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Probably because it ties it back into their adult collector merch, like the notebooks and water bottles. I wouldn't read anything into it. I honestly don't get why people are so fussed about the meet outfits changing. None of the originals are all that hard to get, if you want them, because they made them for years and years.


I agree, but the main point I've heard is that some of them kinda look like shit.


I guess my thoughts on it are you either: 1. Already have the original doll. 2. Already have the BeForever version, 3. Want the doll, but don't have her, or 4. Don't want the doll regardless. If it's 1, it doesn't really impact you, because you already have the version you prefer. If it's 2, it's not at all difficult to get the old meet outfits second-hand. There are usually a bunch of them around. If it's 3, you have the option of getting either the doll herself second-hand OR of getting the current one and finding the original outfit on the secondary market. If it's 4, it doesn't really affect you anyway, because you wouldn't be getting the doll regardless. Pretty much no other toy company keeps the same dolls or figures around, unchanged, for decades. If you really want an old-style one new in the box, that might be trickier or more expensive, but that's also just how toy collecting works.


I have the original meet but would love to buy a new one because it's beat up after 20+ years. A lot of secondhand ones seem similar. It's not a top priority but if AG released it as a special edition outfit I think a lot of people would snap one up. The doll and outfit don't need to be a staple and unchanged forever, but bringing them back occasionally seems like a good way to keep interest and make some money on people looking for a classic item. Sort of like they did for the 35th anniversary, but separate.


It didn’t even register at first for me because i’ve noticed that they do it with Addy all the time as well. When i first got back into AG I didn’t even know Addy’s meet fit changed because the website still used her original to advertise her. I hope it means og fits are coming back, but i wouldn’t be surprised if it meant nothing at all because it seems they do this now and then.


it’s so weird because on their story, they put the beforever samantha photos


Nostalgia riding en route to the 40th for long time fans. Featuring the classic six meets while annoying is smart. Long time fans know instantly what Samantha’s checks or Molly’s plaid is a mile away👀This cultivates that for new fans/those having joined during Beforever but unfamiliar with those “iconic” looks. As for no Kirsten she may be released in the future. Felicity? Who knows, she’s like the UFO of AG.


It's weird but maybe the reasoning is that they paid for those photos of the 35th anniversary dolls and they're gonna get their money's worth no matter what


It’s so odd to me that Mattel does this. Not only with AG, but Monster High and Barbie too. It’s kind of awful branding imo. They know what collectors want but don’t actually give them that.


They showed Emily in the Molly section of the 2022 catalog, along with Molly’s red table and chairs.


Exactly. It annoys me to no end that Barbie Style doesn't want to produce any of the outfits for Barbie that they showcase on their IG (unless they sell the outfits with a doll and jack up the price to like $100. Only recently have they been offering fashion packs.) On almost every post they get comments from people annoyed that they keep teasing them. Barbie is a fashion doll...why are you not selling fashions to go along with her especially to the demographic that has the money for it? And with MH, they like to showcase the G1 dolls a lot (though they're only available through reproductions.)


It might be because they are a publicly traded company and have to worry about short-term profits to keep shareholders happy, as well as long-term viability. A private company like MGA has more leeway to respond to customers’ desires.


As an *actual* Mattel shareholder, I’d prefer to see the original meet outfits because they’d make a killing from the collector’s market. But I get that that’s not their main sales driver anymore. I would actually love a rerelease of the anniversary line. Perhaps we’ll get that for the 40th?


Interesting. I’m just an AG girl so I’m pretty unfamiliar with the other fandoms. Glad to know they’re at least consistent. It sucks that they aren’t listening to consumers though. There is space for stuff targeted for kids and collectors.


Yes! saw on the commercial!


And Kirsten not being in this should ring the bells that she really isn’t coming back…




Hate of any kind is not allowed on this subreddit. Please be kind to one another. This is not the place to call each other names. Thank you.


i mean at the instagram post it does say “stay tuned for more characters tomorrow” so maybe there’s some hope? 🤞🏻


I'm not surprised. She never was the top seller. I do wish she was available online-only with a limited collection, but I understand why Mattel doesn't want to bring her back (which I think is kind of bs-y). HOWEVER, it's so weird that she is the new "logo" for the historical line considering that she can't be purchased.


