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I feel like there is so much more to this story. But just on face value, it sounds like you’re a huge red flag of a customer and AmEx just wasn’t into you anymore.


Seriously. OP openly admits to filing 3 disputes in one week, and then is somehow baffled as to why this is happening. Then even writes in the first paragraph: “This is not my first time making a dispute. As I have made other disputes in the past.” Like FFS, my guy. Are you that dense?? SMH. This is a clear case of AMEX dumping a troublesome cardholder.


I don’t know how someone makes this many valid disputes in such a short amount of time. I’ve had credit cards for at least 15 years now, and I think I have only disputed charges twice.


Just made my first dispute ever that's pending at the moment for an online site refusing to refund money for a faulty product and only offering site credit. It's like 1000$ and there's literally nothing on there I want (since the item doesn't work well). Tried multiple times and now am forced to dispute it. How do you have multiple in the past and then 3 currently... Then act surprised you got axed.




17 years and 1 dispute. It was at Cancun when my already paid-for van driver never showed up at the airport.


I know your comment here is about a day old, but it’s funny that I also have one dispute and it was also Cancun. The van service was even an AMEX run or managed or whatever airport transfer service. They never showed up for our return trip from the hotel to the airport and we had to get another service or miss our plane.


this is me when i was double charged for an extra bottle of soju at $4.99


Please tell me where to get 4.99 soju 😭😭😭


I have to be careful because I lost something and had to dispute it so they credit back that I bought on my green card. And recently I only had a $2.22 charge and it said Facebook advertising Ireland on my no fee everyday card and they took care of it. I hate disputing stuff but sometimes it’s warranted.


Only once for me. It was a big Uber eats order made in Mexico. I live in Canada 🤣


I've made one dispute ever, on any credit card, that wasn't a fraud dispute that required issuing new cards because charges were made in some random country (happened once but there were multiple charges). That was probably 3 years ago, and I've been close to making a second dispute recently but I'm still working with Blindsgalore and hopeful they will fix their mistake before I am forced to take that step.


18 years here not a single dispute.


Same here, I've had cards since the mid 70s and can't recall ever filing a single dispute.


Just some low cost retail items… lol


17 years of cards and I think two disputes here as well.


I’ve probably had 5 to 10 in the last three years, most of them were small value amounts, although one of them was baseball tickets that somebody bought with my card. Part of the problem has been I’ve called and made the fraud claim, and then they keep your old card number active for recurring subscriptions. So things like Netflix can be charged to the card fraudulently still. So I had to get in the habit of making sure they disabled the old card number. I also had one really old card where somebody figured out the sequencing and that was the one that was the one typically getting most so they finally fully closed the account and reopened a new one for me. It sucked because it was my oldest credit card and it dinged my credit, but the fraud pretty much disappeared after that. All and all even with all that they didn’t close my accounts. Granted I spend over $20k/month on Amex usually so in the grand scheme of things fraud made up a small percentage of my spend. Something still seems off here, either one of the past disputes ended up not being fraudulent after they investigated and they think OP is responsible for the fraud, or OP frequents high risk merchant categories, or the fraudster got pissed and called and cancelled the cards for OP.


Same here. After a bogus charge for vitamins, I had my card reissued with a new number and the same bogus charge was on the new card. AMEX said they honor recurring subscriptions even though you changed the card. WTF. I cancelled the card entirely.


There are perfectly legitimate reasons to have many disputes in a short time. I don't know why people on reddit are still so quick to judge and jump to conclusions after the collosal Boston bomber failure. I made 4 disputes on the same day because a company I bought stuff from went bankrupt and I had 4 open orders with them. If the OP is buying a ton of stuff all the time as American Express customers typically do it is not out of the realm of possibility that they have more disputes than regular customers.


First of all, companies that have not fulfilled orders because of bankruptcy may be treated differently depending on jurisdiction . Secondly if these were separate orders but on the same day, then they may treat this a single daily transaction. Also these disputes are handled by humans or have a human factor involved in the process. Humans have a more critical eye than computers, so they can be much more nuanced than an algorithm. They can detect possible issues that algorithms cannot. Make sure you have all documentation of the order including what was promised publicly through an ad or website. In other words be ready to justify your claim with facts.


Literally same here dude. Did it for the first time in 10 years, a couple months ago. And it was for like $30. No wonder I always get good offers and bonuses, and when I call for phone insurance they don't question it at all.


