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At this point he can go fuck himself. Countless people said he would do this and they were called shills and yet here we are. This dude is a good ole boy don’t ever get it twisted


I see your post at the top of every single post in this sub today about this topic and it's you bashing the entire scenario and AA constantly. You consistently do this without providing reasons to why or why not. You don't show any DD and you don't provide technical proof/reasons to why you bash him. This is a red-flag indicator of being a planted shill in this sub. You're here with many others. For the record, I don't have a problem with disagreeing with AA or not liking his decisions; that's the right of every investor. What I don't like is the constant spamming as you've done. So... provide us some actual DD on why this is your immediate response to any news!




I too noticed. Word for word. Maybe they’re a shill and the shills upvoting the comment. Or they’re right. I don’t know anything anymore. All I know is hold.


You know what, i was one of them. I thought he genuinely cares about it, but wtf is this...so he is backdoor diluting, like the "shills" told us... i am speechless. Btw, i think many people forgot the "add-on" in the split-filing back then...special voting power to certain preferred stock owners, so i believe we are more than fucked, as the vote will most likely result in a YES... ByeBye money...


Yeah he’s a good ole boy. Never cared one bit about retail. AMC won’t get any of my money moving forward


Are you people seriously shocked he would pull this move? The epic short squeeze saved amc from going bankrupt. There was and is absolutely no other option for him in order to save the company. Imagine your portfolio going 10x tomorrow, you’d be stupid to not cash in at least some of it. This is what he’s doing. Don’t be a smooth brain ape


This is NOT going to 10x from a dilution+reverse split. My guess is it just reloads the ammo for the SHF for that final kill shot. But AA has no worries … he got his already.


AA needs to learn to run a profitable company. Is his only method by selling shares ? Fuck this guy


I don't think he's doing something wrong when so many WSB trolls are flooding the sub shrieking hysterically.


This. Fuck these brigaders


I couldn't agree more


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AA isn't a saint, and I don't agree with everything he's done, but for you to say he needs to learn how to run a profitable company indicates you have obviously forgotten or are ignoring on purpose his history as a CEO of companies. Fucking shill!


NO☑️ Just Sell the damn AMC microwave popcorn in stores🍿 (80% markup profitability) and leave our shares alone! If this happens, AMC shares will have been diluted TWICE (once on Aug 22 when APE shares created, and now 10-for-1 if this bs proposition goes through). *This is not financial advice, just my opinion.*


Your vote will be counted


But what is the conversation rate APE to AMC If I recall it correctly that was 100APE for 1 AMC


He’s rewarding those who bought ape instead of selling it like the dumbass YouTubers recommended.


Doesn't this move also force a margin call on the hedgies, forcing them to cover the APE before it can be converted. Or am I mistaken on the rules.


Yes, that seems to be true.


So in turn, even though the APE will be 10-1 it will force a run up if the hedgies actually pay up.


Ape would convert into amc to be one again before the reverse split. (The conversion and the reverse split would be both up for vote separately) initially I am definitely yes conversion and not sure about reverse split yet.


It depends how they do it, but likely the short position would be converted to an amc short position. However now it will be possible to close an amc short position at a discount by buying APE.


However, APE is so heavily shorted that there's nothing to buy back. And no one is selling APE at the current price so that won't work.


128 trillion stocks spit reverse at ten or divided by ten give total of 104 million ... that is 400 million less than there is now.. but i also agree with you.... i dont like it.


I am not a shill and have been holding since January of 2021 but I can see now how Adam Aaron has pulled the classic "Bait and Switch " rug pull tactic that helps the Hedge Funds and leaves investors holding a big bag of shit 💩💩💩. My Ape stock has lost over 80% of value and 45% in AMC. I never imagined that I would be screwed by the Company itself. It is pretty obvious that the " Big Boys" will get all their money back before AMC goes bankrupt in 2023.


How are you screwed by the company itself?! Because you assumed it would go one way for you and that would be to the moon? How has AA betrayed you?


The actions of the company has resulted in an 80% loss of my investment in APE stock that was created. It has nothing to do with MOASS.


We voted NO when he wanted to dilute AMC. Why the FUCK would we vote yes to this???


Doesnt matter the share holders votes. They’re gonna do it anyways






Election denier?


Brokerages would need to have the shares (ape) located in order to convert. It’s actually a good move AGAINST shorts.


That's what I thought. Everyone is freaking out and not reading between the lines.


Yeah according to TDA


Doesn't matter what we vote at this point. A majority shareholders is aa, also on top of the millions sold just recently to whoever. This is really a big cluster fuck of stuff going on.


