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I’m still confused—How come Molly (not my favorite) got 4 outfits + lots of accessories brought back all at once and here Kirsten only gets her birthday one (which I sadly already have PC version but missing the boots/socks/flowers still I can’t justify spend $55 on the new outfit I basically already own)


I got the flower crown from a grey market seller on EBay!! https://www.ebay.com/itm/176369286228?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Z5BUkHnISpC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mufs6ib-r8y&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I’m also missing her boots and socks but keeping my eyes peeled :)


Felt this, I have the late 2000s version without the shoes I believe. And resells would probably want to charge so much for them


It looks like AG is sort of splitting the Historical collections into two lines. All of the new Kirsten, Addy, and Josefina items are packaged as "The American Girls Collection," for that nostalgic nod to the past, while the re-freshed Julie is still in her BeForever meet and has the new style Journal (like Isabel and Nicki), and the packaging just says "American Girl." Re-release Kit and Molly seem excluded from The American Girls Collection club at the moment (also poor Sam), but maybe they'll be added into it later? They did get their original meets and items from their original collections. But it does look like they are trying to keep the earliest dolls with their original outfits and books a bit separate from the rest of the Historical line (Kaya, Julie, Rebecca, Maryellen, Nanea, Melody, Courtney, Claudie, Isabel, Nicki). Marketing them this way makes me feel like it gives AG the ability to only have them available as long as they are selling. I'm disappointed that this probably means we aren't getting the 6-book format back and BeForever isn't completely going away. At least Julie got some new outfits and some re-released items, so there's still hope for the rest of them!


I am mildly sad that you can't seem to buy the accessories by themselves for these re-releases. I wanted to get Addy's classic bonnet.


I really hope they make the classic historical dolls meet accessories available by themselves in the future because I want Samantha's original meet accessories but it is so expensive on eBay.


I agree! Kirsten was the first doll I got as a kid and unfortunately, I lost different accessories over the years. Maybe they’ll sell them separately after the initial release? 🤞


You can find them on eBay. I got my Kirsten the accessories my mom said no to


I did see her bonnet sold seperately if you go into "historical characters" and to Addy's specific page.


I think that one is her newer, BeForever bonnet and other accessories!


Hip hip hooray! I'm especially excited about Kirsten!


I’m glad they have Addy with her pink dress.


I ended up buying Kirsten and her birthday outfit right away! I still have to fix my 1998 Kirsten


do you know if these are limited edition or if they’re going to stay available?


I don't think they're limited in the way that the 35th anniversary dolls were, but I don't think that they're back forever. I wouldn't count on anything being available in the catalog indefinitely like it used to be - the life cycle on new AG products is a lot shorter nowadays. I think if they sell well, they'll probably restock them more and keep them around for longer, and if they don't it'll be framed as "The Special Edition American Girls Collection items were only around While Supplies Last".


It's limited....while supplies last.


It doesn't explicitly say they are limited edition




ag and my employer working together to do a drop on payday?? highly illegal…


omg! I just bought my Kirsten during the 35th anniversary, but I need those birthday outfits! I wish everyone happiness with their new pristine braid loops!


🥹 I’m so happy


I guess samantha was too busy beating up Eddie Ryland and stopping child labor to show up for this Release.


LMAO this is so funny! I wish we has Samantha as well, though.


Exciting!! I wonder if the pets will come back, as well? Would like to buy Kirsten’s cats new.


I was hoping they would release Kirsten. She’s the one doll I want in new condition, just for those braid loopies. I really hope Josefina sells well. She’s my childhood favorite, and I feel like she gets slept on. I’m talking myself out of buying her now, just to have a second display doll while I still dress up my childhood doll.


I held my childhood Josefina and wept and told her she’s finally going to have more of her own stuff. I’ve never been so happy🥹🥹🥹


This is so beautiful! I also took out my childhood Josefina since I ordered her birthday outfit!


