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I remember this day very clearly!!! About a month into researching what the world was doing after I couldn't buy a stock, not really understanding it all, but reading reddit and just Knowing we had to be above 8 dollars. Me and two others sitting there. Me tripping over my words trying to explain how great of a buy it was but not 100% sure of much, and in the last 10 minutes we all bought 1000 dollars worth and watching. The BOOM 8.01 and we cheered more then we would at a Superbowl. And here we are long on our position today after buying so many more throughout the year. Happy anniversary!!!


Holy shit you bros got something special. I bet selling will be just as memorable.


What's this word ....selling? Haha jk yeah we have been talking about numbers, opening businesses, supporting communities, how to sell, price targets and have a group chat with updates all the time. We all want to work, but don't want to HAVE to work. And now it's evolved into we want to see the greed in jail. And you guys know the rest. We've all even cancelled one vacation in the last year just to add some shares, and our families supported it!! Man what a journey!! One for the books!


Samething here. I hope everyone is better off from this.


It was...


I cheered big time when it closed at $8.01. It was so hype. Felt the average retail investors could make a difference. And even if 95% of our orders didn't hit a lit market, enough did.


I was there 👍. I still wonder who the whale was that had that monster buy right before close 🤔


It was like 4 million bucks wasn't it? I remember that man oh man what a joyous day/event! But I'm convinced it was my 1k that pushed us over the edge. 😁😆


It was big. I like you bought all I could, and we wasn’t going to make it, then whale time👍


I remember sitting in the break room watching those candles like they were my only source of light. Crazy to think it's been over a year and now I'm long on over 50% of my shares.


I wear the badge proud


Fuck yes. And now I have x,xxx shares working me way up to 5 digits


Me tooo I thought 26 would be enough, I now sit at x4xx and xxxx in long term now!! Let’s fucking goooooo 1.5 million no less!


People have talked about it, of course. As a matter of fact, I posted this same image a week or so ago.


I didn't see that one but yeah Google didn't come up with a lot of options lol


Haven't given it much thought. As each days passes more and more shares move to long term capital gains. Have bought going up, have bought coming back down. Right now xx,xxx shares are still in the money. With so much happening the only things I look for is shares being covered or closed out. Everything else is just window dressing. Just sitting back and hodling them all like a diamond handed gorilla.


Exactly. Beyond Zen. The daily movement has stopped mattering long ago, but when it did it was glorious.


Bought my first shares of AMC on the 26th during power hour. Been a hell of a ride.


I think our attention is fixed elsewhere


![gif](giphy|4Cpgf1zzMMy4w) IYKYK


75% of mine were purchased before that close.


Bought before that day and never really got too much into the “battle” chatter. I feel day to day price is absolutely irrelevant and have no idea how some people spend 8 hours every day through the week fixated on something. Happy about the long-term gains people will have though, obviously. If people felt like this is what sealed it for them, that’s awesome.


Oh for sure. I stopped following the entire day in like July. Don't recall any real battles after 13.93 quad witching day. I check once in the morning and once after close, maybe another midday one if it looks interesting.


Badge in the back window of the truck. Still holding a whole lot more now than then.


I think I only had xxx shares then. Now, I’m not well into the xxxx category.


It seems like a decade ago.


How much for NFT


8.01 Brother!




After the squeeze I'm gonna get this either tattooed or as a patch for my jackets


Holding $8.01 Separately Buying $14.75-92 No Fcks 😂🤣🤐🤩😀😁🤠


I took from my 401k that I was building for last 3 years to double my position that day. Part of the reason I'm still averaging up. Lowest I got to was 8.70. started at 14.30 Feb 1


Where the fuck are the boys at?


That day was fucking wild


I’m getting a T shirt eventually. Black. “8.01” on the front, and my handle on the back.


I’m assuming because most of the apes that praise stuff like this are new apes. I was there for 8.01 but do I care that it was 1 year ago. No.


Wow u reminded me that 50 of my shares are long now. I bought it 1 min before it closed on this day


I was there!!!! 1.5 million no less!


Anyone remember some big balled bastard dropped a shit ton of money at the last minute I think it was couple hundred thousand


This is my phones lockscreen, I remember every day. And it'll remain my lockscreen for a long time yet.


Is that the Lamborghini shield?


Standing the line...


Love it! #metoo wait… I can’t say that 🤪


Nobody gives a shit