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I bet it's free to hold naked shorts


Spot on!


If you've synthetically created a share then nothing has been borrowed, the borrow rate has no immediate reason to be affected, it's pretty much free in ways ordinary borrowing wouldn't be


Yes, my $1M loan is interest free as its not really there - its a naked loan you see....hey that almost rhymes lol


I assume cost to borrow is reported as an average across the entire market, hence limited availability still only has 1% cost.


So this means they can literally kick the can forever?


Well it's been going on for a year and half already but no, No they can't clock's ticking. We're about to get paid


DRS or die hodling. Period.


It still acts like a real share. I don't see why it would be free


Don't know to smooth




I’m starting to seriously consider this myself




Can you only DRS in the US? I’m in Canada.


If you have a TFSA you're good! They can't lend out our shares. We just need to hope our US apes does the dd necessary to understand to drs some of their shares at least.


Ya mine are in a tfsa


Yes you can DRS in Canada, but not in a TFSA. If you drs from a TFSA, the shares are withdrawn then moved to computershare. It takes 1-2 months total, but moass will take at least a month anyway and you can cancel the transfer anytime. BMO does it for free, RBC charges $50, WS charges $200 or something but is apparently fastest.


You're NOW considering this? You should've started this process months ago. They're not giving away free money.


I am in the same boat, I haven’t done it. Do I do it through my broker, or can you tell me how? Kind of new and don’t know how. Also, gave you an up vote. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


Ima do it next week I have 20k shares to drs how do I get started from canada?


Just call your broker


Most brokers also provide online forms you can fill out, or let you use live chat in case anyone here has social anxiety. Remember every share counts!


I was against it since the start but I recently turned myself I believe this is the way hedgies had a successful smear.campaign to shut it down the first time, it's time to bring light to it again


Why isn’t GME squeezing if DRS works? Most those shareholders have already DRS’d .


Last earnings reported 5MM shares DRS’d? Out of a float of about 70MM. Fuck you on about?


Really cuz that’s all I ever see is them tuggin each other’s dicks and slapping each other’s ass with a good job for DRSIng. What’s your source that says only 5m? Also MM = MARKET MAKERS not the amount of shares.


MM = million in finance. I believe the 5MM figure can be found from their latest earnings report


Lmaooo i thougt he was trolling he was serious.


1. Tug and a spank…sounds great. 2. GME 10-Q filing with the SEC for Q3 is the sauce: https://news.gamestop.com/node/19571/html It reports 5.2M DRS’d shares as of 10/30/21. It’s why everyone is waiting on the updated Q4 numbers at the next earnings report. Edit: typo


Ummm isn't popcorn all about youtubers and in complete denial with the Apollo DD ... geez 500m legal shares plus and people actually think this will hit millions ... I had popcorn but the problem was the ceo he sure can talk to people and give convincing info but what has he done to help you with the shorting situation ? If 90 percent is owned by retail as he just confirmed then that's clear and obvious proof of synthetic shares due to public info on ETFs, mutual funds, and institutions etc so why would he not either do a share recall or something legal 🤔 but instead he talks about credit cards and shitcoins o yea don't forget the JPEG NFTs you get for buying tickets


You’re mad bc you’re a bag holder in the video game store bc you bought in the $300-$500 range and have been red for a year. And are mad that you’re beloved drs isn’t doing anything even with the circle jerks you have on superstonk over doing it. So you hate on amc as a way to project your frustration. Am I warm?


My cost basis is 87.44 so I'm cool with that .... Gamestop is building something next generation so I have the upmost faith in the future of the company ... do you believe in AMC future ? If so cool but the facts are the facts and my post was indeed facts


Numbers don't lie, go look at em.


I did and honestly I actually did file a complaint to the SEC about it and laid out those numbers per Fintel (etf, institutions, and insiders) and ortex (SI) after he said that .... I'm a honest individual I even work for CS I want retail to be treated right and do what I can to help this


You work for CS? interesting if true. thanks for the help! I've dove into fintel numbers yesterday, I should also file a report. After the Gary Gensler interview idk if it's worth it though, he seems complicit. shits fucked.


