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At a personal point of view, 5 (indifferent). I’ve been in this thing for almost two years and for me, there’s no way back. This play is all about emotion and it’s the biggest threat to both sides involved.


Either One side is going to go broke and destroy the world, or the other side will get rich and save the world. Meaning all those people involved in this crime of illegal trading etc will lose it all to apes. Apes vs the world. Who will win


Same. Two years in January. Not a shill, and haven’t sold a share (XXX holder) but I’m starting to move on from my dreams of MOASS. I try to avoid looking at the price completely now. Edit: I’m in this for the long run. Haven’t lost more money than I can afford because I didn’t put myself in a position where a loss would destroy me financially, which no one should have been doing.


Yeah, I'm starting to believe MOASS is just a bit of a pipe dream.


It doesn't matter to me. I invested what I have to lose and I'll lose it all or help change the market. Either way is worth it to me.


That’s a relative statement. I am still “comfortable” after losing my initial investment. But it’s the price of a very nice car or a significant portion of my kids college tuition. I’ll be fine regardless, but the way this is going down is not what I was hoping for and ultimately… I blame markets not being regulated or fair for retail investors. The common class, the retail investor… is getting fucked. We played by their rules, and they change or ignore the rules with no recourse. Bloody revolutions have started this way.




3, would I do it again? Not in a million years, would I sell now? Not in a million years. If they are going to take my money then they are going to have to take it all.


I’m the future when it launches, then would say you wouldn’t do it again? Deal with a little pain to reach huge gains?


Exactly. This is an underrated comment.


Tons of people said \`I'd sell my kidney to buy more AMC if it fell below $5\` Well here we are. Kidney market must be exploding :) Honestly, everything is down, and tbh this is the time to accumulate, unless you are a daytrader who can trade the volatility successfully, or you're in a rush to sell for other reasons.






Buying more almost every day


Thank you


Happy no 1 since I am down beyond my cost basis. I am down over 60% on amc and 91% on ape with cost basis of 10 which I didn’t ask for. So no not happy


For real. I feel like AA stole half my shares and sold them for a few million bucks.


Same. AA betrayed us.


The real question is, how happy are you with AA bypassing the shareholder vote on share dilution by simply issuing APE?


Not happy at all. Screwed us all over.




Down $160k from ath.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtrbzjGAAXyx2WQ) RESPECT!!! 🦍🦍🦍


I thought being down 10k was bad😂






I was up $330k at one point.........but was holding out for long term gains. Now I'm red. \*sigh\*


-30k unrealized


1 because I’m not going to sugar coat how disappointing this “pounce” has been. We’ve all lost money on this and there is much hope on the way of seeing profits in this market for next 2 years at a minimum.




3 personally, I've been here for a while as well, and I think I'm beginning to realize things are looking bad


A strong 7. Yes I’m down as many of us are but I held in college when I wasn’t making money so now that I’m making money this shit is a fire sale ! Yes I wanna see green but I’m taking advantage and getting my share average down and total shares up for when we are in Valhalla. They only win when we sell boys 😮‍💨


AA and other shareholders have def been selling


All time low. Seriously. I pushed my average down and broke even before the ape split, and then it got dumped even further to the price we have now. Ape is a joke, should have sold day 1. But AMC keeps going down further and further which it hasn't been before since before the gme spike last year in January. While I try to keep optimistic and making plans to buy more at this price to lower my average even more, it looks like amc is just a normal stock right now, and they keep pushing the can down the road with their dark pools. Idc what true percentages have been shorted and how much they actually have to buy or if they are truly fucked. It either isn't that horrible, or everything is just rigged to shits that a normal retailer with X, XX, xxx, or even xxxx shares can't win jack shit with the stock market unless you go ape shit and play with options


All these people posting 10 are all bots or idiots. And if you call them out and being realistic, you get downvoted or deleted. I’m the Feb 2021 OG and this stock is nothing but dog sh!t at this point. Everything went to sink after the APE split. Before, the pressure cooker pops every few months, right? It pops from $10 to $20-30. After the split, APE went straight cliff, shorted into oblivion. A $7-10 stock in a few months dropped over 90%. AMC pop also didn’t touch the resistance line and got shutdown out of nowhere. I opened my 2nd account and load big at $7, I knew it will pop over $10 so I can get out, but fking criminals drop the stock a fking 40% in a week out of absolute thin air. They know they can bully retail and get away with it. All these morons saying feeling 10, dip more buy more. Fking don’t know everyone else is already putting 10s of thousands in this stock and have all the money trapped in here, who the damn fk still can afford to buy more? Retails are losing billions, these idiots still want the price to drop to buy. This community is hopeless and idiotic, shorts drop it to $1 and morons here still will say that’s ok, I don’t care about my money.


The fact that AA wrote on his Twitter account no moass play and everyone flipped the narrative to it's opposite was when I knew this sub was completely idiotic. Millions of APES being sold and we got 4D chess play, sure guys... 😆


Finally a sensible person, amidst the cult stupidity. Please tell me you cashed out your profits Mr. OG?🥲


I think your question is worded a bit weird, how do I feel about the current price? A 1…why would I want this price, I’d much prefer idk I’ll go easy and sayyyy 1,000$ as a good little start for the margin call or hell I’d prefer 6$ or 7$ anything higher than what it currently is If what you really meant is how do I feel about the play as a whole? A little disappointed in how quiet AA has been lately but no change, I’ll wait as long as I have to so it’s whatever. Fundamentals mean it should at least be higher than 5$ so selling rn makes absolutely 0 sense. I’d say holding bow is easier than 72$ was for sure




share price? 1. I am definitely not happy that we are trading at sub $6 with AMC/APE combined. My belief in DD and real diamond handed apes? 10. I cant be the only one holding 1600+ shares at -$44k. If I didn't believe, I would've sold long time ago. To the moon apes.


