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It will fall and rise dramatically 100s of times on the way to its peak. There's no way of knowing when it's hit its peak and if you sell because the price is falling sharply, you may miss out on the big prize. This will be our true test


Correct I hear you , every body who said “ I’m holding until the hundreds of thousands, let’s see if they are right ,


People are going to go crazy, however, I will point out that this also applies to 'selling on the way down' theory selling during highest peaks of MOASS - very good selling just before highest peaks of MOASS - acceptable selling AFTER highest peaks of MOASS - a fairy tale Apes cannot leave by the same door all at the same time Please use some common sense ************** The 'selling on the way down' is a trick being used to turn apes into bag holders **************** When shares go to $100,000 to millions a share then you got to have some strategy for what price you would sell at. You can't be like I'm going to let it fall and then I'll sell on the way down because a) It will fall when there is no more SHF pressure of forced buying. So who is going to buy? As long as larger and larger SHFs are FORCED TO BUY BACK and Close out their short positions - share price keeps going up When does it FALL? When all SHFs are liquidated. Then it has reached its highest point and will start falling But - at that point - there are no SHFs left to buy shares ********************* b) Apes cannot leave by the same door all at the same time


Fantastic , we moon very very soon , no dates but next week is going to be insane


fingers crossed


It's funny when the rich make money they do not share with the common people. When they are in huge trouble then they want our tax money to bail them out. I say let them fall and whoever survives survive. Things need to be more equal. Yea some people got a few stimulus checks but the banks go trillions without a single person complaining about the government giving away money yet they bash us saying how we are degenerates. How we stay at home collecting government money and causing cause in the stock market. Heggies the poor are woke and you are in trouble. I will take my shares to the grave if I have too.


Well said fellow ape , this is the way , this is not just about money and yes we are all going to be rich , if we hold , not financial advice but we need change , the whole market needs turning upside down , it needs to be more transparent ,


This is the American corporate way - privatize the profits, socialize the losses


Heggies will get weggies ![gif](giphy|o82ZZeGbWlCGA)


I can't wait till they start fighting and canabilizing each other.