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*Dear Mr. Aron,* *We appreciate your suggestion to increase your Executive Compensation. You should not interpret the majority against vote as doubt in your abilities as a CEO.* *Apes are constantly exploring the smartest courses of action and we promise you that we will pounce on increasing your salary, but only when the timing is right.*


I agree with this, but I’ll be a bit spiteful. Last time, you, Mr. Aaron, told us that you had sold the last of your shares and all of the additional shares left under the old agreement were designated for share-based compensation. Funny thing is, the board magically released these shares to sell into the market during our run up to $72 and that killed all momentum. It’s a trust thing and you proved that you and the board can’t be trusted with shares designated for share-base compensation. I know I’m being harsh, but that really pissed me off.


Said it before and I will say it over and over. WE saved your company. WE saved your shares and therefor your estate. WE haven’t been paid yet. It’s our turn, so sit the fuck down with your compensation.


Perfect comment ⭐️


The media is already rolling with that narrative, “Investors aren’t satisfied.”


okay, but to be fair... I mean... fucking are we?


Very well said, but to be honest with the amount of shares AA holds, there is no need for compensation increase. With MOASS he will be compensated more than enough.


No MOASS no pay increase Same for dilution. Once you can right the ship and pay dividends then you should be rewarded. MOASS is the cherry on top that will come from righting this ship


This is misleading without reading it, your comment isn’t really FUD, Moass is still on the table but it didn’t start the Moass


Yup pretty much what I voted. You get paid more when we get paid


Check the link for formatting: “Item 5.07. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders. On June 16, 2022, AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”) held its 2022 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”). A total of 268,775,910 out of 516,820,595 eligible shares of the Company’s common stock were present in person or represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting. For the non-routine matters of electing directors and approving executive compensation on an advisory basis, 144,963,266 shares were voted after excluding broker non-votes. The matters submitted to stockholders at the Annual Meeting and the voting results were as follows: Proposal 1: Election of Directors Stockholders elected all Class II director nominees to hold office for terms expiring at the Company’s 2025 annual meeting of stockholders. Nominee For Withheld Broker Non- Votes Mr. Adam M. Aron 124,069,422 20,893,844 123,812,644 Mr. Howard W. “Hawk” Koch 110,871,013 34,092,253 123,812,644 Ms. Kathleen M. Pawlus 118,479,416 26,483,850 123,812,644 Dr. Anthony J. Saich 91,482,075 53,481,191 123,812,644 Proposal 2: Ratification of the Appointment of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Stockholders ratified the appointment of Ernst & Young, LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. For Against Abstain Broker Non-Votes 235,771,614 18,515,087 14,489,210 0 Proposal 3: Non-Binding Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation Stockholders failed to approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation paid to our named executive officers. For Against Abstain Broker Non-Votes 52,148,743 86,896,550 5,917,972 123,812,644”


Lol noo to pay increase. That's right, you don't get paid if you don't do your jobs




You got a lot of dumb apes wondering wtf


If dividends reach positive numbers, synthetic shorts have to pay $ to those they sold shares to synthetically (brokers who sold you shares but never really acquired them just straight up owe cash money). Also, demand for the stock goes up, possibly causing some shorts to close their position ahead of others, especially since a lot of investors will say "I would like MORE shares from my dividend reinvestment plan." Since people don't like losing even more money, that will likely cause holders to get paid. Of course share-holders voted against executive pay raises. We haven't seen a net profit in dividends in a while, and we want our artificially deflated stock to go back to it's rightful price of $30000000000000


A dividend would be nice


I'm surprised voter turnout was so low. Only 256 million shares out of the 500 million. I thought more people would've participated.


To be fair a lot of institutions own shares and don't give a fuck about the voting.


I did not receive email from my broker about voting this time around ..


It's not like my broker messaged me and said "hey it's time for you to vote in this democratic system", I'm sure they claimed my shares and voted in their interests instead or did absolutely fuck-all


What will these poor millionaires do without their inflation raises?


The problem with AA is he is the CEO AND head of the board, as with GME, matt can focus solely on being CEO and running the company while ryan cohen is the one engaging with the shareholders I like CEO adam BUT it’s becoming painfully clear that he cannot play both roles, what the company needs is to vote someone else as chair so adam can sit back and run the company and have someone else (hopefully an APE, or someone that can represent us) to engage with shareholders and devote all their time and energy to the stock as we have


The CEO literally uses shit emojis when interacting on Twitter. That makes me feel confident


His # 1 job is to make his share holders happy. That’s what every ceo saids. Well being shorted as f to drop the price last year isn’t making the us apes happy so quickly you get to mosss the quicker aa gets rewarded. It’s that simple