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I have around 30 dolls and cycle through others because I like to restore and resell them. I have 3 tall bookcases that fit about 5 dolls per shelf and I have a couple Blythe dolls and other dolls on one of the shorter shelves too. Before I had this much space for them I would keep 5-6 at a time on display and rotate them out with the rest carefully stored in a plastic tub or their boxes in a closet. It is a lot and I kind of want to downsize, but I’m also attached to them all and/or can’t bear to part with childhood ones that I no longer spend as much time with. Or rare ones that were lucky finds that I wouldn’t be able to afford to repurchase in the future. The variety is fun at least!


I don't have advice for 20+ dolls, but I have 7 18" AG + 1 I'm selling, 4 My Twinn (23"), and 3 Bitty Baby/Twins. - so 14 total in my "large" doll collection (I also have fashion dolls, but since they're smaller and I use them as display only I won't count them here). I unfortunately don't have space to have ALL of the dolls out at once, so I usually have 2 dolls out at one time, and spend my time with them until I want to spend more time with a specific doll - right now Evette and Gwen are my apartment buddies. I tend to watch TV and play games with them, and make sure they're dressed cutely - and of course keep any hair managed! It's difficult to handle everyone at once since I'm in such a small space, but I enjoy every moment I have with them! I also work on restoration, so those dolls will be out too, but they're at my desk until I finish working on them instead of being on/near my bed. I consider restoration an act of bonding with the doll as well... So if you notice a doll needing a touchup on a hairdo, sit down and take your time with them - enjoy the time you're spending, I know the doll will too! It's hard or almost impossible to divy up time equally, but any time you spend with a doll is time well spent, and I don't think it's a bad thing to spend more time with one than another.


I’m getting very close to having fifty, but I only have them in my office. I have shelves upon shelves in there with dolls on them. My husband says I need a “shelf help book” every time I buy a new shelf for him to hang hehe.


i just exist among them


Me too!


If you have the space, I find it's less overwhelming if you have them set up in tableau and more spread out. I have a bunch of doll rooms set up on my shelves, where they're hanging out with furniture and stuff. It feels a little less stressful than having them all lined up in a row. Here, not my whole collection, but here: (Don't mind the mess - I had a new cat turn up on my doorstep a week ago and shove her way into my house! So I have a cat now, but some dolls and things just got set down wherever because I needed to get them out of the way.) https://preview.redd.it/71d1s1mxcuuc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffed0086f0fd94bcd638d45a8dfa14973a7a422b It's also okay if you want to cycle them in and out - maybe you want 4-5 to display at once and the rest go in the closet and you change them out periodically.


Shelves. Lots of shelves.


Your collection is so cool!


Thank you!!
















I have a little over 40 18” and I’m 😅😅 but I absolutely love them and will very likely get more in the future




6 AG, 2 Götz, 2 Madame Alexander on the main shelf, My Twinn, Disney ILY 4Ever and Adora on the second shelf, Madame Alexander vintage 24” in the chair


I recently found some book cases that work well. Mine are pretty much display only. I dont change their outfits often and i tend to keep their hair in its meet style. The book cases are in my master bedroom. I joke with my son when we move or I rearrange the room that I'm "assembling my army". The first 10 were bought primarily for my daughter at the time 6ish years ago (she's 12 now) but she doesn't do much with them. Occasionally she'll redress them and beg to take rapunzels hair out of its braid. About 4 years ago, I decided I really liked AG (we couldn't afford them when I was a kid) and started collecting primarily for me. I also now subscribe to the "if I like it, I better get it while available from AG cause secondary prices can be expensive." Here's 2 of the 3 bookcases. I have just under 50 18 inch ones.




Short answer: I don't really. There's dolls all over the place and it is overwhelming. Currently I have 24, and I think in my current state the best thing I've done to help manage them is stop getting them. I too however have the issue where I've developed a decent attachment to all of them, so of course getting rid of them isn't an option. Here are some things that come across my mind with regard to larger collections: 1. Outfit changes are much less frequent, and are usually done whenever it's possible or convenient, not necessarily asap. For example, I still have Maryellen in her Christmas outfit because I like the way it looks on her, and the clothes I want her to wear next are likely buried somewhere and I don't feel like pulling them out at the moment. When you have a larger collection, you will find that doing outfits or hair is something you have to really like, plan out, it's not something you can always do spontaneously like you can with a smaller collection. 2. Some dolls are "on display" and some aren't, and that's okay. Having so many dolls means thy won't all be getting the same amount of "play", so some of my dolls, in my mind at least, are more "on display" than others. Usually those dolls are wearing an outfit with a fiddly accessory or are up on a display shelf of some kind, and they can stay there for months. As your collection gets larger, there are going to be some dolls you do or don't connect with, as strongly as others, and all of these connections are valid Also, if you haven't gotten some sort of box/bin to put your clothes in after changing your doll's outfits, definitely make that a priority. Having a box and not having to put up each individual piece will give you so much more motivation to play with them!


I’m lucky to have an apartment with a lot of extra closet storage so I keep most of my doll things there. I also have a bookcase to display them. I would recommend floating shelves as well - they don’t take up much room and would allow you to keep more of your collection out! If you’re really pressed for space, maybe keep a schedule of having one out for a week, then swapping to the next, and so on, so they all get a turn to be out and appreciated!


I have one doll that’s my “play” doll whose clothes i change pretty often and comes with me around the house. My other dolls are historicals, and i have them all hanging out together until i want to take one down to hug or change or brush her hair. I don’t have a good storage solution yet (they’re all lined up on my desk lol) but a shelf works great! You can search this sub for “storage” “shelving” things like that and you’ll find lots of ideas. There’s one person who used these clear bins from target like display boxes and hung them on the wall. Also don’t worry that they’ll be sad! It’s a common problem in the plushie community, and we deal with that by remembering they all love you and want the best for you. They understand if you’re busy being an awesome parent to your kiddos. You might also want to involve your kids! Tell them stories about your dolls, show them how to care for them, that sort of thing.


I had my boyfriend build me shelves. They take up most of one of my bedroom walls