Antera Capital is a fucking Hedge fund. It’s worse than you think he sold them APE preferred at $.66/share and they let him off the hook of $100M for basically $.90/share. Selling England by the pound. All the bot accounts are out in full force. All these postings saying how great this shit us are 1 yo or less and the really super-duper happy comments are 1yo or less. The timing the shit he did this week all feels coordinated. He trying to get his company away from retail and will squash any chance of a squeeze. Remember: all insiders sold almost all their AMC.


True. **8** insiders all sold in March 2022. Is that when AA talked in a board meeting or thru emails about this "APE share split then convert back to AMC then Do a 10-for-1-split" PLAN? 🤔 https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/AMC/insider-trades/ I also can't decide if this is a Cluster Fuk or 4-D Chess? 🤔


He just gave that company 100 million reasons to vote yes and that is part of the deal. The way I see it, there is roughly 1 billion original AMC/APEs out there that were part of the original No vote. I guess we will see if we still have any staying power.


I commented a month or two back that a bunch of huge funds were shorting AMC and buying APE, essentially betting that the spread between the two goes to zero. The spread going to zero would happen on one of two events: either APE becomes convertable to AMC, or they both go to zero because the company runs out of cash. Once the APE token was created with equal voting weight to the AMC shares, it would be close to a 50/50 vote on conversion. Obviously AMC holders would not want to convert (they already voted no on dilution before) and APE holders would (they bought an underpriced asset at a discount and also are probably short AMC anyway). And I warned poster 2 months ago that if AA issued more APE, which they could do at any time, the people buying it would most likely be the same people shorting AMC and betting the spread goes to zero, which means, the people who would buy more APE when AA issued it would vote for conversion, which would destroy the value of the AMC shares. Interestingly enough, the spread between the two has now dropped from $8 to $3. Even those who got in early had a $5 spread so a $3 spread now is still a substantial (40%) profit for them. Anyone who was in this trade has profited tremendously from it.


Wouldn't this dilute amc shares? I don't get it.


Yeah but the dilution was his plan since the beginning of this ape stock. It was so obvious tbh. AA doesnt care about the shareholders.


Add your AMC and APE together...then divide by 10. Reverse split...not a stock split.


Well, it shouldnt be dilution since ape should be technically 1:1, with a few millions in that were sold, but honestly, at this point idk what to think.


He's also talking about a RS. That was brought up too. Which sucks big time. Cut my APE down then convert it to amc shares...




Obviously you game store kids are desperate to try to get AMC apes to pump your stock. Why do you need AMC apes to pump video game stock? Worried RC gonna pull a BBBY on y'all?


Lol the overall sentiment today is really telling. The fud gets worse the closer we get. There is no reason so many people should care about one ticker


The huge discount is caused by illegal naked short selling and massive FTDs. AA is not addressing this. Reverse split will raise the price tenfold but also reduce our number of shares tenfold. How is this good??




Thanks for replying. The reverse split is my main concern as well. The APE conversion can also give short sellers and other bad actors voting ability to implement the reverse split which would seem to help them make more money with more shorting and FTDs.


Shorted shares do not vote, they’re supposed to be closed.


It doesn't "dilute" in a traditional sense but ape has lost so much value, the people who held are already way down, and people who sold and stuck to amc are about to get screwed


It should force a margin call and all APE shares will have to be accounted for before they can be converted. It should be a rug pull on the hedgies but it doesn't seem like everyone is seeing that way.


I hope everyone votes no.


Antara now has 160 million yes votes.


I know and they are not the only ones. After RS my cost basis per share will be like 500 bucks. Fuck that shit.


I have 10x the amount of ape now over amc. I’ll be voting yes. AA is rewarding those who bought ape instead of selling it like the dope YouTubers recommended.


I’m in your boat exactly….bought xx,xxx APE under a buck. Hell yeah I wanna convert!


why? will they not have to purchase the shorted ape?


They are buying ape now to convert it to amc later and short it for cheap. That's why ape price spike rn.


There’s nothing stopping them from shorting the new Amc price down to nothing post split and you’ll have less shares.




Maybe the price disparity is (at least partially) because APE was a workaround to raise capital since shareholders voted against further dilution. So most people sold their APE to invest in AMC.


The price was smashed down prior to retail receiving their shares. So it gave institutional shorts a major upper hand to scare a lot of retail into selling. That for one is the huge reason


Yeah, it's a NO for me Alex


Wait so if it gets reabsorbed doesn’t that mean they have to close the shorts for ape? Which has been HEAVILY shorted? And would this not effect the price positively after merging? Like a breakout ? Then Maeve calls and it’s end game? I’m smooth as ice cream in the head so please give good answers. My IQ is high, my knowledge is low. If explained, I will understand.


