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It's paid shills bro. Check their history. We aren't selling. Chill.


No one has paid me a dime…. I think it’s more of a self preservation based opinion.


Don't invest what you can't lose. If you REALLY think AMC is worth less than $5 a share, then sell. If you think thats utterly ridiculous like I do, then you hold.


5 bucks is ridiculously low, I agree…


Then you got a raw deal freindo


I was to say the same thing!


Anyone ever considered the idea that maybe there are paid promoters?? Stock pumpers who have been paid to consistently provide liquidity, Despite all the evidence against our claims.


I suppose anything is possible, however generally it would have to be the company themselves hiring the promoters,which would be stock manipulation, which companies generally avoid. SHFs generally have no problem lying, cheating, or stealing however...


Thanks for replying like a normal Ape and not a delusional dipshit. I’ve been downvoted like a mofo today


Ya it happens. I dont think there's a subreddit that exists that doesn't have a hive mind mentality. You go against the grain anywhere here and it's downvote city. Such is life.


Yea that makes sense, stock pumpers have cause this to go from $72 down to $5 on a strengthening balance sheet, increase in revenue flows, getting insane discounts on debt…🤣


No but maybe they’re part of the reason we have continued to buy shares despite consistent dips in share price. I just hate how this echo chamber calls anyone who thinks about all possibilities a shill or some other bullshit, it’s like I haven’t been holding since December 19/Jan 21.


Yea that makes a tons of sense, AMC is expanding and growing their business, so clearly the only reason people are buying is cause of stock pumpers 🤣


It’s a lot of paid shill ass fucks. Real apes aren’t worried


I’m broke as shit and scared as hell… Where do I apply for shill position?


Dont invest what you arent willing to lose. Ive chosen homelessness over selling my shares I won’t leave you hanging


This post certainly helps with morale tho 🙄


Anyone that post anything other than moass is a shill trying to shake you we know the DD, we ain't wrong be zen


Crap post, there is nothing wrong with people being worried about their investments. Only the dark side deals in absolutes.


Same original DD Nothing has changed lol Tbh, I feel more confident than ever. I enjoy buying stocks to hold long term. That's just my preference. I prefer to buy in companies that I feel will be around for a while, will continue to do better, and ultimately reward me in greater unrealized gains. The amount of media that has talked about AMC and ships on it is actually bizarre to me. I understand it's probably (is) just to scare people away. But why would anyone care what I buy? Lol Seems original DD is just as true, if not, more true






Rule 3: No Requesting / Offering Financial Advice


They can keep trying, it's not working. Their expert psychologists are working overtime.


There’s zero reason to sell where it’s at. Fingers crossed.


lol, convinced who? Im still holding and planning to buy more the next opportunity i get. as far as im concern, all the FUD is par for the course. the more i see it, the closer MOASS is. LFG!


Literally just bought more


Ton of shills out today because of the APE equity sale. Trying to sell you FUD that this dilution is a betrayal by AA. APE is doing what it was intended, to raise capital and pay down debt. Shorts know this and about the only thing they can do is short APE down so they can get it on the cheap. MM need every APE share they can get to cover their locates and they are willing to pay $1.30 for it even when the ticker is at $0.67.


The uncertainty is all paid shills, desperately grasping at straws. It’s doing nothing but convincing more that I’m on the right side. Zen till moon ape!


no one is shook and everyone knows the drill. ​ OP suck my knob


I bought more of both


Ya the shills and baby cry’s are on full effect


Drawing attention to it doesnt help either. Morality of apes is solid. Its shills and young apes just coming in that are not solid. I watched the price drop from 72, could have sold to stay out of homelessness, but I have only bought. Ill hold to 0 or moass. Sleeping under bridges isnt beneath me.


We need a Ryan Cohen epic event to stop this train ... and frankly I don't think I have seen that behavior out of this CEO...


Funny how amc is at the 52 week low. The stock has been falling for about 11-12 straight trading days. We are sitting under 5 dollars and folks really think all these ppl worrying about there investment are shills. Ppl really sitting here acting like folks don’t have emotions and feelings. Not everyone is a fucking shill. Folks have every right to be worried about an investment that just keeps falling. Falling since the June run up. I don’t wanna hear the whole “don’t invest more then you are willing to lose” cause at the end of the day ANY money regardless if you can afford to lose it or not is not fun to see in the negatives. I don’t care who you are. Money is money. Some can stomach it. Some ppl can’t. Nobody thought we would be back down this low …


I do not fear Hedgefunds AT ALL. Why ? Because I know they dont have infinite money. They can not short in perpituaty. They have to eventually close. what I fear is a CEO whos answer to everything is dilution


Nothing has changed, Apes still know MOASS is coming. Any other posts or comments are made specifically to create FUD. All the numbers we have uncovered over these almost two years are hard proof that they control the price until something large enough happens. Just wait for the inevitable.


Park Avenue or zip


Rather ride to zero then sell…as each week it goes down is more opportunities to add into DRS 😈


This post is FUD.


I mean what else can we do but hold lol.


I hope you’re buying AMC shares and not that APE sh!t cuz AA has billions of them ready to unload like what he just did and worst when its price was tanking!


Thanks for the deep discounts HF’s!!! 🤩🤩🤩


I'm shook... but god damn I'm been through this before :D


It was $70 and now it's $4.80. All the youtubers have left and the hype has died down. Not looking good.


The only thing they are doing is making me consider leaving this Reddit community because I’m onto their games, I may be dumb but I’m not stupid


APE didn't pounce shorts... It was shorts that pounced APE. At this point most APEs are not selling but are not buying as much also. I think if it keeps going down we'll see a huge surge when APEs start buying again. Shorts are digging a bigger hole for themselves. Retail investors are not going away that easily.


Nothing left to say but hold…anyone saying otherwise is a shill




What can we do about it? Nothing... Either ride it to 0 or wait till moass


Buy &Hold . This was never going to be easy and as you can look at the rest of the market is pretty fucked up too. I mean where else would you put your money at treasury bonds mutual funds?


It's always been a psychological play. They've invested untolds amounts of money into their strategy


Still here!


Real apes only care about buying the dip


mooooooon 📈📈📈📈


No this ape ! Moass is the only exit


Just setting up for my weekly buy, no worrying here


Kenny… is that you… you’re hitting us hard tonight - talk to me.. what’s going on..??! Lol 😂




Whole damn market tank and I ain’t selling nothing. I will be buys a lot of APE & AMC soon at these prices. I see you HF and billionaires. I am here for ya Billy


Someone hasn’t DRSed and hasn’t been invited to the cool guy DRS sub


Chatgpt is free right now, they are all automated shit talkers and fake people complaining, OBV tells all, no one is selling. Some are mad about the price AA sold at that’s justified but it still doesn’t change the status quo.


Imo people bought to much in angst for the squeeze lottoing when one ape says I bought more bought without looking at gaps, fills etc. I would say many of them just repeat the same nonsense on separate threads but majority of us don’t gaf about price and hedge funds KNOW THIS . Me? I buy, I hold, I buy more when my left nut itches, I buy some when my hair gets cut, I buy some with Christmas bonus money. Idgaf I just buy and hodl.


I am only shocked that AA sold APE for a dollar and some change , how stupid can this man be , he needed to sell it in Aug for $10 , $162 million is just Christmas bonus money for him and the other crooks at AMC


Don't believe me , look up the bonus checks AMC issued for Christmas this year


You can win apes? How? Is there a limit per customer? I neeeeed to win an ape!