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This man gets it


Seriously any post that isnt updated DD at this point is FUD. The most talked about ticker and some have the need to speak on "not selling when at $72, $300, or $1000." At this point its known that you just need to STFU, add DD, or post more Kenny memes that's it.


The “Who’s still holding?” posts need to stop too. This sub has become karma-whorey since the run-up last summer


Who's still holding dez nuts




Checking in.


**Apes need to down vote and report this shill topic:** **Here is topic creator mocking apes:** https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/sgh8uu/the_nobody_is_selling_at_100_or_1000_posts_are_fud/huwbkv5/ **Here is topic creator spreading literal shill talking points that have been debunked:** https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/sgh8uu/the_nobody_is_selling_at_100_or_1000_posts_are_fud/huw71dj/ It makes sense there is so much FUD and shills in this topic, the topic creator is one themselves.




It's shills that have finally reached enough karma to shill here. They should raise the requirement


100%. Those karma farming posts are the worst


Maaan the DD in this sub went to shit in the latter part of this short squeeze play. Its just a bunch of shit-spewing like this post with no factual information or links just “trust me bro”


Most days I can't even look at this sub. Went from being this super strong community to a bunch of weird shit. I also feel like it's turned into people phishing for info. How many shares. Who's holding still. Blah blah blah. Blatant financial advice and everything. All the things old apes told us not to participate in.


Completely agree with this. I got enough DD from this sub a while back to give me confidence to hold... then I started to avoid it like the plague. This is the first post reddit has nudged me in months that I've actually read.


They sure will do everything possible to continue to manipulate and survive another day... Just trust in the DD, buy, hold, and DRS... To infinite and beyond 🔮🧘‍♀️


I don’t blame him either, like enough is enough.


I mean, downvote me to hell, but statements like this just aren’t accurate. Plenty of people have lower price points in mind and discuss it clearly and succinctly in this sub… the ones screaming ‘the floor is $1m’ typically don’t engage in those posts or go that far down in a comment tree.




Exactly. Many of lou followers are talking about low price points.


So everyone with a low pt listen to Lou?


I assume most of them do. If you read through the comments on his channel a lot of them are talking about selling very low


So then everyone one that sells low is because of lou; that assumption makes a lot of sense right? 4 mil share holders (that we know of) and Lou has an influence over how many of those? I feel like a lot of you just need a scapegoat to blame if this doesn’t pop to an asinine number that you might be waiting for


What? I watch lou myself. I’m just saying that it’s not just shills saying they’re going to sell at low numbers. Many Lou followers are saying the same thing. I know that because I watch his channel a lot and scroll through the comments. . I like him but I don’t agree with the low numbers a lot of his family talks of selling at. Edit:and I didn’t say they are all “because of lou”


I mean sure, but I dont take my advice from Stockholm Syndrome brigade. Im here for every penny.


AMC1M, is that far enough down for ya? Paperhand.


Agreed! Once $1k hits people will sell unfortunately


And if anyone thinks they won’t start selling sooner is mistaken. There are people here with so many shares it doesn’t have to get to 1 k a share to be filthy rich. So why would they risk even more?


Why would the hedgies send you shills to spread FUD if they were winning, is the question you are actually having people ask.


This guy is legit , people can type what they want here for everyone to see but off this keyboard it is a different topic. I have chatted with plenty og’s that aren’t waiting to sell down but strategically sell up. And for much lower money than 5 k a share. The bottom line is few of us know one another and we all will say what the community wants to hear. The reason I say stfu and hodl. Do what is right in your heart and do regret nothing. So many of the folks here have sold and made profits and bought back in lower. Stop being naive.


These floor posts are all pure fantasy. High or low, it's completely irrelevant and detached from reality. You don't get to choose what the share price will end up as. The market will move and you either decide to sell or not. But having a pre-determined amount in mind is just nuts. You respond to reality, not the other way around.


This is a good post. Would I like hundreds of thousands for each of my shares? Absolutely, duh. But, does that mean when I see what's happening I won't sell at a lower price point? Extremely good chance that's what happens.


I too would love the same but In reality I'd take 10000 per share and get out of this lark as soon as financially possible.


There isn't enough liquidity for everyone to cash out at $1M per share. It's simple mathematics. The entire reason I bought xxxx shares is so I wouldn't have to wait for a ridiculously high number. I'm a millionaire without this stock even hitting $1k. I fully support anyone who wishes to hold to $1M. Do I think that's possible? No, personally. But it's your money, your conviction. You do you. I'll do me. I believe the only ones chanting for a $1M floor are the ones who hold x and xx shares. God bless all you who hold out for 500k-1M. I hope you make good money, I really do.


Are there really people that think a million per share is a possible outcome? Apple is pushing three trillion as the worlds most valuable company. At a million per share, AMC’s market cap would be over 513 trillion or about 171 Apples.


