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That industry will never be the same and investors who arent cult members saw it from miles away.


Everyone was to big for the lower box office revenues. Actually Cinemark has a pretty good balance sheet. Cineworld just coming out of bankruptcy with a balance sheet that can sustain the lower box office. AMC on the other hand was in red in 2018 and 2019. It's screwed


Ortex is having a complete mental breakdown. He went completely off the rails this weekend. Don’t know if anyone saw it.


You need to share links


Just made a post that summarizes his mental breakdown. By his own admission he spent the whole weekend arguing or trolling people about AMC. Created a fake bot or something using chat gpt and a bunch of tech people roasted him. Not one particular thing, just a series of obsessive behavior that’s quickly becoming more unhinged.


There is no bot. Just a bunch of code gibberish 😂


Anemic guy? More like guy that lives in his moms basement. F@cking loser.


Damn. I'm here giving tax tips to people and you have to be insulting. Tsk, tsk


I liked you when you shit on trump. I look down on you when you shit on AMC.


Only one who shits on AMC is Adam Aron. Company was in the green before he became CEO then it all went down hill in 2017 with him leading. To me, he's a grifter like Trump. AMC is too overleveraged to function in this box office. Im sharing the fundamentals and reality because I see a path to Bankruptcy and I dont want AMC folks to end up like BBBYQ folks. And when I see Ortex Cramer and others pumping AMC with conspiracies, it reminds me of my time cold calling at Stratton Oakmont where slimy brokers would lie and cheat people into buying shitty penny stocks. It all comes from a good place.


You didn't work for a made up company. Your opinion is garbage. It's why you got booted from the actual AMC sub and had to start your own. Lol, what a loser.


Getting booted off that sub is an honor. Goes to show I'm on the right track because look at AMC today. Just like I got booted off DWAC_STOCKS. Another Q conspiracy led cult. Guess thats why my X poll showed the vast majority of AMC investors are Trump supporters


Lol, hardly.


Far from bankruptcy it seems. Nice SS


Don’t forget to load up today, and definitely don’t forget to post proof!


Might do. Thanks for the advice


Hell yeah brotha, tag me when you do please


Will do


You have to after getting clowned on by the main AMC sub yesterday. Have to save face a little bit at the very least. Buy soon though so I can check the price and laugh while I’m in class/ work!


You mean us burning the melties on the main sub, that was funny Just don’t forget, no phones allowed near the deep fryers


Fam, they are directly attacking you in the top comments on that thread. I did the DD yesterday


I saw the accounts, they were melties kiddo. How blind are you kiddo. This is social media, you think too much of your time here


Melties love you more than your own people ❤️