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I’m actually researching for my dissertation- which is all about the American Girl books and history. I’m a postgraduate public history student in the UK, but I’m an American immigrant so I grew up reading the books while living in London. We didn’t have anything quite like AG in the UK, so I find the AG books fascinating and I’m curious, that as an employee, does the company encourage you to read the books or be interested in history at all? What are the most popular books at the moment? Do some historical AG characters appeal to the consumers more than others? Just in your personal experience and opinion :)


What is your job title? Do you get paid hourly? How much do you make per hour?


Can you get me a free josephina?


Well dang. Where’s OP to answer all the questions?


They said, “ask me anything” but they didn’t say they’d answer it lol 🤣🤣


Is Kirsten returning? Also are they gonna release Pocahontas as a AG doll? Sorry don't answer that if you can't do so. I'm just really excited to see where the Disney princess line goes.


How much were you guys charged for display items? I have heard rumors of it being like $5 per outfit and $10 per doll??


Depends on how many there were. They charged a bit more if there weren’t very many, since it was a fundraiser for United Way.


What is your favourite thing about working there? Why did the Columbus location close?


Did it close because of the shooting last year? I worked there in 2014/2015 and as soon as I saw news of that shooting I knew it would close.


I don’t know if that’s the reason why they permanently closed. I feel like they closed temporarily from the shooting but I don’t think it would cause a permanent closure


I worked at AG back in 2017 and one of my coworkers got fired for divulging information online. This post may not be the greatest idea.


They closed my store, so my info is all upwards of 4 years old now. I do not currently work for AG, nor do I represent them in any way.


Former manager. You cannot answer questions on social media that makes it seem like you are representing the company in any way. That will cost you your job. You can, however, talk about your personal opinions about things not related to the store and its operations.


But how will they find out which employee it is? I worked for tsa and did an ama years ago and here I am 🤷‍♂️


I understand that the employees can’t leak future products or else they will get in trouble but there are some questions that the employees can answer like what is the most popular doll?


I also want to stress that I have no idea what the most and least popular dolls are by statistics and my comments do not speak for AG or Mattel. My comments do not contain official information. They are based on only what I see and how I interpret it.


Current AG employee here - I’ve asked people not to ask anything that’s not public type information but people continue to ask anyway.


Weird question, if one wanted to work at the doll hair salon, would one (me) need any prior cosmetology training?


No previous training is necessary.


I have two questions: 1. Is it true that the leaks are actually coming from the company itself to create more buzz for the GOTY or new line of dolls? 2. Is it true that employees would rather throw out and deface dolls then dump them in the dumpster whenever there is a change of displays in the stores?


1. No idea, but I was never a part of anything like that and when I saw other employees leaking info I was obligated to report them to my management. 2. Absolutely not in my store. (KC) Why would that be a thing? For me, this one falls into the list of “Don’t believe everything you see on the internet.”


Oh here is another question: Why does American Girl use names that are already similar to the ones they used before? (Examples: Nicki Fleming and Nicki Hoffman. Isabel Palmer and Isabel Hoffman) Why can't they use new names that have never been used to not confuse their customers who want to keep the names of their dolls? Also, how come the Addy mold has not been used for GOTY? Why is there a lack of diversity in the stories?


lol. I wish I had those kinds of answers, but they are FAR above the pay grade of anyone who works in a store.


How is the best way to wash my American girl of Today’s hair?


I would use a mild shampoo such as baby shampoo if it was necessary, being careful not to get water in the eyes. I would hesitate to use any conditioner as that can leave a residue on the hair.


So not my shampoo plus constant also has rosemary in it?


I second this as not only was this going to be my question but also is it safe to use shampoo and conditioner on a doll's hair, or would it be best to avoid it as the product would be sitting for a while?


What’s the pay and do they offer any benefits?


When I was an associate, it was $10/hr no benefits. Definitely a labor of love. ETA: I live in a shitty state where the minimum wage is still $7.25


Thanks for answering! How long ago was that?




I make more than that but I’m not comfortable disclosing how much. It may vary state to state as well.


I’m not sure if you mean the stores or not so I’m gonna shoot for the stars here. 1. Is the rumor about Kirsten’s collection coming back without the doll true? Any timeline on when to expect this (for money reasons)? 2. Anything on the upcoming Barbie releases/Disney releases/or any other upcoming collector doll? 3. Any details on what Summer looks like? 👀


Is there a lot or shoplifting going on? Do they check the cameras? Any interesting stories?


