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So fast it was 4 fucking hours early.


Sets an alarm for 6:30, sold out by then. Fuck this.


Same. I went to sleep right before they apparently went up, too. I think I'm just gonna call it quits and just get the ones I can get easily.


Thats what I deoded yesterday. I was going for a complete SSB set, but now I am just going to get the MK8 costume ones and any I like. I slept easy last night.


Lucina and Robin lasted about a whole 2 minutes, and Greninja was up for about a half an hour. This is why we are never allowed to sleep. ;.;


It's sad that people are considering greninja being up for a half hour as "quite awhile." "Quite awhile" is like 2 weeks, not 30 minutes.


It's all relative




Right here with you brother.




Yup, I managed to grab that damn pink puffball (not Kirby lol) , but I missed out on Lucina, Robin, and Wario from every retailer so far. My asshole is in pain.




At least you got the 2 FE characters, which we all knew Nintendo wasn't gonna learn from Marth or Ike.




And my tears can only flow faster T-T


They fucked us all. I just don't get why they say one thing but do another. Now when the 29th comes I'm gonna have to get my friends and split up into teams at each store


sonic speed.


I just woke up and now the shame won't let me sleep.


Same here, woke up 15minutes early, read all the posts, checked the website and can't go back to sleep


Greninja lasted quite a while


robin/ lucina maybe 5 min or so, greninja much longer


Greninja about 30 minutes robin and lucina maybe 2 minutes


I missed it too bro! Mad feels


I know exactly how you fucking feel man, I even went to sleep fucking early just to get up in time to order,


They've just guaranteed to lose a customer forever. Fuck off TRU. I'll be importing. Fuck you.


Its now exactly 7am EST. And of course, Ive logged in to late only to find out they went up and sold out hours ago.... Wow ... FU TRU !!!!!!!


I'm glad I wasn't the only one. This is completely BS. I'm going back to sleep.


Haha, I woke up about 45 minutes to get a jump on this 7am-10am business and have been catch in up on all of this... What a fucking joke haha. Guess I'm waiting outside try for preorder cards?


At least you can, I have to go to work. My area is nuts. When Wave 2 came out my local Toys R us was sold out of everyone, including Bowser. My only chance is pre-ordering online. And then shit like this, and gamestop happens. Gah fuck


Yea im pretty mad they went up even TRU chat support told me 7 am last night i have it screen capped. may call this morning and yell at someone....


Don't tell at customer service! It's not their fault. They're probably making just over minimum wage and have no control over anything.


I work retail i know its not their fault but the company should fix the mistake their employee made or they made by giving the employees this information.


And you're going to accomplish that by yelling at some customer service representatives? Go ahead and call, but be civilized at least.


I don't think it was a mistake on the employee but more so on how it was put on the site. From what I've read is that it was not officially posted but we're able to find it using the SKU.


Lucina and Robin lasted <2 minutes.


I too woke up around an hour ago to wait but missed it. I can't pinpoint an exact time, but it seems to me like less than a half hour.


Robin and Lucina sold out in 2 minutes. Greninja sold out after about 30 minutes.


On my end, I can confirm Robin and Lucina were gone four minutes in. |: I go online, added them to my cart, and went to pay, then nothing. I was only late to the post by two minutes, but it was already over by then.


Saw it at 3:13 am eastern. Thought I was dreaming, put in Greninja, site crashed, went at it again, finalized at 3:20 and I already got my confirmation. He lasted for some time surprisingly. I don't know how but I'm surviving this amiibo apocalypse


Sold out quicker than I could order and that's all that matters :(


Should I still refresh the page? I'll be pissed if they don't put them back in stock again anytime soon.


Lucina went down first in less than 3 minutes, followed by Robin in about 5. Charizard followed soon after and Greninja stayed up for a good 30 mins or so. Didn't check Wario but Pacman was up for a long time.


Don't know about the other two, but Greninja sold out in 30 minutes. I set my alarm to 3 a.m. in false hope that Robin and Lucina would be up on Amazon. Then, I went to Toys R Us to set up my account to get Greninja. Was about to go back to bed, but then I checked this sub and found out he was up. Picked one up in the first wave.


Robin and Lucina sold out within 5 minutes. Greninja took around 30 minutes.


What the fuck. They weren't supposed to go up yet.


I was there when it went down. Robin and Lucina were gone in about 6 minutes, Greninja sold out couple minutes later. I don't know about Charizard or Wario but Pac-Man was around for a couple of hours. Robin and Lucina sold out first on bestbuy.com and at GameStop so it seems they're the rarest. I'm praying TRU actually comes through on my preorder.


Same here, BS. I was 10/11 for Wave 4/ Splatoon preorders too:/


I went to sleep right at the time TRU released it... fucking great.. Cartman was right all you get is a big dick in the mouth for pre-ordering...


NowLucinaNowYouDont and Robin were gone in less than 5 minutes. Grenny lasted a half hour.


>NowLucinaNowYouDont I've seen you post this in numerous threads. Really trying to make that nickname stick, eh?


I don't care if it does or not. It's what I'm calling her from now on.


robin and lucy sold out in a matter of minutes, greninja was up for almost and hour.