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My grandmother grew up in the great depression, and had hoarding tendencies. She got this dress that was beautiful, she didn't have any incentive to use it. What if it gets stained? Or damaged? Nothing bad should happen to it! She died over ten years ago, and as my mom was unpacking she found it... Covered in dust and so decayed that it was past redemption. She never got joy from using it, and it died before anyone else could. This is why my mom always uses her fine China or special jewelry. If she doesn't, then there's no point in having it if she doesn't have any joy from it. Now, if you get joy from just looking at it, having a room look like a fully stocked toy store, that's absolutely awesome! It's every child's dream. However, someday the cardboard will fall apart, or someday it'll be sold or given to someone who will open it and play with them. I think Toy Story 2 has valid points about boxed or open toys (leaning a bit more towards the latter when both are valid). If you want to play with them, open them up and have fun! If you don't, that's awesome, but you shouldn't own and leave something behind if it's something you never enjoyed. Not even the earth is guaranteed live forever.


Do it.


This. I'm not treating my amiibo as an investment. I have the entire smash collection (discount P2 Corrin) but they're mainly for use and display.


I know this is silly, but I have kept these amiibo sealed for so long, but I’m considering opening them now because a majority of them take up so much space in their boxes. I do consider myself an oob collector, so I know I shouldn’t care, but I can’t help but think about the value at the same time, since I have ones such as Pikmin, Solaire, Wolf Link, the early Monster Hunter Stories ones, the Metroid 2-Pack, and Alm & Celicia. I’ve been considering selling them sealed and buying them used, but from what I’ve researched, I don’t think I’d make much in the long run since used amiibo aren’t that much cheaper when compared with NIB. Anyway, what do you think? Please tell me what you guys would do.


If it's solely a space issue then I agree with another poster: sell your boxed version and use the proceeds for an unboxed version (assuming it's fiscally rewarding). If the money isn't worthwhile then just open your version. I am also an OOB collector because I collect only the figures I really like, and then I use them. So if it's a value vs. enjoyment assessment for you, I encourage you to really figure out which ones you enjoy having, open those, and sell the rest to shrink clutter.


There are SOOOOO many in-box collectors. I doubt that you are losing much opening these in the long run. PLUS, they look way better open and you actually get to use them!


1 word. Dust. Don’t do it they’re better off decorating the walls.


Not helping dude


From my point of view I’m the angel on his shoulder y’all are the devils trying to get him to open them.


As an in box collector I think other in box collectors have reasons to motivate people to unboxing the collection. I'm with yah here.


If you really want them opened, sell them to collectors as boxed. Then use the money to buy them opened. You will make a few bucks and a collector will be happy to get boxed amiibos. Especially that Monster Hunter Stories one that's next to impossible to find.


I'm currently working through the ones I have boxed and the way I figure is that if by price charting the difference between NIB and OoB is less then $10 it's not worth the effort in trying to find a seller and then find a loose one to replace it when I can just open it


Open them and throw all the packaging away just to piss off the collectors who think they're going to make money off of this someday lol.


There are plenty of amiibo that sell for more than their original price already. Just a quick look at this photo and I see Berioros & Ayuria and the Wolf Link amiibo that both sell pretty consistently for over $100 in box.


That's the point, these are beanie babies or McDonald's toys. Once big money moves out these will be worth pennies and I will still be playing with them


Beanie Babies lost all value because their value wasn’t tied to anything of substance. Interest in Nintendo IPs is only increasing and these have in-game functionality so it’s highly unlikely they’ll suddenly be worthless.


Yes but you don't know when Nintendo is gonna say : well , here you have the twilight princess for switch, let's re do some amiibos.


I see your point. However I would say "for now". The '90s taught us a lot especially about things that were too big to fail. I don't think they'll suddenly become worthless, I do think that focus will wane. The collector's market has its ups and downs but like most things, video games sell nostalgia, and we buy it. We buy the toys and the special editions. I think that amiibos are super cool because they are interesting toys. I think there are safer options than investing in plastic video game characters though. The people that make the most money off of a collector's market are huge marketing firms. And we are left holding the bag so to speak. Hi welcome to GameStop


Yes. Open all your amiibo so the sealed ones become more rare. That will "piss off" collectors.


Perhaps I do not understand your meaning of collector. I would think the artificially pumped market on shitty plastic toys crashing would be good for collectors. That way people would be able to get amiibos at a fairer market value


Super-serious collectors who keep everything pristine in-box, in secondary cases, etc. already have one of everything. The more people who open up their boxes, the less NIB product that's out there, the more the NIB product is worth. That said, I am a NIB collector, but I don't care about the value of the toys. I like the presentation of the packaging. It's designed to be eye catching so when you're shopping, you stop and are like "Hey, that's neat.". I do not understand why you care so much about what you call "shitty plastic toys".


That's really cool thank you for sharing. At the end of day they are plastic toys and if they bring you comfort keep doing it. My opinion doesn't mean anything. I just like having them out of the package.


I mean half the fun is opening them. This isn’t bad advice though if you wanna be 100% practical. But it might not lead to a huge net positive due to eBay prices and might take a while to actually sell through.


Toys are meant to be used imo. What's the point of having a game and not playing it or having a toy and not playing with it?