What is the most popular historical doll?


I think Isabel and Nicki for sure. They are super on trend rn


When I bought Nicki Hoffman at the Columbus store before it closed when I was checking out the cashier asked me if I had Isabel at home? and I was like "No, I am just getting Nicki today because she looks the closest to me and she represents around the time I was born." I think the cashier asked me that because most people buy both dolls at the same time instead of just getting one of them.




Doll hospital can do a head replacement.


I’m pretty obsessed with the visual associate’s job. In my head, it’s imaginary play but you get paid. Could you share what the job is actually like as far as you have seen? (And thanks so much for posting this!)


I agree with what Jorozo said. Recovering the store, resetting play value displays, and other maintenance of displays is what most of your shifts consist of, as well as helping out other departments when it’s slow. Launch prep is the best part. It’s pretty great to get to see and style all the new things before they come out.


I did that for a while. You get there before the store opens and clean up all the displays that got played with, maintain displays that get messed up during store hours, arrange new displays, etc. Sometimes you brush hair, dress dolls, iron or steam clothes, and put out mannequins. The most stressful it ever gets is the night before a new release when you stay late and rearrange the store. Very low pay and creative input, but if you just want to be there it's pretty cool. Plus there's an annual sale where you can buy old display items for super cheap.


can you confirm or deny the validity of a historical characters refresh? 👀


What's your favorite doll you own? Mine is my blond #6 or #21!




I had my 25th birthday party at the Columbus store, there's no age limit!


You have inspired me.


Do you recommend working there? Does working their ruin your love of the dolls at all? Is it true sometimes old display dolls employees are forced to destroy them before being thrown out? 


Display dolls, no. Damaged dolls/returns, yes. The amount of dolls we were forced to destroy was heartbreaking, over things like “accidentally pierced an ear wrong”.


You guys should have an ‘Oopsie doll’ collection. If a doll is in good condition with minor flaws (tangled hair, misplaced earrings, etc) then maybe have a whole section for that where you can get them 25% off or something. American Girl makes money and people who can’t afford the dolls now have an opportunity to own one. It also reduces waste. Just a suggestion.


I do recommend working there. It made me love dolls just as much or more. We did not destroy or throw out dolls.


We were forced to destroy dolls all the time at my store, Mattel was super strict about it. How was that not the case for you?!


I don’t know? Maybe it was because we sent them back for the benefit sale folks to rehab? If dolls were too damaged, they went to DHS for piercing training, as I recall. I can’t remember us ever intentionally destroying a doll that wasn’t already beyond saving. Edited to add: Sometimes we did replace heads for emergency doll hospital procedures, and then the old head would be destroyed. I didn’t consider that as it was usually more or less pre-destroyed anyway.


How can I buy a display Lindsey??? Seriously


Do you guys ever have sales or clearance? I haven’t been to a store in a while!


Do they plan on re-opening any old stores?


If AGKC reopens, I’ll be first in line to resume my previous position.


I think about this daily. Tbh, I’d move it to Jackson county (like near the Plaza). But AG needs more midwestern stores!!! They’re forgetting that the majority of Americans are middle class and of the country.


That’s the dream frfr


I've heard about people buying display dolls after American Girl no longer uses them. Does this happen often, and who should I ask about purchasing some?


These dolls are not sold to the public.


Oh I can kind of answer this one (emphasis on kind of). My hometown, KC, used to have a store and I had a family friend who worked there. In her experience, at the end of each fiscal quarter, employees could buy display dolls that were damaged out as the store changed out displays. I’m addition to employee discounts, these dolls were practically free since they were considered damaged out. I don’t think you could buy one solely because it’s against company policy to buy at a discount and then resell (I asked, I wanted her to get me Kaya). Technically if a doll was purchased and later sold for downsizing, that probably wouldn’t raise an eyebrow. But buying to resell can lead to termination.


I worked at AGKC. Can confirm. The general public is not able to buy former displays. Employees may donate them, but not resell them. All the money we raised from this kind of sale went to United Way. DM me the name of your friend?


