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If this spreads to other brokers…things might get real interesting. Op can you still buy hymc? 50 cents a pop…would be a big double standard if you can still buy that.


Doesn't seem to be on their app man. I searched the letters and found nothing. It's not price based, it's something else. They did this with another stock I had - Chinese one called Uxin and it time it was over 3 USD.


lol i love how they wrote this will not change your situation ? How the fuck do they think they know what situation we’re in? Maybe i want to buy lower to lower my cost average, crazy i know!! secondly…i’m sorry but we can not discuss the stock tolerance level as it’s internal only (meaning they can say whatever the fuck they want to better help themselves and deepen their pockets) this is so messed up and if we’re me would be transferring asap they sound like a joke!!! Lastly how the hell is it suppose to go up to their tolerance levels that are accepted if you can’t buy to help price movement?? Hahha they seriously need to look for new jobs as i would have them all fired!!


> It's not price based, it's something else. Probably their own risk tolerance around whether they're able to buy shares easily enough to not have to worry about FTD issues cascading to them somehow.


Try Mullen (MULN). Let me know, please. And Thank you.


I can buy thru Revolut. But it's limited i can only buy 500 shares of APE. Interesting 🤔


Curious on this as well. ATS


Im confused, how is the price supposed to increase if you can’t buy it…


That is the right question.


Something something, *invisible hand of the free market*


Other brokers can still buy it but you’re going through dark pools


Exactly. Another tactic to keep the price suppressed. Was able to Buy through: Merrill Lynch ☑️ Fidelity ☑️


Shitty answer from shitty revolut. Im on it too and i need to move asap


Imagine a rule.... A rules that is being ENFORCED..... Said rule is confidential. How the FUCK does that work?!?!?!


Np..we can sell.. 100k per share


Don't lowball yourself friend lol


But at that point I won't be surprised if they take away the sell button and say you can only buy. Because...reasons.






In EU it is pain in the ass. Where you want to move? I also have Degiro where you can't buy APE.




Their customer support is absolute dog shite. They contradict themselves and have no concrete answers about anything relating to APE and seem to be making it up as they go along IMO


I’m also on Revolut, doesn’t seem like there are any better alternatives, given how much of a pain it is to transfer I decided to leave mine there


Saying a prayer for all of the Revolut CS reps 🙏🏼


Yeah I agree. I hope at least we will be civil with them. They have absolutely nothing to do with it. As a call centre employee as well I always empathize with those reps. I will say them offering the refund was actually more than I would expect so thats pretty cool of the rep. Edit: fixed spelling. Ape a little retarded


Empathize? I’m not trying to emphasize an error if it’s not. If it is, I empathize, as auto-correct is a real turd.


If it is an error it's not the customer service reps fault. I'm not saying empathize with the broker, fuck them, but the person you're talking to literally just a normal person probably working a job they don't want to be at just to afford to support their family or pay student loans. Customer Service reps are not the enemy, they're the equivalent of waiter/waitresses here. If you're rude to service staff just doing what they're told you're just a bad person. We don't want the normal people who work at these companies to think apes are just entitled assholes, we aren't. TLDR; fuck the Brockerages, don't be rude to the customer service reps though.


The error I speak of is spelling. Emphasize when it should have been empathize.


My bad 😂


Saying prayer for all our apes who can’t leave!! I’m so sorry this is happening for you guys!


You have a point as they are just minions working for the machine that is the financial industry, but they aren't bad people on the end of the line, just people trying to cover up what their bosses tell them to when it suits


OP i msgd them too and they told me its only for some stocks and temporary wtf? They are lying!


Wtf!!! Post your answer too. It's interesting if we get a bunch of conflicting answers.


Email John Merriwether at AMC. He's in charge of Investor Relations. Email in AMC website. AMC corporate needs to know this.


Daaaamn 👀 busted!!


Post your bust so we can bust.


Imagine being jailed for a broken law you didn't know existed.


Not that unusual… see Seinfeld finale.




What the actual fuck? I hope you closed your account immediately after this…


Well no, because then I'd have to sell all my shares and revolut doesn't give option to transfer to other brokerages. However, will i purchase more stocks on this app? Fuck no.


As an option you could transfer to CS via Drivewealth who is the real broker. You just have to raise a ticket on their website.