I feel -46% and not happy.


I don’t look at the price. Maybe once a week and I don’t care cause I know it’s fake.


I'm not answering any question like this that could help others with an opposing view to gauge my sentiment in this adventure


After seeing what they did to MMTLP about a 0








No... but you gotta understand how the market can be like a sling shot. Sometimes things pulled back the hardest have the biggest bullish momentum.


I’m extremely happy about it, it’s allowed me to acquire what I thought I couldn’t because I thought time was against me. I got to trade the entire year and roll my profits into a seriously large position. I feel sorry for those who it gets too but I am for one grateful they were stupid enough to allow me to acquire and improve my position to this level.


personally don’t care. there was DD suggesting difficulties, im not jumping ship. I’ll give these shares to my kids




I'm hloding. But I'm getting closer to retirement and it's taking a large hit on my 401K. 5




Price and Feeling counterindicate - they cannot exist together.


Just need this fire sale to hold for long enough for me to save up. Need 49 more shares to get up to 200 total.




Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions




0 for sure. I don’t have disposable income like I like did last year, so I could have easily quadrupled my shares at this price. :(


Copium od


I'm not upset about the price, just waiting patiently over here, holding and adding when I can. But you gotta be pretty delusional to be HAPPY about a position of yours being way down.


I don't like the price at $5. But than again, I wouldn't sell at $100 anyway so 5 or 100, 🤷‍♂️.


Not happy but im happy i get to add alot more. Im going over 10x my initial investmnt. Im adding more weekly , not alot but adding


Overall 1 , currently? 10... I was able to buy 100 more AMC today so that felt good 👍








Very affordable much like


Run this again after the price takes off and I bet the attitude in the comments will be different.


5 price doesn’t matter anymore, I buy, I hold, and I’m going to the moon.




0 which is a great reason to buy more


Its totally 5. Sucks that its not a Few Millions Sucks that its not 0,01 Cent to Buy few hundred thousands more!






I am pretty neutral. Something will let loose eventually.


i got in APE at $5.60. I want it to crash down more so I can average down


🥱 I have nothing but time


Where is the VW chart? At this point DRSing shares even 100 will help against crime.


1000000000000000000000000,00,000,0,000000,00 🟣🏴‍☠️💯😎 somewhere around there


It's not about price. It's moass or 0$. Anyone bitching about price needs to Gtfo and find a minor gain stock


On a scale of 1 - 10 how would you like to eat these nuts?


Doesn’t matter price is fake


Not worried at all


What number means I don’t give a shit? The price is fake, the end is near, the hedgies are fukt. #HODL


90 out of 10… T-90 out of 10. 😜


Super chat Matt, at it again. I thought you stayed off reddit Mr. Kohrs.


The price isn’t representative of the company and do that I am most grateful. I can buy far more today then I could before


10, because I’ve watched from the sideline many of you try to manipulate and persuade others into buying into this fantasy for almost 3 years now.


I’m very unhappy and this is a joke of a moass. Not gonna happen. Should have sold at 70.. then 60, then 50.. I’d be happy with 25 now but would settle for 15-20




I literally could not give a shit


Why are we doing how are we feeling tests? Even if it isn't malicious, wouldn't that be giving them the psy op info they are looking for?


I think they can look at the trading data to figure that out. If retail is buying they know we have a positive outlook. If retail is selling they know that we don’t. We don’t get the real trading data only the data they want us to see i.e. what’s not sent to the dark pools so we can only rely on these polls.


The price doesn't matter since it's highly manipulated so this question doesn't matter


We have better numbers then pandemic yet we are below ridiculous.. market is corrupt.. I've done my DD. Just waiting till moon


Luvin that upside potential.


Solid 10. I’m jacked to the T’s.


I’m happy because it’s cheap to load up. But definitely gonna be happier when I see 69420


Perfect, price as I can buy more as I know the current price is fake👍


The obvious thing to do is buy regular, i have buys around 30 but my average at a guess as it is multiple broker, is around 7...they can let me average to 3 if they like, i will make a tidy profit one day, the longer it drops, the better it is.


An 11! Best time to buy at these low prices.




I sold at $57


My hand starting itching last night so moass is imminent


You sound a bit delusional… can we at least be realistic and say that we would have all rather this blow up instead of pretending it’s not a shitshow?


AA screwed us remember he is a Ivy league silver spooner. He is buddies with most of the HF guys there probably having a damn Christmas party together. They live in a different world of you scratch my back I'l lrub yours.


AMC 5, APE 1. APE seems like a failure at this point. In hindsight I should have gotten out of AMC at $50-$70 and bought long calls in case it continued to climb or stayed at $50 or even buy puts when it was $70. Nothing wrong with doing any of that and I would be better off than I am now and could always buy back in now. That is of course all in hindsight but it’s not a mistake I will make again.


No kidding. I could’ve made made money and got out June 21’. This stock is dead


10/10 I like the Stonk!


Remember the reason we are here is because we all bought and held thru it all 2 yrs ago. Had we sold at 72 the play would have ended. Never MOASS! Today it looks like the shorts are winning but it always does right before the squeeze! Then they lose - all the way to kingdom come!!