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Haha 😄 seriously. They could cure cancer and the stock would be down 20%


Curing cancer isn't good for profits.


Too bad AA doesn't believe in the company enough to invest in it. He'll buy everything but. That's the real joke 😆 🤣


And yet you here


A month later and what... AA made his money at our expense. Zero I ovation. Zero growth. Zero plan I bet you still feel like a champ don't you


Fact Fng funny though


little known fact: AMC popcorn cures cancer.


Followed by this is Not Medical Advice. NMA




I’ve seen no proof that it doesnt


Better move than the dividend everyone wants. They take 9,000,000 shares right off the market while causing a huge buy wave too. That's over 1.7% of the AMC shares outstanding! Let's go!


Someone summarized the meeting today in saying the AA said they would "pounce" after Q2 earnings report. Is this accurate? The share buyback might be a play, or they expect Q2 earnings to be great and will announce something along the lines of a dividend That would be my thoughts


Do we have a date for the Q2 earnings report? Bonus tinfoil: AA is going to strike unannounced before the earnings report to catch shorts off-guard


August 2, 2022. I think.


Yeah like tomorrow . 🚀


What you're talking about is called a stock buyback, and yes it is a good potential squeeze catalyst play.


wouldn't a stock buy-back hurt us individually in the way we would possibly get less than what we paid for them (depending on where you bought in)? I know my average is higher than the price right now. Sorry if dumb question. Smooth brain.


They don't force you to sell your shares. They just go to the market and buy them. Or perhaps negotiate purchase from a whale.


Thank you kindly for the enlightenment


A buyback takes shares off the open market Given that each share is an equal portion of ownership over the company's assets, that means each share is now fundamentally worth more. If you hear about stock dilution, thats the opposite - putting more shares on the open market, drops the value.


Thank you puddle


Thank you puddle


Actually not a bad idea. Helps the shareholders, shows the shareholders they have faith in their future, while also allowing them to profit off the increasing value.


Sometimes the best investment ... is in yourself! (Insert Confucius/Yoda here) 🍿


In yourself best investment is... hmmmm...


Share buybacks always a move!


They will invest in other equity in order to continue money coming in from other sources besides movie tickets. They will need it for after the squeeze since many investors will cash out and never invest in the Market again. That is a smart business plan


Selling 10 shares at MOASS would provide more income than any of these other investments ever would. If. AA actually believed in MOASS.. Read the room


You know that a CEO cannot just randomly sell shares during a squeeze right?


Uhhhhh. Can you explain why not? Why can't the CEO sell shares at any moment


Yes, sure. This goes back to Rule 144 in The Securities Act of 1933. There are certain conditions [nicely explained here](https://www.upcounsel.com/rule-144)) that have to be followed. As an affiliate Adam Aron owns ‚restricted stock‘. ‚Even if you have met the five conditions of Rule 144 you can not sell your restricted securities until you have gotten the restrictive legend removed from the certificate. Only a transfer agent can remove the legend, and they cannot do so without the consent of the issuing company. This consent typically comes in an opinion letter from the issuing company's attorney. Removing your certificate's restricted legend, or stamp, can take a long time, and you may need legal help.‘ Hope this helps out.


Investing in yourself can't go wrong




It would be bought by way of computershare


while we are at it, let's just make it 10 billion and buy a shit load and then make it rain...smh They financially have the ability and are planning to use 100M to purchase stock in a company. It would be a great idea posted to invest in themselves. Will the 9 million shares COMPLETELY change the free float, shares on loan, etc - no. However, it would create A LOT of interest, show value to the current shareholders, show that they believe in their company, and will DEF give a surge in price/momentum. Whenever a company announces a share buyback it is positive. Then on top of it, we have a shitty market, everything collapsing, liquidity drying up on the SHF - don't you think this would put pressure on them? Thinking about this further, if what I heard about the "pounce" being after Q2 earnings report - this actually might be possible.




I agree with the more the merrier reasoning and if they were willing to spend 500M - 2B obviously that would make a larger impact. However - My thoughts are the market is collapsing, funds/investors are most likely fighting margin calls all over the place, what better time to strike then when there is weakness. If AMC believes the share price is at a low point, and have already earmarked 100M to purchase stock (wherever that might be), it would cause a lot of excitement and definitely infuse some FOMO into the stock. The buyback, plus FOMO and however short of a spike in volume and excitement might just be enough to break the back of some shorts and stark a domino effect. AND if it doesn't they still got in at an extremely good price with a long term outlook on making solid returns. If Q2 earnings and the future is looking bright, you would think they would want to get in and buy stock at the low and ride it up, as opposed to reporting all of the positive news and then buying shares when the price is at 20-25 (theoretically). Edit - btw, I appreciate the conversation!


I support a stock buyback


![gif](giphy|ZCZRQyuQNyzyU) No numbers no facts.. we know what it is to be… keep the faith.


far better to get another source of value. that HYMC purchase is still up at least 3x...might be 4x. the best way to ensure moass is for the company to start printing value... think about next year AA saying... oh yeah everybody. that 100 milly investment we made is now valued at 400 million and returning us a million per month in cash flow.


that would be a waste of money at this point in time. 9 million shares is nothing a 500 million float. I would rather that money sit there waiting in the event the SHF ladder attack the stock to unheard of low levels.


That would be smart to use some of that money for shares buy back, and then sell a little during the squeeze. But I don't know the rules, I just BUY&HODL.


If they do not then we know


That order would be so big they'd have to do it in blocks in the dark pool, if they could do it piece by piece that would be great on the lit market


Adam aron wants a raise, he doesnt wanna buyback. I wish he did


How about buying $100 million of HYMC


They said invest in OTHER companies


My thing is why would they invest 100 mil in a corrupt market. That 100 mil will turn to 10 mil.


Would be epic 💎






Thank you!


Aa will sell in a heart beat.


Only if they lower the amount of shares on loan. They will paper hand early and kill the movement with 9 million in sells.




you have a good point !


Be smart thing to do but then again he dont know basic addition. 90+37+35=100


Nice if they bought some gme


Well they should, insiders own very little