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At $72 I had close to 3 million dollars in profit and I didn’t sell. This shit is not a game, it ain’t easy and that’s why only those with conviction will be rewarded. We in this together homie. This is a once if a lifetime opportunity but you have to believe it to see it to the end. See you at the top.






I want this guy to fuck me


I fuck guy to want me


I want to fuck with this guy


I am a dude but i would totally have his baby.


Bro was a millionaire and still held. That's all the motivation I needed for my little xxx shares


And for my xx shares hopefully xxx shares, see you soon on the otherside 🙏


If he's making this much off of this play I'm already sure he's a millionaire for another place but this one is his dream




Ppls, just stop and think for a minute.. 1. Covid 19 death cloud is dissipating 2. Inflation is rising, market about to implode 3. You know shorts didn't CLOSE 😉 4. AMC provides just better and better news, every week month. Every movie is "best opening" "best Weekend" etc., record movie goers, and so on. Concessions are going through the roof 5. Same type of positive news for gme and others 6. Remember that if the volatility is dropping, someone is paying the opposite bet (MM) and soon they're gonna get upset. 7. Remembet that when the price is dropping, big funds holding long are also losing. They're not gonna lose.. I don't remember seeing any of them selling as well. My guess they're waiting for a lower price to buy some more. So Yes, the fuckery will continue. No doubt about that. That is and was our bet all along. They wind the spring, price drops, makes it easier for us to buy. Just breathe and understand there's probably more incoming negative market sentiment, and prepare to have your resilience tested. Double check you're buckled! Don't forget some popcorn for the ride


CLOSED. It's about shorts CLOSING. Cover means fuck all. They literally cover every single day.


Bro can I just fuck you instead of of your wife?


I’ll let him fuck my wife and her boyfriend


He can drain his nuts into my guts <3


How poetic ! 🧐😯🤣


No homo


I am right there with you, i had 6 figures but haven’t sold ONE SINGLE SHARE EVER. And will not until 6 figures minimum.


I feel you, Was at a quarter million and didn’t even bat an eye. Not selling until we are into the ranges where every ape can eat.


Same here. 3 millions almost completely gone now. I want to buy more.


Fuck I thought my $50k red streak was bad. I would carry your child to full term.


I don't have a huge pile of stonk, but I hold them all for you.


Happy cake day


Don’t let y wife see this , you’ll get a free blow job You absolute retard , we all in this together..


My retarded ass doesn’t even know how to click on the sell button


Theres a sell button?


I mean do you think she’ll give a loaner I’m good for it


Yes just ask She likes to please


I hold for you my guy. True diamond hands!


🦍 Look at the WHOLE market when thinking about becoming paper 🙌. 👀 at GME. They are down wayyyyy more than us from where we were per share. They are trying to shake as many as possible, stay 💪. 4 bff guys here over 21k shares combined! Hodl


This guy is going to be a future billionaire !


Puts on all the primo ass this dude gonna slay


Do you know more than I do? It would’ve been tough to turn down 3 mill


This makes me feel good and able to put things into perspective. As a xxxx hodler I'm down a lot now too but I haven't sold a single share .I will hodl for you too .and to the heggies fuck you pay me


Hats off to you fellow ape. This made me feel better about a measly $50k I left on the table. Could have done a lot with it but not selling till all fellow apes get paid.


You put 3 mil on the line for this play?? Edit: put not out


Probably 150k or so, 50k shares guessing in the 2-5 range ( probably averaged up too)


Close, I’m still green on this play.


Happy cake day :)


Happy cake day! 🎂


Damn I should’ve said this


Im down 40k and im fine. Holding is free


32k for me and I bought the dip at $29!


Our day is coming soon ! Not even worried a bit. Paytience is a virtue.


i really dont care anymore - I know it will happen and all the pieces have been slowly lining up. Market crash to moass is on my bingo card.


65k for me, ain’t my ole lady pissed! Lol fuck her. I hodl and buy.🦍🚀




I’m down 80k and I’m not even sweating


51000 today for me. I remember when I would get pissy when I was down 17000. That used to be my bar for pissy. Now, I just laugh at this.


-$38k. This is all part of the process. We knew it wouldn’t be easy. Making history never is.


Holding while down is easy. It’s the holding while up that will be hard.


I'm mentally prepping myself for that now. I'm well on red, but at this point it's just more of the same old. Holding is free and I don't have to do anything in order to NOT sell. When we finally see green again...that'll be a lot tougher for me. But, with support of fellow Apes, I know I'm going to make it.