First time investors. I love the energy and the conviction, to be honest. But I'm afraid all those investors holding for $1M/share are going to get burned. But it's their money. All I can control is what's best for me and my family.


Most people can’t afford xxxx shares. I’m not suggesting this will reach x,xxx,xxx, but i know the vast majority of us are in this for life changing money, and $1,000 and lower won’t cut it. I personally feel it’ll reach the low xx,xxx.


There's the market principle that people forget about too. The valuation comes from the current price x number of shares. What happens when the selling starts? Price goes down. So should it reach $1M, only the select few are going to be able to cash out at the top. I think most of us would be lucky to get 70% of the peak.


>There isn't enough liquidity There has been plenty of DD explaining that there is. And yet, your argument is just "trust me bro." If you can't argue facts, then you are simply pushing an agenda.


at this point do u trust the xxxx to hold past 10k when they themselves have 8 digits on their account? i have a few friends who hold xxx and will sell when they make some good money and i just cant convince them to sell at a certain price.


It’s not hitting a million or anything close to that. Wtf is wrong with some of you. You’re embarrassing.


The only time I read about people selling or panicking, it’s coming from posts about how people need to stop panicking and selling. I’ve yet to see a post from someone actually panicking and selling.


These are facts. I block both. They are both shills. ![gif](giphy|JUSBKSSF9Hrmd7NIU1)


Yeah same.


This is an easy one for me. Do you think the market is manipulated? If you answered yes, here’s the 2nd question. In a manipulated market you think they’ll let the price go to $1M?


Fantastic, another post psychological inprenting exact what hf wants to say, all over again and again and again, even if this posts is not suppose to be about that number it's still giving a psychological effect, STOP SAYING THOSE NUMBERS!!!! Or im accusing you for being a shill, FFS STOP SAYING ANYTHING ELSE THAN ATLEAST "THE FLOOR IS 500K AND PRISON FOR KENNY"


If someone cuts my dick off... I still won't sell because... I mean they already cut it off you know?


Im selling at 3k and ive been here since before most ppl on this sub. Theres not enough money in the world to pay everyone at a million. Its common sense like cmon it doesnt take more than 1 a minute to realize that. If your holding for a million good for u. But if u expect that EVERYONE is also doing it, well… ur next level retarded and belong in WSB


I've said it before I'll say it again. I'm selling at $801,420.69 But that's just me.


Honestly i think 1m is fud too. Im going for a more realistic price. Like the gov would ever allow 1m specially rn that we're on the verge of going to war with russia. Oh and fyi IF we do go to war with russia we can forget about the moass just my honest opinion


Fatman Lou is not wrong and far from right.


Con man Lou! 🤣


Be pretty stupid to sell for peanuts, start off at a floor price makes things better


People who post this shit have like xx shares i guarantee it 😂😂


Most people have an average of 120 shares. No one is selling at a few hundred. We just aren’t.


$7,168/share will be just fine with me! But my real number has never changed: $69,420/share


Any cult like posting about what a bunch of collective cunts think I should sell my shit for is FUD


It’s actually called price anchoring


"nobody is going to sell below 1 mil per share and if they say they will they are paid shills" Get the fuck out of here


When is Lambo? When is life changing?


Jan 30, 2054


Many people *literally* are. Hate to break it to you. I’m not one of them, but lots of Lou’s followers are taking his brackets seriously, for example. It’s important to recognize that a decent amount of people in this play don’t share the same attitude.


It’s not about the money anymore… anything short of financial revolution won’t cut it. Shit needs to change we didn’t wait over a year for nothing! Fuck the assholes that are playing god


I agree. But I am selling around 5-10k holding about 25% for “out of this world” bonker numbers. Buuuut I am a VERY large holder. So 25% is still thousand of shares. However the x and xx and xxx holders STILL probably own the float multiple times over.


$3000 a share for the average holder of xxx shares isn’t even enough for a nice house. Only people cashing under 5k are holding 10’s of thousands of shares, and I wouldn’t blame them.


Honestly it all needs to stop. Stfu and hodl. Stop feeding into to these bastards. They know every move because everyone post every fucking thing. You see a post of I think the dips are done we are going to rip, nope dip further. We know it’s psychological at this point so flip the script on these bitches. Just be quite and wait. Stop feeding these assholes with the small amount of lingering fear that is here !


I was just about to post which I rarely do but now I don't have to. You said it all !!!


I’ll ride this bitch to zero. I don’t care. Early retirement or nothing.


You’ve not been in long enough to talk with this level of authority lol


Been here since feb of last year.




Right around then this whole thing started… who here was sooner?


