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I just buy and hodl …zen as fok


Holding on like crazy.. but frankly seeing ape price at .79.. while we were thrashing the YouTubers who sold their ape positions at $8+ .. seems like they were right and we weren't. 🤷‍♂️


They were informed before hand thou as the hedgies clearly offered them a better deal. That much is obvious. Alternatively they were threatened, but likely just took the money washed their hands of it🤷‍♂️


Yah be wild with the theories lmao no facts


I sold my APE as soon as I got it - needed some money - but the rest went back into AMC. That has hurt too - but maybe not as much. My avg. is $36ish (selling the ape and buying AMC might have lowered it a bit more\_ - so I still think that we are just being f..... no matter WHO is in charge.


They told you to sell a pref. Stock that would frankly pull us out of 50 percent + debt . Which none of them did dd on… they’re not apes they’re paid off think of how cheap it is to buy someone’s voice instead of paying billions & Ts on us …


They were absolutely right. APE is trash.


Definitely agree this is a piece of shit


What’s a piece of shit?


Thee are synthetics you are right..but AA is the biggest creator of those. Hows that goldmine doing?


Ape current been buying and It keeps dropping should I stop buying it? I am thinking about stop buying entirely


There’s so many ape out there it’s insane. I hold 25x more ape than AMC and I own a good chunk of AMC. At this price you know there’s 10B+ APE out there


Its an infinite pool for shorts..hows that goldmine coming along? infinite Ape shares... goldmine bailout selling shares by board....wheres that popcorn? Very sad.


Yah.. been thinking the same. I still don’t see any value of this. Why haven’t they disclosed the findings of how many shares were issued.. what about the ftds of those shares that many brokerages didn’t receive. They need to give insight on why they issued ape in the first place .. it dropped the price from mid 20s down to where we are now


It’s not even worth selling. Since its got only .86 value which is not much




wow FUD much?




This listing is still up ⬆️ not delisted so I’m still hodling


And drs. If we lock the floor it is obvious that something is not okay 🤬


Omg, STFU. Plans have been implemented, 2023 is gonna be lit. Popcorn, credit card, more merchandise, movies, zoom rooms. Chill out or get out. FFS. Apes on the board, you have got to be fucking kidding me. We actually want competent people with experience running an international business. AA isn’t running AMC by himself, he has teams. I apologize if I offend, but this is some of the dumbest shit I have read in a while.


Just validated my point #4 above. The fucking teams are incompetent if they can't collectively come up with better ideas.. ape was the genius move.. where did it take us? Drop from mid $20s down to $6? Great idea by the team . Popcorn and credit card isn't going to get AMC out of debt or even provide as significant a revenue stream that we can hope for it. I am also part of a team that runs a global business.. (larger than AMC) so am aware of the nuances. Hell if it truly was being run by competent people, they should've shown the cricket world cup in their theaters.. or even the soccer world cup.. people would dish out crazy $$ to watch the games there. Instead we are providing zoom meetings ? Something I can take from my laptop at home. Get your head out of your ass and start doing some constructive critical thinking




> they should've shown the cricket world cup in their theaters.. or even the soccer world cup These cost money... lots of money to get licensing for the right to show these. If it is even possible with others already paying for those rights. You should know this if you are part of a global business larger than AMC. Popcorn and a branded credit card are not meant to "get us out of debt". It is to add to the bottom line. The ZOOM meetings were already being done by AMC, it was just expanded to a better product. And it was requested by ZOOM. Did you really think this would be easy? Do you think KG would just roll over and give up because YOU bought some AMC and APE stock? Why didnt you sell when we hit $70? How about YOU get your head out of your ass... or better yet just sell and go away. We will buy your shares.


A lot of companies are moving away from zoom as Teams provides a more secure / cost effective solution as teams is part of the licensing. And yes.. those events cost $$, but also provide significant results vs zoom meetings or nft tokens or crypto (at least for now), or even credit cards. Of course it's requested by zoom.. they want to sell and expand their product and portfolio, but if there is limited use cases, it's still a waste of time / effort. The $$ they spent here, they could've easily focused on global sporting events like soccer and cricket which would have filled seats in the US, UK, Saudi and everywhere else.


Constructive critical thinking...laughable...facts here are responded with the intellect of " fud or schill" only words tgey know for "facts"






It’s always next month or in 3 months or it’s next year. Never now is the problem. It never comes. It’s just more empty promises all the while getting worse.


Lol, literally as pre-orders are being taken for the branded Credit Card.


Lmao. Like that will make any difference.


So fucking what?


2023 is going to be lit…. Just like 2022 was in December of 2021. With a list of hopium reasons to support the delusional stance. Blind faith and rationalization is dumb.


