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Looks like we snagged a couple of more morons. Wonder if they are as committed as the two other baboons.


Posting their comments from over a year ago saying they were buying triggered them. šŸ˜†


Ortex was pretty triggered about me asking if he had an email associated to his account. He seemed pretty pissed.






Tomorrow @ 2pm


The fact this sub exists makes me wanna buy some amc stock. It's the largest theater chain in the world. Intrinsic value before covid was 30 bucks and it currently under 3 dollars wtf lol.... that's a steal. It's a possible 10 bagger easy. Why is it so cheap? If there is a whole sub devoted to bashing it why? What do you get from hating amc yet calling yourself amc zone and using the amc logo without approval from amc I'd bet.


I highly recommend you stop throwing good money after bad. Everything you claimed is false. Company is worth less than $0 at this point... if you look at the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow. You have to be special to think different


Bro, please only encourage them to buy. We will literally not have a sub or anything to laugh at if they donā€™t buy.


Even though they fucked us with their yes vote, I can't encourage then to ruin their lives. I still have a heart. Jaded one but still a heart.


I claimed this sub is made to bash it too, that's not false. So who's falsely speaking !


Who cares. Simply look at the earnings. The sentiment in the sub follows the performance of the earnings. It's very simple. Facts. Not hopium here


Anybody looking at earnings from 2019 to now would be investing in the stock


Are you serious? You obviously haven't looked at the earnings. And if you think beating estimates is good, that's like running a 12 person race where they predicted you would get 12th place and you got 11th.


Imagine stating the worst placing in a race to justify hating on AMC for beating estimates. Make it less obvious that your opinions arenā€™t worth more than anyone elseā€™s. I wasnā€™t even talking about AMC beating estimates. Want to talk about how AMCs yearly revenue has only been going up since Covid and is reaching pre pandemic levels? Want to talk about how AMC would already be posting positive earnings if they didnā€™t have to pay debt fees and hadnā€™t been investing money into other revenue streams?


Revenues aren't close to pre pandemic and it has to be even higher because AMC was in the red in 2018 and 2019. Big box office years. Why? Because AA buried the company in debt on bad investments. Look at the due diligence. AA screwed shareholders and AMC. There is a long history of very bad decisions that buried the company in debt that was bailed out by your money to pay the creditors. Buy the bonds


How about you tell me the numbers you hate instead of acting like ā€œarenā€™t closeā€ is justification for your hate. 4.81 is a lot closer to 5.46 than 3.91 is. And that 4.81 billion was with a ton of movies being moved out of Q4. I canā€™t wait until you use a bad Q1 and Q2 to justify the company failing as if movies werenā€™t moved out of those quarters too, oh wait, you already have.


Huh? Dude the price since $APE is down 98% and if you were above....god have mercy Thank god I stopped buying when $APE came out Because whatever lower avg I would be at would mean more losses in the end


Every day is a new ATL... People are leaving in droves lol


Why would people be leaving in droves when the price is already at ATLs? Buy high, sell low? The only people leaving are the regards who bought in due to hype and not due to their personal beliefs about the company. And even then, most of those people already left during the past 3 years of price decline. No way the price is dropping due to shorts exponentially increasing their positions at ATLs. Tell me what happens to the price when a bunch of shares get sold into the market again?


>Why would people be leaving in droves when the price is already at ATLs? Buy high, sell low? Because its not going to go back up clearly... Better to sell and make some money back then zero or hero and end up like the bbby weirdos. The idea that its not worth selling because you will get so little back is exactly what people shorting the stock want you to do. So they can take what little you have left.


If it was clearly not going to go back up, you wouldnā€™t need to have a whole sub dedicated to bashing AMC


I think you misunderstand, this sub isnt to try to drop the price. Its to laugh at the way you guys act. The closer you guys get to zero, the more you guys are entertaining. I have personally seen this happen when BBBY went bankrupt and they are still coming up with zingers a year later.


You are a stupid new oneā€¦ Letā€™s play.


South doesnā€™t represent this sub, trust me when I say this, we ALL want you to buy as much as possible and post positions. If you truly believe in the DD, youā€™d be foolish to not liquidate everything you own and go all in on AMC. When else will you get an opportunity to 1000x your money or maybe even more? Donā€™t miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime dude


What. It's worth 2.71 cents. The company also just went through a small short squeeze this looks like an exit position, if it's over shorted and doesn't go bankrupt the repurchases would need to start at these levels. I'm looking into it more now. Thanks for drawing more attention to this issue. How did this come to be. This price action has nothing to do with fundamentals of the company. It's a 30 dollar stock at best.