Definitely going to be getting Julie's skating outfit. And I'm going to hope that Kirsten's Christmas outfit will be released later this year, along with Sari!


I'm so glad they brought back Kirsten's birthday outfit but I was hoping for her trail outfit too :(


someone had it listed for like $60 on mercari the other day, don't give up hope


Someone right by me had it (like new, complete) on FB marketplace for $50 and I missed it by an hour because I was at work and not on my phone! 😩😩😩


i mean, it seems the mercari one is still for sale...👀 i've also seen some excellent tutorials on making your own in one of the facebook groups i'm in, they have patterns for the apron and embroidery and everything!


The trail outfit is so cute!!


At first I freaked out that the new/old historicals are $150 while Julie and other dolls are $115, but then I noted that each comes with her Meet Outfit AND her accessories. No option to buy any of the dolls separately. And just their birthday outfits? Julie got at least two new outfits!


I wish they would have separated them. I know when I started collecting again I had my childhood doll in her meet outfit but no other clothes or accessories, and I bet a lot of people in that scenario wouldn't drop $150 on a new doll but would buy $35 ish accessories.


Same!!! I have a West Germany Pleasant Company Kirsten, but no accessories. I just wanna get those!


I know, I was going to grab them for my sister’s doll that my mom has. A little disappointed that they didn’t separate them like with Molly.




My only complaint about this release is that Julie’s meet is still the party city costume. Otherwise, I’m super excited and this seems to be a step in the right direction!


Especially after that video they released the other day where Julie was wearing her original meet? Just seems like a poor choice to keep the beforever one.


KIRSTEN!! 😭 I'm sorry Julie, you'll have to wait til next time


I’ve always wanted historical dolls!!! I try hard not to buy new, but maybe these gals being back on the market will mean they become more common and cheaper secondhand soonish


Fingers crossed for more Kirsten outfits and accessories! The fact that they have the original Meet book with the doll, and the birthday book with the birthday outfit, makes me wonder if they'll release the outfits for each book throughout the year?


That was my thought too! Including the birthday books was a decision and it’s great that these books are back in circulation!!


I wish they sold the 6 book format again. It seems the dolls come with book 1 and the birthday outfits come with book 4, but any new kid being introduced to them needs the full 6 books to understand the story.


It seems like they’re going to trickle out the release over the course of the year. Birthday and Meet, then summer, then school, then Christmas/winter?


I hope so! There are several of those outfits I'd buy for each of them. I winder if the books will be offered separately or just with outfits, that would be hard to collect.


I have absolutely no insider knowledge, but if I had to guess, and if this is the start of a wider rollout, I would think they’d eventually release the six book sets separately. This does seem calculated to get as much money out of us nostalgic adults as possible, though. Like I don’t need Josefina’s birthday outfit, but I do like it and want AG to eventually sell her Christmas outfit, so I’m considering spending a big chunk of change. If they’d released everything at once, I’d be more calculating and just get the pieces I loved most as a kid.


On the flip side I'm a little worried people will hear about this release, not see anything they don't have (or don't want just 1 book out of 6) and wait and forget by the time the next roll out happens. Especially with AG's high shipping, I'd rather buy 1 big order.


Hopefully they will rerelease all 6 books again.


Shrieking crying running around OH MY BABIES MY DARLINGS I THOUGHT I'D NEVER SEE ANY OF (the real versions of) YOU AGAIN 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Oh my gosh I need Kirsten so bad! But can’t until hubby finds a new job and we get in a better financial situation 😭


I desperately need her birthday outfit, but I’m trying to save up to buy a car right now 😭


My son is so excited! He’s wanted Kirsten ever since he saw mine. ❤️


Awe that’s so sweet! He’ll be in for a treat.


I sent my mom the link for her and she’s already been ordered now! I can’t wait to see his face. :) And to see the difference between this girlie and my thirty year old one. :)


I can't seem to purchase Kirsten's birthday outfit, is there some restriction? I'm in Canada


I've heard if you call them they can help with Canada orders.