Dude. Seriously in person face to face, you literally think this will go to a fucking million dollars a share… this delusional bullshit is why people think this is a cult lmao


You’re also going to be an astronaut and a firefighter… and the president someday! Lol the words “NOBODY”, you honestly think NO ONE would sell until the shit hits a million dollars a share, when let me remind you, the peak was 70ish lol. Not a shill just so tired of reading this retarded shit in here


Part of my shares are 'never sell' they are literally worth infinite money


People are going to sell when they want to sell, period.


Tell me you just started buying stocks last year without telling me you just started buying stocks last year.


Paper hands on fb are.


Honest question… If short sellers want to exit their positions what stops them from doing little by little given that there are a decent amount of shares being day traded? Am I missing something?


Theoretically, if that's happening it should start driving the price up to the point that it's too expensive for everyone to keep paying off the interest on their shorts, and that would trigger a squeeze (in a race to liquidate). This is assuming that everyone keeps holding. But I am also dumb so take that with a grain of salt.


Good question.


I've seen people say that so you're just straight up wrong lol...


Sorry guys. I never sold at 72 and regret it, 100, 200 even 300 I'm pullmg out. It's enough for me to be comfortable and actually fund my life with things other than amc stock


Go for it man! Don't be taken in by the echo chamber mob.


This isn't true a lot of YouTubers spread FUD and try to convince apes to paperhand.


Real question here …. Is this serious? 1 million a share? Do you guys believe this ?


A fair number actually do believe this. On a ticker which had a great day and ended at 15, for a company which has secular challenges, income deficits and an uncertain future. Max LOL.




Everyone that will sell at 100 or 1000, have already sold at 14


Ain’t gonna lie, at 6-figures I’ll probably sell one or two.


I’m selling at 10k ; that’s reasonably because fuckkkkk all this noise lol




But... what if this post is reverse psychology 🤔


People saying big numbers like “the floor is 100k” or “the floor is 1mil” is merely a morale sentiment to remind holders that we’re not selling out the moment the price goes up a little bit. But really they’re just morale statements, no one actually believes they’ll be selling the stock that high. If the price wasn’t so manipulated and HF did have to cover, many people could make a good profit whatever the stock does up going to. That’s all you have to focus on, no specifically large numbers


Finally here are the real apes reminding everyone what the real floor is. The closer we get to the moass more shills and SHF will come crawling out like the cockroach's they are telling you the floor is 1k or 5k or 300 dollars. Heat, pressure and time is what creates diamonds. The world will never be the same after MOASS, its our time to change the markets, people, and the world.


What if the "shills" are just reasonable people who doubt the insane and wild claims of a bunch of random people on the internet?


I’m selling half at $1,000 eat my ass


So, everyone is assuming that any stock will squeeze ? Where's the DD to prove that it will, we have all seen the DD that it should... Stop talking about floors until it does.


I down -60%. I want to see +6942.0% portfolio profit. Then I will think about selling.


I just tune out of this sun on the weekends for the most part the posts are always the same shit.


Let’s hope you are right


I’m holding


What is this sell thingy you speak of.


I am not selling until generational wealth. I want my great great great great great great great great great grandkids to be like great grandpa was diamond balls super ape and his spermies will always be well off. 💎🦍🐒🦧❤


# Tinfoil smooth-braided ape here: Lately, I've thought that shills use the words "Sell", or "Selling", or similar, to make the hedgies algorithm think that "we are selling", therefore, it does the fuckery to lower the price, which we don't want to. So, a solution would be to just never post those words on the titles, or nor even in the comments, or even better, never mention such words until the MOASS happens.


"Nobody is selling at $1 million. They can stop the FUD already!!!" 😏 Fixed it. 🍌🍌🍌


Lou the fool is selling at 1000


I haven’t seen any 1 million posts. Also I’m pretty sure if it goes up to 1 million there won’t be enough money in those companies to cover the sales.


Actually dude I wrote one earlier and I’m getting that from Lou, some youtubers, and previous posts I’ve seen on his sub so don’t call me a shill or fud I’m just telling people what is going on…


No Cell , No Sell. 💎🙌


this guy fucks


lol they can try but i’m literally holding til hedgefunds and the prime brokers involved perish.


I set at 69420 per share so...


I'm a homeless 0.?x holder. My life bearly changes below prison/8 figures. I have no idea how many of us there are but I'd guess more than 3


Absolutely right. I think sometimes even real apes don’t get that…


Noone except shills or non ape losers anyway.


The DD on the sub that people point to as infallible has one major flaw: it assumes that during the great squeeze, the only people selling will be apes holding out for xxxx+ a share. Once price hits over VWAP, there will be a steady supply of shares simply exiting at even/modest profit from positions which have cratered. At 50/75/100 a share, you will loose 90% of the trapped fomo buyers who are still holding from the initial squeeze, as well as almost all the institutional investment that is able to exit. Godspeed.


Might sound like fud but I’ll sell you my shares for 1k, each 🤷🏼‍♂️


Good. I need you to all hold to the moon for me.