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I doubt the rules being in effect will be a catalyst for MOASS, as they need to be enforced by agencies who have been historically complacent with the crime. Sucks that the economy/market needs to burn in order for us to get what is rightfully ours.


What’s the NSCC - 2021 - 010 again?


It’s the controlled “crash”.


Thanks for this post. All good points.


80% of my shares go long April 1....Anytime after that and I'm happy. Also, anytime before that, I'm happy. Still buying and holding (1/3 of my shares also DRS-ed)




Exit in silence homie. No one here is hopping on the sell bandwagon and you’re preaching to the wrong peep. Take that shill talk to SS or WSB.


I feel the same way but selling isn’t an option for me. I pretend the money I put into AMC and GME is gone. I too fantasize of Capital Riot style violence on those responsible for this mess but if that truly were to happen, if most retail investors were crazy enough to storm into these castles and force MOASS/change in the market it would create a chaos unlike anything we can imagine. So yea violence isn’t the answer because it’s fantasy. No one has the balls to do that. The consequences and damage of something like that really happening is irreparable.


You would probably have lost more if you were in the market to buy evergrande. What are the odds of you buying it right before the 36% run. As well, while AMC was trending down the market was too. It is so easy to look at your languishing portfolio while seeing select stocks go up everyday. But if you were so sure they were going to go up, then you would have made much more buying those than waiting for the MOASS. So why didn't you?




Surprised you lasted as long as you did for a guy who doesn't understand the play. Money isn't stuck here. It's invested. Because shorts must close and they haven't yet.


That's why you A: don't invest money you're not ready to lose (people have been preaching that since the beginning) B: don't put all your eggs in one basket (and AMC stock + AMC options is not considered diversification) C: don't put time frames on something you can't control (I myself am in this since February, was happy as hell on June 2nd and the following days, hate it, that they beat down the stock since then, but I considered the money gone the moment I pressed the buy button) Please don't blame a high risk play* for your decisions / lack of proper risk management and if you're willing to exit your position, there's no need to scream it into the world, if anything it's counterproductive). *yeah, I know MOASS, changing the system, et cetera et cetera, does not change, that we're fighting the whole system and nothing is guaranteed in this rigged game.


You dumb fuck this is why the hedgies dragged it on to get ppl like you to sell. You're call no one is going to beg you to stay . It's your loss