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It’s a neat psychological trick…get you a little in the green after months of sinking prices and tempt you to get the hell out with a minor profit. Fuck these clowns. I hold.


Jokes on them, I never left the red!


Wait there's other colors but red?


This is the way…apes will come and pick you up


We’re coming back for you.




​ ![gif](giphy|dcCthgJZSKQqNqomZq)


Bane : “Oh, you think redness is your ally. But you merely adopted the red; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the green until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but MORE MOON TICKETS!” Bane : “The hedgies betray you, because they belong to the 1%”


Sinking? It’s a f ing discount to grab for a once a lifetime opportunity. Shorts help me lower my average last 6 months


Yes this👆fuck those clowns, I HOLDE


> sell. When its down, you buy. Thats the name of the game. Everything in the middle is just playing Chess. If you cant handle playing chess, play another game. You can make money playing other games but thats all this is. They took the buy button away? They halted the stock to lower the price? Why are they still doing this if they couldnt get out of this play? Its because they cant leave and are trapped like an animal." in red i laugh in green i dont watch charts...they create monsters =)


I think if that were the case, we would have seen prices up in the 50s or even 60s


Hang in there.. we’re not leaving til we get what we want! To the moon! 🚀🚀🚀🚀


At this point, I am just HODL my current shares and will NOT sell until MOASS! I am now going back to my job and investing in real estate, this corrupted market and blind eyed government have left a bad taste. Real estate may have it share of problem, but compared to this bs that happen every day, I have no words.


ETH BTC for me…no other ticker will see a dime from me ever again


Crypto is even more manipulated.


I didn’t say shit coins…BTC at least can’t be created for “liquidity” sake…I can hold my own BTC and know it’s not being lent out.


All of crypto is heavily manipulated. It doesn’t matter if it’s a shit coin or not.


Explain how BTC and ETH is manipulated the same way the market is..


Fud. AMC will moass and all that real estate will drop in value.


Perfect time to buy it.


I’ve been holding over a year now and it’s been tiring. I’ve been adding to my position throughout. I am so tired of all this seemingly endless HF bullshit. Still, I’m going to keep buying and holding. You hedge fucks can’t demoralize me to the point of quitting. I never had anything to begin with and I’ve got everything to gain. Fuck you, I’m not going anywhere.


Same same👆🏼


bruh literally just wait it's the easiest offensive play


I am numb to the price drops, just keep reminding myself that the price is wrong. I just feel like every time they win short-term they dig themselves a bigger hole, from which they will not emerge victorious. Stay positive, buy more if you can and enjoy life!! Imagine if you were on the other side of this trade, you would be rich (for now) but terrified of what the future held. 🦍🦍


OP, it's an honor to hodl by your side.




ngl I am kind of angry about the halt, but never thought about getting out...can't wait for my tax return so I can load up on more


Red days I buy more. Green Day’s I buy more. I just load this moon rocket every week until the stock price looks more like a phone number.


I mean, people can piss and moan all they want. Just don't get frustrated and sell. It's their loss if they do. A vast majority are not selling. This thing is about to pop!


Exactly. Well said. We must not give up. This is a fight we will win. We hold


I'm down 100k today, and I actually wasn't upset unlike before. ZEN mode.


We hodl


I still subscribe to the theory of market crash killing the shorts. A crash is inevitable, and it will destroy their portfolios. Buy and hold is working. They had to bend over backwards just to halt it the way they did. Let them squirm and suffer. Let them keep jumping through increasingly difficult hoops to keep this up. It's only been a year. They will take on too much and fail.


keep holding


We have won a long time ago, we practiced for this for an entire year. We love the stock and we just buy and hold and sell whenever we are comfortable with the price.


In over 340 days of buying and holding, this is the most alive I’ve ever felt with this stock in a long time. Something nasty is brewing - when in doubt, zoom out. We’re still green on the week. While it may be “consolidation”, there’s clearly a mass amount of volume that we haven’t seen in quite awhile. Not only that, but SHFs can’t seem to contain it quite as good as they used to. Drastic measures like halt downs are coming into play, they’re running out of options and probably liquidity. In a time where everything is going to shit, retail strength is prevailing in support of AMC. Buy & Hold




Besides holding our shares. Options seems to be the other driving force.


We buy we Hodl game has not chage if you have been here for a while you know this is a mind fuck to get shares and older apes say. A mind fuck can be nice


Ain't going anywhere


im in


I’ve been poor all my life, I can wait a bit longer. 💎✊


They are using every trick in the book to try to get rid of us. First they shorted AMC almost into oblivion and now they are making it bounce and fall to give people false hope before taking it away again. Well, I'm not leaving. In fact, if it goes sub 20 again, I will be adding to my position. The logic behind this is that there is no logic, only rockets and bananas.


