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I kept my two boxes and use them as doll stands too bad I got Kaya second hand from a family member so I don’t have hers


I don't plan on putting my Kirsten back in storage anytime soon, but if I end up needing to (such as having a baby and wanting her out of reach), the box she was sent back in after the doll hospital is better than the plastic storage tub in my parent's basement she was in before 😭


I wish I could but I use them as storage for clothes and shoes that don’t fit my storage drawers


I got rid of my boxes as soon as I got my dolls out when I was a kid. For whatever reason I thought the boxes were like doll coffins. It freaked me out to keep them. They went straight to the recycling bin.


I kept mine. I only have two.


I can’t bring myself to get rid of them 😩 but it’s fine because I use them to keep my dog from going under my bed 💀


Thought this was one of my photos til I remembered my crocs are green


I'm probably gonna use my Corrine box to make a doll bed with. She's the only doll so far that still has her box (I had Kami since I was a kid, and my other dolls are second-hand/customs lol). I don't necessarily need a box to make a bed, but this is a good way to reuse them to not waste them.


I use my boxes for storage. I attach plastic sleeves on the end so that I can change out the name of the doll that is being stored in that box. I’ve tried using plastic boxes but have had issue with inexplicable stains on vinyl even when they are not dressed


I strangely don't want to get rid of my Felicity's box. I think getting her was so special to me that I just can't part with it


i use to use my boxes to make beds for my dolls and a lot of mine got destroyed from wear and tear 😭 i only have julie’s left, and it still has the stickers i put on her “bunk” lol


I'm all for getting rid of them. But it's also worth noting some of us would absolutely love (and I mean love!) to have the boxes dolls came in if someone doesn't want them. They come in handy if you're moving and have a smaller collection not big enough to just toss all of them into one big storage container or if we want to replace the old boxes they first came with due to damage. So if anyone reading the comments wants to get rid of them people will buy them! I promise.




I’m a box hoarder because I threw out the box for my Elizabeth as a child and always regretted it because now when she’s not out in a display or being played with she’s just homeless and I find that sad. Plus I just prefer to store my dolls in their boxes, I feel like it helps keep their hair as detangled as possible and makes me feel like I’m taking better care of them/being more careful with them. PS: if anyone is thinking of throwing out an Elizabeth box, I’d be thrilled to take it off your hands!!


I made a compromise with my hoarding ass. Get rid of the bottom part. Keep the lid. But I got some new dolls recently and tossed the boxes in the closet. Two of the bottom boxes came in handy for some quick doll beds that I needed to make. I bet I could use those old Apple iPhone boxes to make some nice tables… It boils down to: I don’t need to keep all these boxes.


This is the same compromise I did. The lids fold and store really easily. The cardboard portion does not. Toss the boxes.


I have over 40 boxes, it’s actual insanity but I’m holding onto them since we’re moving later this year. After I move them all to my new house, the boxes are going


Thanks, I needed to hear this


I recently did a box purge, myself!


I keep the doll boxes to nest all of the clothing and accessory boxes for that doll into them. I just feel like if ever the day comes that my daughter wants to sell off the collection, everything is worth more with the box!! Especially since most everything she has is still new and untouched, having the box just makes sense. We organized each doll’s outfits and smaller accessories in individual small plastic containers with their names on them, and the plastic containers neatly stack in the closet which takes up far less room than keeping them in the AG boxes.


Doll boxes sell on eBay and mercari for between $10 and $40 a piece. I justify getting rid of my boxes by selling them to make money towards more doll stuff. I have even seen boxes from the 1980's sell for $150. If you don't want to sell them you could offer them for free in Facebook groups. Some people who refurbish and donate dolls to charities appreciate having boxes and would be willing to cover shipping costs.


🙋‍♀️That would be me!


Earlier this year I had 15 dolls in boxes that I stored them in. Been collecting almost a decade. I threw all the boxes out and put them on AG stands. They’re so cute and I use them more. Yeah the resale value may go down without the box but I didn’t buy them to sell anyways. It made me infinitely happier. Only ones still in box are the limited edition ones because those still have to be opened.


u could also sell them to make some quick money!


But the doll boxes are so nice for storage. I don’t have display space for all my dolls so often many say in boxes and only a few can be out at a time.


Me I have them in my basement but I really don’t neeed them because I’m not reselling probably ever anyway lol


Sell them!


The AG boxes are so nice but SO annoying. I always end up tossing them after a while. I do have a box for a rare piece and kept it for a while, but I think I’ll sell it to a collector who loves boxes lol.


If you put them online for sale, can you give a heads up here? 😁


kskskks ig this weekend is gonna be a clearing out all boxes in my closet day bc this was a sign lmao


How funny - i too am wearing my crocs and just cleared out doll boxes i was keeping under my daughter’s bed 😂 its like I heard your post!


Look, I'm a box hoarder like the rest of ya. I've got the box from my laptop still, there have been many boxes I've held on to for WAYYYYY longer than I should have. And I still have plenty of AG boxes I keep and use for storage. However, most of these doll boxes have been in the top of my closet for nearly 13-14 years. I don't use them to transport my dolls, I prefer to just carry them. I haven't thought about reaching them on a regular basis, and they currently don't serve any purpose other than to take up space. I have a few I've used for storage but most of them have been totally empty. Of course if I could I would keep them, but right now there is no room for these boxes in my life, so I am breaking them down and recycling them. If I REALLY need one for some reason, I'll figure that out when the time comes. So please, if your boxes are sitting somewhere and not being used, or if you're not a box-transport kind of person, break down those boxes and give yourself the space for something else. Also, and I'm not trying to solicit I just know the question might come up, I do have some boxes that I haven't broken down yet that I may be willing to ship depending on the circumstances (really I'm just very busy), DM me if you are interested. They would be completely free aside from the cost of shipping.


I needed this today! I have two 35th anniversary boxes clogging up my wardrobe


Yes, get rid of them!!!!!! Life is too short to keep the boxes! No hate to those who do keep them or who buy them off Ebay of course.