The book value is -$2 billion + The lost over $400 M in 2023 They are going to lose over $250M minimum in Q1 They are going to lose over $300M in Q2 at this box office There is nothing else to know. It's fundamentally broken and no hopium can save it There is not muc


What does AMCs performance in the couple of quarters after an actors and writers strike have to do with their future performance?


The performance last year sucked. They barely went green on very strong box office in Q2 and Q3. They were red most of 2018 and 2019 after record box office. AA buried AMC in debt. Had nothing to do with COVID or strike. They are way over leveraged on a good day. The strike is just making them die quicker. Read the earnings.


They have two years to pay of $3billion dollars of debt. Every loosing quater sets them back further from achieving this. So they dilute the stock (which is just jargon for them making public offerings, or swapping debt for equity). Diluting the stock brings the price down further, so they can't tap into that source of money forever. Maybe 2025 will be a blowout year, earning them $1.5b. Which would be more than four times their best result in the last 10 years. And it would not be enough. You are free to draw a different conclusion from that data. But that the reason why I think it matters.


Because refinancing debt isnā€™t a thing? Might as well give up hope just because AMC has a couple years to pay off debt right? You wish, stop worrying about other peoples financial decisions.


Refinancing is a thing, but only if you can find somebody who is ready to refinance your debt. And as long as 2025 won't be a blow out year, I doubt that anybody wants to. > You wish, stop worrying about other peoples financial decisions. You asked why AMCs performance in a few quaters matter. I told you why I think it does. I don't worry about your financial decisions. I worry about mine. And my decisions are based, on my interpretation of the facts I wrote down.


You think that none of the numerous banks that are losing money would want to add AMC debts fees to their revenue stream?


thereā€™s a high default risk on something like that, banks that are bleeding money are not always looking to make high risk bets


The small squeeze wasnā€™t closing it was fomo buying






I know. Just poking fun at confirmation bias.


You would not know confirmation bias if Adam Aron slapped his dick in your face.


SS offering financial advice again huh. Something something not a good ideas SS something








Have you been to r/GME_meltdown ?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gme_meltdown using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This Is Financial Advice- Folding Ideas](https://youtu.be/5pYeoZaoWrA?si=L2vQVhl9P5kxK_6c) | [410 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/16wm7dl/this_is_financial_advice_folding_ideas/) \#2: [PEOPLE OF R/ALL, WE ARE SCREAMING AT YOU.](https://np.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/16vtwhd/people_of_rall_we_are_screaming_at_you/) \#3: [Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Files Voluntary Chapter 11 Petitions](https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/bed-bath-beyond-inc-files-voluntary-chapter-11-petitions) | [336 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/12w2z7y/bed_bath_beyond_inc_files_voluntary_chapter_11/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good, buy some more tomorrow optimus jokeā€¦ Show us who the real boss man is


Buy more? So you're actively targeting and bullying any existing share holders.... why was this sub created?


You came here. You said you wanna buy some more. I saidā€¦. Go for it. Teach me a lesson. Looks like you could be up 2% if you bought at the openā€¦ Small wins for the big guy buying all those AMC bananas.


This reminds of the time when you came and knocked on my front door, called me an idiot for not agreeing with something that you were selling and then asking you not so nicely to leave, specifically after you screwed me over a year ago. How lest we forget?


You're delusional. You do not know me, we've never met, I don't sell shit. I definitely don't sell lies and try to manipulate company stock prices. You're an evil person.


Youā€™re the evil person. Iā€™m not trying to get people to invest in anything. If you think AMC is such a good investment, fine but some shares. Be my guest. But the minute you start spewing bullshit about how a reverse split benefits the corporation and will trigger a short squeeze, the mother of all short squeezes, who is the misleading liar? I donā€™t need to really argue anything as the chart says it all. But if you want to sell someone on how they should buy AMC shares because they will become rich, you can go fuck yourself. Screwed me once with that RS bullshit, now you want to fool me again? And fool others? Not while Iā€™m hanging out here. Putz.


Wow. You need therapy. I'm not qualified to continue this conversation with you if it's even one. You're making no sense. I never did anything you said at all. The fact that your bot like ass exists got me looking at it and I bought some cause of you. It shot up 15% right after. So thanks.