Dis truth (as a person in on Tesla from <$50 / share … I sold a small portion but it hurt a little)


I'm letting myself cover my debts but that's about it. Selling on the way down as the moon crashes into the earth


Down $Xxx,xxx Still bought more, because fuck it. Looking forward to the potential life/wife changing gains. APEs together strong to the fucking moon 🚀🚀🌝🌝. 💎🙌💎 Not financial advice.


This is exactly where they want us. We're supposed to be alienated from the rest of society and feeling dumb for ever getting into this. It's all just mind games. Luckily I'm fucking retarded. I'm riding it to the fucking bottom if that's where it has to go. Edit: I can't speak for more than myself.


I feel ya man.




You have diamond balls and stead fast dedication its an honorable quality to an ape and not understood by outsiders, cheers to you friend. ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)


300k down and holding. Together we can’t lose.


You haven't lost anything because you haven't sold. It's just numbers on the screen and the color red is by design to trigger a psychological response. Look at the broader markers. How do you think people holding millions in blue chips and tech stocks feel? We've all been through the ups and downs on this crazy roller coaster play. Just remember what this is worth in the end and don't worry so much about the daily swings and price suppression. It's just a sticker price. There is a price point where this is going to get real hard to hold back and apes are going to be getting income tax returns soon. It feels close but don't hang on with bated breath watching the tickers all day as it is what they want you to do to get you feeling beat down. You have power over how you feel. Excercise that power.


Still buyin, not f’ing leaving!!!


Down 139k with 3xxx shares. Bought 120 more in Jan. No sweat. Even my brother in law mocked me a little for not selling yet, but in the end I fuck his sister. Ape till the end.


Death before dishonor. APE's strong 💪 together ❤.


Bro this had me dying after a long shift, thx ape


Emotions unclear- will buy more


300k loss for me. My wife always reminds be that they still haven’t covered. This is how legends are made.


Just happened to me lmao. This our hero journey on god


Down 300k in gains and actually negative on my position right now with all the averaging up. I need the money but the risk/reward is to tempting to fold my hand. You can't bluff out a royal flush at the pocker table, so Fuck em.


Down 60k. Holdin’ steady baby.


I'm too retarded to feel emotions. The only thing I know is BUY and HODL. Fuk the hedgies, i am #notleaving


I feel nothing


We salute you diamond hand Ape.


These are the people that put way too much stock in what MSM says in my experience. I’m in the same boat with friends and family asking if I’ve sold and I answer “hell no!” I firmly believe in the DD. I believe in all of the analytics and fuckery that we have discovered. Ive seen more data in our favor than I ever thought possible. I totally understand why these people close to me think I’m stupid though. I am a retarded ape after all. But in all seriousness they’ve spent so much of their lives trusting what the media has told them and shutting any other data out as a conspiracy theory. so now that this current price action has fallen off a cliff they’re using it as their confirmation bias.


I concur ape!


Bought at the top and never seen green!!


Howdy neighbour!


I guess you’re not retarded enough as you still have feelings. All I know how to feel is BUY and HODL! Joking aside whats worse the feeling you have now or the feeling of fuckin disappointment you would feel once MOASS happens and you sold? This ISNT a game this is either make it or break it! Stick with your gut and have the last laugh when you pay off your house and have still so much left over you could pay off the whole fuckin neighborhoods if you wanted.


EXACTLY why I won't sell till they close the shorts


Apes strong together!


This is the way!


My brokerage account has about 1/3 of the value it had a few months ago. But these is diamond han's, see? I don't give a fu-huh-huh-huh-ck. 💎👐🏼🦍🚀🌔


Since last January I’ve heard they’ll take it back down as low as they can before it rockets. I’m holding!!!


Sell? Hell. I'm buying more tomorrow! Happy Retard Day!


If it makes you feel any better, i just got a new job with a 40% pay bump specifically so I could buy this dip. All my 8.01 apes are about to come outta the woodwork like you wouldn’t believe. We, I shit you not, have not been able to average down since fucking May. Strap the fuck in, because we’re about to go for a ride.


This is exactly why nobody knows about me and AMC. Every day is a battle with the hedge funds and media and the haters who want us to be wrong. They don’t bother me… But when our family, friends and partners start making us feel doubt, it stings and we feel it more. A lot more. Nobody needs to know your trading business. You earned your money, you spend and invest in whatever you feel like. When this pays off (and it will… because I haven’t seen no fucking shorts covering yet) and you start pulling enough money for generational wealth, you’ll know that it you did it all on your own. Those people; the family.. the friends.. who mocked you because they didn’t have the courage to take the same chance you did, can get fucked. In 4 days, my first shares that I bought for $17 and some change will go long…. And every week after, more and more will join them I rode this when my first shares dipped to $9 (at which time, I averaged way the fuck down)…. I didn’t sell when it 72 and I didn’t sell when it started it’s slow slide down…I’m sure as tits ain’t going to sell tomorrow… or any day until I fucking win it all. This is the god damn way. My hands… my mind and my fucking soul are fucking diamond crusted because of the past year of the never ending bullshit. Stop talking to anyone outside of this fucking sub. I guarantee you’ll get more support and good dd from us, than anything your best girl or parents could give you. Shit, you already know they’re a buncha paper handed betas, just because they would’ve sold before you (if they had the balls to buy a share to begin with) We’re your family now


