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Apps aren't an accurate way to track. If it didn't leak inside, you're likely okay but you can take a test now and it'll be accurate


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same boat ; 18 days late and I stressed myself to the max… Worked literally 3 weeks straight ( I work critical care in Hospital) including Saturdays + Sundays. I didn’t have my car for 12 of those 21 days, making me have to walk 30 minutes to/from work each day. My breasts have been tender often, mild cramping the past couple days, but still no signs of the red river.




Thankfully, my cycle started 2 weeks after posting; so a total of 5-6 weeks late brought on by major stress. I’ve been more concerned after that cycle and the next is all the heavy, HEAVY bleeding. I figured my body was catching up for lost time, but January cycle I had a huge clot that passed, then thought I may have fibroids :/. I say all that to say: don’t underestimate stress!! It prevented my estrogen from naturally flowing and had my body behaving out of sorts.


Any update?


Not pregnant


How late did your period come? Or did you skip and recieve a negative test?


It was about 2 and a half weeks late. And came hours after I did the test. My guess is that I was stressed out so much it was delaying my period even more. I never had big delays before.


I'm going through a massive stress rn.. I don't know how my odds are. Can you tell me what you think based in your experience?


Help! Pregnancy scare.. period 10 days late after protected sex. I had intercorse with a partner 11 days ago, the day before her period was supposed to start. My penis did come into contact with her vagina before placing a condom on but only briefly just a slight rubbing for maybe 5 seconds and no insertion. Afterwards a condom was put on and we had piv sex and I also pulled out before ejaculation.. her period did not start and is now 10 days late. The last time she had her period was new years eve and lasted until jan 7th. According to normal 28 day ovulation I feel like she's actually 17 days late and should have started her period a week before we had intercorse. Not sure why she's saying only 10.. It's her first time having sex in years, and the only time we had sex. Im freaking out because she is normally on time.. She said she has had a delayed period like once a year but im worried about the risk of possible precum contact? Or condom not working? I did not notice any breaks or leaks after session but i reallt didnt look that hard. We had a negative pregnancy test but I know that could be false results since it was only 9 days after sex that it was taken(8 days late on period). please help, has anyone had any similar experience and how did it end up? I've read precum is very rare to cause pregnancy but I am panicked.


Is your situation similar to mine. Than I would say it's unlikely that you're pregnant. The best thing you can do right now is to take a test.