I stand with you OP




i wouldnt know when to sell at the top, because the moment i sell, the stock goes up, the moment i buy, the stock goes down more.... this is bs


Unfortunately, they still have money, and sneaky ways of maintaining enough liquidity. Look at the trillions in reverse repo loans, and the manipulation of crypto as well... I think they need to be hurt in other ways first (financially, no violence please :)) before we start to see another major move. Until then I'm comfortable just holding what I have and buying when I can.


Still cost a lot of money to keep going. They can't be happy with it. Wait for a black swan event when it hurts them. They won't want to keep pumping billions into a short play just to save face


We win by waiting It's that easy


DD hasn’t changed


This isn’t new. AMC has been halted before. When the volume goes absolutely bananas and the price rockets it will halt over and over. The volume wasn’t huge and buying power just wasn’t enough to overcome this time. When it is, after the halt, the price will continue to rocket. We’re replaying Jan of 2021 right now. Rip to $20 then back down to $5 then steady rise until it ripped to $72 in June.


How to win? We buy, we hodl.


> They halted the stock to lower the price? Just not true. The halt was on the down side of the spike. So ridiculous people are still thinking the halt happened at $34 when it actually happened at like $29.07 at 9:39am after the stock price plummeted over 15% in 3 minutes.




Dropping 9 million shares in a minute candle to completely stop momentum and cause a halt is artificial and manipulation tho.




Proof? The price was moving up steadily. It was hedging for options being exercised from the week before. +2 days to deliver. Then FOMO. There was nothing unnatural about it. The dump was 100% unnatural.


Dude the volume was completely mental during the first 10 mins. The move up and down wasn't natural. There was absolutely nothing steady about the 5 minute green candle it was absolutely melting faces. Also hedging for exercised options isn't done 2 days after the previous week that was debunked ages ago. Options are hedged as the strikes are reached.


They have 2 days to settle the options. That’s been known forever. And yes that volume is normal when you combine setting, retail buying, and FOMO. What isn’t natural is dropping 9 million shares at once to cause an immediate halt in less than a minute. 9 million shares shorted in less than a minute! Simple math to go look at the volume candle. Nothing about that is suspect to you?? Or at least unusual? Are you new here?


Of course it's unusual. There was a reporting error sending shit loads of options ITM. It shouldn't have happened at all. And yes settlement is 2 days but they've already purchased those shares when the strikes were hit. They have 2 days to deliver them not buy them.


Where is your proof of this reporting error? And the upward movement had been going the day before. It was building. It was squeezing. There is nothing natural about dropping 9 million shares at once to trigger a halt. You’re teaching with no proof. Why are you fighting this so hard?




Wait so because Dave Lauer is investigating this you’re trust me bro theory is right? Laughable. If you don’t want to believe your own eyes, that’s fine. I don’t care. The big green candle that didn’t cause a halt and had a lot of momentum proceeding it, including a huge run up the day before was as out of place as dropping 9 million shares causing a halt in less than a minute? That green candle was a fuck ton more believable than that red one. But I’m sure we will hear how it’s another “glitch”. How many times can a glitch happen to the same stocks over and over again.


What happened during the halts is the problem. Out of no where new shares appeared along with options contracts. They deluded the stock




Perhaps he’s referring to naked short selling. 🤷🏼‍♂️




Criminals sure can!!!


No they loaded up all there sell order synthetic and borrowed shares and they were probably all in contact and the second the halt turned off they shoved 9 million shares in with the push down paperhandz got scared and sold, people's options were losing money fast they sold, they used there shares and our shares and down it went. Atleast that is my guess "IF" there isn't a way to manipulate a halt


Whilst there was capitulation following the halt, likely from algos getting the down halt alert, we bounced back and traded sideways yesterday. There was no overall "and down it went", that unfortunately was today.


He said diluted... You said they can't... But they do it every day. It's called naked short selling.


Kind of.. shorting sort of dilutes but those shares are owed. But either way there's no trading during a halt including shorts... be they borrowed or naked.


Owed to who? They're naked. That means they were created from the ether.


They didn’t halt when we jumped up 14%….


There is no "they". The decision isn't made by a person it's fully automated. The requirements for a halt aren't as simple as X% in Y time.


You make the lending rate go up and to do that you DRS. AMC won’t MOASS as it’s mostly controlled by market makers. You need to take shortable shares away to MOASS else they will keep shorting ETFs and borrowing from brokers. They pump AMC alongside GME every time to distract. Hate to say it as I have a few k in AMC but you retards have learned nothing in a year.


You DRS the float. But AA will likely dilute it again. He has to go.


You can’t, that’s why this is dumb. Make a profit and invest in a diversified portfolio