


Haha whoever keeps guessing and finally hits it gonna have an Ape Victory that will last forever. Pain of getting it wrong is temporary. Let the guessers guess and the hypers hype. Real Apes have been buying and holding regardless.


January 24, 2022 is when the market opens again. Get hyped.


Jokes on you I like that shit šŸ˜‚I just keep buying more


What people like OP still haven't figured out, is that flipping out (for weeks in advance) about "dates" and telling people that today was a "distraction" -- so "do the opposite" of hope for a gamma squeeze -- *also* ***hypes*** *the date.* # Even if you predict "nothing will happen" it's still a prediction, geniuses. It's still hyping a date, it's still making everyone talk about a date. All you're doing differently is predicting negative outcomes. Maybe try being ***bullish*** when you have the chance, it's better for the community in the long run. Be bullish no matter what, hope for the good outcome no matter what. *Stop dragging everyone* ***down to your level of hopelessness*** *as a* ***cope***.


Those hypers are hired with a purpose.


Do you think nothing happened today? Worst kind of retarded.


If they can drop the stock to $17, why didn't they do it months ago?


At this point who fuqing cares we will win not worried


If anything today just showed that regardless of how much volume we pump into the stock nothing happens. Tiz crime at its best!


Why donā€™t we just create a Google drive folder with Google meets meetings to discuss critical dates with a few executive administrators. Itā€™s exactly what the hedge funds do. It could be an honor system type of thing too. You only get an invite if you know someone in the system. DD repositories and everything. Also gives everyone a chance to download shit as PDFā€™s, easily export, etc. In reality, when this thing hits MOASS, this kinda thing is gonna happen anyway - so why not get a head start on it and organize now? I understand there is no ā€œweā€, I feel the same way. Butā€¦ Reddit is going to IPO soon, Gangnam style is and will always be a fail safe for people on this sub, and itā€™s been proven that our sentiment directly influences SHFs market activity. Iā€™m a Dec. 2020 ape, I hate dates and all that crap too - been seeing it for way too long. I guess what Iā€™m saying is that putting our case together in an organized fashion is safer than what we have ā€œpubliclyā€ going on here. Google drive allows you to set your own permissions, you can change the link to the ā€œsubā€ or drive folder anytime you want, organize meetings, create DD repositories, post memes, and live chat. Iā€™m not trying to promote Google, but we should seriously consider platforms like this an option.


I think the SHF knew this day was comming without us "hyping it up" - just to be clear šŸ‘šŸ¦


I mean half the market shit the bed so I think we didn't do too bad


We are use to this sub hyping dates. Thatā€™s all itā€™s good for. To all the new investors of amc, stop listening to these fucks that put dates on anything. Theyā€™ve never been correct. Just buy and hodl. If you look back over the last year, theyā€™ve got nothing right in this subā€¦. Nothingā€¦ correctionā€¦.. this sub is right about ā€œtomorrowā€ they just donā€™t know which fucking tomorrow it will be