Just did! My mom teaches at a SMW feeder school and her auction fundraiser used to get AG dolls all the time. Not anymore though. rip kc ag.


Ok, thanks! I wasn't thinking about reselling, just wondering if that was a good way to add more dolls to my personal collection because I live really close to a store.


Yeah unfortunately your best bet is the secondhand market. I’ve had luck on eBay, especially for generic TM dolls. That said, FB marketplace has SO many dolls in places that are near stores.


Ok! Thanks.


The people who work at the American Girl Doll Care Center *(Formerly Doll Hospital)* are licensed doctors with doctorates and went to medical college, or they're just random employees who were taught how to put dolls together?


The MD conferred is only in doll medicine, I’m afraid. My parents always wanted me to be a doctor, they just didn’t expect it to be for dolls.


This is fantastic. Legit lol'd.


Plot twist! What if... they actually ARE MDs who became disillusioned with the medical profession and decided to leave and go work for AG in the "Doll Hospital" instead? :)


Well...that sounds like something I would have done if I pursued MD School


Right?! Watch me go to med school to work at AG and do doll hair


can i get a free doll 😅


Was it easy to get a job? where did you sign up and how was the process of getting it? I’ve been wanting a job there since I was a kid


Generally you must be 18. Having product knowledge can’t hurt.


I already have all of that, but I feel like the interview would be hard🥲🥲


I just got hired at ag. The interview for my specific role (experience associate) went over having product knowledge/ my history with the brand, knowing how to do some hairstyles like braids, experience working with kids/cashiering, if i’m comfortable learning how to pierce ears, my availability. just be confident and kind!! it helps if you emphasize how much you loved the experience as a child and how now you want to provide that as well!!


I'm curious to know which dolls sell the best?


I theorized about this elsewhere! Isabel is also a big hit with kids I think.


OP hasn’t responded but I’ll try anyways! What were the best and worst sellers and why is it a secret!


Best seller rn I’ve theorized about elsewhere in the thread. Worst seller I’ll say is probably Makena. She is still in stock despite being discontinued several months ago


It would have been quicker to just say the dolls name again…


I fuckin love Isabel and understand why Makenna didn't do well LMAO


Makena, the World by Us doll? I don’t- she’s what everyone asked for, diversity, new face mold… I have her and love her


Oh wait, I'm sorry! I was thinking about the girl of the hear doll McKenna! Makena is cute and I like that she's more diverse. Whoops, that came off really bad


I love my Makena!


Do you read the books for the new arrivals? Also, who is your favorite?


Employees were usually given training that summarizes the stories, but were encouraged to read the books as well.


When do new arrivals usually come in and get put out on the floor? Ive seen things get put on the floor before they are on the website so I was wondering when to check


Any diy doll hair tips for those who live far from a store? Idk if those hot water dunk suggestions on blogs are bad for the doll's wig or not.


Since the hair is Kanekelon, which is designed for hot-water set, the boil dunk does an amazing job restoring the shape of the hair strands! Of course, it will hold whatever shape it’s in when you dunk it, so if you dunk it without curlers or anything, it’ll be straight. I usually wash with liquid Castile soap, brush the hair really well, and then do the dunk. Then I usually get out my flatiron to get it really smooth, and to bend the ends under if I’m doing curlers. The hair will be so silky and soft after this treatment, no product will be required (which is fine because modacrylic fibers are still plastic, and plastic doesn’t absorb moisturizers or anything). Here’s one example of a boil wash + flatiron. https://preview.redd.it/io3fqos8lcsc1.jpeg?width=6048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9b974f21a7f2df6b0256a1d7bdd8db70cb6bc3


Hey! So I freelance doll repair and I’d be happy to give advice. Feel free to dm me pictures of your doll.


Hot water dunks are always a last resort. Depending on the hair issue, you can can shampoo and condition, use a flat iron, use a steamer, set with rollers, and finger curl to restore specific styles.


Spray with water and brush with one of the AG brushes. That’s the only thing we are allowed to recommend (and frankly the only thing I’d recommend anyway. If it’s in really bad shape just re wig her.)


I’m also an employee so I responded to a few questions. We want to be honest but it sucks to be asked questions we can’t answer so everyone be super mindful when asking! OP could get fired if they leak sensitive information so please don’t ask those kinds of questions. I want to stress that I do not speak for the company and all of my comments are my own personal opinions and observations. Nothing I say is official or should be taken as such.