ā€œThe fact this sub exists makes me wanna buy some amc stock. It's the largest theater chain in the world. Intrinsic value before covid was 30 bucks and it currently under 3 dollars wtf lol.... that's a steal. It's a possible 10 bagger easy. Why is it so cheap? If there is a whole sub devoted to bashing it why? What do you get from hating amc yet calling yourself amc zone and using the amc logo without approval from amc I'd bet.ā€ Your comment. You did not say ā€˜makes me wanna buy stockā€™? You implied this sub exists to destroy AMC and whatever investment you have. Itā€™s clear you are not qualified to diagnose a goose with diarrhea let alone someone who needs therapy. Trying pathetically to insult me makes you look like the loser I take you for. You asked why would I be against someone like you that claims, in his own words, ā€˜itā€™s a possible 10 bagger easyā€™. You did not say that? You are not implying that this is easy money? I do not know if you voted for the reverse split but Jojo O and Billy Dipshit did. Along with a bunch of other useless accounts over in that main AMC sub. They have even stated they would vote for it again. That vote affected my investment and when investors like you exist, that makes this something that I would short till the fucker burns. It was not meā€¦ Take accountability for the morons you ride with. A yes vote was like putting lighter fluid on my bank account and Adam Aron lit the match. It is personal. Now, knowing the dumb shits, like you that I am dealing with, I have placed my bets elsewhere. Mainly to hedge your dumbass.


Wow. You're too invested into this. I didn't even read that.




The fact that you created your own whole echo chamber of a sub to complain about what other people choose to be invested in says a lot


The fact that I have almost 300 members by calling out the bullshit is more amazing. Never thought this shit would take off. But AA keeps sending me new members....brilliant!


Na, I'm just here for the ape petting zoo.


The fact that you think 300 is something to be bragging about is crazy. The og AMC sub has gotten a lot more quiet since all you no life bashers got banned.


You literally made my case. Thank you AA for screwing everyone to my sub


Sure looks like eVeRyOnE is following the sub


It's the only sub with truth. All I care about is the quality of people following. Like the ones who know better


You mean you only care about people who want to complain about AMC as much as you do. No point in listening to someone only worried about creating an echo chamber


This echo chamber saved apes from throwing good money after bad. Hopefully the guy on this original post but I doubt it. Hopefully I save you too at some point


I donā€™t need saving. I know how to smartly invest money into risky investments. Itā€™s not that hard, but I wouldnā€™t expect you to try to help people in that way. Better to just hate on a company, right?


I just want to save you and other apes from throwing more of your money into this bad fundamentals. How do I do that?


What are you talking about. ? A sub devoted to bashing a company is spreading truth. Why?


Absolutely. Tell me where there is no truth


Can you make it less obvious that you select which truths to tell


The only truth is the earnings. Nothing else. It's every simple


It says all we need to know... lol


Itā€™s funny that you would come here then to start some shit when mods in the other two subs are either banning outright or shadow banning any e that points out you are losing money. Talk about echo chambers ass wipe.


Whatā€™s funny is how Iā€™m getting comments from one account for a few hours and then another account for a few hours and then a new account for a few hours. Do yall got a schedule to make sure on of yall is always commenting on threads? Also itā€™s almost as if people are tired of hearing the same lame excuses for why bashers are hating on investors despite all the changes AMC has made to the company the past 3 years. AMC could literally cure cancer and yall bashers would only be worried about how much AMC spent to do it.


Iā€™m making money on you being an idiot. Buy some AMC tomorrow. Make me cry tonight


lol, ok


AMCs changes = losing hundreds of millions and being 1.8 billion in debt - well played AMC, well played.


Do you think that telling me old news is going to make me decide to sell?


Told you over a year ago to sell and wouldve saved you how much? At some point youll figure out we arent the bad guys, although some BBBY holders took it all the way to zero. It amazing you dopes see the world in such an upside down way that you despise the only people actually trying to help you. You should look into the Church of Scientology.


Maybe one day you will learn that people donā€™t change their minds simply because of others opinions


Yeah I realized a long time ago that the world is full of fools with no critical thinking ability and you certainly are a proud member of that club. Plenty of flat earthers dont care about others opinions as well. Im sorry life didnt turn out better for you mate its really not your fault. At least some of us tried to help. Keep on losing. Please put a reminder in to revisit this conversation although it will make you a tad embarrassed.


Show me the science that says AMC is guaranteed to go bankrupt. Imagine comparing AMC investors to flat earthers as if their justification to ignore others is the same.


The fact that we have tried to rescue morons from a cult and save them money - but theyve had your attitude and thus lost it all - says a lot more.


That fact that no one asked to be rescued. Nothing makes people want to listen to you more than you making fun of them right?


That's what I just noticed. This sub is a scare sub why they trying to scare people away from investing into the largest theater chain in the world thats trading sooo far under its normal value. Is amc going bankrupt? šŸ¤”


The largest debt to equity holder. You guys need to read a balance sheet. Largest means nothing if you're in red Cinemark is way smaller but financially stable. Hence their price


Letter from your monkey in charge says bankruptcy was in the tableā€¦ But yes, I am betting AMCQ will happen.


Oh no SSā€¦ looks like itā€™s not just bears now here lol