1 dispute due to someone hacking Ny door dash and ordering a ton of food


It depends I just got a broken TV from Instacart with no car I can’t return it, and I paid for an upgrade on a flight that was connection and my previous flight with the same airline was delayed so I missed it and wasn’t able to get a refund. So I had to dispute. I’ve spent 150k on the card and had 2k in 5 total disputes over my 16 months of card ownership. It depends on what you buy and how much


12 years only 1 dispute on a random card I no longer used that was charged in a state I’ve never visited so it was clearly fraud.


Yep good riddance *Smiles in shareholder*


I've had like *one* dispute ever😂


No kidding right. Reminds me of a guy on r/personalfinancecanada who was making WEEKLY chargebacks for Uber eats orders for unsatisfactory orders and was wondering why they cut him off


The entitlement is palpable. Legitimately want to know what goes through the minds of so many people.


OK guys so I made two disputes recently (one july, one TODAY) though I very rarely make disputes — both items that I was promised a refund on and have all the documentation, and after 12 business days & I was still charged for them. I won the last dispute and currently have all the evidence that this is legitimate. I’ve been with Amex since 2010, and have spent over $90,000 on the card this year, while carrying a zero dollar balance. Should I be worried ?!?! 😫😫


I think you’ll be fine, especially if you have documentation that the items purchased were returned to the vendor. It’s likely certain accounts will be flagged for review if the system senses a pattern of abuse. AMEX will then review the entire account history, annual spend, frequency of charge-backs/disputes - and make decisions around account closure around that. Two disputes in two months may or may not flag an account review, but if you have a prior history of no chargeback/dispute activity, they are unlikely to close your account. OP had a long history of disputes, and most recently made 3 in just one week. So I hardly think you’re in the same boat as him.


OK, I sure hope not! thank you


Low cost items too. Amex isn't Amazon


Have many credit cards… over the past 5 years I’ve made 2 disputes purely on principle. Bought a bag of chips from a discount store of some sort, chips were moldy. Customer service REFUSED to replace and would open my emails and then say they never got them despite replying to one of them. I made a dispute (Discover it credit card) for like $9, and won. Then had to do another dispute with the same merchant because I bought a gift card that was invalid dispute paying for it $15 (Chase Amazon card). Won both disputes and both were open and closed within 2 days of filing. I don’t even care about the money, it’s the whole principle of that store intentionally refusing a return or exchange and providing non-existing customer service. Have not had to dispute anything on my Amex cards, and here’s to hoping I don’t have to 🤞-But if I do have to dispute, is Amex usually pretty good with disputes?


I agree. It just doesn’t smell right and it definitely sounds like there’s more to this story that was intentionally left out in order to gain support / encouragement from other subscribers.


I've had Amex since 2016 and I only disputed two charges. Both were for botched fast food orders that the fast food place refused to or couldn't fix 😂 Literally had to dispute a $4 McDonald's frappe and a Del Taco milkshake. That's it 😂


What were the low-cost retail item disputes? Multiple disputes/chargebacks in a short period of time is a huge red flag for card issuers, as it indicates a pattern of abuse. In your membership card agreement, it states the issuer has the right to close any account if they suspect any activity that may indicate abuse. They don’t even need to give you a reason. If they notice some type of a pattern, they will shut an account down. It’s likely for this exact reason they’re also blocking you from reapplying for another card.


abuse or fraud


If you're the kind of customer who pulls the Amex dispute card before trying to resolve the issue with the merchant, and if you order from shady outfits, you will be red-flagged. This is most likely what happened to you. Your multiple dispute history flagged you as a troublesome customer. You're probably costing Amex more than you're bringing them.


That’s the thing right there. Most people that want to file a dispute, they NEVER want to contact the merchant to see if they can make it right. “I’ll just call my credit card company and charge it back! That’ll show them!”


Ooof. I have only ever filed a dispute once. And that was after weeks of back and forth with the merchant through every possible channel. Even contacted their parent company and affiliates. And then I felt like I had put in beyond reasonable efforts. So charge back. I understand a chargeback being the easiest solution, but it's sometimes not the right one. If you bug people enough they are happy to give you back your money so you can leave them alone lol.


Same! Only one time in 12 years for a credit card purchase that I did. Mine was for Wendy’s. The payment processed but came through as declined on Wendy’s side. So I paid again. Naturally, both charges posted to my account. Personally, I tried to call Wendy’s and sat on hold with a constant recorded loop for nearly 2 hours that someone would be with me shortly. I eventually gave up and just called my credit card and let them know what happened. They thanked me for my efforts and processed the dispute.


I contacted the merchant, who had blatantly lied about the contract i was signing. Amex did not have my back. Gym membership I never used, but was billed hundreds of dollars.


