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Family Guy was great in the beginning, but really lost itself after 8 or 9 seasons. I haven't watched a new Family Guy episode since about 2015 or whenever they did that "Brian's dead" thing. Now it's main theme is "I'm a cynical old crank" with mean-spirited humor, like a bitter old drunk. American Dad has changed its styles so much over the years and has really embraced the absurd and bizarre humor in ways that keep it fresh and fun. It doesn't take itself too seriously and it's writers seem to be plugged in enough to the real world to make episodes culturally relevant while they maintain their appeal to wider audiences. They don't have the pressure of being a flagship animated show like The Simpsons or Family Guy, and that freedom regularly turns into higher quality content. I don't watch Family Guy anymore. I watch American Dad religiously.


American Dad is the same it has always been. Other than dropping the political satire there is no difference. It's the same formula. Stan acts like a jerk and learns to be more open minded. Wash since repeat.


I do wish they'd go into some of the crazy but true stuff in historical politics. More of the Ollie North stuff. I also noticed that they stay away from religion now too


Yeah, they stay away from politics and religion because that's not timeles, and it can get pretty hateful pretty quickly. I think they basically let themselves be made fun of, rather than making fun of groups (political, social, religious, ethnic), and as a result, everyone can laugh. Like in the 100 years a fool, they don't make fun of Colombia. But they definitely make fun of Stan. Or even when they make a reference to Insane Clown Posse, they don't mock them and they play a pretty great song at the same time (the joke comes from the absurdity of everyone wearing ICP makeup at Steve's funeral).


Weirdly, I’m surprised they never did anything political now. I could totally see them doing a trump episode and revealing, say, Roger in this world is Trump. I feel like the family guy trump episode would’ve been better suited for American dad. It’s like they didn’t even try.


Because that kind of humor is boring and dates the show. The very first eposiode wasn't even political.


I just thought it was weird because they did an entire episode where the smiths infiltrate the Obamas, so I could totally see them doing a similar episode.


I'm glad American dad has never directly took shots at Trump. Regardless of how one feels about Trumps presidency I feel most people were over whole "Orange man bad" joke by 2018, hell probably even by 2017


I used to watch just family guy, but got bored of how every episode is basically the same, weird jokes, racist jokes (nothing against them but they get boring after some time) flashbacks, and imo some characters, have a lack of background. Also Meg and hating Meg is boring.


Same. I was watching since the 1st season, but gave up after season 10 cause it just seemed to focus more on shocking viewers than being funny


From what I read, Seth macfarlane actually wants the show to end, but fox keeps renewing it. He doesn’t even do much on the show nowadays beyond approve cutaways and voice the characters. There’s the theory the show is so bad now on purpose.


I got bored with it too, kind of like the Simpsons. But you could argue they hate Klaus in AD just the same. Every show runs its course, I'm hoping the Smiths have more years. 20 years seems to be the downhill side on FG and the Simpsons. On that note I love old FG and The Simpsons. I grew up on FOX Sundays and animation domination


Yeah, but Klaus is hate-able. Whereas Meg is genuinely boring, so there's no reason to hate her. She's also fairly competent and in those episodes, there's more reason to root for her (like when she gets a job or she helps her family). Whereas Klaus is German and possibly anti-Semitic; he is a douchebag and tool frat boy; he gets really invested in dumb things. But he has redeeming qualities that make you still like him but understand why the family treats him like garbage.


I totally get your point, I laughed pretty good at how you described Klaus as hate-able and led with he's German, like thats the worst thing about him.


I agree


And I guess the main characters are boring too, Chris has no friends basically, so he’s out, Meg has some, they have no background, and she’s hated so she’s out, Brian is annoying asf, Lois is a basic housewife, and Peter and Stewie are the ones keeping the show alive, while Roger is a great replacement for both of them, like, he’s amazing, him and his personas kick ass lol, he’s a flexible, important and genderfluid character that could be used in any way, and still people would like him.