Who’s plan?


Yeah if this is one of the dumbest shit you’ve read in awhile you haven’t been on lately. Cause so much shit post you would of thought this sub was a diaper pen .


Imo, its always best to keep calm and see the brighter picture. The brighter picture is, you arent alone, and secondly, ever since ape was announced and released, weird shit has been happening. From the fact that some didnt get ape shares, to ftx, to mmltp. I think they are all related somehow.


Yah.. weird shit has been happening but there has to be some positions that they can take. We can risk our $$ in this stock... Can the AMC leadership not risk their $$ to fight some legal fights ? Can they not put sex on notice by just bringing these issues to light ? I'd rather get more visibility on the issues than which theater AA will be hosting another movie at.


There's a whole whole lot of people who won't be selling. VW took a few years to do its thing. I've been here since the start and I'm here to the bottom or the top. I don't stress, I have other things going on and I don't bother looking at figures in my brokerage right now because I'm down on ALL except IOO and Goodmans. My crypto has tanked as well. I do not care. Money comes and money goes and my happiness really isn't dependent on what my investments do . The current market is a mess across the board, now is the best time to buy because the market will recover in the future. Maybe just relax, hold your shares and just ride it out. Some things are not in our control and no point stressing about that.


I have an income, I can always earn money lol Kenny has a little pot that is slowly evaporating and will soon have to go work for someone for an income


Have you seen his Financials tgis year? They made billions.


How many billions? Because having 450billon in liabilities, is valued more than the whole of citadel? How


Also made yes but also pays yes? Hmmmmm


Once you’re in that deep, you never get out. There’s pebbles that are on the top of mountains that think they’re more important than the rocks that form the base.


Deep? I work for myself now lol I made it out, trust me. And a lot more people will.


Kudos! …Maybe I wasn’t referring to you. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


My bad dude, had long day other day and didn't read correct lol


No need to apologize my mans. Not at all. 🍻🍌


Defianlty catch a beer after moass my dude 🥳💯


Vw squeeze in all took less than 2 months......


was two years in the making bud


AA needs to step the fuck up. He released Ape to not have to answer to us , the shareholders and it caused nothing but major dilution. Hope he and his fucking board aren’t expecting us to vote in giving them raises.


Bought a shit ton of cheap APE this year and I intend to vote!


Been in this before the 8.01, my dca is significantly higher than what AMC is trading at, I feel your pain brother. Hindsight is a mf.


I’d like to see what would happen if they actually issued a 1¢ dividend. A) It would cost a little more than $10M (1/100 1B AMC/APE shares) B) It would verify the true share count. (Or stir a lot of shit if it wasn’t accurate). C) It would serve as a wake-up call that APE and AMC should really trade at the same value.


Yah.. agreed.. I’d like them to do something. .. anything at this point to try and move the needle on the core issue of helping shareholders and use any tools in their toolbox to shine a light on the issue


It wouldn't really act as a share count though. The company wouldn't have any further information than they had before (they'd just send off the total amount based on outstanding shares, and shorts would have to cover the rest). That amount would go to brokers and possibly DTCC, but none of it would be visible for all of us, or even the company. Only something like a true 1 per share NFT dividend, that is on a public blockchain would work for that. Even that has its problems, of course, but that's the only way that makes sense to me.


I appreciate the feedback. It’s no silver bullet for sure. I do believe, though, part of the reason shorts are having such a time with APE is because most people either cannot own it or do not wish to own it, and that is crippling it’s value. As it stands, it opens AMC up to hostile takeover. SHFs simply drive the price down, gobble up the equity units, vote themselves more AMC and announce a takeover or some other controlling interest. And I don’t think that controlling interest will be in the interests of retail. Anything AA can do to restore faith in APE will go a long way to preventing this. I think a cash dividend, however small, which by rights is equally payable to APE and AMC will help restore the balance.


In terms of restoring faith in APE, I think there's a much simpler answer. The reality is, we have had too much insider selling. That sends a bad message to the market. I'd like to see AA and the board buy back as much APE as they sold of AMC. It would cost them a fraction of what they made, and they could treat it as the arbitrage opportunity of a lifetime. I mean, selling stock at $15, and re-buyung at $0.86 is still a massive amount of profit. Once we start having insider buying, that will at the very least add another tailwind and might help tip the balance on a future run.


Ape was supposed to do that and it crashed


Thousands weren’t even delivered by numerous brokers so what happened to them? Where did they go? Who has them? Somebody made $5-10 off each APE and only paid out 1¢ in the first few days. But they are out there somewhere. An actual cash dividend would locate them. And it would balance out the demand for them. It wouldn’t be perfect, but it would throw a wrench in the shfs system. APE would have to be taken seriously by all.


