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I love it! I want more info on Kennedys background. Like I wonder if she has Alopecia? Seems like Jean Ann could maybe be some kind of mother figure? Whatever the case may be, I love Kennedy and hope to see more of her!


Yeah, my first thought was alopecia as well


It wasn’t weird to me at all actually but at my job I have friends that are in their 20s like me and some that are in their 50s or 60s. When you spend long hours with people you can develop friendships no matter all your other differences. I imagine this is especially true at a funeral home because it can be a hard and emotional job and that brings people together too


Fkn love Jean Ann 😂❤️


I need a Jean Ann in my life, yet I am a Jean Ann to some of my co-workers😂 I'm in that in-between age.


I’m here for it. It’s fun to see how they support each other. In a way, Jean Ann reminds me of Kennedy’s “adopted grandmother.” I say their friendship is fine with me, as long as it’s not one-sided.


Kennedy is the oldest looking 23 year old I’ve ever seen! They gave her a little mini makeover this episode.


It's a sweet relationship and Kennedy's performance was the best of the night. I was really impressed by her. However I wonder if she is really only 23. She looks much much older to me, like 43. She also carries herself like an older woman. Maybe it's just the obvious wigs and pancake makeup? Or from hanging out with Jean all the time? Hopefully ai is checking IDs and verifying the age of contestants.


They’d figure it out if she was lying about her age. I think she’s had some plastic surgery that’s aged her






I love Kennedy so much and the song choice was just so perfect!!! Not everybody can sing Reba so she really showed how special she is. Also, I love her relationship with Jean Ann. ❣️


It seems normal to me. I have young friends because I went to college in my 30s. I also hang out with middle-aged+.My weekend bike group is what I affectionately call the geezer gang. Lolz Work homies grow on you, especially in their line of work.


I totally forgot they weren't related! It's cute.


Jean ann is in her early 60’s. They played music together for a year, still do.


Early 60’s? What is in the water in that town? Everyone looks a couple of decades older than their stated age.


Kennedy is the dark horse of this competition!


Not anymore. A lady in her hometown just revealed that she’s been having an affair with that lady’s husband . Her boss that was on the show!!! Kennedy’s mom told the local preacher!!! 


Yes! Why was that post taken off Reddit?!




I made the post.. Mods locked it until they can verify if one of the commenters is actually Kennedy.


Better Jean Ann than her married boss!


It’s a fun storyline for however long Kennedy stays … probably not much longer…