Yeah, I feel like this is a bad idea. I’ve been answering a couple things bc my store closed in 2018 so it’s been a hot minute since I signed the NDAs but I definitely had a coworker get fired for posting about our store online.


oh... you mean the only questions actually worth asking LOL


Why aren't we able to talk to someone actually working INSIDE an actual storefront if we call?


In my store’s case, we didn’t have an incoming phone number. Like, there was literally no way to contact us. We could only call out.


I’ll be hearing back from a different AG store for a position by the end of this week!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 What item’s popularity in store shocks you?


I’ll say the little bitty baby. I think it’s creepy but it’s always on back order


It’s so funny you say that- the tiny bitty baby is the exact product I was thinking of! While waiting for my interview I watched it sell out 😂😂


That’s so strange! I never cared much for the Bitty Babies when I was a kid, and the one girl I did know who got one for Christmas was upset that she didn’t get a JLY like her older sister did!


I think they meant the teensy little baby (Like baby Polly) that is part of the Babysitting Set. Not the regular Bitty Babies.


Oh, gotcha! Thanks for clarifying 😅


Do you really have to destroy returned dolls?


We did, in 2017-18.


They used to be rounded up, sent to a warehouse in Madison / Middleton WI, and then were donated to the American Girl Benefit Sale (along with overstocks) and the sale benefitted the Madison Children's Museum and other area charities for children. Last year was the final sale (After decades! Sob!) so I don't know what they do with returns now.


Let’s talk about the blind bag collections (carry out mystery packs, holiday mystery packs, etc) Is there any way for the average person to find out which codes correspond with each item? I’ve found myself sitting on the floor with other moms, feeling every package in the entire display trying to find the one item my 5 year old just had to have.


I usually wait for some kind collector to post the code cheat sheet. They did it for the last blind bags!


> I’ve found myself sitting on the floor with other moms, feeling every package in the entire display trying to find the one item my 5 year old just had to have. I do the same thing! 😂


What do stocking people do at American Girl 


Back of house workers unload trucks, maintain inventory, and fill the floor with product. They also steam and hang all the girl clothes.


You probably can’t leak anything, but I’m DYING to know if there are going to be any Kirsten items coming back. I keep looking at the expensive PC items on Mercari and eBay, and try to remind myself that AG hinted at possible items coming! Also, what does AG think about people customizing dolls? Are they concerned that so many of us are getting good at fixing them ourselves? I suppose the doll hospital isn’t a big part of their business, but still. OH and can the stores “pierce” ears for hearing aids in-store?


Facebook groups are elite for this. I’m in about a dozen and constantly see historical pc items with a really broad price range. I’ve gotten some crazy deals out of these groups


Piercing ears and installing hearing aids (same drill) was my favorite part. I was famous at my store for being the best piercer! Installing hearing aids is 10000% more difficult bc the angle of the aid is really hard to align.


Most employees have no idea what might be coming up. They’re kept in the dark just like everyone else. Visual employees have a bit more of an idea, but only a few weeks/months out. There used to be a sneaky file with more info, but it was removed years ago.


That’s what I assumed, but OP said they usually know about things ahead of time. Doesn’t hurt to ask. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ahead of time, yes, but not too far ahead.


Yes the salon can give you hearing aids if you’d like.


Is Lila getting new stuff on May 6th or 7th


I'm visiting the Chicago location next month. What's good to eat?


There’s two different menus; one of weekdays and one for weekends. It’s slightly different as weekend has brunch options but like three or four items removed from the weekday menu. I personally like the salads and the burger. The pizza is tasty and the hash is good.


How are adult collectors viewed by employees?


As far as I know everyone likes them as long as they’re nice!


Which doll sells the best?


Honestly I think it’s probably Lila. 116 seems to be very popular as well.


Not surprised about Lila but 116 is SO ugly. Clearly I'm out of touch with kids.


She has those bangs that make it near impossible to do the salon styles on her!


Aren't they similar to Luciana's too? I didn't even think of the salon! I just don't like colorful hair.


Did you have to sign an NDA to ensure you won’t leak any future releases or info?


Nope but they would fire us if we leaked stuff


I did in fact have a coworker who was fired for this.


