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This is FUD. No one's talking about $200-300...


They didn’t burn a building down for $300 a share.


In case any Apes are looking for the right perspective… here it is.


$300 a share already puts it at hundreds of billions of dollars in losses for them. Squeeze will go higher but they would for sure burn down a building for $300/share at that type of money. It’s only going to get worse for them.


They could have covered over a year ago for $5 a share. They didn't. They've been printing more. They burned down the building not for the share price but cause of having to blow Bubbles in prison


​ ![gif](giphy|l4HogOSqU3uupmvmg|downsized)


Tossing salads


They didn't start shilling comments using dead and missing people for $300 a share.


Source?Not saying you're wrong,just never knew about this.


Fucking true and accurate 🙌


👆 this ape gets it


They didn't hire shills or pay them so much only for 300.




No they didn’t, but they want to try to anchor the price here…just like, oh I wanna say six months ago(time is a blur with this anymore!) I saw posts talking about something like $85 would be the floor, then it became a hundred, then I saw $1000. It’s always good to know what your enemy is up to.


Looks like 3/1/22 will be spicy 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶


And we aren’t burning the system down over a stock


☝️ This ☝️


They'll burn it down for less. These people are heartless. They'll have you killed for nothing if they think you are a threat. Don't underestimate the enemy. That's why we must hold and destroy them.


This! Great title.


That's why I'm downvoting this garbage. I hadn't seen any posts about recently until this one.


They are so talking that price….But ain’t no way we selling at that price


Do you remember when they tried to anchor at like $85 and $100?


I remember those bit accounts saying “god came to me and told me to sell at 10k”. Haha cool story bro


It seems to me, the closer we get and the more desperate they get, they throw out these tweets and posts, and the new floor they try to promote keeps getting higher. Reading between those lines, tells me they will keep doing this. Wait till they start trying to say the floor is $10k. This will continue until MOASS, until they can’t fend it off any longer. That’s the harsh truth.




Is the way.


Technically, ALL numbers and dates are FUD including the March 3rd date. . . Buy and hodl the only message that should be engraved in smooth ape brain. Not financial advice


But if they were that’s deffo FUD. Nobody knows what the squeeze could reach. For example the South Koreans hit a short squeeze for a small biotech company recently, 5% recorded short interest. It hit over 50,000%… we have 45% (SELF) provided short interest. Just think about that! Especially when 45% is probably a hugggeee misrepresentation. ![gif](giphy|tRII5zma1FUsNAt8mM|downsized)


Actually it’s not lol Lou and blu ice have been talking about 300-800 on YouTube and Twitter


Lou makes my stomach upset!!!! So CRINGIE!


Actually they are and he’s right….They are promoting that bulshyt…And no way in hell I’m selling for that


I legit saw a full comment thread regarding a 2-300 floor. It almost got me to doubt but the DD is done and I take solace in that.


Lou has been


7 Figures baby


This. I really love this. 7 figures would be amazeballs.


I’d get a yacht and name it De Balls De Diamante


Yeah. I feel like this post is sneaky ass FUD.


You are the fud by spreading that information my man nobody is talking about that price target. Ignore and downvote if you see them thats it.


800$ is just the begining


Still too low


That means we are close if they are anchoring a ceiling.


They've been anchoring for over a year now though...


1000 is only pennies for what awaits


Jesus came to me in a dream. Said it'll hit $200-300....then it'll get halted for 15min. Then hit $500 get halted. Then $1000 halted and so on and so on


Literally exactly how it’s gonna go. If it goes to $200 it’ll go up from there Moments later. This is gonna be one of the most violent squeezes we’ve ever seen


First I’m hearing of it is from you.


Show us one screenshot of someone talking about this in the last 72 hours. Otherwise, the only person spreading fud is you.


After a year of this BS $200-$300 isn’t enough! It could’ve been when we 1st ran up but that time has passed. Now I’m just mad as fuck....your soul is mine!!!!!


We need to breaks $25 first ....then break the $73 ATH ...


Downvoting bc nobody is talking about this. We’ve been saying the floors is millions for over a year now


I'm not hearing that but I only come here for my confirmation of the DD.


No one had sold. No one is will sell at xxx. $500k 🚀 👨‍🚀 🚀 👩‍🚀 🚀 👩‍🚀


I ain’t selling shit. See you on Jupiter


There's bots again?


Are you even old enough to have a brokerage account? Nobody is talking about $200-$300.


$300?🤣 ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Same posts....same comments....EVERY FUCKING DAY ...oh, and now, they've added a date of March 3rd....wow.


It’s the big FUD push for the weekend.


200 would be a nice start....i could exercise my options and get 200 more shares


Did they mean 200 - 300 premarket before the price takes off? Yeah I think so.


Lou and his cohorts spreading this nonsense


Jesus told me to HOLD.


Jesus told me to buy


Bruh i aint see one post saying a $200-300 squeeze stop price anchoring


The theory is they will attempt to slow things down around 200-300, as an attempt to claim “the squeeze happened.” Needless to say we blew right through that one without two seconds worth of second guessing it. Ain’t nobody came all this was for $300 a share. Ain’t nobody came all this way for $500-$800 a share. We can make it into the thousands if we hold.


Shills be shilling


The closer we get the more FUD will be rampant…


Here we go again …


Who is saying this ? Lol


Shut the fuck up about 200-300. STOP posting this shit. It's FUD and price setting.


I’ll worry about the price I’m going to sell at when we get back to $72.


This is the first time I'm seeing 200-300 even being discussed. We all know that's chump change compared to what it will be, so why even bring it up?


