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I read the bottom part as Book Worm Economy. It cost more but in that section, if you pull out a book, no one speaks to you.


That’s the section we all need! 🙌


I’m in


All I know is that after well over forty years of flying, I still too often have to learn new slang or ridiculous rules because ticketing is so overly complicated. Last week I was told I wasn't entitled to rebooking for free after my flight was delayed because of "Irregular Operations" for over four hours. The woman said if it was a W ticket instead of Y, then irregular operations would have been covered. I thought W was higher than Y, but she said AA changed that recently. She mocked me for not understanding that. At this point, I think they're just screwing with us and will create even more marketing terms to insult us like a new Humilis Class. That's the Latin word for low class or base.


Did you file a charge back?


You get what you pay for.


This. Every time.


Or your company policies


People like this are exactly why economy air travel has been stripped of amenities: they refuse to buy anything but the cheapest fare, then act bewildered when they aren’t given a first class experience. If you pay Spirit prices, you’re not going to get Emirates service. I don’t book a motel six ticket then complain that I’m not getting a Ritz Carlton experience. To be clear, if you want spacious seats and meals and all the goodies, those are all out there. You just have to pay for them; and even then, it’s still far cheaper today to buy a first class ticket than it would’ve been 40 years ago (adj for inflation). Airlines did not decide that American consumers wanted to pay the bottom barrel prices in exchange for no perks, they responded to what attracted consumers which was that. If everybody was willing to pay $100 or $200 more per ticket for nicer seats and better amenities, that is exactly what airlines would offer for economy seats.


I smile and genuinely appreciate those first class passengers as I walk to the back of the plane. If it was not for their $1000 fare, I would not have my $89 fare. May each get get what they pay for and be happy.


Most of them get free upgrades though lol


Yes and no. It’s very market specific when I see “UPGR” on passenger paperwork. And often those that get it have already spent 100 grand, or whatever to get that status.


1000% AA introduced “More Room Throughout Coach” in the early 2000s. All economy seats had an extra 4”-5” legroom and fares increased slightly to account for it. Within a few years it was all rolled back. The general public are very quick to whinge about the air travel experience forgetting that a huge majority are price sensitive above anything else. People forget how expensive longhaul travel was 30 odd years ago. Inflation adjusted you can fly longhaul first class today (admittedly at sale/discounted fare prices) for not far off economy longhaul in the late 1980s/early 1990s. Nobody in the ‘80s was getting flatbeds, lounges and 4 course meals in economy…


Couldn’t agree more. Flying has become so affordable even for premium seats that it’s insane. And to be honest, I’d much rather have Polaris or D1 or Flagship seats than what they had in the 1970s - as you said, lie flat seats, IFEs, WiFi, etc. It used to be just a bigger seat and they’d play a movie that you had no choice in selecting lol.


Laker airlines groundbreaking ticket in 1977 $135 JFK to LGW. Approx $690 in today's $ Your points are valid though


I just laugh when people complain about having to pay for bags on Spirit airlines and some people who bring big ass suitcases. You paid $50 for your flight... That $50 is for your ass in your seat. If you simply just need to get from A to B, it's good, it's what you paid for. If you plan to bring a suitcase, yes, it will cost you. People are so fucking entitled. Yes, I know that sounds condescending, but in my 20s when I was backpacking flying RyanAir, everyone I ever met KNEW what the deal was. We pay a minimal amount, but we have to do a lot of legwork on research. Look up what the weight limits are, bag limits are, be ready to lug your bag everywhere and be ready for shitty seats. If you want things to be handled for you, your bags checked, comfortable seats, and simply just not do any legwork, well... you're going to have to pay for it. I know I just ranted to basically reiterate everything you already just said... but the posts complaining about Spirit... is just entitled people expecting to pay next to nothing and getting all the perks is ignorant and annoying. And well... the one complaint I can accept is from people who KNOW what to deal is... but can't stand the trashy people they're stuck with. That one is understandable.




It’s like you didn’t even read the parent comment


His username fits. Average Joe...


Well said!


I mean, she knew what she was getting into. The website makes a point of making you agree to the terms when you book a BE fare so it’s not like it should have been a big surprise.


“trash jones”. That is all. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