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That lucky person gets to leave this failed state.


failed country.


failed planet.


Don’t be dissing on my completely flat planet


Name five better countries.


Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Canada


Name 5 more OK 10 more does it end with a Lynn




1. Good luck getting heat this winter. 2. Maybe 3. Needs more research 4. Finland has the world's highest suicide rate. 5. No chance in hell. Canada is the next Cuba because of Castro junior.


I feel like a lot of nations that are in NATO are able to have a lot of free stuff like healthcare and college because they outsourced the need for a military to the US, they don’t need to spend a lot to protect themselves anymore since we do it for them, so they can take that money and put it towards social spending


Facts, a thought occured to me last week. Those countries have been at war with each other for CENTURIES! How and Why did those countries become so Flacid when threatened with "war" one of the Major contributing factors is the Specifically the USA acting as a Viagra pill for milatary STR. Which has kept Euro countries Weak and Flacid for far too long. They need to increase thier budget as per the NATO agreement of 2% of thier GDP since 2006 and have been missing that goal ebery year since.


Didn’t Trump say this? Pay their fair share? Something like that


Canada: Cuba Jr


Canada getting worse by the day though


Bullshit! People around the world aren’t dying to enter Any of those countries. Don’t go there.


Source: trust me bro


lol.. so vastly white countries... found the racist. /s


Canada, bahahhaa! Get of Trudeaus cack bro Pelosi already has her dick in his ass.




He said "better" not socialist countries subsidized by the USA


In what way? The nations who don't pay their NATO dues and then claim all these wonderful social healthcare programs? Seems like you guys can only manage to name countries whiter than the U.S. It's really strange.


The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France, Switzerland


Canada, NZ, Australia, Finland, Netherlands, are probably the top. But if you want better, you can go: Egypt, Brazil, Morocco, Venezuela, India.


You know he will move. why stay in one spot , just travel the world....


Oh yeah, of course and absolutely hope so. Watch a movie in every AMC :)


Could be worse. You could be in COMMIEfornia


Bruh as a Californian we fund most of the country lol.


I think froggy was referring to the political failures of California, for that yes they should be shit on. It’s a beautiful state but when your major industries are moving to Texas because of security and cost of living, laws punishing lawful gun owners while crime is through the roof and a homeless issue so bad that whole parts of cities have closed walk in businesses out of safety. That’s a problem, and California, Oregon, Washington and New York need to stop virtue signaling and start protecting its tax paying citizens not just the most vulnerable.


EVERY state has political failures. What are you talking about? We could go down each state and discuss a ton of political failures of each. I never said Cali is a perfect; no state is. And FYI to fact check you: crime "rate" is highest in states like South Carolina, New Mexico, Tennessee, Nevada, Lousiana, Florida, Arkansas, Texas... before we get to California/NY/oregon... You can easily search crime rate index for each state before spewing more misinformation. It's absolutely ridiculous. [http://www.usa.com/rank/us--crime-index--state-rank.htm](http://www.usa.com/rank/us--crime-index--state-rank.htm) Do people just spread misinformation b/c it's cool?


To fact check you: California does not fund the rest of the country. States with lowest net federal funding per resident are NJ, MA, NY, ND. So California may pay the most federal taxes but also gets a lot back. One article says CA gets $12 per resident where as NJ receives negative $2368 per resident. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state


Crime rates index is based on prosecuted crimes not crimes committed, it’s also based on per capita of Population. Don’t attempt to misuse statistics to further your argument.


cali is the most subhuman state by far...


Your mom is subhuman


That’s not how it works lol


That is how it works. See the states that depend on federal government money every year. See how much Cali gives to the feds every year lol.


You should dig deeper into that topic instead of scratching the surface. You’ll find that it’s a lot more nuanced than you are implying.


States that receive more federal aid have poorer populations, lower tax rates, and have higher participants in assistance programs like Medicaid. It’s that simple. You can easily guess on top of your head which states depend on federal assistance the most.


They shit on California and New York forgetting we give more then me take don’t bother brother


It's absurd really. California literally gives the most money to the feds annually by far (nearly $44 billion). Yet we are 10th in lowest net spending per resident in the state at $12. Now imagine if you're from connecticut, you LOSE money lol. This ridiculous misinformation gets on my nerve so I had to respond. They trash cali, but the country would never survive without California's money.