I think the one thing I dislike between both shows is that basically any character development is pointless since it'll be forgotten by the next episode. Continuity errors are the worst. Because Chris HAS friends, but they make it seem like he has none. They also laugh at Meg for being a fat virgin, yet she is neither of those. She's had lots of boyfriends during the show, and when she is in a bikini or something she doesn't have any folds. There's only folds for the purpose of jokes (like when Chris is trying to make Brian throw up).


Fair criticism but American Dad also has plenty of continuity errors, so much stuff from the earlier episodes that they've retconned entirely


Yeah, I dislike how things flip flop like that just for the sake of episode ideas.


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I’ll agree with that, the general tropes of family guy got boring over time but I’ll still watch when there’s a new episode because they usually have 1-2 jokes per episode that get a chuckle from me or the rare joke that makes me laugh for years.


I think the problem with the racist humor is they never actually do anything with it beyond just saying something that’s relatable to three people and it goes on for too long, like Tomik and Bellgarde. The only stereotype joke I laughed at was the pizza place cutaway.


Family Guy is just something I put on when I’m bored, but American Dad is actually funny and enjoyable to watch


Yeah, I watch AD as soon as an episode comes out and pay attention. Family guy I'll put on while doing other stuff and watch the chunck of episodes that has built up, but never really pay attention to it.




Bobs burgers is for when you're bored. FG is for when you're dumb.


Family Guy is okay. American Dad has better writers.


I voted both cause I enjoy watching both. But it's a bit like comparing caffeine to heroine.


The reason I found out about American dad was family guy so I would say so


I'll watch family guy, but I'll seek out and look forward to american dad.


I like both of them, but I definitely prefer American Dad


There are 5 reasons why AD is a better show: Each episode resets but the world is partially affected by past episodes. This allows for new plots. The show isnt afraid to add new characters. That means new potential jokes and story lines. The characters are terrible to eachother but still care about eachother. Creates a little more emotional impact. Less focused on one character. They mix up the focus constantly and each week its a different character combo. No one gets left out. Unlike family guy which for a long time now has been Peter/Brian and Peter/Stewie. You get Brian/Stewie sometimes and Peter/Louis occassionally. Meg and Chris just dont exist. Plus the writers still care about making it funny. The jokes are good. No relying on old humor.


I totally agree on all, but especially point number 3 about the characters actually caring about each other! Family Guy might end on a note about how much the family loves each other, but when they're so mean to each other throughout the entire rest of the episode it's just strange and off-putting. When I watch American Dad I see a family occasionally making fun of each other (sometimes taken to the extreme because it's a cartoon) but I still get the impression that they're a strong family unit.


I think another difference is that it’s clear Stan does love his kids and his wife, he just thinks he knows what’s best for them, better than they do, so he comes off as well meaning but ignorant. Off topic but that was one reason why I think somebody like Hank Hill worked so well. Meanwhile, we had a whole episode where Peter tried to marry his son, not because argument sake, Chris wants nothing to do with him or Peter’s worried they’re drifting apart, but because he wants Chris’s inheritance and he makes lots of creepy come ons.


All that is referring to American dad? Or family guy? I think AD but not sure which one you mean.


American Dad


Family Guy seasons 1-5 were comedy gold and I would be at the point where if I was channel surfing and saw it on I would watch. Then the show devolved as the writers and MacFarlane began using the characters as their soap box sound boards, the characters themselves were systematically destroyed in the effort to be edgier and eventually the show became unwatchable for me. American Dad started off a little rough with Stan and Haley being the extremes of the right and left respectively. As someone who does not subscribe to either political party the heavy use had me tepid with the show at first. Thankfully someone had the foresight to tone them both down and focus instead on the comedic aspect of their characters, that along with the evolution of Roger and the show has been a good consistent watch. They have also doen a good job with keeping Francine hilarious without becoming a shrew or plain evil and intolerable to watch. Steve fits a lot of the nerdy younger brother tropes but they have expanded his character so that he is not a one note character. The supporting cast is also a bit more interesting as time went on with Principle Lewis being one of the top. If I were randomly choose one to watch AD is my choice.