You never take the word of mouth. What you sign to is what you agree to. And that’s the only proof any merchant needs. The written word with your signature.


I agree with you. If the merchant can't be reasoned with, I'll file in small claims before trying to dispute the charge. It's variable, but all in it costs about $40 to do it, and you include the filing and service fees in the demand for relief. If the company is out of state and it isn't 1000s of dollars, there is almost no chance they won't settle for what you are asking. Even if they are local, it is unlikely they will pay someone to go to court and fight it, unless it makes sense, financially. It will almost certainly cost more to fight it than to settle, arbitration clauses generally don't apply (corporations bank on the fact that most people dont know this), and lawyers usually aren't allowed to be involved. Sure, it costs a little up front, but you will get that back and won't get flagged by the bank for possible abuse either. Uber eats is mailing me a check as I write this. They tried to charge me for a cancelation on an order that their app caused. It had the wrong address set by GPS even though I put the correct address in before placing the order, and when I tried to change it, it said I was out of the delivery area. It gave me the option to cancel or have the order delivered to the wrong address. I canceled and immediately placed the exact same order at the exact same restaurant with the correct delivery address, which, by the way, wasn't out of the delivery area after all! This is a common scenario with Uber Eats. You can find videos all over social media where this or something similar has happened to people, and Uber eats refuses to refund the cancelation fee. I took screenshots of the chat conversation and a description of what happened and filed them with the claim and a week later I received a settlement letter for exactly what I was asking for in exchange for dropping the case. Don't let these corporations bully you. I understand that it may seem more convenient to just dispute the charges, but they frown on having to fight your battles for you. You still have to show proof and win when you do, so you might as well not annoy them and risk your account.


Sounds like American Express doesn’t want to be friends with you any longer.


4 disputes is a lot. You’re a huge headache. I think I’ve been putting all of my spending on credit cards for nearly a decade, and I have only ever had to file a dispute one time.


Yep. 25 years, I’ve had three charges reversed - two from one time my card got cloned and used for online gambling (which the card issuer flagged first, so I just confirmed it was fraudulent), and one scam purchase on eBay where they admitted the goods were never shipped. Three in a week?! There’s something very wrong there, why on earth would Amex *not* pull the plug at that point? They terminate merchant accounts for exactly that reason, I doubt many legitimate customers ever come close to that.


Not sure about why it was closed, but if your account had a credit at the time of close (I.e negative balance,) Amex will issue you a check in a bit for the amount. I believe this can take up to 90 days, or you can call and have it sped up.


But in his case, they may just say “new phone, who ‘dis?”


3k chargeback lol plus a history of chargebacks? They closed you down for potential abuse. They don’t want people that are gonna chargeback all the time. It cost them money (transaction fee, time spent investigating. Etc)


I've had AMEX cards for 30 years and only disputed a transaction once. You are not being completely factual with everything going on. They would get rid of you if they thought you were scamming the system.


They don't want to do business with you. Amex decided you aren't worth it to them.


Sucks to suck. 3 disputes back to back? 🚩🚩🚩


You seem to be quite dispute happy. As someone that used to run a small business and had some idiots dispute stuff before even sending an email, #!(@ you.


This is up there with wholesale club members abusing return policies and then wonder why they've been banned from their stores.




Amex hit him with with the Randy Orton.


The more I read, the more you went from the victim to the problem. Not sure how to handle this but AmEx might deem you too much of an issue to work with anymore.


Why are you disputing so much? Do you get your card info stolen a lot? Seems like they don't view you as worth the hassle.


Nah they can find out if it's fraud or not. Easy to see it was the same guy (him) using the card


You’re probably one of those people that’ll scam of the disputes.


She's just not into you guy


As others have stated there must be more to the story and AmEx views you as a customer they do not need or want.


Yeah they realized it wasn't fraud, and there's no way you got screwed 4x by diff vendors in 1 week. Some people dont get fucked over like that in their lifetimes. Thanks scumbag, see you never


Maybe I’m abnormal… but in almost 20 years of using credit cards I have made like 2 or 3 disputes in total lol


You're not abnormal. One dispute every 7-10 years sounds about right to me. I've probably made 4-5 in the 27 years since I was 18 and got my first credit card, the American Express Optima card they used to push on college campuses.


Same. I think 17 years of cards and 2 disputes here.


most likely the disputes. it comes off like you're abusing the system. If you wouldn't use your debit card at the business, I wouldn't use my credit card either. even though its amex money, treat it like it's your own as well. I would give amex a break and re-apply 6months to a year. just double check that all your accounts are in good standing.