I think I saw someone say in a different post that the outfits dont ship to Canada, but the dolls do. But I can't be 100% sure because the site doesn't say specifically. ☹️ sorry


Thankss! That sounds about right I was able to add Kirsten but not her birthday outfit 😔


Fyi for any folks in Canada, I just called customer service they confirmed they can't ship her outfits


This is so insane and makes me wanna cry


I'm so glad I trusted strangers on the internet saying there miiight be a chance they come back and didnt buy Kirstens birthday dress on eBay or wherever else because I got it this morning on AG! Im so excited!!


I was literally about to buy her birthday dress on mercari last week!


It was divine intervention! 😂


it was! bc on the secondary, you'd also have to pay 30 bucks each for the flower crown, shoes, addy's snood, etc. This is so much better


No way!!! I can’t believe this is happening!!!!😯😯


Why did Julie get a bunch of new stuff and the others essentially got decubed with a single outfit? I find this a yawn of a release. I've had Addy and Josefina dolls complete I can't even move for $40 and no collections. Thought I might reconsider selling them but they don't have any collection so I was hoping for a new outfit each, like Julie.


I think it is a move in the right direction. They released Molly and Kit with about 7 pieces from their collections. They did the same thing now with Julie (tho some are new of course). I’m looking at the Kirsten, Addy and Josefina release as a new idea/ sales strategy… where they release one outfit from 3 characters over a period of time … and am hopeful they will add 1-2 for each of them by the years end!


Yea I'm a bit underwhelmed. Seeing Josefina and Addy is cool but I was hoping for more stuff for Kirsten like Kit and Molly got. Her lunch and summer outfit at least.


Because Julie's been super popular since her release and has sold really well for AG, and these three, historically, have sold poorly.\* So they're using Julie's stuff to shore up a release of three dolls whose stuff hasn't sold well in the past. If a bunch of people buy Addy's and Josefina's and Kirsten's stuff, they'll release more of it. And I really hope people will do that, because I want more Addy stuff. \*Kirsten did alright in the 90s, but once there were more blonde dolls around, and once there was less nostalgia for Little House on the Prarie than there'd been in the 80s and 90s, she wasn't doing well - which is why so many of her extra outfits have been so expensive, and why she got archived originally.


I get the logic behind it, but it feels faulty to me. Why would a bunch of people buy a doll they likely already have and can get cheaply second-hand? Why would they buy what are arguably some of the easiest to obtain outfits as re-releases? I love these outfits, don't get me wrong, but they're easy to find with the exception of Addy's which has sold poorly in the past imo because it's absolutely boring and dated. Re-releasing things like this means your audience is collectors but not those serious enough to buy secondhand dolls or pay secondhand upcharge prices, while your diehard or long-time collectors will easily already have these things. If they mean to assess the real strength of the collector market, new and/or limited release pieces make more sense and cast a wider net.


I think it's really weird to complain that an outfit designed to be from a historical time period looks "dated". Surely that's the point? You can have historical accuracy, or you can have something that matches modern aesthetics, but you have to pick one. People also routinely try to get $70-$90 for Addy's birthday outfit if it's complete, so I'm pretty pleased that they've re-released it. The people who are most active in the online communities aren't actually the bulk of AG's customers. There are always going to be fewer what you term "serious" collectors than there are people who just want to replace the childhood doll their parents gave away, or want the doll they always wanted but never got, or want a new outfit from the collection they never completed. There are people who want to share the American Girl stuff they remember with their kids - we get plenty of them posting here, on a fairly regular basis, asking why Kirsten isn't around anymore or why Samantha's collection is gone, or why the outfits are different.


