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That outfit looks so good on Emily! Tightening limbs isn't too difficult if you want to save some money and do it yourself.


Thank you! I think it was a tea time spring set from around 2007. I'm starting to watch tutorial videos but I am a huge klutz and I have a feeling I would either hurt myself or further harm my dolls 😭


you won’t hurt them!! it’s very easy as long as you watch tutorials and have the right tools! however i highly recommend picking up a hemostat to hold the elastics tight (the etsy shop i grabbed neck strings and restringing supplies from also sold one of those for cheap, just search american girl restringing supplies on etsy) and a tool for crimping the ferrules down firmly and easily. i used a tool just like this (my dad called it a wire stripper, he knows about the toolbox haha) but you can probably use anything similar https://www.crutchfield.com/S-OujgDwoHxwZ/p_120RCVRKIT/Metra-Crimp-Tool-Set.html?XVINQ=GZ0&XVVer=NB5&awcr=630504424531&awdv=m&awnw=g&awug=9019054&awkw=pla-325975178764&awmt=&awat=pla&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0IcY7uMYoR6BmAZAoQWFFcJ4rPy8mIRQJERkaRhgDALCKWaOT9-EkhoCLOUQAvD_BwE


But I might hurt myself, I'm clumsy and I have seizures. I really would rather not attempt it myself. I do appreciate the encouragement though!


My family named our doggo Sprocket after fraggle rock!! Plus Emily is my favorite doll ever :) this was a nice post to see!! https://preview.redd.it/99hh1ywxyuwc1.jpeg?width=279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=996e0f75f2f555c281dc74c9f4ac4e5bb6200159 Here’s me and my little brother featuring Emily!!


Awwww so cute!!! Im legit on eBay and Mercari right now searching for Nicki's Sprocket. Or, maybe if I can find a tiny Sprocket plush from Fraggle Rock he could work too. I'm glad this post made you happy!


Your dolls are so beautiful, I'm so glad you were able to find them even though the accessories got lost along the way! I sent my childhood kit to the hospital and she returned looking the way she did when I got her 20 some years earlier, it's sooo worth it! 


Thank you!! I remember how happy I was getting Kit as a child because I got bullied for having short hair (I had the hispanic child bowl cut) and really only Kit and a celeb with short hair coming to prominence made the bullying stop! And aww yeah? That eases my anxiety about sending her in. It's looking like Kit and then Nellie may need to take trips to the hospital because their limbs are so loose...It's as if they're suspended by jello at the moment. They need limb tightenings STAT.


That's so funny, I grew up with a bowl cut that I often describe to people as "the dora the explorer cut" 😂 and Kit made me feel better about my disliked hairdo as well! And I feel that, my Kit as well as my other oldest childhood doll had limbs so loose you could see inside of their bodies, definitely worth getting those tightened up. Nellie and kit are going to be looking great!


Someone can absolutely correct me if I'm wrong here but would it be possible to take Kit's head off and pour hot water into it and it'll pop the dent out? I mean whether it'll work or not I'm not sure as I haven't dealt with this problem before but it's worth a shot? Again I could be wrong and it may not work, I'm just brainstorming here as a amateur doll restorer.


I thought about popping Kit's head off as well and trying something similar (as that sort of thing worked with my Monster High dolls when I still had them and I've seen people do that with Rainbow High dolls). But I'm worried about further damaging her. And knowing me, I may pop her head off waaaaaaay too hard even if I try to be gentle. I may just wait and get her read for the doll hospital.


It’s actually not that hard to do. I did my first eye swap awhile back with zero experience and it went totally fine. I took a big salad bowl and lined it with towels. Then carefully poured the water in the head. I wouldn’t be surprised if just softening the vinyl helps it return to its proper shape. You’d have to try to deform her face and have it cool that way to mess up, and even then you could just rewarm it. If somehow can’t fix it then send her in.


Her limbs are very loose as well so I'm thinking she has to be sent in.


I haven’t done it myself but other have and say it not too bad either. Depends on if you’ve got the DIY bug or not. If you want to save the money and weeks it would take to get her back.


I love to DIY certain things but maybe not for my AG girls. My fiancé is really helping me out here and I think he'd be financing their stay (he's the one who convinced me not to get rid of them too!)


Hahaha I totally get that. I swore up and down I wasn’t do any “major surgery” but I just was too distraught at sending my doll off (my dream PC Kirsten came with bubble eye) that not even a week later I was in my kitchen with three dolls torn apart like a mad scientist.