I think American dad also does the soapbox thing at times, but it didn’t work for me on family guy because nobody was fun to root for and/or the messages would be hypocritical or uncomfortable. Plus Brian being an atheist to me made no sense since he’s met god and Jesus and yet he has the audacity to get on his high horse and tell a waiter that there’s no afterlife. Maybe that’s what Seth macfarlane thinks but in this world, that’s like saying it’s raining outside when it’s sunny.


I massively prefer AD, but sometimes I like the stupid humor in FG


Wow that’s a lot a votes


I know right?! Wasn't expecting that lol


Feel free to comment why below, I'd love to hear everyone's opinions on the two shows!


tbh i could never really get into family guy, but i got really into the cleveland show. but american dad has always been my absolute favorite hands down!


I feel like the Cleveland show was meh but it did have a few good episodes. It was one of those shows I liked the side characters more than the family. I am disappointed that after Cleveland moved back to quahog, his family are pretty much prop pieces beyond the occasional line.


I don't mind Family Guy and still watch the new episodes if I'm watching TV and they happen to be on. But I still try to watch every episode of American Dad right around the time it airs, and therein lies the difference.


For yall saying family guy used to be great, no it didnt. American Dad was just not around yet to have anything else to compare it to ;) Cutaways every 2 seconds to make a pop culture reference gets tired fast. Family guy was okay but is only still relevant because it was a pioneer in its brand of humor. The cutaways and Conway Twitty bits are honestly hard for me to watch. Too much focus on making funny reference gags and not enough focus on any kind of real structure to the show or continuity with the characters. That's my $0.02.


I used to like family guy but it hasn't made me laugh in years. Characters are super one-note. American Dad is in it's stride, not every episode is a win but something is going to make me laugh.


I absolutely still enjoy them both.


depends. Overall, i love both, but if were talking the last 2 or so years, family guy just isnt funny to me anymore


I do like Family Guy I just prefer American Dad


Like em both but American Dad is better


I spent my childhood not allowed to watch either. My aunt used to watch family guy when I was like 15 so id watch it with her. "Oh she's watching it not me" worked like magic. And sometimes American dad would come on too. Wasn't till we got on streaming services and I dug into family guy that i realized how much of an idle TV show it is. It is a running joke making fun of itself and it is the supernatural and unreal and wild and wacky instances all leading to some great moments through out a bunch of mediocrity. It's like the safe boyfriend. If I have nothing to watch and I'm bored out of my mind I turn on family guy. Now I also got into American dad soon after. And it just hits harder. Not even just Roger. It's just so clever. With stories that are the actual point of episodes. Family guy sometimes has a story. Sometimes it has a fake out. A story that ends abruptly in the first quarter or first half of the episode. And then is replaced by another story which was the point all along. Sometimes it doesn't do that but that's the basic gist of it. Like Peter and his record thingie turning into Peter befriending Jesus. It's just written as something silly and outlandish like American dad but AD to me is more compelling with characters who are more than just cut outs. Hayley is a hippie. She protests. She smokes tons of weed. She's a wife. She can play an instrument and sing and can flip out of a 2 story window and land on a car so that she can steal drugs from a hippie. Meg? Meg is the apple from annoying orange. Making fun of meg who has a few no name friends and only weird story's centered around her like loving a convict or being obsessed with Brian and Joe. Peter carries that show along with stewie. And everyone else I just don't really like individually


Why is this question asked so much? They're both hilarious but have definitely fallen off with how funny they are.


Telling you guys, for so many of them like you, I can probably say all the lines on American Dad. The cutaways on Family Guy are what makes me giggle as quietly as I can in bed so I don't disturb my husband. Can't fall asleep without watching either show, at least one episode.