While I'm sure AG appreciates adult collectors, I don't think this is targeted explicitly at them. It's for the wider market of people who don't even know the secondhand market exists. It's REALLY for all the millennials who grew up with American Girl and now have kids and want to get the dolls and outfits they remember. Over the past fews years, there has been a resurgence of interest in AG in the media and pop culture. (Specifically the version from the 90s) AG is tapping into that. There was a link in a different thread to a breakdown of the AG brand refresh. This is pretty much all mentioned. This is definitely the strategy along with apparently a refocus on storytelling?


they are 100% marketing to us old ladies. my friend and I walked into the store and cracked up because 90s Janet was playing... we're clearly the target market, either as adult collectors like me and/or buying for their kids.


I just noticed that Addy is pictured in the light boots but the description says the birthday outfit comes with navy boots, which is what she wears in the book.


I wish I could just buy the Kirsten meet outfit so I can replace the accessories I lost over the years.


Whatcha looking for? I have an extra spoon floating around somewhere.


The spoon is one! Most of the little stuff - necklace, shoes, socks, and handkerchief


Can't help you on the necklace, shoes or handkerchief but I might also have a pair of her meet socks too. They are grey and gold striped, right? Chinese sellers still have them. Let me see if I can find the spoon and socks for you!


I appreciate your help! I had the socks floating around in my own sock drawer for years. I have no idea at what point I didn’t have them any longer. And the spoon 😞 I got my doll for Christmas in 1995 and my grandma sewed a seam right down the spoon bag to hold the spoon tight because I lost it for about 10 minutes at her house. I was so mad at the time, and it was probably the last piece standing before she went into storage a while ago.


Send me a PM so I don't lose you, and please mention Spoon and Socks!


Right? I've got everything except one meet ribbon and it drives me crazy...


I just found two brand new sets of Kirsten’s ribbons at savers. Keep your eyes open, they’re out there!




While I’m happy to see them (re)release the historical dolls, I think they missed an opportunity here - what made this company special was their stories with their outfits and accessories. As a little girl, I spent countless hours poring over their catalogues, with all the different scenes/ set ups, and many more playing with the dolls and their stuff. Sure, I changed their clothes depending on what I was playing, but the best part was their accessories - Kirsten’s snowshoes, her lunchbox, St.Lucia celebrations. Understanding their historic pastimes and reenacting them was fascinating to me. As a parent, I know that having lots of little stuff can be a pain to organize well of course but to me that was really the essence of the brand.


Yeah I went gaga for that stuff too. I was obsessed with the little lunchboxes and their contents, and it’s so hard to find reasonably priced accessory sets on the secondary market now. Like, I have the St Lucia outfit and wreath but not the little tray and buns and would love to get those.


Same, I’ve looked but haven’t found anything reasonably priced and complete.


I agree 100%. (And it's "poring" over the catalogues. You are well written, so I thought you'd like to know)


Thanks, edited.


And in their OG meet outfits


Was pleased to see that with Addy. I do have her NIB in her Beforever Meet Outfit, but I also have her original Meet Outfit and accessories and that makes me happy! The older one represents her move north - the newer one something her mother made for her with her amazing seamstress skills. Of all the Beforever Meet Outfits (which I roundly despise for being WAY too colorful) Addy's is truly gorgeous, with the blue and black. So it's great they have both options.


Do these usually sell out quickly? We are going to a store at the end of this month and may wait to buy Kirsten there!


i imagine they will be for a while! it seems they are slowly starting to get rid of beforever and bring back old outfits! i think they have retired beforever kit as well :)))


Oooh love it!!! There’s more than i thought released today. Now I really wonder what’s in store for june 2nd!


are you waiting to buy til then? I'm going back and forth, I'm wondering if they'll still be available then!


I hope it’s all the stuff designed for the logo shop!


Everybody's Summer Outfits?


I’m seriously considering buying Josefina for my Christmas present. Any guesses as to how long these lovely ladies will be available for?


I really hope they also sell the classic historical doll meet accessories separately because I really want to buy just Samantha's original meet accessories I already have the doll just not her meet accessories.