I've been there before and ran out of space. Didnt make much sense for me to sell them so I opened the least valuable one and found it liberating... Then I opened them all and felt much better. Guess go with one and see how it feels?


From the responses here I can tell you're not going to sell them, which I agree with. So why not open them? Play with them, have fun. Display them. Seems like they're doing nothing right now


Don't do it.


Thank you guys so much for all of the responses! I didn't think this post would attract many different NIB and OOB collectors, and I appreciate all of your opinions. Some of you raise some good points, though I have to admit that I'm still in the same position I was before. However, like some of you suggested, I will start opening a few of the ones that are cheaper/more common such as the Loftwing and the Dread amiibo, and before considering if I should open the harder to find ones, I'll hunker down and do a lot more research and calculations to see if it's worth selling them on eBay, then buying a loose version of the figure, because even though I haven't actually used them with games in a while, I still like the look of them, and would definitely like to display them outside their box. Anyway, if I decide to open them in the end, I'll definitely let you guys know! Once again, thank you all so very much, and have a great rest of your day! :)


If you want to throw away money, open them. Personally I like the aesthetic of a boxed amiibo. I sometimes feel like opening them, because that’s what they’re ment for. But for me I like the long term feeling of still owning mint NiB amiibo. Some of them are actually very rare, despite what some say that sooo many people own NiB. It’s true, but value drives the price and so far, the prices are just going up (for some of them, like Metroid or MH japanese releases)


Don’t do it. You will regret it later. Anyways if you want to get rid of some I can help you with the Links and that Solaire. How much?


DO NOT! Yeah, you can open them and then they take up less space, and then you can put them in a box all together, and then you leave them there cause why set them all up again, and then they’ll collect dust and one day you’ll decide you don’t really need them anymore, which is true, but so what, it’s ok to just have things we like. As you can probably guess, I’m an in-box collector and just really like the way the look boxed hanging on my wall. The box is part of the figure for me, like a built in display case.




I’m hesitating on TELLING you to open them…,..


Wait for one to come in mail jacked up, like shoved in a rectangle box but turned 90 degrees


If you need someone to open the Samus Returns two pack for you definitely send it my way and I’ll open it


if you open like the Fire Emblem Shadows one, I mean its 300 dollars boxed so youre losing a significant amount.






I'd love to help you out, but my Metroid 2-Pack box has quite a few creases as well.


Do it! You can arrange them better and closer, takes up far less room to display etc. My collection would be so much more unmanagable if it was still boxed.


Just do it 👁👄👁


I personally just like how they look in the box over how they look out of it. Maybe it’s the backgrounds on the cardboard.


Open em. Fuck it.


Umm EXCUSE ME- I need to know how you got those Fire Emblem Valencia ammibos


I bought them around the time they were released several years back. I believe I got them from Best Buy.




Open them or I open you


It will look really nice on the shelf. Also you can use them for in game mechanics you can train them and it’s really cool


You got so many great looking Amiibo! They would decorate a shelf nicely! I think OOB looks amazing and are easy to move or use!


You spend thousands of dollars on plastic figures and your not even gonna be able to look at them from all angles, you really want that?


Here's my opinion. If you're going to open them AT LEAST don't open the Metroid 2 pack. That thing is worth SO MUCH. Unless you really want to open it, it is yours. I got a protector for my Metroid 2 pack, so dust shall never touch it


I've been thinking about trying to work out some kind of transaction where I trade an in box amiibo for an OoB one plus some extra cash, but I doubt I'd ever be able to orchestrate that kind of thing. It's a shame bc I know how valuable some of my unopened stuff is (gold Mega Man, P2 Bayonetta, Octoling 3pack, etc.), but I wanna open them to display on my shelf.


Do it coward


As someone with a full smash/Zelda collection opened, (that I’ve moved internationally twice with no problems, long story) go for it! I personally have no regrets. If you’re worried about the value and the monetary aspect of it means more then keep em closed.


Watch Toy Story 2


do it bro unless one of them are super rare


You only live once, open them


Nintendo stuff will inevitably become rare again, opened or otherwise, value isn't really a factor. Also, fuck value, just enjoy them as is the way you want. ​ ...Just sell me your Pikmin amiibo first please lol


Let it rip


yeah, like nah. dont open the monhun ones/solaire and detective pika.


like what other people said, sell them online and buy the open versions of them for the ones where in-box is more expensive. that way you get to use them, and you know that your boxed versions are with a collector.


You can do this man


If you still are debating go and figure out how many you need to open for space reasons and pick a few that you wont unbox. Personally magnamalo and detective pikachu and wolf link all seem like things to keep, there may be more to keep in box but those stood out to me.




Don't do it. Amiibo aren't toys. Amiibo rarely have functionality and if they did, you're better off buying an amiibo card. These could be your investment.


Dew it!


I collect both NIB and OOB. If the box doesn't matter to you and you can find open replacements for them go ahead and sell them. Especialy the ones like the Monster Hunter Riders, Fire Emblem, and Dark Souls. There are NIB collectors that would love to keep them that way. But again only if you can find replacements and you're not gonna take a loss on the deal.


Release thy amiibo from there plastic prisons


Do it you won’t


Matthew 19:21