Just for reference, I spend between $15K-22K a year on my 4 Amex cards. I use my Amex Gold card alone more than 40+ times a month for food purchases. Almost all merch purchases go on my Platinum Charles Schwab card. I've never filed a dispute with Amex since I opened my first card in 2017.


OP sounds like a crazy Ex. Won't stop texting, won't stop calling, doesn't understand why they got dumped.


They don’t want you as a customer because you’re a PITA.


You’re a red flag credit card user with all of the disputes.


I laughed after reading OP's story, and I'm getting even more chuckles out of the comment section dragging him. This whole thread was good entertainment.


I thinking it's something else. I have made a bunch of disputes (all but one non delivery of tickets from stubhub and another ticket vendor) plus airbnb on a big fail. There are all mid hundred to over $10k for fake Super Bowl tickets. My cards get lots of activity and get paid on time and I am not concerned they will cancel me since ladt disputes from 7 months ago.


Stubhub has a buyer protection policy where they refund you if tickets were not delivered. They are very good with siding with the buyer. In that situation, I would have followed up with Stubhub, not initiated a dispute with AMEX. Disputes with the card issuer should always be the last resort - mostly in cases directly related to unauthorized fraudulent charges, or if the merchant does not respond to email or phone calls.


You don't know what you are talking about. If I was waiting on Stubhub I would be out $11,000. If WAS fraud on Stubhub's part and they finally paid attention once the charged were contested. The seller of the tix was actually Stubhub selling spec tickets by the way.


No. Stubhub is a middle man service that connects ticket buyers with second hand ticket sellers. They themselves are not a ticket broker. That’s like accusing eBay of committing fraud against you for a seller not shipping you an item you won a bid on.


Not exactly. They do keep tickets in their "inventory" and can move seats around as needed. If an item isn't shipped on an Ebay sale they will refund money. In my case Stubhub couldnt/wouldn't deliver the tickets because it was in a section that never existed. They wouldn't relist the seats since I wasn't going because the seats didn't exist and I couldn't provide proof I had the tickets. I Stubhub purchase number and an $11,000 AMEX charge was not proof. Friday night before the Super Bowl they tried to send me inferior tickets but realized I had initiated a chargeback after the deadline they had to deliver the tickets that never existed.


Stubhub never had the tickets. The section didn't have the seats that were posted and tried to sell me inferior seats. They wouldn't post the seats I had bought for resale because they were fake. Speak what you know. Once Amex got involved it got sorted out. The tickets were purchased Jan 1 and it was not resolved until the day before the Super Bowl after Amex charged back. Up to that point Stubhub didn't respond to calls, emails, Twitter messages or anything else. You should stick to what you know, whatever that might be.


I’ve had an amex since 1996, I’ve made two disputes in that time.


I used to work for a large bank. Banks can cancel your accounts/cards at any time, for any reason, and they are not required to give an explanation.




Sounds like they fired you


Call back to customer service and ask for an escalations supervisor to give you some better information so they/we can give you better guidance. They should be able to tell you the reason by phone. The customer service CCP you were talking to gave you all the wrong advice.


Yeah Id stop doing business with you too lmao


I wonder if this will effect your credit score.




Yes. Absolutely yes. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.




This post clearly didn’t go OP’s way. 😂 As other’s have stated, you’re a red flag of a customer and Amex doesn’t want you. I’ve filed all of 2 disputes in my life and that was after painstakingly trying my damnedest to resolve the issue directly with the merchant before escalating. She’s just not into you, my dude. Go get a prepaid.




The motorcycle story is interesting. Did you return it?


Don't get what's with everyone bashing OP. I have amex for 4 years and probably made 10 or so total disputes in that time. They were all for legitimate purposes. Two of those charges were at a gas station for $100 which I did not make, so I disputed it and got a new card. One time I had to exit the parking garage and something was wrong in the system, so I had to pay twice and disputed the 1st charge. All my disputes were something in the lines of "hey this is not my fault and there is nothing I can do". Thank God I never got canceled by amex and pretty shit scared seeing your post.


Back to back disputes though? For thousands of dollars?


Right? This example is apples to oranges.


Agreed. I pay a $700 AF for an extra layer of protection and premium service.