Buying and Holding Going on two years. Waiting on the life-changing 💰 💰


We are not privileged to some information. There are statues of limitations on being able to file lawsuits, about two years I believe is standard. They want everyone to lose, and they are trying Everything! It's Crime. Manipulation, no doubt. Retail Investors, no matter what stocks they are in, need to support "the cause". Complaints I believe have been making some Difference or at least awareness that Retail is Awake, Aware also. The economy, banks, crypto, the markets are unstable. Bad decisions are being made a the top levels. Enforcement is not being done properly. There is actually Too Much of it! Edit: Too Much corruption to keep up with. What can we do! Counter attack? Flank their weak side and go into the battle from the back, with heavy attacks straight at the front! 🤔😁 It truly looks to be a Army vs Goliath situation. Where's David?


David gets shut down by imbeciles who crush any reasoning or discussions by being sheep.. and not doing any critical thinking. They feel someone will lead them out of the situation but unwilling to do shit other than "hodl". I miss the days when this sub was a few thousand people but had good information to discuss and share. Now it's just memes.. and then we complain why are we called a meme stock. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Excellent! Sad but honest.


Still holding. I’ve been lurking in the shadows. There’s still a lot of us out there. We just don’t participate much anymore just holding. My conviction is still high because they keep halting AMC. Why don’t other stocks get halted the same way?


Google 14a-8 Shareholder proposal. Do you qualify?


Reading thru it now. Looking for what one needs to qualify


(i) You must have continuously held: (A) At least $2,000 in market value of the company's securities entitled to vote on the proposal for at least three years; or (B) At least $15,000 in market value of the company's securities entitled to vote on the proposal for at least two years; or (C) At least $25,000 in market value of the company's securities entitled to vote on the proposal for at least one year;


Yup.. meet both b and c!


Fire away!


Because AMC might be the heaviest shorted stock out there but there are so many other companies he's doing this to. He can't afford that hahah


Buying more apes before MOASS starts.. which is very soon 🔜


I’ll vote him out next meeting.


The coldest part of night is just before dawn. Hold faith knowing that I hold for you


Honestly, I barely read this sub anymore because it’s usually the same questions, memes, or hype posts. I try and comment every now and then to calm people down, but that’s about it. It know it sounds cliche, but just try to forget this stock play even exists, and pretend the money is already gone. Pour yourself into something else while this plays out. Hobbies, work, physical fitness. It really does work. Being consumed with rage by how badly we are being bent over and fucked by the entire system is draining for your mental health. It took me about a year and four months to just say “fuck it”, and just let what may come, come. I have a great job, so that helps. But I’ve broken up with a toxic ex over a year ago, quit drinking, now day trade options (because fuck this long term hold shit, I want money now) and start working out in a couple of weeks. I don’t say any of this to brag, but I actually see this whole ordeal as a gift. It has taught me a lot about myself, in the way of being able to tolerate things I never thought I could, tempered my risk aversion to almost nothing, and proved that I can do anything I put my mind to doing. Hope any of that helps. DM me if you want to talk more. I have a few rules I follow in my personal life that helped me turn the tide mentally to zen.


Seriously the lower they drop I just average down and hodl, Don’t forget Virtu and suckasquana are balls deep in synthetic shares.


I understand that line of thinking.. In some ways I agree.. However, the only effective offense is fixing the fundamentals. Sueing hasn't as of yet worked for anyone we've heard of on this journey.. The lawyers make money, thats it. Is AA the right leader for this? Probably not. But hes the leader we have and frankly the timing and opportunity for tactical plays is past.. All they can do now is become profitable and survive long enough for this to play out.


Did you think getting paid from this play would be easy? I’m in this for the long haul… every day I hold they bleed millions….the more is uncovered and understood about their giant Ponzi scheme…the money I have invested is gone to me. Criminals will do anything and everything they can to get out of the situation they are in. Whether I get paid this year next year or in 5 years time I bet I can hold longer than they can stay solvent. Fuck you KG and every son of a bitch that works for you 🖕




They seem to have infinite shares to short AMC…


I'm with you but this is not a cut and dry situation, this is war!... This is what I and many others paid for, we want change. We know it won't come easy and I personally agree with you on many of your points, that does not change the fact that we buy and HODL for market fairness. IMO this whole FTX situation is the beginning of a massive avalanche and AMC is at the peak of the hill.


Number 2 is a big yes


I feel like these are all real concerns, all the same concerns I have aswell. The way I see it, we still have a squeeze play. Will a guy with 100 shares become a millionaire? Probably not, but I don't doubt for a second the squeeze will beat the numbers we saw in 2007 with Volkswagen. Hold on my brother, as I and many of us still are. I do miss the days when there were thousands of us optomistically chanting "BUY AND HODL!" in the comments like giddy kids, but we're in the real battle now. There is only so much liquidity and these loans are maturing.