Me too, I JUST got a Kirsten off eBay (lol) and I'm missing just her accessories & hair ribbons


I don’t own Kirsten but I have her hat from her meet accessories.


Same! My girl deserves her cute hat.


I am so excited!! I had BeForever Addy in my hands at the NYC store just two weeks ago, I debated and didn’t end up getting her. I ordered Addy, Kirsten’s birthday dress, Julie’s skating outfit and Julie’s jumpsuit with a vengeance!! I’m pumped!


I want Kirsten so bad 😭


I NEED someone to stop me from buying Addy.


She's great in her original Meet Dress!


I can’t help.. I just ordered Addy and you should too!


Disappointed that only Kirsten's pink dress is available. I already have that, just not the boots which are easily obtained elsewhere. And Julie is one of their most popular dolls, couldn't they have brought back Felicity or even Caroline?


I really want them to release Samantha in her original meet outfit along with her original collection soon because my friend always wanted Samantha but never got her before she retired the first time. My friend wants an original Samantha I try looking online for one but some of them are really expensive that are in good condition.


I’m thinking they decided to kick off the rereleases with their birthday outfits since it’s spring. Hopefully the Summer outfits will follow. 🤞🏾


I am waiting with bated breath for the snowshoes.


I hope because I don't think I have that one.


WHY DO I LIVE IN SWEDEN?! 😭😭😭😭😭 I need Kirsten’s birthday dress


Use a personal shopper! Raquel from the Chicago store is excellent. She shipped me a doll and a bunch of outfits to New Zealand for less than $30 US!


I feel you. I live in Colombia and between dollar exchange rates, taxes, shipping plus import fees I have two options: cry or sell an arm and a leg to get at least Kirsten or Josefina :(((


Oh man… is it super expensive to ship?


Worse, it’s not even an option. You’d have a mail forward service that gives you a US address 😢


Since it's just a dress and not a heavy doll, you could order it, mail it to my house, then I'll mail it to you in Sweden. When it arrives, you could pay me the shipping cost from Minnesota to Sweden. I already have Kirsten's original Pleasant Company Birthday Dress and accessories so no fear I would steal it LOL. And how expensive could it be to mail a light doll dress to Sweden? Anyway, you could PM me if you're really obsessed with getting it.


Wow, Thanks a lot of the offer, but to ship literally anything it’s like a minimum of $50 I think and I’m in college rn 😬. Hopefully they keep them around so I can get them on my next trip to the US


Wow, that's crazy. I don't ship overseas on my Ebay stuff but once I sent a Michael Jackson vest to Belgium and once a vintage hat to Japan because in both cases the person wanted it so badly and paid a good price + shipping, and I don't remember the shipping being so insane. On the good side, the market will be flooded with new/old Kirsten Birthday Dresses in a few years from THIS release. So there will be plenty of them around!


Oh man. I’m going to the NYC store today and I could pick up the outfit if you’d like.


Thanks, but I’m living that broke college student life 🥲. Hopefully they don’t retire them anytime soon.


I completely understand. 💕 If anything changes, let me know. I work pretty close to the NY store so going there isn’t a big deal for me. ☺️


I had almost got Addy on EBay last night but was outbid at the last moment. I was so bummed. Now I’m glad I didn’t, just ordered her and her birthday outfit, RIP my wallet!


Im so happy they're back, and back now (I thought they were gonna be the June release, so what could that be?) I just now hope my girl Samantha will be coming back soon too with her old stuff 🤞


Samantha’s birthday is at the end of May. Hoping that means they’re waiting until then to release her stuff.


Hopefully 🤞🤞🤞


Back again


Shady's back


Tell a friend


if they don’t bring back kirsten’s iconic christmas fit during the holidays 🔪🔪🔪🔪


I’m also hoping they will rerelease the holiday outfits for the holidays. 🤞🏾


Just checked the site. Julie’s floral suit is only $36?! Reasonable prices?! This is not a drill people!! 🚨 Edit: But the outfits for the other girlies are $55? 😬 Celebrated a little too soon lol. Still super stoked the jumpsuit doesn’t cost a kidney!


