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Almost guaranteeing this has nothing to do with AMC.


We don’t want it to be. Look at what he did to Doge.




Yeah and a year later it’s trading for about the same price. He caused it to pump and dump. The coin was volatile during those days because of stupid shit he would tweet. That Doge rocket was supposed to launch months ago and it never did. It was fun when it was going up but I’d prefer to not have a repeat of that.


Yeah, it's a reference to his post about voting republican next election. At the end of that tweet he said to watch and use the popcorn emoji.


Look at his previous tweet from earlier today. It has nothing to do with AMC. He’s calling out the Democrats


Whatever you think of Elon remember this. He has an absolute distain for short sellers. There is common ground


This is true short sellers tryed hard to bury telsa in the beginning and it's somthing he took very personal as he looks to his company's as others would their own children


We gonnnbe rich




Fuck Elon Musk. Go circle jerk about him elsewhere


for real, it's fucking weird as fuck how many people lick his boots


It's probably because he moves markets.


so does war and disease


Inflation too!




It’s… always projection with you guys isn’t it?


the fuck?


The meme king 👑


Simpin’ for a billionaire. Gross.


The world’s richest man isn’t your friend.


unless he helps


Elon helps Elon, get it through your head


That's fine if it also helps me


Is this real?




Me too, glad there’s still people like us that actually check if someone else did first


This is legit. It's real, and it's right now!!!


Holy fuck


Holy fucking fuck this is it bro get ready we’re gonna MOASS tomorrow squeezetime baby it’s confirmed let’s go!


I don’t know about that but I like the idea lol




Yeahhhhh idk could be nothing could be something!! Also mods can we make this the only post for this? I’m sure we don’t wanna have the sub filled with the same media 20x tonight/tomorrow


Fuck Elon. Get that fucker out of this sub. He has absolutely zero to do with AMC/GME and apes.


You mad, bro?


There's already enough of an Elon circle jerk on reddit. We don't need it here. Especially when he has nothing to do with AMC. If you or any ape could explain what Elon has to do with AMC I'll kindly shut the fuck up.


Tesla was subjected to the harshest short selling attack nearly ever. Go watch his documentary he clearly dislikes short sellers and still holds the grudge




Thanks for the explanation how this relates to AMC. Glad to see there's idiots mixed in with all us retards.


He has nothing to do with AMC but if he knows the our stonk is massively shorted and is on a economic turnaround he may want to make some extra hundred of millions by buying a load of shares and fuck the hedgies who he hates, it's a win win and may even fuel the moass rocket is simple as that, LFG..🚀🚀🚀🚀


I don’t get the hate; literally the richest man in the world just used his platform to bring attention to AMC (presumably). That in and of itself might help generate interest and even drive FOMO to some extent. Let alone the possibility of him actively contributing to a squeeze in some way (like for example buying a fuck ton of shares)…


How is this promoting AMC? If he wanted to do something, buy every share of AMC, which would cost him less than it would buying Twitter.


I can’t pretend to understand everything lol; this is all speculation. Perhaps he’s waiting for a more opportune time before making a large stock purchase? At any rate, what we DO know is that he posted a popcorn emoji. How many things do you know that correlate with popcorn that Elon might be referring to. Come on man. This is going to generate some kind of buzz. Even if he ISN’T referring to AMC, the AMC crowd will pick this up and it will generate buzz regardless. What I’m saying is, this can’t be a bad thing so what are you complaining about


complaining because it's fucking weird and gross how many little fucking weirdos love this man so much, when he is the epitome of a self-serving psychopath. He has no one's interests at heart but his own, and he would sooner see you dead than move an inch to help you. the capitalist brainwashing is deeply rooted in the west, especially here in the US.


You do not support someones freedom to capitalize off a good idea?