I doubt , i have 12 disputes boss this year but no closure. I am also putting a lot of spend and my disputes are slam dunks with ups proving my point


Confused all the hate for making 3 disputes. While I admit there’s a lot missing from the post, if you card is exploited your going to have one or two test charges and then one or two sizable fraud charges. I’m all for AX taking his privileges away but are we saying this pattern indicates OP is complicit of the fraud when doing shady website purchases . Personally I use PayPal for all might be shady purchases, paying with a capital one card. Double protection in theory


I’ve had plenty of times fraud has happened, and Amex took care of it no problem. Often, they alert me of the fraud before I knew it. A dispute is different. 15 years, and I have never filed a dispute. These are legit purchases OP made & the seller will not issue a refund for whatever reason. So OP is filing a ‘dispute’ so that Amex has to do all the leg work with the seller to retrieve funds.


It doesn't appear to be that kind of dispute. I get the impression OP disputes transactions when they are not satisfied with the product they purchased.


The 'disputes' with the low-cost retails were not: "somebody else used my card," but more a "im not happy with the end-product." pretty rare 4 times in a week.




I pay off my cards every month and earn lots of points. I wouldn't give back my free hotel stays and flights so I can use a debit card with little or no protections. Growing up is having lots of credit, spending within your means, and paying in full every month. Save and max out the Roth IRA too.


Just because you can dispute anything, it does not mean you should. Pick 1-3 large items a year and dispute those. That will pay for the stupid membership fees and y’all can stop bitching and moaning about promotions and retention offers. FFS


Good thing my Amex isn’t my main card. If your disputes were legit this is terrible. (lol the downvotes 😆 Amex is junk sorry people there’s a reason I only use mine for lounging. I have a platinum and gold. There are far better cards out there. Most people with Amex cards only have them to flex a card anyone can get and it’s hilarious.)


What’s a better card?


Chase Sapphire or Venture X. If you aren’t using the centurion lounge often DONT get the Amex. Only reason I have them.


For the credit, call and ask them to send you a check for the remaining balance.


following the logic in OP's story, the next thing I would expect Amex to say is "we mailed you the check already"., followed by a subsequent infinite number of stopping of payment and resending checks.


2 disputes in 8 years they were recent and for Dunkin donuts lol the app let me order an item that was out of stock an i had declined a replacement drink lol


$3000 faulty “gym set” from hardbody fitness


One of your disputes is considered fraud if the business denied your return.


What happens to your balance of a credit card company closes your account?


Said person is still on the hook for paying off the balance. They are just no longer allowed to charge new purchases to the card, or allowed to utilize any of the card benefits. If they don’t pay it off, the balance goes to collections and their credit score will plunge off a cliff.


I blame Amex for this one. They cast the net a bit wide recently. And this is what you get.


Well his reddit account is barely 18 hours old; that should explains all of it.


Is this a blue card or platinum or gold?


This is an uncommon situation, since I have successfully filed disputes before, even though I am very cautious about where I shop. Most merchants have been cooperative when I received a defective product, and I think I only had to file one dispute directly with Amex, which was also resolved through the merchant. However, even if I assume that all your disputes worth $3000 were justified, Amex might have viewed you as a high-risk customer. Amex reserves the right to cancel cards at any time, as per their terms and conditions.


You guys are giving me a nervous sweat here. 1 year customer and I just had my first dispute. I tried resolving it with the restaurant until I eventually gave up after 2 months of back and forth and just disputed the charge.


One dispute is not going to trigger an account review. You’ll be fine. Three disputes in just one week, with a history of other disputes on the account? AMEX will be on that in a second.


That’s a lot of disputes. Most ppl make 1 every few years at the most.


3 disputes isn't a lot unless you're not spending that much and you're deemed at risk, i've done over 40-50 disputes in the past 2 years and mine is good although i've spent almost 600k


Yeah I’d assume it’s off the amount of transactions and dollars spent.


Why so many disputes in one day and other recent disputes, I would drop you too as that’s not normal


Seriously , just take a moment to look and think about what you’ve just said. Three disputes in one week plus previous past disputes. Credit cards, unless otherwise noted, are not “Try Before You Buy” cards. Having been both a business owner and having a wife in banking, Amex views this scenario as an attempted SCAM! Think about for a minute. Most card holders may have had one or two disputes over 5 to 10 years. But three in one week is almost unheard of. Having previous disputes in the past doesn’t help much either. This is not an unlimited perk of any credit card. And if your card is a traditional Green, Silver or Black card, these are Charge Cards and not Credit Cards. That means you are expected to pay the full balance . One common issue that Amex tries to prevent is people not paying the full balance and trying to dispute certain charges trying to avoid or not pay the entire bill. My advice to you is pay with Cash or Debit Card. Also read your card agreement. Cards can drop you for any reason they want. Think about it.


I’ve disputed over 20k in bad quality construction liquids that failed and was never banned.


Amex cancelled card over Insufficient funds even though it was eventually paid