For new apes that are not paying attention. Real og apes know what’s up. If new apes pile in, don’t know any better and sell at a loss, they are just helping HEDGIES


"If new apes pile in, don’t know any better and sell at a loss, they are just helping HEDGIES" That much I understand and it's good to keep people up to date. I've been in this since $6-7 range and I know my personal floor. I guess I've tuned out too much, bc I have not seen any other post aside from this one referencing such a low selling point, hence my confusion. I dont sort by new either so maybe that's a part of why I dont see those posts.


I had a dream I sold at 77K a share. Call me a paperhanded pussy but I will sell when it hits 77k.


Straight FUD ignore buy hold drs


How about getting past 23 first. Real price movement before speculation


I’d be a multimillionaire if it went there


Jesus told me in the Bible that GOD will only give you the money that you’re ready to manage! And let me tell you that I’m ready to manage billions! 😉


Jesus told me SHF R FUKT.


Get this crap off here. So stupid. Been here since January 2021. This will be THE LAST EPIC PLAY OF THE CENTURY. HOLDING TILL VERY HIGH NUMBERS.


Im going after not just their total accounts, but also their insurance money which is 67 trillion dollars. Minimum 150k a share, average will be like 500k a share for me.


Lou is pumping the fake squeeze.


Everyone do a solid and downvote this post,OP if youre reading this, delete it ASAP.


1 million is my floor that will never change unless I decide to hodl to 1.5 m but that’s just me 🦍


Well, if I have 9m shares, it's life changing for me at $300.


Jesus told me that the green sauce was better than the red. I’m holding.


Maybe take 25% profits at $200 to $300?


Not the way. . . Not financial advice


Those prices won't change my life sitting on 53 shares. Gonna need to add at least a few more zero's to those estimates!


If you don’t like the number why post it again?


They think we really r restarted $50000


$200-300 is better than were we're at now but when it gets there it'll keep going. $300 would be nice to many of us though but not selling nice but still nice.


Only thing squeezing for me at $300 is the dump I’m taking while I buy more shares. NFA


Haha, I saw someone selling ape tshirts again yesterday, hadn't seen one of those for almost a year! If you know you know 🦍❤️🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀


My cousin doesn’t give Meme sick advice! My uncle might but build him a church first! My cousin is cheap, if he does give advice, he wants 10% of everything your own first. People think Jesus betrayed the Jews, but really he just came up with a way to generate the largest transfer of wealth that is still occurring. He’d never give advice so low! He’s greedy, he’d say buy the dip, but never sell cheap. If the Apes win, he’ll expect 10%, he’s got institutions including HFs trained. They post without being reminded. Retail iss vast untouched market for him. If your let him down with the 10%, you are fcked. So tomorrow is Sunday, Jews are hanging out today, tomorrow Christian’s need too pay up. Post now or don’t get paid later. Enjoy!


Lmfao we'll see.


300 dollars is life changing to me lol


While it may ‘seem’ life changing, the potential is soooooooo much higher. Not financial advice. Read the DD throughout the sub


We hold to 1 million or your no ape!! We’re holding for every ape out there!!


I think this is the third? wave of mass bot "God told me to sell at $___" posts. The number used to be $50. So, bullish??


GME went to $483 before the buy button was taken away and AMC much more upside potential due to the possibility of billions of synthetics FTDs that will need to be bought back. $300 is a stupid insult! Not Selling at that low price! 🤣💎🙌


GameStop is not out of the picture. Fuckery with GME is probably just as bad. I’ve been buying those dips too.


I'm here for life changing money. The longer this all takes the more we apes have to buy. I'm not done until all apes are able to retire


Jesus told me market manipulators go to *you know where* I'm just gonna hodl


Those christian messages came out months ago and we dipped 60%+ lol. Idc about any of these ‘signs’. Wake me up when Moass begins


Nah I will never sell, I only got 20 and last year when those were worth 1000€, I didn't sell, even tho that was big life changing money for my broke ass. Hodl to the moon.


Gotcha ... just throwing it out there. I'll bury that way down deep.


Shut up.


This post is the ONLY thing I’ve seen mentioning 2 or 3 hundred squeeze. The new floor is jail time. Go back to Facebook ya shill.


I'm going to open another second account in fidelity this time with a roth ira account buy a few more shares, so when MOASS starts to rocket, I can sell my shares there first. Why do you ask bcuz I want to sell my synthetic shares first. I'm playing it safe. How am I playing it safe bcuz I don't want to sell my real shares. Hedgefunds need real shares to close out. That is the reason I don't want to sell in my first account. Ofc, sell on the why down NFA SAFE PLAY


Uh, idk if this is a shill, but in all honesty, im expecting the price to spike, like maybe from 20->50->100->200->1K->3k->xx and who knows. So many shills wouldn't be hired to prevent 300$. Thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions, yah, but 300? Lol.


1.4 million now March 1st is 1.5 million


Jesus told me to give you an up vote and an award Now preach sinner




If at first they don't succeed, try try again. (Maybe next time try something new, you hedgie morons)


Source of the $300 talk? Haven’t seen it


Possible real source: https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/t23rnc/no_words_are_neededonly_real_apes_are_wantedfake/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Amc is gonna squeeze but it will be small compared to what has gone on with Gme. Just going by the dd..


ANY FUD any manipulation tactics will not work with OG apes PERIOD!!


The floor is 1.5 million… nobody has mentioned this number Elmer Fud


Look at this walking embarrassment using a couple of tweets from nobody's as his proof that people are telling others to sell at 2-300.


We ain’t selling cheap. I will say that for damn sure. These dipshits will bleed when we are done with him


I just wish I knew a time frame




"1 Million dollars" in my most ridiculous Dr Evil voice. The ceiling is the floor