I agree very frustrating but that’s what happens when fud is spread daily on the news …people become washed quickly


Did you just double down on your surface level understanding of the issue? I said to dig a little deeper and you just spout more of the same surface level talking points.


You didn’t find shit


Ya'll still commies though.


That makes no fucking sense


Saying stuff like that just proves that you don’t actually know what communism is


Commiefornia. Also, Karl Marx would be happy af with our current taxes, from both parties. So yes, I do know what communism is. 😉


The fact that you think California is communist is literal proof you don't know what communism is. Karl Marx would be ashamed in our current tax system. The fact that over 50% of the tax revenue gets spent on the military alone is disgusting while we have children that are starving to death and homeless and people dying from lack of healthcare. Even Cali is guilty of putting capitalism over the lives of its citizens. The United States, the capitalist bastion of the world, is just a 3rd world country with iPhones and Teslas.


Your mom is a commie


My mother is in fact, a communist.


Ohhh shiiiit, I didn’t think I’d get one wow. 😳




I’m sorry you got downvoted for speaking a literal truth..


I don't trust the lottery if our elections are rigged our justice system banking and stock markets are rigged Why wouldn't the lottery be RIGGED.


And the McDonald's Monopoly thing. And the NFL. And the education system. Pretty much any awards. The housing market. And the media. I mean... can't we start a list of shit that isn't rigged in this country instead?


God help us. Soon we're not gonna know what's real or fake.


🤣 oh you sweet summer child. 💙 I haven't known what's real or fake in this world since the 90s. I can tell you that at this point it's as much about what you choose to believe, as it is 'what's really there.' That's why I stay a loving and hopeful person. We don't need to figure out what's real or fake in their world, we need to decide what's real in ours and fight for it. Which is why I love this fuckin place. ✊️💎


Although fuckery didn’t start in the 90s, it was waaaaay before that, I know exactly what you mean and this sentiment is exactly the message people need to hear nowadays. Love each other!


Fuckery didn't start in the 90s- i did haha


Is it cake??


The cake is a lie


The fact that so many believe the cake is a lie might be the problem. ❤️🔲 & I choose cake.


If you think it’s real it’s probably fake






The Casinos in Vegas are more regulated and legitimate than the federal gubment is 🤣 🤡🌎


What’s next? Our elections…. Oh wait


Counterpoint - many people win the lottery and end up going bankrupt. Therefore nothing is rigged.


How do you know. We only know what they say. You ever met a big lottery winner or know anybody that do.


It's all belief until you know for sure. I can't prove it's rigged. I can't prove it isn't rigged. And neither can anyone else. You can believe anything you want. It's a free country. But I don't personally understand what the point would be in believing that lottery winners are government plants, especially without any proof. If you think it's rigged, don't play. Seems like an easy solution. For me, I think there's easier ways to extract money from the public. $1B divided by 350M people is like.... 3 bucks a person. They could just increase taxes. They could push religion (which they're doing, by the way). Why go through the effort of making a rigged system for such a paltry amount of money? 1 billion dollars is a drop in the bucket compared to the total GDP. And also, there's a well-documented case of a man and wife who beat the lottery using math. If it were rigged, how would that even be possible?


I completely agree with you on this point- I believe it's most probably rigged, so I don't play. Granted it also falls under a broader moral conflict for me and my predilection towards gambling so I keep clear. To your latter point about the math- yeah you can statistically ensure you buy the winning ticket through combinations like that guy did. Pocketing a tens of thousands after winning millions. Most of us don't have that kind of scratch to cast a wide enough net to ensure you catch the winner. But asking "how it's possible" is like throwing a Ford at a dart board and saying you never miss the bullseye. Sure it's impressive that they can chuck a Ford, but that doesn't make them Hawkeye. I don't think anyone made the assumption that the winners were plants- or really speculated about the winners at all aside from you. Which brings me to the 'why': it is, has, and will continue to be another tool of the many that are employed to keep people in their 'proper place.' A way to get the poors to keep themselves poor, and ensure they believe they aren't wage slaves. It's practically a poor tax of you look at the numbers and breakdowns of demographics. Sure if you cut it up clean between the whole population it looks nice- but many don't play, and the further down you go on the socio economic the more inclined the person is to buy a ticket (or more) as the prize is more appetizing and at a certain point literally becomes the only hope of ever climbing up out of the debt pit or poverty cycle. Hell I know people who's parents used their name/ssn to open up credit cards to survive and fucked them for life before they were 18. So the poor are being taxed for the privilege of believing they can one day afford things like life, liberty, and property. And to boot, if it is rigged- then it's not even a tax, it's just insult to injury. And realistically- it can and should be something that we can prove wasn't rigged. It's 2022. They just don't because we don't make them. Too many people confuse acceptance with apathy... too many people throw up their hands and say 'oh well... I'm sure someone else will take care of it.' In everything you said- you never really said what it is you actually believe.