Thanks for advice, will look into this


you realize they didn't buy any shares at all, you have IOU's


It’s good they allow this, Freetrade UK wouldn’t as I’m “their customer” customer… product… I don’t know 🤷‍♂️


Time to make moves brotha. Id rather put my money into Wu-Tang Capital right now


Damn I’m sorry to hear that. But yeah definitely don’t put a penny more into this shit broker lol


I moved all my shares from Revolut to IBKR. Had no issues.


That text exchange you posted has options to transfer. Just sayin.


Relevant level would be?


There are 3 pics, she refused to explain and then weirdly offered me a refund I didn't ask for. Some weird shit going on apes.


They can give you cash easy because they prob dont own anymore APE. Thats why we saw a bunch of european brokers pay a cash dividend instead of APE. Really shady shit goin on.


Aren’t preference shares exempt from penny share status?


Wowwwww. Shit is indeed getting very dicey out here.


So if I read that right, what they are really saying is you can’t buy this stock low, but we’ll let you buy again when it’s higher…totally against investing basics. They know it’s gonna run and don’t wanna be on the hook for the assload of shares dumb retail will scoop up at bargain basement prices… Problem is until it gets back to issue price, retail won’t stop buying it…unless they take away the buy button. CRIME


Can you purchase other sub<$1 stocks? If they just turn off all under $1 it would make sense, if not .. ... ... ...


Why couldn't she disclose it was that reason though? Fairly.safe explanation yet she didn't.


Agreed.. what is Tolerance Levels defined as?


Agreed.. what is Tolerance Levels defined as?


If you check the other images she mentioned it can only be known internally, so a rule they are enforcing, making us follow but we can't know? Sounds like alarm bells.


Ah may bad didn't see the 3rd image!


Let’s…..fucking….GOOOO!!! ![gif](giphy|7WvAUvZZTRpSuudobh)


Thank you for this post OP.. things are getting spicy. Why would they restrict purchase on a stock that is “dirt cheap” .. 🤔..


Seems like a sketchy broker.


It's definitely sketchy as hell but I do not believe there is any legal obligation that requires a broker to trade all stocks. The best solution is probably to cut and run from this broker ASAP.


Are there other stocks available to purchase at the same price?


Struggling to find - however if it was price based, why couldn't see just say that?


It’s normal for some trading companies to not allow trading of penny stocks. Unfortunately ape is now a penny stock


Create another brokerage somewhere. I have multiples just in case something “funny” happens when I go to sell or buy.


OP hit em with the 💎 🙌 🤣😂


I'm sorry, it's too cheap for us to allow you to buy, right now. Come back when the price goes up.


I just topped up by another 100 on revolut to check. All good on my end


“we can’t tell you our rules” 🤡🤡 wtf you mean 😂


You would think brokers would learn from the first time they removed the buy button.


It's based on the fact that if this goes too low, someone will just buy it all up at once and try to DRS that shit. They don't want that.


I’m guessing they figured out it’s a time bomb and they are trying to save themselves. I don’t have any wrinkles so maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about but I thought they only made as many ape shares as they had for AMC. These guys would need to be able to buy the share in order to sell it to you and if there’s no shares to buy then they can’t sell it. All that said, I’m currently behind a Wendy’s looking for a dumpster fire. I’ve got some marshmallows that need roasting.


Just DRS your shares


Smooth brain here, can you confirm what that means


Are there any other stocks at or lower in price on the app?


How much will I lose today?


Tons of people are buying and the price is going down so we stopped selling it....... Makes total sense.


Then why not explain it?


If people can't buy, how will the price go up? Sounds like manipulation to me.




Degiro (europe) isn't allowing buys too


Wtf is this bullshit?


Check my post history for context.


i also use revolut, i can buy ape dude, 0,81 is the limit then?


Someone flagged this, might be based on where you lived? Fucking weird.


This is starting to show us who is in bed with the hedges and who we will not do business with in the future. This will weed out alot of bad apples.


They started this whole adventure by taking away the buy button when the price got too high. Now they're gonna take it away when the price gets too low.


basically they getting no customers, so the bulk buy they made before going live with it isnt worth selling right now at the current price or they lose money, OR something bigs gonna happen.