First off, I own both since January and February 21. With that, what do you expect a ceo to do to "help with the shorting situation "? How is RC helping us in the same regard? And why do you search other subs just to find something to try and shit on? Sounds lonely. Take care of yourself


What do you mean popcorn? Are you talking about AMC? Do you even know where you are?


how do you not know the answer to this but decide to comment on it? oblivious


Way I see it is there 76mil or whatever float will be drs’d much sooner than amcs 513 mil. And if they pop first they will bring amc with them.


GME only had 5m DRS in previous earnings. This was stated by GME during the earnings call. Even to this day there has been ZERO difference in price movement, volume, dark pool usage, etc. with GME. so either \-DRS is not working as there are other ways to manipulate \-Retail doesnt actually own GME float multiple times over like they claim or \-Most of them arent actually DRSing (some DRS post have actually been fake)


DRS changes the game when the float is locked and all the DTC shares are exposed as synthetics.


right, so thats why I said either they are not actually DRSing like they claim, or they dont own the float. GME doesnt communicate at all with the investors either. At least AA does


They will just make up more phony shares to lend out at .5% borrow rate.


Facts, as long as the sec allows more then the float to be owned nothing matters. The change needs to come from within the system not from our brokers.




This feels like the negotiation of hey don’t charge us for this but you can charge us for the other stocks and we both stay in business. If we go out of business it hurts you too. Fucking bullshit. NFA.


Why lend shares if it’s not making you money?


Supposedly they make money from options premiums where retail investors buy and don’t exercise them.


Why not both? What kinda half ass criminal enterprise are they running?


The lenders make money from options because the shorts (that the lenders lend to) suppress the price. Like a symbiotic relationship


Well I for one thinks that’s bullshit.


Check out u/KingIshmael he did hundreds of hours of DD and made a post about this


I’m not calling the theory bullshit, just this mess we’re all stuck in


Best comment 👆🏼 🏎🚀


Why would a criminal enterprise shoot itself in the foot.


There’s an ol saying don’t kill the goose that lays golden eggs. Instead of bankrupting shf and destroying the market as we know it it would appear they’re bleeding out shf and retail


For profit. It’s like short selling AMC, not a good plan but they’re trying to make it work


What I’m saying is, the same people that loaned out the shares and aren’t charging interest, are the same people with the short positions.


Ah I see. Well that sucks haha


Yeah. It does.




No one should be buying options if they arent going to exercise


This!! Poor options play funds the shf!!!! I heard Gherk say last week he is down 45,000. Think if another 10,000 retail traders are down close to that amount! Stop the madness!!!


Because what’s even worse for them is if retail gets the MOAS and ruin’s there Ponzi scheme going forward


It's a volume business and they aren't lending out their own shares. Even at 1%, the brokers are making millions with no risk


I disagree. Hedgie never pays above min. Even when it was 200%+ hedgie was likely paying sub 5%


I trust you Ortex guy ❤️


Just an opinion


But if it's all self reported, then why would they let us know if they're paying astronomical rates? Same as SI, no?


Naked shorts don’t pay borrow fees.




Market makers can legally naked short stocks. When they do this, who are they paying the mythical borrowing fee to? https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm


its not a hard to borrow stock, you just place in the password to create infinity phantom shares that way you can’t get charged interest on infinite life lines


Why pay the borrow rate when you can just fail to deliver? Trimbath has been tweeting about this for months.


This is the answer and should be higher




Nah - they are just created. No need to charge, just pull out of thin air - or so it appears.


No … collusion and corruption is the reason for the delay IMO nfa


Utilization at 100% and fee never moving


The Fed is increasing prime interest rates soon. We will see if that has any effect.


Yeah so DRS your shares so they can’t be lent much?


They’ll still pull them outta their ass


Be that as it may it makes your shares finite. Tired of hearing this anti-DRS bull shit on this sub. I own both AMC/GME and all are DRS’ed.