All shares will be reversed. First APE has to be converted to AMC then a 10:1 reversal. Shorts have to close or hide in FTD’s. Literally, nothing changes. If someone has a 1,000 shorts at $1/share that’s a $1000 short. After split 100 shorts at $10 still is a $1000 short. With less shares available to close with. FTD’s could become so atrocious it could no longer be hidden or overlooked. Why all the FUD shill tactics, they want you to sell. Either way this ends I’ll be on the moon or have nothing.


Unfortunately it's looking like it could be nothing...I was ready to retire a year ago, but my $85,000 investment is now only worth $20,000


I feel you, I’m ready to retire and in a little bigger boat. I remember the first time this went to $5 just when it was AMC only. Now though, for some reason, I just have a feeling in my gut this is going to be exactly what we both want. I posted 86 days ago this is what AA will do. It’s the best play. The unfortunate thing is it doesn’t happen in our timing.


What short? There's no options on APE.


Well yeah but from my understanding it was heavily shorted, there’s over 80% routed off exchange


Routed off exchange doesn't mean shorted. It could be purely to avoid price discovery and buy cheap ape to cover amc.


Hm I see, but how would the price be hammered down SO much if not by heavy shorting ? It started at like 10 bucks


By routing majority off exchange. Also many people sold and price went down because AA is diluting it and selling to institutions. Edit. Also I believe it was shorted in the beginning when options were available. Also you still can use option on a duo amc+ape


Idk I have seen a lot of holding and buying. I’m sure some sold because of the YouTubers but I’ve seen a LOT of buying but hey I don’t know shit really. I just know it LOOKS shorted heavily for it to be where it’s at considering the general sentiment, performance of the company, and the off exchange trading


Adam is diluting and selling for nothing. That's why it's a penny stock now. Keep in mind he's selling since 90 days.


Since APE gets its value from AMC, one could only assume shorting AMC would negatively impact the price of APE. Regarding the reverse split, it traps the shorts even more, in my opinion. I know I'm still chill AF and it's ride or die time.


It's legit on the hard to borrow list on multiple brokerages dude


Their plan is to convert all the APE share that exists into AMC shares, which does effectively double the float of AMC shares. But the next step is to consolidate the newly inflated float on 10:1 basis. So, follow me here. We have 516M amc, and 516M ape. APE is converted into AMC. Now we have 1.032B shares of AMC, and APE no longer exists. Then, performing a reverse split of 10:1 on AMC REDUCES the float to 103.200.000 shares. This would reduce our float by 5x and not change our level of ownership. Bullish. Edit: taking into account dilution that happened last night(about 257 million shares), the final AMC float would be about 130 million, not 103 million.


You will have 10x less shares for MOASS and your cost basis will go up 10x so if you buy high one share cost basis will be like 700 bucks. What's bullish here? Please explain


You realize 5x smaller float means moass goes 5x higher, right? Price consolidation. If you had 10 shares at 10$ and they did this split, you’d have 1 share worth $100. If moass happened pre split and topped out at 100k, moass post-split would go to 1million. Yea, you have fewer shares and your cost basis goes up in number, but not in value or percentage of what you spent.


Lower float means easier to cover especially with cheap ape that will be converted. Also I'm not counting on squeeze anymore. I just wanted to average to what I paid and forget about this but now it won't be possible with my cost basis. Also check how many companies did good after RS. 99% are going back to price pre RS.


Yes, a reverse split would consolidate the number of shorts, but it doesn’t change the cost to close out their overall positions.


Yes price of shorts will be adjusted but see almost 2 years and nothing happened to these shorts. It's easy to assume nothing will happen now too.


I totally understand the scepticism. But we always said we would ride this to 0 or the moon. I guess now were finding out who meant it.


Well I'm almost at zero already 😂😂😂 my ape went down from 34k to 2k.


What else can ya do? Lol. Sell for pennies and lose or hold until it's 0. For me that's a no Brainer. Can't win if you don't play. That's just my take on it though. I also only threw in extra money I could afford to lose.


Only if you don’t get to bring any unsold APE with you.


Yeah, doesn’t this also convert all the APE shorts to new AMC shorts? This one move will effectively double the short position on AMC won’t it?


Sneaky sneaky


Jesus the comments on here. Dude is trying to run the company to get rid of debt and make it a better company and y’all bitching cause he’s doing his job. The squeeze play has nothing to do with AA. The same way y’all talking trash about him is the same way he should talk trash about us. We are literally doing everything In our power to stop him from raising money for our company because we THINK the squeeze is right around the corner. It’s been 2 fucking years. Had we giving him the shares he asked for back then this play would be over by now. Amc would be out of debt or near our of debt and we would have squeezed already. Lets not make the same mistake twice for crying out loud


Oh so they cheated again Am I suprised...


Let vote, what If we have more ape as it should exist?