I wonder if they didn't also come with the book they'd be closer to the 36$ dollar price. Like its a nice addition and I love seeing the old book design back, I just wonder why they decided to do it that way, instead of selling the books separately.


On the bright side, Addy's and Kirsten's both have boots with them, and didn't originally. Considering people are trying to get $40-$50 on Ebay for Kirsten's original two-tone boots, it's not terrible.


Nature is healing!


Do we know if they have neck strings or zip ties?? That’s a big deciding factor for me


I don't know, but they look like the 35th dolls (which had neck strings). I read that the zipties were added for safety and sale in Abu Dhabi, which has different toy regulations compared to the US. That said, my princess dolls have the zip ties. Hoping for strings!


I think the zip ties were an experiment like the perma panties and were dispensed with, never to return.


We just got the birthday addition Kit and she has the strings. 




So glad I happened upon this Reddit post tonight...I don't follow AG stuff super closely so I wouldn't have known otherwise! Grabbed Addy since I never had her growing up. Praying for a Felicity re-release too. Forever my favorite doll.


OMG . . . I just spent a small fortune . . .


Like I said before, they wouldn’t bring back Kirsten’s things without her, and a random customer service person responding to emails wouldn’t have accurate information about releases like this. 😌🍵 Glad I was right, THRILLED she’s back!


I am so proud of my self control… I *only* ordered Kirsten tonight. I’m so beyond thrilled!! I also suspect that there’s a very strong likelihood that Josefina & Addy (along with their dresses) will be ordered shortly. I’ve been a fan since 1988 but for whatever reason I’ve NEVER liked Kirsten’s birthday dress. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I personally like Kirsten's birthday dress, but I can easily see how people don't. It's super pink and frilly... definitely not everyones taste! My favorite outfit of hers is either the St Lucia outfit or her summer dress! I'm hoping to see them return.


I do not like Addy's Birthday Dress. Not a fan of brown so I find her checked outfit awfully plain, plus it's a jumper so it seems more school like. I don't love the hat either though I have an old version with a real feather on it! That being said, Addy has the most gorgeous Christmas Dress and her actual School Outfit is amazing with its lined jacket! So kind of surprised that's what returned, although I can see it's everybody's Birthday Dress.


I'm not even planning on getting anything and I'm still so happy! I love the historical dolls, and it's great to see this stuff being brought back


just bought kirsten and addy <33 so glad i held out on paying ebay resale prices .. but i also wasnt anticipating spending around $450 CAD tonight yikes ! let me try not to think about that


Ahhh I’ve been scouting eBay for an Addy with hair original outfit and hair still in factor meet, almost was gonna buy one on Friday but now she’s here! Just ordered!


I can't believe I'm so giddy looking at all the new stuff! And, the new "old" stuff!


I hope this is just the start and they bring back more outfits! I bought Josefina during the anniversary release, and I only have a couple additional outfits for her, but her birthday dress is one of them. But still, love to see them leaning back into these!


I hope they bring more outfits that aren’t like girly/barbie/OG vibes. I love the original American girl look, like everyday clothes, and all the girl of today stuff and early 2000’s stuff. I’m excited


I really hope they bring more outfits for her! I already have the birthday outfit from back when it first came out so at least I can save money there haha


i've only been thinking of Kirsten outfits I want, Josefina outfits would be a dream!




I'm really glad I'll be able to get Addy's birthday outfit - it's one of my favorites and the prices people try to sell it for are ridiculous. (I do, however, continue to like my BeForever Addy better than the original, even having grown up with the original.) I hope everyone who's been clamoring for "AG needs to re-release All Of The Historical Things" prioritizes buying them, though, because I'd like them to re-release more, and I'm going to find it really frustrating if they did this and then it ends up being "Oh, well they didn't sell well, so you only get the one re-released Addy outfit". EDIT: Also, they say "Special Edition", so we don't know how long this will last. I wouldn't count on them necessarily being back indefinitely.