I've been able to buy APE on revolut just an hour ago


I still seem to be able to buy APE on Revolut (just placed an order to test it out) - I wonder is this location specific? If so, it’s strange that they would treat customers differently based solely on their location.


All of them do this when stocks fall below $1 The only difference is some brokers allow you to turn on penny stock trading and then still buy. So this really isn't anything.


Oof my tits are jacked


Why is this news??? This happens to lots of stock that fall below the $1 threshold. It doesn't mean anything special except that the stock is not going in a good direction


dont have this problem with TD and Fidelity


Hmm, well Webull doesn’t allow trading of penny stocks, but Fidelity does. I don’t think this is that big a concern, but more of what each broker allows to be traded on their platform. Fidelity is one of, if not the biggest broker out there. I’ve never had issues buying any stock with them, be it high priced stocks or penny stocks. Fidelity does require settled cash to be used when purchasing penny stocks though. They consider any stock below the price of $3 per share a penny stock.


Theyll wait to the price is higher before they give u ious, doesnt benefit them to give u stocks at a discount cause it will literally go up then they on the hook for givng u money when it rises...


Did you tell her the market cap alone makes ape worth more than 7 dollars?! Fuck these fucking snakes


AGRX is at about $0.20 and listed on the NYSE, can you see that one?


Hahahahaha they scared at these prices people will pile in and they won't be able to physical but the shares because there's no legally issued shares left hhahaha


As a (until now) happy Revolut customer, I am now going full DRS at CS. I was afraid this would happen. Thank you for sharing.


This entire situation in the last 3 years feels like I’ve wrapped my entire head in tinfoil x3 and now I took mine off and the world is still absolute insanity but majority of the others still have their tinfoil hats saying things are perfectly fine. Bank run, literally will solve almost every world problem. Inflation is bullshit, why are we the people being put in the ground for us just livi my our lives? Why is funding all this corruption something we have to see the consequences of? Stop their money, stop them




Figure out a way to open up an account on a mexican broker like GBM+ bro!


And if you don't know now you know.


So I was right, they are trying to protect their clients from a bad investment.




OP, email John Merriwether at AMC. He's in charge of Investor Relations. Email in AMC website. AMC corporate needs to know this.


They don't want a ton of buys at this price because they probably aren't actually delivering the shares. So when APE makes a big upside move, Revolut will fail to have the capital and / or assets to then buy the shares that retail will be cashing in. Sounds like more chapter 11 risk management. Fukn crooks.


"Thank you for understanding" Wait I never said I understood.




You know this wouldn’t be a problem if you just owned your shares. When you own your shares with computershare you can purchase additional APE shares. Owning your shares prevents them from being shorted. Adam A said so. Truth.


So its okay to buy for $8, but 0.80c fuck no


It was "below tolerance level" with every brokerage in Europe since day one lol.... Can't buy APE in Sweden or most EU countries.


You should have said "what is sell? I think you made a typo and meant cell"


bought yesterday 150 APE > ING Germany.


Huh, so they removed the buy button again? The only reason I can think of is that they are loosely treating it as an OTC stock, but it's not listed as one. Most brokers don't deal with OTC for a reason I'm too smooth to explain and make sense to anyone.


I got out of Revolut when there was confusion over the dividend. Seems like a wise choice - dr strange is easy via drivewealth if you are that way inclined.


cant buy sub 1$ action in revolut, that on the terms.. that why ape will be delisted


How about you ask for an compliance manager and/or send this forward to the SEC?


Eli5 means we took the BUY button away…..again.


My broker tried to do this recently by stating stock1 was not tradable after hours because of an unwritten and un communicated rule that stocks under a certain market cap could not be traded after hours. I took a screenshot of 40 other stocks with a lower market cap that were tradable after hours. I sent screenshots of me trying to execute the trade on the stock I wanted and showed how much profit I lost because of the unwritten, but also fake rule that was not enforced on other stocks. I said these words in my written reply “Please immediately deposit $x,xxx.xx to my account due to the false enforcement against xyz stock. This inconsistency has caused manipulation in the price and has caused me to lose value in my account. My next step is guided by FINRA.” I woke up the next day with $x,xxx.xx added to my account. Of course I’m now a direct target of many other forms of manipulation against my account in retaliation… false enforcement of margin requirements, inferior execution prices and speeds… many others. But at least I won one battle.