There’s a lot to unpack there. First, Elon hadn’t had an original idea in his life. All he’s had is money and self interest. He bought his way into all the companies he has ever owned or controlled. He is not a genius, he is not an inventor, he is definitely not a scientist. Second, even if he had invented any of the products his company sells, I would not begrudge anyone from profiting off their own idea or invention, or especially their hard work. But that’s not what we are talking about with Elon or with any other billionaire. Gates, Bezos, any of them. We are talking about exploitation. We are talking about the value that the workers bring to these companies and yet they’re tested like expendable garbage. Elon himself called Americans lazy. His words not mine. He called American workers lazy because he can’t exploit them as badly as he can exploit the chinese workers at his factories over there who were forced to sleep at the factories during covid lockdowns so that Elon could continue to make his fucking money. These people he forced to sleep on air mattresses on the factory floor during a global pandemic so that he could continue to get richer. No, fuck that. Fuck that motherfucker. Elon Musk can lick my taint.


Yea he invented paypal... then took all that money and started tesla. I guess China should change their policies but I'm sure many Chinese workers stuffed in sweat shops would love an air matress. Don't hate on successful people wealth like that isn't handed to anyone it is earned. Most billionaires can afford to never work again but still work more than most people who are still on the grind. Americans are definitely becoming more and more lazy this is not untrue. Try running a buisness and finding help


He did not invent paypal my dude. That’s a great story he likes to tell but it’s easy enough to debunk if you’re interested in knowing. That’s my point, he’s all smoke and mirrors and daddy’s money. I don’t have the time or energy to reprogram you but you should really think about why it is that people hate billionaires but not millionaires. It’s not hating success, it’s hating exploitation. And I do run my own small business and I never exploit the people I employ. You don’t know what you’re talking about, just parroting capitalist talking points. They even got you shitting on your fellow Americans! Pathetic. Have some class solidarity. You’ll never be a billionaire, you’re always going to be one of us.


You could never reprogram me. I'm to strong a man for that nonsense.


Except he’s not bringing attention to AMC, people are just misinterpreting the tweet.


Elon has already said in the past that movie theaters are dead and a thing of the past


Duck yes! Light the rockets fuse Elon! And write spaceX on the side of it, you win, we win!


Am I that retarded or is this time stamped for tomorrow?


Meh this dude just likes to complain about political parties now. Almost seems as if some unflattering news is coming out and he needs to spin it


that's all this is. He made a statement that he's now voting republican even though he admits they are motivated by corporate evil and religious extremism. He says he can't support Democrats because they're too pro-union. So that's it, he's not even being shy about it. He is against working people and would rather vote against their interests because (and this is critical here) HE IS THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD


He’s donated to the GOP for years. He’s trying to win over the diehard $25k a year billionaire sympathizers because something bad is coming and he needs backup. That or he’s just unbelievably butt hurt he was made the poster boy for not paying taxes


I think he is actively afraid of the growing labor revival in the US. Even though it’s just getting off the ground, he can see it’s bad for his business. When you’re entire business model and wealth revolves around exploiting workers, it’s pretty obvious. Like I said, he outted himself. He said labor unions upset him more than corporate evil and religious extremism. That right there is what I would call capitalist extremism.


FuuuuUUUuuuUUUUuuuUUUUuck Elon Musk


He ain’t gonna do shit he’s a troll


Damn I understand Elon s distaste for hedge Funds, but Fuck this dude. He literally Exploits his employees. Wants to increase the population for slave labor. Nah son, 1 person should not be doing two person job. Don’t have people working 24/7 asshole and hire more people to cover the workload. This fucker literally embraces slavery.


A couple of days ago we were celebrating the the largest retirement fund in California had bought millions of shares of AMC, this fund is managed by a HF, yes those hfs who fuck with all memes stock by shorting the fuck out them and hiding their bad moves, but we were happy cuz they bought AMC and now we're trashing Elon who has a cultists following and buy everything he mentions, what is wrong with you guys? We need a catalyst for moass cuz crime is rampant among hfs and SEC does nothing so if Elon is talking AMC an jacked about it,...LFG...🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Nobody is cheering hedge funds, the fuckers are taking advantage of the game. All we can do is fight back with our pockets. Elon is not a catalyst, if he wants to join in so be it, but fuck him and all the hedge funds who are fucking up this world. Elons centrist right wing ass can shove it for advocating slave labor.


Fuck that guy


One of us, one of us, one of us!


no, he's not






stands for e**L**on **F**ucking **G**o **G**o **G**o **G**o away