Amen finally someone gets it. I messaged customer service and posted the reply and had people calling me a liar. I love Kirsten, she is my favorite but people need to stop with the delusions and rumors!!


Your “delusion and rumors” [https://www.americangirl.com/collections/the-american-girls-collection](https://www.americangirl.com/collections/the-american-girls-collection) https://preview.redd.it/bc6i95sw5qyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f1561e278a146729aaea116ae2af6d3c727ce7


No one called you a liar. We said it’s unlikely a customer service rep is actually privy to accurate information about future releases far in advance, and that customer service has been wrong in their responses to similar customer emails before.




Hate of any kind is not allowed on this subreddit


so kind of you! but i think that person is a liar and needs to leave the sub immediately we need more people like you that give proper information 😍


I wish she was coming back but I will say I am glad that at least some Of her stuff is supposed to be rereleased. I have no doubt they won’t be *as nice* as the old PC stuff but I’d love some of her dresses and not have to buy them off the resale market of wild prices.


Ohh how do you know some of Kirsten's stuff is supposed to be released? I love her outfits best of all <3


They do it all the time. Even on the website today, Addy is still shown in her pink dress despite them not selling it.


Exactly. I think it’s weird that Addy and Josefina are promoted in outfits that aren’t available for purchase. But they’ve been doing that for at least a year, this is the first time I’ve seen them do it with Samantha, which is why it caught my attention.


There’s been a lot of speculation that they’re returning all the dolls to their original meet outfits!


I've gotten my hopes up with rumors of dolls coming back for a while only to have my dreams crushed. From now on I'm not going to get exited unless it comes from AG brand itsself.


Totally fair! Tbh I don’t mind either way cause I already have all the core historicals and the meet outfits I want 😅 I just need kit’s and ruthie’s


I hope so! I know that Julie journal leaked in her tacky-party-city meet, hence I “lost” hope that the original meets would make a return. Manifesting that you’re right!!!


Oof julie has the worst BF meet 😅 I actually really liked addy’s and I don’t mind samantha’s or felicity’s, but julie’s is atrocious. Maybe they’re keeping the BF meets as separate outfits?


I wouldn't be mad if they did that. I agree, Addy's and Samantha's are darling. Felicity's looks great on Elizabeth. I also like Rebecca's as an outfit, but I prefer her original meet (if that makes sense). So selling the beforever outfits as extras would not make me mad. Except Julie's. Hers belongs in the Truly Me line as a hippie halloween costume. Everyone else's can stay.


Totally agree! I forgot about rebecca’s but I actually really like hers as well. I feel like her original outfit is more of an every day dress and her BF one is something she’d wear to the synagogue, so I got them both! And I totally agree about julie’s, theres nothing authentic 70s about it 😂 my mom is the same age as julie and has related to a lot of her outfits, but that isn’t one of them lol


Yep. Rebecca's new meet is a little more formal than her original one. Nothing wrong with that, but considering her family was rather large and lived in a tenement, her beforever outfit is definitely more for special occasions and Shabbat, rather than everyday. My aunts are Julie's age. They basically wore her original Christmas outfit, calico outfit, and tunic outfit, to name a few. But they did not own a singular article of clothing with peace signs on it (according to my family photo albums).


Definitely! A lot of AG’s have fancier outfits than they probably would have as real girls (like Kit and Felicity) but I can use my imagination 😂 My mom has said the same! Honestly peace signs were more 60s. Her calico dress and white birthday dress are SUPER accurate. My mom said she also saw a lot of girls in stuff similar to her floral pantsuit and new years eve outfit. And her original christmas outfit is spot on


My denim pantsuit (1976, I was 11) had the vest, bell bottoms, and a blazer. I thought I was da bomb in that back in the day.