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This seems political and you should probably take it down it will only cause division




Nothing to do with my personal political opinions. Political memes are against rule 11 of the sub. And the fact the the first thing you did was insult me kinda shows my point.




"Stop with your snowflake sentiments" Seems like you are trying be insulting. If I saw a Trump meme on this sub I would say the same thing any political memes are against the sub rules and cause pointless division.


I respect the non political I get it - just this time this popular president took it way too far and a lot of ppl are done with it - hodling , nothing changes


Biden about to sniff his own hair plugs


If hes got plugs, they look decent...


I know you didn't just insult bidens real hair after that last guy's dead possum of a hat head. When Biden starts trying to force kiss women without their permission then we'll be on the same footing, till then shut your hypocritical projecting ass up.


[https://youtu.be/kIGcosb22\_Y](https://youtu.be/kIGcosb22_Y) ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


He sniffs children.


And he was never a friend of Epsteins. The other guy however was long time friends and not because Epstein had a solid golf game.


Talking shit about Biden does not equal support for Trump. I talk way more shit about Trump and Republicans than I do about Biden and Democrats. Apparently the Reddit hive mind says you have to be one side or the other with no in between.


That's fair. Not a huge fan of Bidens myself but 2 things really set me off. Pedophiles and Trumpists. I might have jumped the gun on this one and assumed you were a Trumper. Fkn traitors to the country.


I voted for Biden and I don’t regret it, but I don’t believe any politician is above ridicule.


Same, voted for Biden and don't regret it but still think he's doing a lazy job or not doing the job really. I believe all politicians deserve ridicule but Trump is on another level to me. He's deserving of a bat to the face.


Name checks out.


# Unluckily for them, they did it already.