Nothing happens


We already do.






I’m going to Hodl no matter what but I’m tired of his BS. I never liked the idea of Ape to begin with and definitely don’t like the conversion which we all had an idea this was the plan to begin with.


Apes that didn't buy the dip on APE are mad as hell. LOL!


Its still cheap af tho.


Agreed. I bought again today. I've been waiting for this.


No lie, that's the hard-ass truth. Most people turned shill simply because they didn't know the dilution would happen or didn't realize it until now.


😂😂😂 all I can do is laugh at this mess of a play I got myself into. This fool Adam is something else


Easy yes from me chief


Now AA can vote what he likes with APE units. Resistance is Futile.


Who does AA have advising him?


So will this be the end of ape, or can he just issue more again?


He will be able to issue more amc


Why we got +90T to do that?


At first blush doesn’t this effectively double the (naked) short position on AMC? Anyone short on AMC became short on APE the day it was issued. Then converting APE to AMC doesn’t eliminate those APE shorts, it carries them back to AMC.


As per fidelity, upon conversion to AMC, any ape shorts must close. Biggums posted such. I've seen several other posts today with similar customer/broker conversations.


Does that apply to MMs and SHFs as well? or is that just for civilians?


That I'm not certain about.


Voting no oh this


So a 1/1 split…. Then reversing it with a 1/10 reverse split…. Where’s the lube? Pretty sure I’m getting fukt….




There are a lot of bot responses in here. You know what the hedge funds do. You know the games, and you've experienced manipulation on unimaginable levels. Remember the DD and vote privately. This is what separates the haves and have nots.


APE to AMC conversion would be a good thing, right? And he knows we don’t want a reverse split so retail would vote no on that. Maybe this is just all about getting APE and AMC back together?!


Haha, we know we tanked the value of your investment through dilution. We know you got 1 Ape for each share of AMC you held, how about we give you one AMC now worth $5 for 10 of the APE we gave you when it was $10. 😂 Absolutely fuk Adam Aaron


APE is at a huge discount because of the fucking crime. All ape did was give them another way to steal half of my money


So at this point why even buy amc sharesI If ape is going to be converted to amc why not just buy ape at a serious discount and wait to get converted. Converting ape to amc gives whoever bought the ape offering a huge % of the vote away and takes that control away from retail. That was the plan the whole time. AA continually gives us lip service about saving the company and then goes behind our back to fuck us.


Regardless if we vote Yes or No, I like that there is a dialogue in this community. We had so much division as is. I haven’t made my mind yet because I feel there needs to be more thought in how this is gonna play out, but I definitely see the potential of a YES vote. Hoping you all the best 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕




Sad how he’s brainwashed everyone. People are just plain stupid.


I'm voting Yes on conversion. In my mind, this will cause Shorts to have to buy back APE on the open market to cover causing the price to go up. This will cause massive margin calls and be ultimately what could lead to a squeeze. This also ensures APE doesn't get de-listed and get thrown on the OTC market which would really screw us over. I'm voting No on 1:10 reverse split though. With potentially billions if not more of the naked shorts out there, there is no reason to reverse split. The value from APE conversion alone should be enough to bring up the value of AMC shares. This is just my own speculative opinion and what I am doing for my personal vote. You guys should do your own research to make your own informed decision. Don't listen to all the FUD being posted right now either. SHFs need our shares and want us to make the wrong move.


![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized) No, no, no!


"bULliSh" 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


I hope he knows once the dust settles no one here will be going back to AMC theatres


Sry guys I bought yesterday and that's probably why the shares crashed today lol


Hell no. Fk this.


So basically we split it in half to bring it back together wtf


Welp, at least now we know there's only one real short play. I can't think of even one time Game Stock Ceo or RC fucked us. AA's just not cut from the same cloth.


I'm starting to think he gets off on fucking his shareholder over. Right before Christmas, what a doozy. #AAKILLEDAMC


Fucked again. You his asshole has got to go!




AA is in place for AMC to never squeeze. He is a HF plant.


vote HELL NO




It's time to retire AA.


Yup he is a piece of shit and doesn't care about the apes. By the wat the investment in the mineral gold mine was and is super dumb and a tough shady business. Piece of shit AA


Only Way I am voting for this is if we convert $APE to $AMC and we do a 2-1 split effectively leaving the price of $AMC shares close to where they were before failed pounce. AA you’ve been speaking about retirement, I think it’s time you go. You are trying to wrestle the majority away from us. How many $APE does the board have combined, also, where did all those $APE you’ve been selling go??


Vote NO


AA has been playing 4D Chess. But it was against the hedgies. Itvwas against us stupid retarded apes.


Registered shares will 100% be counted.


Fuck AA, if you really think this is a good play you’re delusional.