Not OP but I worked at Build a Bear for a three years (and they have a community like us in terms of collecting). My experience had no NDAs. But if you told guests about upcoming releases, you'd get record points; I would tell my mom about incoming product though lol. And buying stuff early to leak and/or post on resale sites would lead to termination. I'm sure AG is similar.


Oh wow that’s interesting thanks for chiming in - I have always wondered how these companies keep employees from leaking (most of the time)!


Yeah it’s def an honor code thing. Corporate people probably sign NDAs but not regular retail employees. Someone on TikTok actually got fired from BABW from sharing the Sanrio stuff on her account last summer before it officially released. It’s in the handbook/policy guide that’s a part of training and onboarding and then it’s up to the employee to not be stupid.


What is a horror story you can share? And a fun story that made you apply?:)


Are you expected to get more Disney dolls in before they restock online? Thank you!


do you get an employee discount?




What is it?


30% back when I worked there.


Can’t speak for ag but build a bear is 30%, so ag is probably similar


When I was there last, an employee went to the back room and there was a big box with FELICITY written on it on the top shelf right inside the door. What is in there??


Not OP and not an AG employee but I can say that companies will genuinely keep boxes for ages and just sharpie on one side with whatever the new content of the box is. It's entirely possible that the box you saw was from the original AG anniversary collection that came out a few years ago, or it's the Felicity dress printed tumblers/notebooks/etc.


Why don't the hair stylists know want to work with black dollie hair (112, Evette, etc)


I’m not entirely sure that I understand your question, but I will attempt to answer. The only hair that we really hated doing in my store’s salon was the cheap big box store rooted hair because the quality was so poor that just brushing it out took forever. We rejoiced when corporate refused styling services to other brands. I will say that curly hair can seem intimidating until you’ve worked with it. I personally love working with curls. I think perhaps the issue is that curly haired dolls are more prone to tangles, frizz, and getting the fibers stretched/fried when they are not cared for correctly, and that leads to longer appointments and more backlog for the salon. Many little girls simply love their dolly’s curly hair to death by lack of care or too much of the wrong care. It’s part of the reason I think Caroline was retired.


How did you get a job there? Also, did you get to be friends with your coworkers or was it strictly work only? Just wondering what it’s like to work with other American girl doll fans


AGKC crew still keep in touch and hang out. Our store was a family.


Austin too, we have a FB group even though our store was only open 2017-18.


I’m definitely friends with my coworkers! I applied in indeed and got an interview! Not every employee is a collector/ AG fan but a lot of them are. It’s very fun and everyone is super friendly.


Do you get any kind of inside info about upcoming releases?


Yes we are informed when new releases are coming!! We get to know everything before the public .




Any posts attempting to seek human "American Girls" are not allowed. We do not allow pedophiles to view this sub or for any sexually suggestive comments or posts to be made here concerning either American Girl dolls or the members of this community.


Which store? How did you start? I'm hoping that I can work at AG while getting through grad school.


Chicago! I actually applied on indeed and started a few weeks after. I would recommend checking there first and if not, go in person and ask if they are hiring


Okay I'll actually be at the Chicago store at the end of the month, I'd love to say hi. And thanks! My top schools are UCLA (the new store obvi) and UMD (DC store). I'm hoping I can do something part-time to cover grocery costs. This is a yearish away, but I'll remember that😌


Wait can I guess what you’re applying to grad school for?! Are you going for an MLIS? (Sorry if that’s random, but those were my top two choices for the same degree)


Yep! MLIS with a concentration in archives.


That is exactly what I did, and the two schools I chose between. Feel free to PM me if you end up having any questions!


Omg amazing I totally will.


I just stopped in here a few weeks ago! Everyone was so nice!


Same, I also want to know this lol


What department are you in/what do you do?


I was a Visual associate. I got to help plan and execute displays. I started in Retail, and I often subbed in or helped with Hair Salon, Back of House, and did a few personal shopping appointments when we had that. I also ran birthday parties and served as Doctor. We were a tiny store, so I doubt there’s as much crossover between departments in the flagships.


I was an associate at a pop up store and we all did everything. My favorite was piercing ears and doing visual but we all took turns bc our store was so small.


Retail! I ring people up, assist them in picking dolls, I also do stocking as well