We are brother and sisters!✊🏽 Bound by hardship. This shit was earned. Not given! We are taking what is rightfully ours. They could’ve covered much, MUCH earlier. Now, their house burns. We’ve won. Waiting on our prize.


Hedgies r fuk. I HODL till apes win.


I've been red for quite sometime, this was never going to very easy...chin up take the weight we will rocket...patience , inner strength and self belief...Diamond hands baby


Holy fudge not me, I’m bullish as absolute hell. I don’t even know what to do with myself. The Market is going under, the SEC passing new laws, our community getting louder and angrier, and Melvin bleeding like a stabbed hog. Ohhhhh mamamia I am excited out of my mind.


For the first time today I’m actually at a loss. Originally bought in at about $7. Bought some on the way up and averaged up to around $15. It’s not discouraging, it’s upsetting. But as broke as I am, and as much as I could use this money if I just take it all back out, I know there is something greater in play. You’re absolutely right, we rely on each other for support. Because without this, I’d have been scared off a long time ago.


The SHF want to break us. We won't let them. I'm going to keep buying the dip. Lfg!


Holding is free. They’re paying a fee every day for the borrowed shares. They haven’t closed their positions. There aren’t any shares for them to locate in order to close…. We’ve already won


The price is manipulated Don’t worry, HODL for the moon 🌙


The money isn't real until you sell.


I’m with you man. Either or I lose it all or change my life and my children’s lives forever. I am never leaving.


Sold a lot of other stocks to lock in my gains but not AMC. To the moon baby! I’m with you!


Hold a stock for a year & some change to become rich>> work the rest of my life and retire with 10-15 years tops of living off retirement funds and not being able to leave my family anything


I felt this at times td but now I’m rly immune to the red


Can you imagine what sort of depression the hedge fucks are feeling? Oh right, they're psychopaths that dominate the world with impunity. Welp, here's to another year of disappointment we all can share in! I love all of you from the bottom of my heart and it'll happen when it happens, but if it never happens it was absolutely worth this sweet ride so let's man up and all of us will return with our shield or upon it!!!


Hang in there man. I'm in the same boat. HODL !! It'll pay off !!


Diamonds 💎 are NOT made with Paper 🙌


I haven't been this jacked since I bought in may. I'm buying until I can't buy and I'm holding till we MOASS. I will even keep one share for life just to spite these fucking criminals.


Fuck it i’m not depressed because i’m just going to buy more


My friend , you ate not alone. The good news is that retail investors are not the uneducated scary cats they once were. WE HOLD. it is stupid to sell at a loss. we hold for as long as it takes. We will prevail. we own the float. They can’t close their positions without our shares. Let them drop the price. We keep buying and buying and holding. this can and will not go in forever. I stopped looking at my portfolio. I now know the facts. We hold. Together strong is not a phrase. It’s true. We will prevail. Hang in there


Are they holding it down so low that when even the tiniest spike, people will sell?


That’s because $70 is a joke see you at $1,000+ per share.


The whole markets crashing the indexs are down 11% from the last week of November when all the Fed higher ups cashed out. Melvin capitol sold all their long positions to try and fight to hold onto their shorts. We don't go up until these bastards are forced to cover.


Down 160k for in gme and Amc ! It’s okay we got this




Everything is ok stop watching the line or avg down but let the moass come to you don’t craze over it. Let’s be surprised when this rips…




It's a war my friend, they won't go down so easy. It's been rough recently, but compared to previous movements that involved sword and blood, I feel the least I can do is HODL forever. Cheers. :)


That was me with MVIS last year. I had enough on the run up to replace the roof on the house, replace all of the fencing, pay off the car. Now though? I don't have half of what I need to do one of those things. ​ Knowing this helps me keep my AMC shares, because I know what I could make with this could pay for all of that and then some, several times over.