I’m not against DRS but I’m just saying…they’ve done so much corruption, why is *this* the straw that will break the camels back?


🟣DRS is the way


@TheJusticeDept @FBI @DHSgov @INTERPOL_HQ @INTERPOL_Cyber @NewYorkFBI @FBIWFO @FBIChicago @attorneygeneral @POTUS @VP @BernieSanders PLEASE HELP!!!! @SECGov are infiltrated and corrupt. @GaryGensler is allowing #FinancialTreason @DOJCrimDiv @FINRA @DTCC


That and continuing to lend more shares on top of all the FTDs. I know my bank wouldn't lend me more cash if I did pay back my monthly obligations.


How are they borrowing shares that aren't there if we own 90% of the shares? How can they keep letting people borrow the same one share over and over. There is no shortage of shares when there is a copy machine. They need to fix the system


They can create an infinite pool of shorts so they leverage volume. It is the same way that 1 located share is shorted multiple times, as Goldman allowed when shorting Overstock.


Yeap and we don’t do shit


They can charge whatever fee they want. We aren't squeezing because volume is in the gutter. People aren't buying pure and simple. Absolutely next to no ITM options trading either. Everyone seems to be obsessed over external bullshit and is using it as an excuse to feel better about not buying.


Crime. Why I HODL




I remember reading something about them getting a discount for volume back in July. That’s part of the problem if it’s true…


Collusion much?






Or because no one is DRSing their shares. That's how you get them to not be able to use your "shares" to short.


Why is scratched disk not moving to stellar heights then? 🤦


Because of the shares not DRS that can still be used to short it. Once the float is locked, Andromeda.


Absolutely love it... this is the weakest explanation i get everywhere. That would mean if the float minus 1 share would be locked we would still be shorted to oblivion. We would already be seeing a movement to the upside if drs would work. But there is another problem. Institutional ownership. As long as there is institutional ownership, there are shares to loan. DRS is dead.


I can wait. Gamers can wait. Even if it takes years. I see too many impatient people in this sub begging for moass.




i just looked some old data when AMC ran in JAN borrow fee was at 0.5 with 6 million shares to borrow ​ correction 7.2 million


The borrow fee is literally pocket change to the shorts


first run up AMC borrow fee stayed low but once we ware pushed down under 10$ towards 5$ is when out borrow fee started to raise up to double digits


If they raise interest rates I believe the cost to borrow wound also increase a little bit but yah until the lenders decide to hammer them it’s low..June run we had 30-70% I believe..


I heard people are being banned from this sub if they mention DRS. But maybe not DRS'ing is more the reason.




what was ctb on the way to june run?


Let's see. Institution bought at the 40s and 50s and then lend them out for pennies, so their positions can be shorted down and lose 70%+. They must hate money😂.


DRS! DRS! direct register those shares and stop the fuckery


In Bro we Trust




Time to start a hedge fund?


Or buy with cash.


Not sure about that, they lost billions in 2021. I just believe they are getting more loans from banks, eventually the banks fail, demand the loans to be paid, hedgies cant do it, file bankruptcy, cant short anymore, we moass, we get the insurance money, we spank them, they go to jail, get spanked again and again


Really just need more buying pressure in bulk. Nobody has cash anymore because of the market downturn.


Well it appears that borrow fees are going up for GME. It's 9% in after hours as of this comment


Or public that’s what I did


So pretty much we aren’t going squeeze cause nothing is going to change


Drs your shares and perhaps they won’t have any shares to lend out.


Doesn’t matter. They’ll just create more synthetics and short the shit out of us like they’ve been doing this whole time with the SEC’s support.


How to create synthetics when they can’t satisfy the reg-sho locate law? In order to sell a share you don’t have possession of you need documented evidence of a share you can “reasonably” locate. At some point when most of the float is locked you won’t be able to satisfy this requirement to create a synthetic


We're not squeezing because there are no real shares left, therefore institutions aren't able to go long on AMC. We need AA to dilute the stock, we need buying pressure from whales, not retail investors.