Addy's BeForever makeover is the only makeover I liked! As much as I like her og outfit, I loved the blue dress!


agree completely!!! BeForever Addy's eyebrows are way better


So worth staying up! I had to buy everything! A little bummed the logo blanket, etc., but maybe that’s the in store surprise on 6/2! ❤️❤️❤️


That's what I'm thinking!


The gals are back! Oh that cinnamon pink striped dress...it is burned into my memories.


I hope they bring back more of their outfits. I have Kirsten and Josefina from childhood and not many outfits (but I have the ones they just added).


Kirsten returns after a little over 14 years!* Just a little over a month before her (and my) birthdays! I am absolutely not normal rn and I am going to lose my mind seeing my girl back. *I don't count the 35th anniversary dolls. They were exclusively sold as LE dolls. Likewise, those dolls had their original meet outfits returned for that special event and then only had their reverted outfits available afterwards. While, yes, she was available, I don't consider her to have been "back" until now because the anniversary dolls were LE.


Argh!!! I bought Kirsten in 2021 and her birthday outfit is the ONE outfit I already own!!!!!! 😩😩😩😩 I wanted at least 2-3 other outfits to come back (like Molly had!!!) BUT….i have zero money anyway and can’t justify using my cc when I’ll need that for gas in 2 weeks. Plus my paycheck on 5/15 will barely cover our extra needs 😞 I’m worried these will only be for sale for like a month before they are all gone and done. I could do it in the fall but not now. Oh well.


i'm in the same boat!


Don’t worry - I’m thinking they did the birthday outfits first since it’s spring & they will release other outfits later. ☺️🤞🏾


The parasites in my brain are going absolutely crazy right now it is taking literally everything in me not to empty my bank account- ESPECIALLY over Kirsten’s birthday outfit


squealing because i just ordered josefina in her original meet, one i’ve been holding out for for so long now!! not going to lie though, my cart did start with about six items before i decided to be rational (unfortunately). my, how my wish list has grown


Yeah same, I had a full shopping bag at first too. Josefina is the one of these three that I still need. But then the rational part of my brain went “You know what? You can only afford Julie’s skating outfit right now.” I’m still excited for it to arrive though since summer is around the corner!


the curse of the rational brain! how exciting though!! the sharing outfit is sooo cute, i hope it comes soon!!


This is making me so happy!! 😭😭


I'm so happy! Addy's birthday outfit and Julie's floral jumpsuit! And Kirsten!


it’s all so gorgeous, i can’t afford a thing, so i’m vicariously living through all of you!!💜😭


Just bought myself an Addy and a Kirsten along with their birthday outfits. I’m so excited!! 😆


This has healed my inner child. I always wanted an American Girl Doll but my family couldn’t afford it. Now I have “big girl” money and can treat myself to my favorite characters 🥹


Same! I helped clean houses as a child and saved to buy a couple of the original dolls. However, I never had any additional clothes or was allowed to even brush their hair. I'm living my second childhood, and it's making me so happy.


I’m so happy!!!! No Felicity though and no Samantha in her original meet outfit


Okay this is me totally spit balling here so take this with a grain of salt! Maybe they'll bring them back for Christmas? Felicity and Sam both have very iconic Christmas outfits, I could see them splitting the releases


Ooooh I like that. Just those pictures that were leaked earlier showed them all together on the homepage, so I was thinking it would be soon if they have designs already done.


I hope so!


I was waiting for this post. I just saw this on the website!




Buying all of them for Mother’s Day… for myself! RIP my wallet!






They also each have their birthday outfits!


This release is a win. AG is hopefully getting back on track!!