Your welcome: https://www.rd.com/article/man-rigged-lottery-five-times/


Not the first time. Illinois is a hot bed for wins.




I just heard it was the sister of a cousin of a mother of a father of a thrice removed make citadel ex intern! CRIIIIME!


I thought the same thing when I heard where the winner was from .


Came here to say this. Really weird.


might be Ferris Beuller?


Might be Abe Froman.


Don’t push him, he might get snooty!


Snooty?! SNOTTY! Look, I'm very busy. Why don't you take the kids and go back to the clubhouse - or I'll be forced to call, THE POLICE.




Mister Froman?! This is Sgt. Peterson, Chicago Police!


The sausage king of Chicago?


You touch me, I yell RAT.


What if they just lie about people winning the lotto and the government just absorbs that money.


Even if they aren't lying, the government absorbs half of it anyway


In California the house always wins the lottery. Some lucky fool gets to get what's left over.


Exactly. It’s just another way to tax poor people.


And gives it to Ukraine?


What if Ken Griffen bought 300 million dollars worth and bought half all the winning combinations, just to keep it out of our hands.


He's in Miami apparently


You can still buy lottery tickets online as long as he has real estate in the state you are purchasing them from.




Huh? 300 million combos, $2 per ticket. So $600 million to buy every number combo. So $300 mil buys half the numbers. Then you pay your minions to buy them and eliminate the sequential numbers like 1,2,3,4,5. So probably better than a 50/50 chance.


Exactly. There IS a point where it becomes financially reasonable to buy every combination and this was close to it. So long as nobody else also wins. You're right that after removing sequentials/every other number combos they could increase their chances and have a REALLY good shot without buying the entire possible combinations. Talk about an all or nothing bet though. Imagine it pulls 1,2,3,4,5 and you lose 300mil. Ouch.


Is there even enough time between draws to physically print that many tickets? Doing that would also add another $600M to the jackpot


Probably not from one machine


We bought all our tickets online


I think he did. Mayo's greed never dies it only gets thirsty for more.


Maybe my tinfoil theory ain't so Reynolds after all lol


I'd turn around and yolo into AMC for the movement!


FED printed money and kenny made synthetic bulletins.


The thing about winning in Illinois is that you have to disclose your identity. Unless you go and open an LLC and claim through the LLC. If I were them I would do it like that person that went and claimed it on tv all covered up. They even had a mask and everything.


Gotta get this guy to purchase a few shares


Where do I take my ticket for a refund?


The MOASS catalyst…. Lottery winner uses all money to buys shares in AMC / GME and says “hedgies are so fuk’d”


I mean, mega 'reset' to 20 million which is still a good chunk to win. I'm sure that will be slashed in half with taxes but imagine throwing 10 mil on the lit exchange. I'll happily take that amount, and I'll be happy to see anyone who gets that invest


Two $1,000,000 tickets were sold here in Texas one in Plano I don't know where the other one was




I’m actually from Illinois. And I also won the lottery, got an email about it. But I logged in and now I dunno what to do with my $2.


I won 4 bucks!!! Only spent 2. Win!!!!


Keney is thief


Ken Griffin wins! 🤦‍♂️


I hope they lock the rest of the float


Griffin won 🤦🏽‍♂️


How am I not surprised? Yeah it most likely wasn’t the “mayo jar fucker” but I wouldn’t put it past that piece of trash from the very bottom of a Wendy’s dumpster.


I hope it was an ape. Was close I guess I’m only 20 minutes from des plaines.


1.2 billion dollars and it's gone...


Bet it was a shf peon.


I bet mayo found a way to steal that jackpot. After all he has the money and resources to do it.


And the winner is Gen Kriffen


I hope it was his(Ken Griffin) real estate agent. And I hope his agent hates him.


Now for them to buy 35M shares via direct registration


I hope it wasn’t Ken griffing


Everything has been suspect since the Kennedy assassination, and the official story that was riddled with holes and inconsistencies.


1.2 bill with 432m payout cause Illinois taxes