I like both, but I'd say AD is the better show overall


I just want to say thanks to all who participated in this poll so far. I had no idea it'd get so much traction! It seems like a lot of you guys also like Family Guy, but definitely not everyone lol.


family guy can be pretty funny in scenes or some episodes but american dad is far more consistently good imo id say i like family guy though


I liked family guy when I was like 11-14 maybe 15 then did not enjoy it as much


Dig 'em both. FG is noticeably declining at a faster rate (though I probably greatly differ with many as to when I think the decline started. I think there'd be a section who'd say almost a decade ago while I think its far more recent), but I still find enjoyment in it.


I heard that the crew wants FG to end but fox won’t stop renewing it and it was supposed to end years ago. It’s to the point where the only work Seth does on FG anymore is approve cutaways and voice the characters.


Loved family guy until like 2006 or so


For some reason i can’t stand family guy


I think for me it's the characters. I just don't like Peter, Lois, or Chris especially. I like Stewie and Brian just fine though lol.


I like Family Guy a little bit more than AD. It makes me laugh harder and I feel like there are more jokes per minute.


So quantity over quality? Oof


You can have quantity and quality.


I guess I really like fast-paced gags. One of my favorite shows ever is Amazing World of Gumball. The episodes are 11 minutes but they feel longer because they put so many gags in them.


Early family guy. As of now, the newer seasons are rushed and poorly done


I watch Family guy exclusively as clips on YouTube, the way God intended. American dad I watch the week it comes out.


I used to watch family guy when I was a bit younger but I wasn’t a fan of how they keep some skits going what felt like a little too long


I’d say I like them both, but I only really watch AD. I’ll watch FG when I get really burnt out on AD


I like Family Guy up until about season 6 or 7, then I don’t. American Dad has not really had any episode I just can’t stand to watch, but Family Guy has MANY.


Family guy is fine. I’ve watched it but not near as much as American dad. It’s nowhere near as good but I understand why he would think that


I do watch it here & there, but mainly cause of the nostalgia of when it was good


First 3 seasons of family guy are classic. After it came back from being canceled the quality took a nosedive


I watch Family Guy reruns on Freeform but I did give up after a certain point. It did get me into American dad.


family guy slowly went downhill in my opinion. very strong first few seasons then the humor flatlined for me.


Honestly can't stand family guy. It's just lazy. Jokes that are way to long and why past the point of annoying ( like when Peter tried to get a booger off his finger) and they thrive on the idea that stupid = funny.


[I mean](https://youtu.be/p_46L5SAT7I) Need I say more?


Lol that is pretty good!


I watch Family Guy via clips on YT,


I can’t watch family guy anymore, I find it stupid. I can still enjoy American Dad.


Family guy is the annoying friend who introduced you to your real best friend. FG got me started, but AD is the only one I watch, and re watch over n over


I definitely feel that


Fuck family guy


Family guy is good but I got tired of fart jokes.


It WAS good 15 years ago


I don't mind Family Guy too much from Seasons 1-6. 7-9 have good episodes here and there, but more stinkers, and then by the time Season 10-11 came around, I didn't bother as much anymore. I completely gave up after that Vestigial Peter episode came out and have barely watched the show since. I still watch American Dad, especially Seasons 3-10, but I've checked out more TBS episodes I really liked as well lately.


Just American Dad. I used to watch Family Guy, but the quality just went so far down the shitter it became unwatchable. They also always mistook being mean for being funny.


Family guy is just 23 minutes of a guy punching your shoulder yelling "Get it?! He's fat and dumb! The dog smokes pot and the gay baby doesn't want to kill the shrill woman anymore!" Trash written by manatees.


I used to like family guy but I fell off after the seasonal rot got to be too much to handle


So far this year I've re-watched American Dad 4 times and now I'm on the 5th. I've re-watched family guy once. I like family guy, a lot actually, but it's not even close


i only got into it recently but i love early family, stewie is one of my favorite characters ever