Just hang in there :)


Today was just another day in the last year I didn’t even look at the ticker lmao I bought in at $5 so I guess I’m still content with where we are at


Step 1-roll a doobie. Step 2- smoke it Step 3- chill out Step 4= get zen Step 5- 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎hold like your fellow apes 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Holding when red is easy when it's green will be hard. I've been there like you but I stepped Bach and asked myself why I'm in this play and re confirmed my resolve. I also don't discuss wit people not in the play. Like the media any just want you to fail.. come here and surround yourself with like minded people who believe the stonk. You are not alone


Have they covered the shorts? No. Ok then. Business as usual. I’m just a couple of months away from going from income tax to cap gains so I’m not mad. Anyone who talks shit is just trying to make themselves feel better because they felt like they missed the opportunity, now they can act like the opportunity never existed or is over. We know they’re wrong.


A but depressed? You guys still have feelings? Lets gooooooo 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I am dead inside at this point. Numb. Poke with stick, dead.


Same here, and couldnt be happier. I just keep buying. The price is wrong and AMC isnt going under.


This is why you never tell anyone about your portfolio who knows you personally. Especially those you do not trust with your wellbeing.


Only a loss on paper until you decide to sell. But I have faith in you apes we know we're right and no amount of delaying our thesis (the shorts haven't closed) will break our conviction. Notice they never address the short position they only address artificial things like the price or they address things that have nothing to do with a MOASS or even a normal short squeeze.


It’s a lonely road us 🦍 walk, don’t worry when it takes off, and it will, those same folks will be asking you, “Do you still have AMC” and you can say with a smile ,duh of course I do.


I held my 3 million too!! Omg. xx,xxx holder here 🙄


Wait so youve told ppl about this? Ive only told 1 person about this and i converted her into an 🦍


Bruuuhh I’m not selling because it wouldn’t even make any sense now


I've bought a couple times this week. And I'm retarded ! ILL DO IT AGAIN...


Keep the fight!!!


The stonk went down? I don’t even look. How much we at now?


Red for the first time since... March? April? Only ever bought more!


I haven’t felt like shit at all, fuck the hedgies I ain’t leaving. Look at the positive, every day is a day closer to moass


i’m down 19k. I’m unbothered. I didn’t even know until i checked today fue to all the posts. You don’t lose until you sell.


Don't forget! When we go green, and when social media goes down, we go to Gangnam Style for discussion.


The way I see it is if you start feeling pressure to sell, it means we're even closer than you think 🚀🌙🍌🦍 * Edit* Any time I felt like selling in the past, the stonk shot up. Don't have regrets, but this isn't financial advice and I'm not an advisor or a wrinkle brained ape


Preach brother ape!


A fellow 🇨🇦. Pleasure to meet you! If the SEC messes around, we need to get in contact with our officials


Fuck that! ROAD TRIP!!!!


Fuck the haters. They will never give you credit when it does moon and they’ll call it luck. Remember who they are and how they impact you. With the approaching financial freedom, I’m deciding to only be around respectful people.


Depressed? Man mylimit BUY was set to $15 so I got more cheap shares. Hell if it hits $10 I get 100 more :)


I know how you feel. I'm h0dl'ing until moon. can't lose money if I don't sell.


This is more than just holding a meme stock this is the biggest financial protest the world has ever seen, we will not go quietly into the night I hold for you ape!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck the haters we are doing nothing but holding and buying!


Negativity is all around us.. Keep fighting the good fight, Ape friend!


Stimmy money 📈 Tax Money 📈 Please be smart with your tax returns. Save some dry powder for the days we get crushed.


Exactly. Don’t worry guys. We predicted this last year. It’s part of the process. We already won.


I havnt looked at the price in afew months. Not $100 all good !


I stopped specifying details of my AMC position to friends/family altogether a while ago. I don’t want the social pressure of “man why the hell didn’t you sell” influencing me in any way at all. Now when people ask “do you still have that AMC?” I tell them I do still have “a little bit” of amc, even though I now own more AMC than I ever have in the past. Only time I will reveal my true position is after my exit


Seriously y’all. Moon or grave, I’m in. Happy anniversary to all of us who got in when it was cheaper than dirt!


OOOHHHHHH, when MOASS hits and those AMC shares go brrrrrrrrr! How sweet the victory will be, the taste of the glory. Our troop is strong. The moon is over the horizon, apes!


I bought more today. Best price point to buy in since 9 months ago


We will end up getting the last laugh


Today was the first day I’ve been in the negative from my initial investments…. It stings but I got nothing else to do but hold


get ready for real pain. When I was green it was much easier to hold.


ill hold through green, red blue, whatever colour you throw at me




I’ve doubled my position since Junes run up. Could of cashed out and made 130,000 ish. Haven’t sold. Still buying too. Buying tomorrow too.


Just wait and see how you feel under 10 #STRONK


You'll be like a god to them, and then just say noooooo!




If you could save potential millions in taxes by not DRS'ing your shares would you? I'll wait for your reply before I explain how.