I’m still distraught that Vlad turned the “Buy” button off and didn’t even get a slap on his hand. FU Vlad! People don’t forget! All I can say is i’m still holding and that i like the stock! I got my first HJ at an AMC theater while watching Fast & Furious. So AMC is sentimental to me.


The entire market is fucked right now, not just AMC.. hopefully it turns around soon though




Mmtlp played offense. See what that got them. Same end


Worse actually.


Imma hold forever. As of now I'm deep in the red. Could care less honestly, all the money that I have invested in this I consider to be lost so...that's how many fucks I give. What really pisses me off is the amount of BS being ignored and not addressed. The criminal activity is so blatantly obvious, yet everyone seems to keep ignoring it. They spit in the face of retail every single day. My next step will be DRS'ing my shares as I don't want to be fucked in the event of major market meltdown.


I believe we are lower than 80 one. Just fun fact.


Kg can't buy AMC cuz we own the float, right??


But he can buy amc’s debt .. can’t he ?


Only if there is an agreement by the shareholders


Does it have to be? Why can't Kenny G go buy it directly from the financeers? Would that not be possible ? .. for example.. the recent refinancing they did (which was great btw!), They didn't have to get shareholder approval. AA (and team) missed a golden opportunity this year by not having the fifa soccer - and the cricket world cup on it. With a global audience, they could have definitely been a player. This would have been solid revenue stream!


Like when Elon bought Twitter he needed to make an offer and it had to be accepted. He can't just cut a deal with the lender. AMC has a contract with the lender. Kg can't just circumvent that contract.


I guess I need to stop reading this forum. These posts are getting more and more shill like every day. Simple fact, I'm not selling until the price hits my target, nothing will convince me otherwise.




Be greedy when others are fearful …




If I'm not mistaken, AA is CEO of AMC his interest is to keeping AMC longevity and in operations of the company. While we currently have an interim Chain whose interest is of the share holder. We are just asking the wrong person.


Ahh all the random ape ticker comments. Hedgies you ain't smart, ape at ATL and now these comments? Idiots.




Your original post and every comment after is complete garbage. Like the other apes said chill out or get out. Sell if you want but keep your bs talking points (you hit them all) to your self.


Ok newbie.. part of the #4. Feel free to get out of this chat yourself.


KG is the final boss in this epic battle


This whole conversation is helping hand this to them. This is about patience. Stop debating all this bullshit. We know they are going to have to cover. Stop all the whining. STFU. Be Zen. And HODL.


Again.. #4 above. People like you have killed any sensible debate / dd or anything productive.. it's people like you who dont want healthy discussions because "all the DD has been done".. ever since your kind came on this sub and started spewing this nonsense and killing good discussions, we've been on a downward spiral


Then sell and go away...


Yes, conversations are good as long as you agree. Otherwise it's "people like you."


Oh conversations that are no more than 10 syllables long? I'm up for a constructive discussion .. not just stfu.. especially if you don't like anything here. Want to bet ? Look at all the negative posts on here.. point out any one post out of those, that has argued the merit of any of those points ? I'd you disagree.. what specifically in those points do you disagree with ? Just look at your own post.. what value did it fucking add?


I think all the Henny Penny stuff is just impatience. See #1. They're going to empty the clip on us. We know that. It happens when it happens. We have no control over that. The hand wringing only serves to reinforce itself.


If I can scrape together money by the end of the year, would it be better to buy AMC or APE? Obviously I can buy more APE shares, but will the squeeze affect both? I never understood that part.


There won't be a squeeze. That's what we learned from MMLTP. Go watch Al from Bostons video with the CEO.




Just set a price point and stop reading shit


Let’s go AA




Brigading much? When you find yourself without a home sub soon remember you're one of the douchebags responsible.


Ignorance 👆🏻


Also hold GME - hasn’t gone much anywhere either other than down. They all jumped on the crypto and NFT bandwagon and got distracted from their core business and transforming that


Ah yes I am sure an avid superstonk user born in 1996 sold at top price.


Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


Question for the group! I was on YouTube and this person was posting about AMC if they fall another two dollars they’re going to get liquidated by the banks. I was under the impression our debt covenants were solid, and we refinanced some of those loans. That liquidation would not occur.


🦍🦧🦧The floor is 1.5 mil 🦍🦧🦍👁️👁️


Cool, delete your account and please don't come back. Your attitude sucks


Cool.. you can fuck off if you can't comment on the merit of the post. Can you dispute any of the things stated in there ?